Using Baby Daddy For Revenge

The video

On the way to the meeting, Mark’s assistant called asking him to go to the clubhouse for another meeting. As always the man sat in a dimly lit room concealing his face.

Though Mark had men following his convoy, they didn’t know his true identity or why he was helping them fight the organization. Every time they got close to finding out who he was, he managed to get rid of every piece of evidence they got.

“How have you been son?” The grey haired man asked leaning back on his chair.

“I’m well, but I guess you know since you have all the information about me. Why don’t you stop the games and tell me what you are after.” Mark blurted out taking a seat.

“I want Melissa to be safe, keep her out of the limelight. Now she is your wife. You are responsible for her well-being.” He said, twirling his walking stick.NôvelDrama.Org holds © this.

“Who is she to you? Why are you so interested in my wife?” Mark asked getting pissed off.

“As I said, when the time is right you will find out, I’ll tell her everything she needs to know then. For now, just keep her out of arm’s way. Another thing stop sending people after my men. It’s a waste of resources.” He stamped his walking stick on the carpet looking at him.

“Then you stop using me to get rid of your competition, I know you run the organization The deal we made I suggest you abide by it.” He emphasized leaning forward.

With a show of his finger, one of his security men gave Mark a file. “I see you have done your maths my boy, I retired from the organization years ago. I’m only doing this for my family, to stop my only son from ending up like his brother.”

“If so why didn’t you inform us about today’s transaction?” Mark inquired.

“I had no information about any transactions today, use what I gave you. Till we meet again.” He said getting up. “Wait, before I leave, have this gift, congratulations on your marriage.” They gave Mark a well wrapped box.

“Wait, I need to know something.” He tried to call out but the security men stopped him, all he saw was the walking stick as the man disappeared.

At the meeting place, five men sat around the table checking every detail on the video Melissa took. Mark sent people to the scene to survey the area but as Melissa had said, there was no evidence left to show the transaction ever took place.

The camera’s from the factories around showed company vehicles going in and out. Nothing suspicious was reported and all traffic surveillance cameras along the other possible route they took were down.

Without seeing the woman’s face, they could not make an arrest or accuse Stevens of drug trafficking.

Though Stevens used their licensed legal business to bring drugs into the market, they covered their tracks well. Nothing illegal was ever recovered from their storage units or the company vehicles they randomly stopped to check.

Even the number plate Melissa got from the truck she saw was fake. No vehicle was registered under that number.

“Why would they go through so much trouble to set this up?” Jason asked the question in everyone’s mind.

“They were testing Melissa. They let her see the file details and then cleared everything up before the actual time. This was to see if in any way she would give the information to the police.” Robert said after watching the video.

“If so then, they have something that can prove Melissa’s suspicions and they are afraid she may get it.” Andrew said, scratching his chin.

“Or maybe someone is trying to prove she is not involved just to keep her safe. These are notorious drug dealers, they can’t risk anyone finding information about their transactions without ulterior motives.” James said, assessing every detail.

“That may be true but since Jessica, Mr. Steven’s daughter warned Melissa, then she may know all the family’s illegal businesses. And she may be against them. I think we should focus on her, find out if she can rat out her father.” Jason suggested typing on his laptop.

“Mark, what do you think?” Andrew turned to Mark who seemed to be lost in thoughts.

“Bro! What’s going on?” Jason inquired as everyone stopped to look at Mark who seemed preoccupied.

“No we can’t involve her in this, let’s focus on Mr. Steven and his eldest daughter. We inform the police then plan on how to apprehend them on their next transaction. Here are the next shipment details, we need to study them well with no room for mistakes.” Mark ordered, placing the file on the table.

“We can’t work with the police on this one.” James suggested, turning the projector on. “This is the deputy police chief.” He pointed at the man guarding Diana.

“So that’s how they knew about the raid? From the beginning, I didn’t trust that man.” Jason pointed at the screen.

“We should handle this discreetly. Once we have them overpowered we call the police in.” Mark highlighted every detail they needed to put into an account and the number of men to take for the operation.


Diana stood at the office doorway arms crossed looking at the busy man behind the desk. He was so engrossed in his work he didn’t notice her until she tapped the door.

“Goodness Diana you startled me.” Mr. Clack exclaimed sitting back.

“Sorry didn’t mean to scare you.” She sat on one of the chairs before his desk, crossing her legs. “Mr. Clack, how is work? You seem to be very busy.” She asked checking the documents on the table.

