Until I Met You

Chapter 6

“What did you do to me ?” I sob silently.

His cold stare is not leaving me and I’m about to freeze up. How can I be so stupid to drink that cocktail whatever.

” What did you do? Why am I wearing your clothes?” I ask. I’m standing in front of him and he barely looks away.

” I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

” What do you mean? Why would I wake up in your bed dressed in your clothes? How could you touch me?”

” What?” He smirks.

” Are you trying to tell me you won’t be able to know if someone touched you?” He asks and that rings a bell.

” Wait, you thought I took advantage of you?” He asks me after I’ve stayed quiet.

” Why would I do that?” He blinks his eyes and crosses his arms. I can’t help but look at his intimidating self in front of me. He makes me speechless and that’s new.

” I thought…”

” You thought I had sex with you?”

” I’m in your room and wearing your clothes. What am I supposed to think?” I sniffle. I never knew I was crying earlier.

He scoffs.” You’re too naive.”

He turns to leave but I stop him.

” Who changed my clothes?”

” I did. What? You’re shy?” Oh no , this can’t be happening to me again.

” Jesus. My house help did that. She changed your clothes and she’s forty years old.” I was relieved after he said that. He turned his back and left the room.

By the way, where’s my dress? I ponder and rush to get my phone. 20 missed calls. Dad , mom , Leslie and Alexa. Where was I when my phone was ringing? I’ve never spent the night out before and I’m sure they won’t spare me. I deserve it in the first place. I should have stayed at home , I won’t end up drinking that cock demon.

A knock startles me. I turn around and a lady greets me. Probably that stranger’s maid.

” You’re awake. You need to shower and wear this before eating breakfast.” What? This is not even my dress and not my house. It’s 10: am and I’m not at home yet.

” Um… where’s my dress?”

” Master Carter asked me to get rid of it.”

” Carter?”

” That’s his last name.”

” What’s his name then?” I ask, forgetting the fact that this master Carter just got rid of my dress.

” Gray.”

” Thanks.” She drops the black lace dress on the bed and turns to leave

“There’s a pill inside that drawer and it will help with your hangover.” She smiles and shuts the door.

I glance at the dress and it’s far better than Alexa’s choice of clothing. It has sleeves not like last night’s dress with a brazier’s strap.

I enter the bathroom and it’s huge compared to mine. Without being told , he’s rich. I scrub my body with the body wash and let the warm water rinse myself. I dried my skin and got dressed. Thank God my underwear is still intact. I put on the dress and carry my bag walking out of this room. I have a lot of explaining to do once I get home. I know I’ll be grounded, that’s for sure .

I climb down the spiral staircase and step on the last one. The view was amazing. The walls are originally made of translucent glass and you can see the large swimming pool outside. I stare at every piece of furniture and I know this isn’t just a dime. My eyes land on Gray’s shirtless self smoking. Is he aware of lung cancer , maybe he’s not really scared of death.

” Gray.” I called out. His back tensed when I called out his name. He exhales the smoke out of his nostrils before turning to look at me.

He raises his eyebrows at me indicating what? What type of man is this?

” I’m leaving.”

” I noticed. You’re not eating?”

” I’m fine. Thanks.” I reply standing in front of him.

” What did you do to my dress?” I ask, feeling really uncomfortable inhaling his smoke. I’m feeling sick.

” Got rid of it. Don’t ever dress like that. You look like a slut.” I gulp. Why does he care about how I look? Looking at his house and cars , it’s obvious the type of ladies he would like are slutty models with expensive hair extensions and wigs.

” Thanks.” I sigh and turn to leave.

I walked out of his building and noticed two guys in suits standing outside with their cold stares. I quickly look away and hurry out of this millions called a house. The cab ride was terrible because I was thinking on what to tell Mom and yes dad. I step on our front porch and twist the doorknob. Here begins my headache . I didn’t even take my medications last night.

” Where are you coming from? Your boyfriend right?” Mom asks, standing a few feet from me with her arms tightly crossed.

” Is she back? That rebel of a daughter.” I heard dad’s voice from the kitchen. Leslie looks at me and I really don’t know what to say.

” I…”

” Go on. Start lying.”

