Werewolf Committee

Chapter 40: Ch 39

Chapter 40: Ch 39

I held my fathers gaze for a little longer then shifted my gaze towards my mate. Tate.

As much as I wanted to go with my dad and get to know him, I wanted to stay with Tate more. Tate needed me. My father might have as well but my love for Tate was way to strong.

I sighed and almost grimaced at my father's hopeful look.

"I want to get to know you, I really do," I said with a pause as everyone remained silent.

"But-" I began but was cut off.

"-Buts are always a bad sign," Dale sighed softly as he shook his head watching from the corner. I saw Tate shoot him a look and immediately he became silent.

"-I can't go. Not now. But I promise I will, soon."

I tried my best to reject his offer as politely as I possibly could. However I felt guilty when I saw the hopeful look from his eyes disappear.

Immediately Jonathan straightened up and cleared his throat.

"Alright. Thats fine. As long as you're happy," he said with a smile but it didn't quite reach his eyes.

"Joseph and I must be on our way now. Thank you for your services," Jonathan said giving Tate a nod. However Tate still seemed pissed from before and simply stood there unmoving.

I took a few steps forward and looked up at my dad, memorizing his face. Jonathan seemed to do the same before he opened his arms wide and engulfed me in an embrace as our audience stayed silent.

"Take care of yourself, " he whispered in my ear.

Squeezing my shoulders he finally let go and I gave him a sad smile as he left through the double wooden doors, exiting the Committee.

Joseph, my uncle, lingered back for a few moments.

"It was great meeting you Elina. But like your father said we have to go. But if you need any help, if you're in any trouble and need the earth Elemental around, " Joseph said with a grin as he pointed to himself, "-you call me straight away."

I let out a small laugh and without warning gave my uncle a hug. I couldn't help but think that I have a really cool family. One that ill see soon.

Joseph gave me one last smile before he left, following my father.

Once they were out of sight, the wooden doors were slammed shut and Colin dusted his hands.

"Ah. Wasn't that lovely. Anyone fancy some tea?" Colin asked with a grin as he held up his cup that held something that smelt suspiciously like alcohol.

My gaze drifted off to his glass and I'm guessing so did everyone elses.

"Oh this? Don't mind me. I'll be in the kitchen," Colin said and spun around to leave.

"Colin," I called out before he went to far. Humming he spun around.

"Can I speak to you for a second," I asked.

It seemed like he already knew what I was going to say. He grimaced and nodded his head. Dale left the room and I looked around to see it was just Tate, Colin and I.

We held the conversation off for a long while. The day Lily, the new fire Elemental decided to try and burn me alive, we found out Colin was the air Elemental.

"What is it?" Colin asked with a tight smile.

"Why didn't you tell us you were the air Elemental?" Tate automatically said reading my mind.

"I didn't see the need to."

"You didn't see the need to?" Tate asked his uncle in disbelief and anger. I placed a hand on his arm to keep him calm.

"What the hell do you mean you didn't see the need to," Tate growled when Colin stayed silent.

"Don't push it any further Tate. It doesn't matter," Colin said firmly, his playful mood gone.

"Colin," I said in a quiet voice, "-Please?"

Colin looked over at me then glanced at Tate.


Colin sighed and looked into his cup.

"There are some werewolves and humans that know about Elementals. For a long time, even before you were born they were set on killing the Elementals, especially the water Elemental."

At his words I gulped and I noticed Tate's body pressed up behind me and his arms wrapped around my waist protectively.

"And?" Tate pressed.

"...and being an Elemental I didn't want the whole world to know I was the bloody air Elemental. I didn't control the air and kept it a secret. Then eventually I never thought about it. Now days theres rarely

groups of hunters for Elementals," Colin explained casually as he shrugged his shoulders and I looked at him with wide eyes.

"Is Elina in danger?" Tate growled and practically ignored everything else he said.

"Well, I dont think so. Like I said there is rarely groups of hunters today."

"That's not good enough," Tate said sharply and I let out a huff of air pulling away from him.

"Alright guys. I think that's enough for one day," I said with a nervous laugh.

Colin tilted his head and gave me a small grin.

"C'mon Tate," I said linking my arm into Tate's and pulling him towards the door.

Tate didn't move and clenched his jaw. I looked over to see Colin disappear from the room.

I sighed and faced Tate. I put my hands up and cupped his face into my palms.

I leaned forward and gently pressed my lips onto his.

"Come," I whispered onto his lips.

"On." Material © of NôvelDrama.Org.

I pecked his lips again and leaned back. Tate tried to fight off the small grin on his face but I saw it and let out a laugh.

I smiled and Tate put my hand into his. He placed his other hand behind my neck and placed his lips onto mine again so they could move in sync.

"This is nice," I whispered.

"It is."

"Not having to worry," I sighed and closed my eyes.

"Lets hope it lasts long," Tate mumbled and leaned his head onto mine.

Yeah. I thought. Lets hope so.

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