“Ms. Diana, how can I help you?” He asked placing aside the files he was working on.

“Help me, you ask? The question should be how can I help you? I know you met up with Melissa. Look whatever you want to do, don’t even think about it if you care for your life and that of your family.” She tapped on the table with her long manicured nails.

“Are you threatening me?” Mr. Crack stood up, eyes wide open.

“It’s not a treat, it’s a warning.” She said looking him straight in the eyes.

“Diana, that’s enough. Leave now.” Mr. Stevens commanded standing at the doorway.

“Daddy, you can’t let him ruin us…” She tried to convince her dad.

“Enough Diana, I said I’ll handle this, and I’m working on it, Just leave.” Mr. Stevens locked the door when she walked out.


After the meeting, Mark sat in his office with James going through the hotel’s surveillance recording of the night of the ceremony. He felt he had seen that same silver writing on the walking stick. For days he couldn’t shake his mind off one of the guests who kept a keen eye on Melissa that night. Going through the recording he asserted his suspicion.

“Find out who this man is.” Turning the screen to James, Mark instructed.

“You think this is him.” James inquired checking the guest list.

“Yes, he was very keen on everything Melissa did that night, always watching her.” Mark mentioned in detail what he noticed about him.

“Why is he that interested in her?”

“I suspect he might be related to Melissa but the question is why he is concealing his identity from her. Find out everything you can about him and let me know as soon as possible.” Mark ordered getting up.

“I’m on it. We are meeting the guys at the club, aren’t you coming?” James asked placing the laptop in his briefcase.

“I’m a married man now, I have to head home early. Let go, I’m running late.” He took his phone leaving the office.

“Good for you but it’s never lively without you these days, any way what can I say.” They walked out of the elevator exiting the building.


Mark walked to Tommy’s bedroom when he got home. It was his ritual to always kiss him good night, no matter how late he got back. Seeing him sleep soundly gave him immense joy.

The master bedroom was quiet. He didn’t find Melissa in the sitting lodge or the bed. He looked around the room from the shower to the balcony only to find her sleeping on the day bed in the walk in closet. The ceiling above the bed had a mirror, you could watch the sky while lying down on your back.

The day’s events kept crossing Melissa’s mind making her scared of sleeping alone in the immense room. When he picked her up in his arms, she smiled in her sleep putting her arms around his neck.

He held her tight soothing her under the covers when she shivered mumbling in her sleep.

Morning sunshine, Melissa saw the message on the screen when she opened her eyes. Yarning she scratched her eyes, looking at the wall clock.

Stepping down from the bed the laughter outside attracted her to the balcony. Mark, Robert and Tommy were in the garden playing football. She stood at the railing smiling, watching her husband and son tickling each other laughing their heart’s out forgetting the game they were playing.

“Morning aunt.” She greeted aunt Betty, picked a slice of apple from the plate and sat beside her on the kitchen island.

“Morning dear, how are you feeling?” Pouring her a glass of juice, Betty inquired glancing at her.

“I’m well rested and my hand is better now.” She replied, buttering a slice of bread.

Robert walked in covered in sweat, saying hello to them he went to the refrigerator for a bottle of water. The dark almost star shaped mark on his forearm caught Betty’s attention. Reminding her of her son.

“Robert, you should let the maids serve you. You are our guest today.” Mary complained when she found him in the kitchen.

“Oh nana Mary, I’m not a visitor here. Have you forgotten I used to live in this house?” He said after kissing her on the cheek in greetings.

“Mary is right, we should serve you. Here, I was peeling this for you and Mark.” Betty smiled handing him the plate full of apples.

“No!” Mary exclaimed, making everyone look at her. “I mean, go join Mark, I’ll bring these outside.” She said taking the plate from him.

“Aunt, is there a problem between you and Mary?” Melissa questioned watching Mary set the plate on the garden table.

“No, we are okay.” Was all Betty said.

She had noticed Mary’s hostility towards her but didn’t want to cause trouble for Melissa since she didn’t know the reason behind it. “With you home, I can go to the province for some days to check on the business.” Betty said changing the subject as she watched Mary who stood a few feet from them talking on the phone.

She was engrossed in the conversation moving her hand pointing in the air, occasionally touching her forehead and mouth whenever she looked back at them.

Staring at her, Betty suspected she was hiding something but couldn’t figure out what it was.

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