What am I supposed to say? I went to a club with Leslie and Alexa and I followed someone home because I was drunk. They will definitely call me a whore.

” I went out with…” I point to Leslie who widens her eyes at me.

” Leslie?” Dad asks, shooting daggers at me. I gulp and fiddle both my fingers.Property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

” Did she spend the night in a man’s house?”

” It’s not what you think. I got lost cause I couldn’t find Alexa and Leslie. I saw someone who decided to give me a lift but I don’t know the address.” I told almost half the truth. I can’t say I was drunk. I’m gonna be dead.

” You got lost?” Mom asks, walking slowly to where I’m standing. I’ve not left the door post since I walked in.

” I’m telling the truth.”

” What truth? Leslie went down the street to meet some church friends , she returned last night at 9:pm.” What? I look at Leslie but she can’t look me in the eyes because of guilt. How could she do that?

” Ariel, where are you coming from?”

” I’m telling the truth.”

” You didn’t go to the party with your sister. You went to visit your boyfriend again to have sex. What type of daughter are you? Your bad luck is the reason we’re here. You brought the same bad luck to New York by sleeping around again. Ariel, don’t you wanna go to college?” Mom questions, as my eyes start to water.

I keep on looking at Leslie but she’s avoiding my eyes.

” Oh my God , Ariel.” Alexa calls, walking into the living room. She shuts the front door and stares at me confused.

” What’s happening?”

” Ariel is just coming back. She said you took her out.”

” Yeah , we went to church.”

” And she’s just coming back from church?” Dad glares at Alexa.

Alexa sighs and crosses her arm.

“Fine. I ask them to party with me.” Alexa says.


” Yes. Arie and Les. They’ve been staying indoors and a friend is throwing a party down town. My boyfriend showed up and I left with him to a corner. Leslie left too but I really don’t know who she tagged along with. Ariel was drunk and lost , I couldn’t find her either since I was drunk too.”

” And she woke up in a man’s bed , right Ariel?”

” No- I mean yes. He gave me a ride because I was stranded and…”

“… Drunk!” Mom cuts me short.

” Alexa, are you trying to corrupt my daughters? Is that the reason you chose to stay the weekend? To take them to parties and make them drunk.”

” It’s not what you think…” Alexa mumbles.

” Really? That you have boyfriends and you’re not even a virgin. What are we supposed to think? You don’t have the fear of God and you run after men. You choose to take Leslie with you. I don’t even care about Ariel , she’s already useless.” Mom yells. I sniffle silently to hold back the tears.

” Fuck me, I’m just gonna leave.” Alexa scoffs and turns to climb the stairs.

” Mind your language, Alex.”

Alexa snorts all the way to get her bags.

” Ariel, you’re grounded. You’re staying in your room till you decide to cultivate a little form of dignity and discipline. You won’t eat anything for the rest of the three days. Get out of my presence.” Dad yells.

” Daddy.”

” Get out.” I flinch and run upstairs.

I met Alexa in our hallway with her bag. She smiles at me and hugs me.

” I’m sorry about Leslie , she’s such a dildo.” Alexa says and kisses my cheek.

” You can keep this. I overheard your mom telling mine she stopped your therapy. I’m sorry about that.” I open my hands and it’s a bundle of money.

” You can eat with that. Once we resume college we are gonna hang out more often and you’ll tell me about that hot stranger I saw you with at the club. I didn’t get to meet him.” I roll my eyes and thank her.

” I’m sorry about my parents.”

” It’s fine. It runs in the family. My mom’s like that sometimes. Be Careful.” She walks past me and climbs down the stairs.

I sigh and enter my room before locking my door. I hate my life. With my shoes still on, I slump on my bed and wipe my tears. I feel stupid for going in the first place.

My phone buzzes and it’s a new text message. I click on it and read the text.

From Gray: Tinkerbell , are you at home?

I roll my eyes and toss my phone aside. How can he steal my number and even save his number in my phone. I ignore it and press my face on my pillow. He’s gonna end up like Freddie. Always after your pants.

