Using Baby Daddy For Revenge

Impulsive and reckless

With her renovation contract over, Melissa planned to get back to the shopping center. To inquire if anyone could give more information about what had happened to Mr. Crack.

There were no leads on his whereabouts or the kidnappers, but his niece looked at ease.

She did not bombard the police with questions as she had done when they found the taxi. And though his niece had asked her to stay out of it, Melissa was determined to end what she had started.

Seated in the car as her bodyguard drove her back to the office, Melissa saw the truck she had seen back at the warehouse.

Though they concealed the number plates, she noticed the same lily flower drawn on the left side.

“Follow that car.” Pointing at the truck, she instructed. Getting her phone, she called her husband.

The truck drove smoothly, not realizing the two vehicles following them at a distance. When it drove inside the gated compound, Melissa’s car and that of her bodyguards parked at a safe distance.

“What are you doing?” Her bodyguard questioned when she opened the door.

“I want to see what’s in there.”

“It’s too dangerous. Let’s call the cops.” The bodyguard tried to stop her.

“I’ll be fine. Just a glance.” She insisted.

As the truck drove into one of the homes, Melissa stepped out followed closely by her guards.

They managed to sneak into the compound when the gates opened for the garbage truck to leave. And under the cover of the vehicles in the parking area, they peeped as the truck opened.

Eyes peeled, they watched as the armed men she recognized from the warehouse pushed women out of the truck.

“Oh!” one girl who seemed to be the youngest was slapped on the face twice causing her to fall on her back when she tried to resist.

“Mrs. Johnson, stop.” Melissa tried to get up. To go help her but her guard pulled her back. Insisting they should wait for the police.

“They might kill her.”

When the man picked the girl up, he punched her in the stomach several times as his partners laughed.

Melissa couldn’t watch anymore. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

Standing up, she took her bodyguard’s revolver gun tucked into her waist belt.

“Stop. Lay another finger on her and I’ll blow your brains off.” She warned, stepping out from behind the service truck. Pointing the gun at the men.

She was outnumbered but she hoped to buy time for the police to get there.

‘This idiot. Does she want to get us killed?’ Her bodyguard cursed in her heart clenching her fist.

It was her duty to keep Melissa safe. Even if she had to take a bullet for her. Taking out another gun secured on her leg, she asked her partners to move in before standing beside Melissa.

“Ha ha, what? Are you going to shoot all of us? Go ahead, shoot.” Melissa’s hand trembled a little when the man taunted her. But noticing her bodyguard beside her gave her some courage.

“Put your guns down or I will shoot her.” The man held his gun to the girl’s head. His partners stepped back, raising their guns pointing them at Melissa and her three bodyguards.

It was four to five, and Melissa knew they had more men inside. Since she didn’t want anyone to get hurt in the crossfire, she placed her gun down ordering her guards to do the same.NôvelDrama.Org holds text © rights.

“That’s more like it.” The man smirked, staring at her.

Her hands up as instructed, Melissa stared in disgust at the smugness on their faces as they gave details of what they would do to them once they got rid of the two men accompanying her.

“No, not gonna happen.” The bodyguard beside her spoke, standing before her protectively when the two men walked towards them with guns in their hands.

“No.” Melissa touched her shoulder asking her to stand down.

With his gun ready to shoot, one man pulled Melissa, and the lady assigned to protect her as his partner got out a gun to shoot the two men.

“Ah!” When the gun fired, Melissa closed her eyes. When the warm red liquid splashed everywhere, she screamed her heart out.

For a moment, she thought they had been shot until she saw the two men fall one after the other.

Transfixed, Melissa stood motionless her eyes wide open as Mark wiped her face with his handkerchief checking if she was hurt.

The little girl she had saved ran and hugged her from behind, thanking her for saving them.

Melissa was impulsive and reckless. Putting the people around her in danger but she was glad they saved the women and girls from a life of sex slavery.

Most of the women rescued were brought into the country and promised industrial jobs only to end up as sex workers and entertainers in different clubs and casinos.

They kidnapped others like the fourteen year old girl from their homes and some were bought by the person keeping them.

All the armed men in the building were arrested, then they issued an order to close all casinos mentioned for further investigation.


“What?” Diana stood up from her office desk in the casino when her informant told her about the police directive. ” Damn it. Make sure you do as instructed.” She exited the building through the back door after instructing all the managers she had paid to act as owners on what to do.

Single handedly she had successfully established and managed the two most successful casinos.

“How did the police find out?” She looked at the sky standing at the hotel window puffing the white smoke from her mouth.

“Ma’am, it seems they followed the truck.” His head bowed, the man said trembling.

