Using Baby Daddy For Revenge

Do you judge me

On the plane back home, no one spoke to Melissa. She sat with sleeping Tommy in her arms remembering Mark’s hurt disappointed look as they drove away. She wanted so much to go back. Hug him and tell him how much she loved him, how much she missed him but she couldn’t.

With every waking moment, she missed waking up to his smiling face watching her sleep but it was over now. He deceived her many times; she didn’t know what the truth was anymore.

“Grandma, what is wrong with mummy? Why did she leave daddy today?” Standing behind the door at the mansion Melissa overheard Tommy and her aunt’s conversion.

“Mommy is just going through something right now. We have to be patient with her. I’m sure she and your daddy will be okay soon.” Betty tried to explain as simply as she could.

“Grandma, I don’t like this mommy. I miss my daddy. He has been feeling pain every day. Can’t mommy go take care of him to make him better?”

“Don’t worry honey, mommy will take care of daddy and he will get better. Go to sleep now, I’ll stay here watching over you.” She promised as she placed a goodnight kiss on his forehead.

Feeling pain in her heart, Melissa went to her room. Curled up on the bed she hugged her pillow. “You did the right thing.” She comforted herself as tears filled her eyes.

She wanted her son beside her so she could keep him safe but now she didn’t know if everything she did was right. Tommy hated her and she couldn’t blame him. At times she hated herself too for not letting the pain in her heart go.


“Do you judge me too?” Melissa glanced at David as they drove to Steel’s company for the first meeting as the new owner.

“No, I know you are doing what you believe is best for the people you love. Protecting them is understandable but don’t let anger consume you, Melissa. Give Mark a chance to explain his side of the story and let aunt Betty be happy. She loves you so much she will do anything you ask her to.” He squeezed her hand.

Since they got back, Mark tried to see her. He went to the mansion almost every day but she often locked herself in the bedroom refusing to meet him. After trying for several days he stopped but made sure to see his son whenever his grandmother took him to Johnson’s mansion.

“Give yourself a chance to love again.” David glanced at her as they stopped at the parking lot.

“I’ll think about it.” She dismissed him, stepping out of the car.

Walking into the office building, all the employees stopped to see the new employer. Most of them were worried they would lose their job’s once the new owner took over.

With her bag in one hand, Melissa walked gracefully to the boardroom as one of the secretaries directed them.

“Sorry we are late. This is my brother David, he is also part of this company.” Sitting at the end of the table she introduced David who stood behind her.

“So, what is so urgent you had to call for a board meeting?” Diana asked, sitting back on her chair.

“As the majority shareholder, I’m making a few changes of how this company will run. I believe that you are the acting CEO. A position that was previously held by Mr. Stevens.” She confirmed looking at Diana who in turn smiled at her. “Well that position is quite sensitive, it needs a well educated and qualified person. Going through your documents Diana, I don’t think you’re fit for the role so I’m bringing someone to take over with immediate effect. His details and qualifications are in the folder before you. Secondly, I will go through all contracts you have signed with our clients. I also want to know what this company is transporting so I will be stopping them in transit or at the port for random inspections. If you have any illegal businesses going on here you better stop before you get caught.” She warned looking at the three men around the table. “That’s it for today’s meeting. Any questions?” She asked, looking directly at Diana.

“Are you going to fire the employees?” One of the men present asked.

“No, I’ll just make adjustments where necessary. If no further questions please excuse me, I have a staff meeting to attend. Diana, you will introduce me to the staff.” She smiled at Diana who smiled back with a clenched fist. “Thank you for attending on such a short notice.” Melissa shook hands with them as Diana directed her to the meeting hall.

“Do you have to do this Melissa? You may have the majority shares but that does not give you the right to sideline the other investors. What if they pull out?” Furious Diana argued, stopping Melissa at the door way.

“I’m ready to buy out any of them. I’m in charge now Diana, you either do things my way or you quit.” She challenged, staring at her eyeball to eyeball then walked past her.

After introducing Melissa to the staff, Diana went to her office.

Facing Melissa at the board room, she felt like strangling her, she had to clench her fist hard to control her range. Looking at her bloody palms where nails dug, she took the coffee mug from the table smashing it on the wall. “Damn you, Melissa. If you think I’ll let you take everything from me you are mistaken.”


After the meeting at the company, Melissa went to visit Mr. Steven in prison. Diana refused to pay her father’s bail money and from how haggard he looked, she knew no one had gone to visit him.

