
Chapter 176

Chapter 87 – The Final Confrontation Pt. 3 

“It’s through your wounds that your light pours out into the world.“–Abhijit Naskar 


Please, don’t tell me I fucking died again! 

My body floated, suspended in air in the vast white space. I looked to my left and right to see that I’m alone. The place was heated, like a blanket on a bitter winter night, but I couldn’t forget what happened moments ago

Osiris was… mutating. Transforming. The air of the battle had shifted for the worst. After the smoke clears, what would I see? How would my family and I survive? I flexed my right hand to feel the lack of a dagger, now uncertain if it would do the damage intended. The snake had changed. 

This is unlike anything I’ve dealt before. Zombie rogues, Cerberus, hybrids–that I could handle. But how could I think to defeat Osiris now? My plan had combusted into flames in my palmis, 

A soft burst of warmth brushed against my cheek, tickling the bags under my eye. Beside me, tiny balls of silver, fluttering like fireflies, outlined the form of a woman, sinking into the light silhouette. My eyes widened in shock when a familiar pair of silver orbs gazed into my eyes. 

“Selene?” I croaked. 

“Yes, it is me, my child.” She whispered, her thumb caressing my check. “Behind those browns lay a sea of questions you want to ask me. I will answer them in due time. Right now, we have pressing matters regarding that snake.” 

“What happened to him?” 

“A fusion.” Selene explained with a hefty sigh. “Asir has accepted the dark blessing from the serpent god, thus accessing his ultimate and most powerful form. While all avatars have the power to ascend to near godhood or goddesshood, merely a handful achieve it. It is a unique state from the avatar state you know. Legend states that Almighty Ra defeats Apophis every evening to ensure the sun will rise anew. Today, the moon will aid the sun to trap that snake back in Mountain Bakhu in the underworld, cutting his access to the world through Asir.” 

Godhood? Most powerful form? My head hurt from the new information, spinning like an uncontrollable top. “I guess he wasn’t kidding when he called himself a god.” 

“He took it literally.” 

“So, how do I defeat him?” 

“Simple. You’ll be on equal footing with him soon enough. Lean on your fellow avatars and together, you’ll vanquish the darkness for good.” Her soft palm slid up to cover my eyes. “Relax and accept the blessing of the moon, for now, you’ll reach the level of goddess.” 

“I’m not a goddess, Selene. I don’t believe I could ever be at the level of one.” 


“You will, today.” NôvelDrama.Org © content.

I smirk. “No room for arguments, right, Selene?” 

“Don’t think I notice your stalling, Kiya. I know you’re scared, but I promise everything will be alright in the 


From the top of my skull to the tips of my toes, an unnatural warmth flooded my body, smoldering and caressing every nerve, artery, organ, and muscle. Specs of silver and blue shimmered behind my eyelids before combusting into mini fireworks, each growing with potency and vibrancy. The warmth was comfortable, but it threatened to leap out of my chest, determined to touch any untouched areas on my body. My lips sealed shut, but there was no need to scream or cry. 

I was safe. 

I leaned back and allowed Selene’s presence and power to overflow out of my body, wrapping me up in a thick 


I was changing. 

Changing for the better. 

Changing for victory. 

Changing for redemption. 

If this is the only way I can rid Osiris for good, then I’ll accept whatever blessings come my way. 


The air of fate had shifted. 

Under the prison of darkness laid the light of hope shining brighter than a diamond–flame. Our moon illuminating hope through the desolate horizon. I didn’t know what to say or think when I witnessed the light morph and bend to form the silhouette of a woman. Gold, violet, and blue lights joined in on the light show, but when a crackling red ball surrounded with black electricity was thrown toward me and the others, the violet light hopped in front of us. A translucent purple square stretched from where we all stood and stretched to the sky, shielding us from the attack. That deadly energy bounced off the wall and punted the ground, burning and sizzling, leaving a hole of scorched earth. 

“That flimsy shield won’t stop me!” A deep, disembodied voice spoke. The voice sounded like two demons. speaking at once, seizing my spine with chills. We heard slithering along with soft growling, and when I looked up, my insults about Osiris reigned true. 

He truly was a demon. 

I’ve heard about these creatures in mythology texts in my high–school classes. Half–man, half–snake, reverend as gods. Osiris looked like a beast fit for his god’s creation. Half of his body was in the form of a black snake, stretching his height to nine feet? Ten? Obscurity stained his hands, branches stretching through his veins, touching his shoulders. His clothing was in tatters, hanging onto his limbs for dear life. White hair flowed 


Chapter 87 – The Final Confrontation Pt

behind him, longer than usual. Sharp claws replaced his nails, and his fangs were long as daggers. 

He became a Naga. 

And he was ready to take us out. 


oh, we’re beyond dead.” Galen muttered in the group, carning a slap on the back of the head from Darien. 