“Who, who followed them?” She roared, turning to face him. “You were supposed to be cautious. I gave you one job. One job only. To make sure you protect my businesses yet you failed me.” Taking out her gun, she pointed it at his head. “Tell me why I shouldn’t pull the trigger?” She asked cocking the gun.

“Don’t kill me, ma’am, please. I know who brought the police and I promise I’ll bring her to you.” The man pleaded, handing Diana a picture retrieved from the surveillance cameras.

“Get out.” She roared looking at the face in the picture. “Ugh! You destroy everything I get. I will make you suffer Melissa.” She swore tracing Melissa’s face with the gun.

Relaxing on the couch she called her second in command instructing him to send men to get Melissa.

She had to get her.


For days Melissa had to go for psychiatric therapy.

Lack of sleep made her take sleeping pills. Often staying in Tommy’s room watching him.

Any loud noise made her jump, reminding her of the gunshots and blood splashing everywhere.

“Melissa, are you sure you’re okay to come to the office? You should stay at home and rest.” Concerned Nancy asked when a stapler fell on the floor making Melissa shiver.

Wiping her eyes, Melissa tucked a strand of hair behind her ear sitting straight in her chair. “I’m fine. A little jumpy but I’m fine.” She assured them getting back to her work.

“Melissa, what you went through is very scary. If you need, talk to us and tell us what you feel. Sharing will ease your mind.” Jenifer persuaded holding her hand.

Mark had called requesting them to make her share the experience since she wouldn’t open up to her therapist.

“I said I’m okay.” She snapped drawing her hand from Jenifer’s surprising them both. “Huh!” With a heavy sigh, she leaned back on her chair. “You know what shopping will help me relax.”

“Did someone say shopping?” Lisa spoke standing at the office door.

“Lisa, what are you doing here?” Melissa stared at her.

“I came to get you three so we can shop for the wedding. It’s only a few days away and as the bridesmaids, we have to make sure Jenifer has everything ready.” She said enthusiastically.

“You’re quite thoughtful Lisa, but we have work to do.” Jenifer opposed it since she needed to complete her projects on time before leaving for her honeymoon.

Melissa walked out briefly, and when she got back, she closed Jenifer’s files. “Forget about work today. The manager gave us a day off. Let’s go do some shopping.” She said, pulling Jenifer from her desk.

“Hey, what did you do to our workaholic Melissa?” Surprised Nancy uttered getting her bag.

The four ladies walked around the mall, visiting one cloth store to the other trying on different gowns.

“I love this one. What do you think?” Nancy inquired, twirling in the fourth mermaid dress she had tried on.

“You love all of them.” Lisa laughed and teased her.

“They’re so expensive and elegant. I can’t help but fall for all of them.” Nancy hugged the many dresses on the lack.

“Focus Nancy. We need something we all feel comfortable in and one that Jenifer likes. She has to say what she needs, it’s her day.” Melissa said looking at Jenifer for approval.

Jenifer spoke with the saleslady about the choice of colour and style she had in mind.

Fifteen minutes later satisfied customers walked out with shopping bags full of clothes, jewels and shoes.

“I’m famished, let’s have lunch.” Wanting to stay out of the office, Melissa suggested.

She couldn’t stop seeing the dead bodies. Though she said she was okay, any closed space made her feel like she was in that warehouse with bullets raining on her.

“Only if you’re buying.” Nancy stated following them to the restaurant.

After having lunch, they went to the spa.

They understood what Melissa was going through and stood by her supporting her.

“Is ain’t that your friend.” Lisa said nearing the spa.

At the spa entrance, they bumped into Diana holding onto an older man’s arm. The man had a cap and dark glasses on hiding his face but Melissa felt his intense gaze on her as they exchanged greetings. “Oh Melissa, how have you been?” Diana’s long nails dug into her palm piercing the flesh as she controlled the range she felt toward Melissa.

“Never been better. How about you?”

“Same.” With a smile on her face, she hugged Melissa asking how she was faring. Not forgetting to congratulate her on her marriage to one of the wealthiest men in town. “You hit the jackpot, my friend.” She whispered into Melissa’s ear.

“I bet I did.” Melissa smiled. “I’ll see you around D.”

Saying goodbye to her, they walked into the spa.

Glancing back as the door closed, Melissa caught the man staring at her as his driver opened the car door for him.

“Let’s have a massage first, my muscles are so stiff I can hardly move.” Nancy wriggled her shoulders, heading to the receptionist.

“Hey!” Lisa slightly nagged Melissa standing at the door to get her attention.

“What?” Startled, Melissa took a step back, almost hitting the glass door.

She couldn’t shake that man’s face off her mind.

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