A few days back her godmother had called asking if she could help them get back to the country to visit him. Apparently Diana had ceased all their finances when her father authorized her to take charge.

“Cough! Cough! Melissa, you are the last person I expected to visit me. What good have I done for you to grace me with your presence?” Mr. Stevens inquired over the phone before getting another fit of violent cough.

Staring at him seated behind the glass window, Melissa felt sorry for him. “I’m taking over Steel’s operations and I have some questions.”

“Cough! Diana has all the documents you need. She can give you all the information you need but be warned… Cough! Cough! Be weary of her. I raised her myself but she left me to rot in here just because I didn’t do what she wanted. Cough cough!” His coughing was so severe Melissa couldn’t ask him any more questions.

She sat with the phone in her hand as the warden took him to his cell then went to the chief warden’s office to ask if she could pay for his treatment and upkeep.

Though he betrayed her father’s trust she understood his intentions and was willing to help.


Spending the day going to different offices and meeting most of the employee’s, Melissa felt exhausted. She was afraid she couldn’t keep up but David was a good teacher. Standing behind her they thought he was there to guard her but he was directing every move she made.

He did not only train her how to shoot and defend herself but he also trained her how to manage the transport company and how to face the board members whom she suspected were working with Mr. Stevens in the illegal business.

“What is going on here?” She and David walked in only to find Mr. Edward, Mr. Johnson, and Lucy charting laughing and in the lounge.

“Oh Melissa, David you are back. Come, we have been waiting for you. Johnson wants to have a word with you Melissa.” Mr. Edward said, placing his teacup on the table.

“I have nothing to talk to Mr. Johnson about. Please excuse me.” Melissa said, turning to the stairwell.

“Melissa, I’m here to apologize. I know we have not been getting along well since I was not supportive of your relationship with my grandson.” Mr. Johnson’s words stopped her. “Mark went along with my plan for the engagement party so he could bring me and Edward face to face. He wanted us to end our lifelong hatred which I’m grateful for. Please forgive him. I have been bitter for a long time and it has hurt my family. I don’t want what I did to destroy the beautiful thing you two have.”NôvelDrama.Org © content.

“Is that bitterness the reason you hurt my aunt?”

“Melissa, show some respect.” Mr. Edward roared.

“It’s okay Edward.” Mr Johnson touched his friend’s arm to calm him down. “I was not on board when Richard told me of his choice for marriage but after seeing how happy he was I couldn’t keep hurting them. For that, I let him be with the person he chose. If I couldn’t force my son then why force him?” He explained. “No matter how hard I try to keep you away from my grandson, I know he only loves you. Please talk to him, don’t hurt yourself and your son anymore.” Melissa closed her eyes, took a deep breath then turned to face him.

“Thank you, I understand you wanted the best for Mark but he shouldn’t have sent you. He can come and talk to me himself. Excuse me.” She smiled briefly then walked to her room and locked herself in.

“How long will you keep this up, Melissa? This is hurting you and the people around you.” She lay curled up on the bed. “I miss you so much Mark. I want to be with you yet I’m afraid I’ll lose you again. Keeping you away from me is easier than losing you a second time.” She sniffed, trying to hold her tears back. “I can’t be with you, not because I don’t love you or the pain in my heart is greater but because I can’t manage to lose you again.” She looked at Mark’s picture with tears in her eyes.

Startled by a knock on her door, she hid the picture under her pillow and sat up wiping her tears before her aunt walked in. “I’ve brought you some juice. I know you must be tired.” Betty smiled, handing her the glass.

“Thank you aunt.”

“Talk to me, Melissa. It’s been almost a month now and you haven’t talked to Mark or anyone. You don’t even spend time with your son. What is going on?” Betty sat beside her and held her hand.

“I’m sorry for how I’ve been treating you, aunt. You deserve to be happy and I shouldn’t get in your way.”

“It’s okay my child. I know you want what is best for all of us. If I were in your shoes I would do the same. Being afraid is okay, but losing is part of life. My dear, don’t stay away from your family because you’re afraid to lose them one day. Mark loves you, he did all this for you. Crying with his picture will only drive you mad I know it. Get up and face your fears honey, fight for your family and be happy no matter what.”

“Oh, aunt….” Betty hugged her, smoothening her hair soothing her to stop crying.

“Shh..” Without uttering a word she held Melissa until she fell asleep.

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