“The shield may not, but I will.” 

The world suddenly turned into a slow–motion movie. Osiris tried to attack us behind the shield but was blown away by the glowing white silhouette, sending him into the bricks of his home, forming a deep outline of his body. White faded into a person I knew extremely well. This was reminiscent of the day when Kiya had awakened months ago, but this…. 


Kiya was a walking goddess, as she always was. She sported everything in her avatar form, but there was a celestial glow that couldn’t be ignored. It hummed and vibrated all around her, in tune with the beating of her heart and the song of her soul. I couldn’t see her face, but I knew she was sporting a determined scowl–her signature look before running into battle. 

She was no longer wearing that black dress stained with dried blood. 

She wore a pure white dress that brushed her knees and gladiator sandals carved out of gold. 

She shimmered like the moon. She was the moon. An angel. 

And this was the first time Onyx was shocked into utter silence. 

“Ugh, where is that goddamn thing?” Kiya’s layered voice muttered, her head darting from 

1 side to side. Artemis spoke with her, which made her more enchanting. “Ah, there we go.” She skipped toward her fallen dagger and picked it up. Her touch shifted from the gold to refined white. 

“Kiya!” The blue light faded into Violetta, carrying an air of holiness as her curls took on a life of their own, flowing like ocean waves. Asim walked out of his golden light and took precarious steps to where Osiris was, hieroglyphics etched into his skin. “This is our chance to take the bastard out. We should-!” 

“This is my chance to take him out.” She corrected. “He’s mine to defeat.” She pointed her dagger at us. Everyone was in a state of silent shock. “We must protect them no matter what.” 

“They’re shielded by my wall. They’ll be alright as long as they stay away.” Phoebe commented, walking out of her violet light. 

“Oh, best believe we aren’t getting anywhere near that thing!” Jacqueline exclaimed, throwing her hands up in surrender. 

“Be careful, Kiya.” Kwame requested, his deep brown eyes darting from her to the beast. “I know we keep saying it, but please tread with caution.” 

Klya gave a brusque nod and turned to the scene in front of her, eyes narrowing on Asim’s form. “Don’t get too close, Asim.” 


But her plea fell on deaf ears. We watched as Osiris pounced from the debris and attacked his twin, jamming his fangs into his neck. The man shouted and elbowed the naga in the face, pulling his teeth out of his neck. The monstrous Osiris turned to us and roared; sonic waves rushing through the black dome he trapped us under, battering against the shield surrounding us but nearly knocking the other avatars on their backs. 

“Ugh, fucking musty–ass breath.” Violetta muttered, covering her nose and coughing. 

Groans and moans echoed behind us, growing louder before gradually falling silent. One of my soldiers sent me an alert that the members of the dark army collapsed to the ground one by one, clutching their necks. That was when I noticed the black branches on Osiris‘ skin stretching over his chest and reaching his face, darkening his scleras. 

He let out a menacing cackle. “Darkness is mine! This world is mine!” His eyes narrowed on Kiya. “If I can’t have you, no one can! You’re mine; in life and in death!” 

Fury rocketed through me from that proclamation. Oh, Goddess Selene, I’d give anything to kill that bastard for defecating over Kiya’s autonomy over that! 

The dark messiah unleased a war between avatars that none of us could ever think to be a part of. Four avatars versus an all–powerful Naga infused with the evilest god ever to walk the earth. Osiris attacked. They dodged and countered. Flurries of lightning, dark fire, sun energy and moon energy stabbed through the darkness to penetrate the body of the snake. I heard groans from everyone, but more so from Osiris. But the monster was resilient. Every time he fell, he got back up stronger. 

The battle raged on, neither side giving up. Kiya tried many times to pounce on Osiris with her blade but was thrown to the ground each time. Just like him, she got back up every time she fell. 

I could see the sweat rolling down the avatars‘ cheeks, staining their clothes. 

Suddenly, the ground rumbled like an imminent earthquake. Black hands shot from the ground, writhing and cracking, trying to grab hold of the avatars to subdue them. Shouts of protest from the peanut gallery alerted them before the hands grabbed at any of their limbs. Kiya dodged them before an abrupt shout pierced my 


She dropped her dagger and gripped her neck, claws digging at the reddening mark. 

The hands, now shifting to snakes, coiled around her body, forcing her on her knees. The other three fell to the same fate. 

Something inside of me snapped. 

Osiris towered over her smaller form, laughing at the pain pulsating from her neck. Her wet face held a look powerful enough to kill, but I didn’t miss her grimace of pain. Osiris was trying to drain her, just as he was doing to his army, 

“Your darkness was the most exquisite.” He chuckled, running his lengthy tongue over his monstrous fangs. “Too bad I’ll have to end you now for your betrayal.” 


I couldn’t let that happen! 

I must do something! 