I wanna be far from him. He’s trouble in disguise and he was part of the reason I got stuck in some cocktail rubbish. If I didn’t agree to drink that, I would be at home , sleeping in my room in peace and not getting grounded and reminded countless times how I messed up in Georgia. I remembered my drunk state last night , I can’t believe I called him hot. I mean he’s hot , but a normal Ariel won’t call someone hot.

My phone dings again. One new message.

From Gray : Where’s my t-shirt and sweatpants , did you take it?

I chuckle and scoff.

To; Gray : No. Why did you steal my number? And why would I wanna take your T-shirt and sweatpants?

From; Gray: Because it looks sexy on you. You got beaten?

To: Gray: No, thanks I’m fine.

I sigh and blush.

From; Gray: Let’s hang out. I won’t bite.

I scoff and bite my lip. Is he serious? I’m not even comfortable around him. I’m always speechless with him standing close to me. My brain stops working at that moment and I end up embarrassing myself.

To; Gray: No , I’m not interested. I don’t wanna hang out with you. I don’t even know you.

From; Gray: it’s better you don’t know me. I’m outside your house, get dressed.

What the hell! I text him back immediately , how can he be outside my house?

To; Gray: you’re joking right?

From; Gray: Look through your window.

My heart beat is already drumming in my chest. Why’s he getting me scared? I don’t want him but he’s not staying away. I breathe in and look through my window. He’s not here.

To;Gray: Why are you lying?

From;Gray: I know your address, Snow White. Are you scared of me?

I sigh and tuck back my loose hair behind my ear.

To; Gray: I don’t know what you’re talking about. Just hanging out with you last night and I end up getting grounded.

I wanted to delete the message but I already sent it.

From;Gray: Grounded! Your parents are fucked up. You’re not sixteen, are you?

I ignore his text and toss my phone aside. He’s trying to make my life miserable. I look down at my ringing phone and it’s Gray. What does he want?

I ignored the call and text back.

To;Gray: please don’t call me. I really wanna stop talking to you.

From;Gray: like you can. You can’t avoid me , princess.

I roll my eyes and try to imagine him smirking right now.

To;Gray: I’m sorry to burst your bubble, mister Carter but I don’t want you. Stop texting me. I’m really not your type of girl. You already explained you don’t really like naive girls and I’m grateful I’m out of your league. I won’t be able to give you my body in exchange for whatever thing you’re planning.

And now I regretted why I typed that. He was nice , made me sleep well and asked his house help to change my clothes even if he looked like a bad guy.

I stand up from my bed and wrap my hair up tightly to shower. I haven’t taken my medicine and I’m grounded from eating and going out. What about Leslie? Nothing. I’m always the bad egg. I look at my phone and he hasn’t replied to my text. I scoff and thank my stars he didn’t reply but at the same time I was guilty. I take my bath and walk out of my bathroom only to find Leslie going through my phone.

” What are you doing?”

” Confirming my claims. I saw you walk out of the club with that hot guy and this…” she points to my phone.” This made everything simple. You’ve been secretly dating?”

” Why do you even care? You lied to Mom about last night and I got grounded.”

” That’s because you left with a man. Boo.”

” Please hand me back my phone.”

” And why should I do that?” She bats her lashes at me and smirks.

” Leslie , please. My phone.”

“You know you are a weirdo right? I just thought about highschool. How you asked Alexa to make you up so you would look presentable for Freddie.” She chuckles. Wait, she knows Freddie.

“You know Freddie?”

She scowls.” Who doesn’t. You have a secret crush on him in highschool. Always hanging out with him because you want him to look at you the same way you looked at him. It’s stupid you didn’t realize every hot asshole in highschool liked you.”

“You knew I was raped? You knew about me being raped and you couldn’t defend me.”

“Why would I defend you? You deserved it sometimes. Let’s just say, you look really cute each time you cry.” She laughs and that sparks the anger Inside me.

“Give me back my phone now.”

” I won’t do that shit. I’m gonna show mom you’ve been keeping a second boyfriend with the name Gray and he’s the guy you followed to his house. You’re dead , Ariel.” Leslie smirks and rushes out of my room with my phone.

” Leslie.” I call out to her but she’s already gone down the stairs.

Oh no. Why is she trying to make my life more miserable?

” Ariel!” Mom yells my name. I’m dead.

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