My thought vanished into wisps of smoke, but only one remained


One hit from my fist. The shield rumbled.. 

Protect her. Two hits. Everyone shouted at me to stop. 

Help her! Three. Four. Five. 

Protect her! Protect Kiya! Don’t stop! Never stop! 


To everyone’s shock, including Phoebe’s, the luminous magic shield shattered upon impact. But I didn’t care. My eyes were on the love of my life, suffering under the damned forced bond. I couldn’t let Osiris win, even when Kiya ordered me to stay put. My feet bolted toward the mini goddess, using every y ounce of Alpha strength within me to push her out of the gripes of the tangible darkness, away from the monster. 

Away from the murderous fangs that found their home in my neck. 

Closer to the fighting chance she’s got at killing Osiris once and for all. 

There wasn’t a care left in my body for myself. All I cared about was her; the thief of my thoughts, the bandit who’d held my heart in her silvery palms, the magician that made me kneel before her without question. The love of my life. 

Dad said I was a weak Alpha, but I never felt stronger now. When Osiris tore his fangs from my throat, my arms locked around his body, all the Alpha strength Onyx and I possessed to hold the beast down. He was bigger and taller than me, but somehow, I kept him locked to my height, enraging him further. 

“You want to die first?! Fine! I’ll kill you before I kill her!” 

He dug his claws into my body, tearing my skin under his nails. Ten knives pierced and ranked down my body, drawing rushing rivers of blood. Oddly, I didn’t feel pain. Under Osiris vengeful screaming, demanding me to release him, I felt peaceful. 

Maybe I’d completely lost my mind. 

“NERON!” Kiya screeched. My eyes found her shimmering cyans, filling with tears. Oh, my love, please don’t cry. “GET THE HELL OUT OF THERE!” 

“End him!” I demanded of her, gritting my teeth. “This is your only chance!” 

“You’re in the fucking crossfire! I can hurt you!” 

“DO IT!” She fell mute, her tears swimming down her shimmering cheeks. “I won’t be the one to hold you back, Kiya! It is your duty as Selene’s avatar to end this chaos!” I mustered the biggest smile as I could, pressing my feet against the earth as Osiris threatened to launch me off it with his slithering body. “Take your freedom back, my angel.” 


I’ll pick you over me, always

That’s the hill I’ll always die on

As the sacrifice to save you

Third Person POV 

Selene’s melodic voice told Kiya to not hesitate. 

Through the tears, through the spillage of Neron’s blood and life–threatening injuries, there was the opening to defeating Osiris for good. 

Was this a movie? Was she being punk’d? The survival of her loved ones and her freedom rested on her fingertips. 

She didn’t hesitate. 

Neron fluttered his eyes close, strength slowly depleting, but holding onto the screaming naga for dear life, unable to break free from his iron grip. What made Neron, an Alpha without mystical powers, hold his own against Osiris‘ god–like form? 

Osiris would never come to find that answer. 


te voices whispered in the ears of the avatars, giving them the ammunition to succeed. Asim, in his own 

couldn’t go against the word of his lord. His heart steeled to protect itself from the agony of losing a family member. 

The avatars got into a diamond formation surrounding Osiris and Neron. Each hummed in their respective energies; the sea, the flame, the sun, and the moon. Energies trace the crevices of the soil and bolted toward the men, immersing them in a powerful pillar of light hundred times as potent as the average element on earth. 

Too powerful for a simple being to handle. 

Silver, gold, purple, blue swirled around them like tornadoes, added with lightning, fire, moonlight, and sunlight. Osiris screamed in sheer agony, but it was Neron’s screaming that stabbed the hearts of the crowd. All four avatars focused their efforts and Kiya could feel her bond with Osiris sizzling, popping, and fading 


Breaking formation, she grabbed the silver dagger off the ground and chucked it toward the men. 

Neron, hugging Osiris‘ front, moved slightly to expose Osiris‘ heart. 


Osiris‘ last scream caused a catastrophic shock wave that rocked the world around them, including the forest that stretched for dozens of miles. It tossed everyone to the ground, collective thuds resounding through the 

Chapter 87 – The Final Confrontation Pt. 3 


The darkness lifted. The sun was shining once more, blessing the wolves and avatars with its purifying light. It was as if the sun was waiting at the edge of its seat for their victory. 

Osiris‘ insanity had fallen. The source of the forced bonds dying for good. A weight lifted off Kiya’s neck as she panted against the solid ground, eyes glued to the sunny sky. 

She didn’t have to look to know that Osiris‘ hold over her finally ended. 

She heard two loud thuds. Asim shouted for his brother, hopping on his feet and running to his fallen form, now missing his snake’s lower half. Ra’s representative pulled his body away from another. 

The one Kiya, when she pushed herself up on her elbows, didn’t want to see. 

It was her time for the earth to tremble underneath her screams. 

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