Unpredictable Betrayal : A Sweet of Revenge

Chapter 44

Aurora looked anxious. In front of her sat both of her parents, along with Asher and Rayyen.

After much thought, weighing all possible risks, Aurora decided to inform her parents about the turmoil that had occurred in her marriage.

Aurora knew her parents would be shocked, especially her mother, who would undoubtedly be shocked when she heard the story. That’s why she brought Asher and Rayyen along to help explain and reassure.

“So… what do you want to tell us, Aurora?”

Joshua asked in front of Aurora, patiently waiting for his daughter who allegedly wanted to talk seriously tonight.

“I-it’s about my marriage, Pa.”

“What’s wrong with your marriage?”

Elma chimed in. Her two brown eyes suddenly stared intensely at the visibly nervous figure of her daughter. Joshua did the same. His brow furrowed as he sensed something amiss.

“What about your marriage and Alex?” the middle-aged woman repeated. “Is there a problem?”

Aurora nodded fearfully. For God’s sake, she didn’t want to hurt her parents’ hearts. But, as Asher had said earlier, it was better for her to tell them directly rather than for her parents to hear unpleasant rumors from others.

“Aurora and Alex….”

“Why?” Elena impatiently interrupted.

“We’re in the process of getting a divorce, Ma.”

Both Joshua and Elena were shocked. They exchanged glances before Joshua adjusted his sitting position to make sure he heard correctly.

“You and Alex are getting a divorce? But why? What’s the problem?”

“Why all of a sudden, Aurora?” Elena interjected, looking the most shocked here. “Haven’t you two been fine all this time?”

Aurora took a deep breath. Her brain worked hard to find the best words to start the story. Even though she had anticipated all possibilities, the reality still made her nervous and worried. Especially since she believed her explanation would surely disappoint her parents.

“Alex was caught cheating.”

Elena was even more shocked after hearing Aurora’s answer. Joshua even fell silent for a long time to control his emotions. After his condition improved, he slowly asked.

“Cheating? Are you sure?”

Aurora nodded.

“Alex was caught cheating twice. He had an affair with Nicole, Aunt Senia’s daughter.”


Not only shocked by the news of their daughter’s divorce, Joshua and Elena were faced with another reality that was equally shocking. Especially Elena, who never imagined that her son-in-law was cheating with her cousin’s daughter.

“Alex is cheating with Nicole? How could this happen?”

“The story is long, Ma. Maybe this is also Aurora’s fault. Perhaps, from the beginning, Aurora should have anticipated by not hiring Nicole at Alex’s office as his personal secretary.”

“No,” Elena disagreed. “Your decision wasn’t entirely wrong, Aurora. You were generous enough to help Nicole who needed a job at that time. But, I feel she doesn’t know how to appreciate it.”

“Is this also the reason why you suddenly fired Nicole from Lumire?”

Joshua then remembered the incident from a few months ago. At that time, Aurora did ask for his permission to fire Nicole. However, initially, Aurora had also asked for help in placing her at Alex’s office.

Yazied had asked why Aurora wanted to fire her cousin. However, Aurora only mentioned that there were internal issues that forced her to make that decision.

Now, knowing the reason why her daughter fired Nicole, Joshua regretted ever agreeing to his daughter’s request to hire Nicole at his company.

“Yes, Pa. At that time, Aurora deliberately asked for Papa’s permission to fire Nicole because they were caught cheating for the first time. Aurora thought, by forgiving and giving them a chance, they would change. As it turned out, they still continued their relationship secretly.”

“Oh, my God.”

“Just so you know, Alex’s mother also has a part in this cheating problem.”

Asher, who had been trying to restrain himself from joining the conversation, finally gave in. Irritated, he spoke up, revealing the true facts of his sister’s marriage.

“Frankly and consciously,” Asher continued, “Aunt Savana admitted to Aurora that she was the one who initially asked Nicole to approach and seduce Alex to make him fall for her.”

“What? Papa didn’t mishear, did he?”

“Yes, Pa,” Aurora nodded. “What Asher just said is true.”

Then Aurora went on to tell the whole story in detail. She laid out everything about the chronology of events that happened from the beginning to the end regarding the problems in her marriage.

Joshua and Elena were increasingly shocked. Afterward, they both felt sad because their beloved daughter, whom they cherished so much, was intentionally hurt by ungrateful people.

“Unbelievable! Why didn’t you tell Papa earlier, Aurora?”

Joshua grumbled. His face flushed with anger, not accepting that his daughter was treated so unfairly.

“Aurora didn’t want to burden Papa and Mama. Besides, Aurora was embarrassed.”

“But, they can’t just do these wicked deeds to you.”

Elena joined in frustration. Of course, she was angry and sad to know that her beloved daughter had been betrayed twice. Especially since Nicole, the daughter of her cousin whom she had clearly often helped, had a hand in it.

“Papa should hold them all accountable.”

“No need.”

Asher tried to calm his father, who seemed to be ignited with anger. After all, everyone knew that Joshua was known for his patience. It was the first time Asher had seen his father so angry and unwilling to accept.

“Papa doesn’t need to do anything. Aurora knows what she has to do. Besides, Asher and Rayyen are here to help resolve this issue.”

Joshua then took a deep breath. He looked at Asher and Aurora alternately. It was clear that his son and daughter were trying to reassure him that the problem would be resolved soon. Moreover, Joshua knew that Asher was always reliable.

“Alright. Papa won’t do anything and will entrust everything to you. But, remember, Aurora. After your divorce is settled, please make sure to take back all the facilities you provided to the Wildblood family.”

Aurora nodded in agreement. That’s what she would do when she officially divorced.

“Papa doesn’t need to worry. Aurora will make sure that none of the Harperwood family assets can be enjoyed by them anymore.”

Then, Elena, who was sad, approached Aurora. She hugged her daughter tightly while shedding tears. Her heart ached to see her beloved daughter suffer at the hands of ungrateful people.

“Forgive Aurora, Ma,” Aurora whispered while kissing her mother. “Forgive Aurora for making Mama and Papa sad like this.”

Elena quickly shook her head.

“It’s not your fault, Aurora. On the contrary, Mama and Papa are happy because you will soon be free from them. Anyway, after this, Aurora must be happy.”

After pouring out all their grievances, sadness, and apologies to their parents, Aurora’s heart now felt more at ease. She even asked for prayers from Joshua and Elena so that the problem she was facing could be resolved properly and as hoped for.

Before deciding to go home, Asher invited Aurora and Rayyen to discuss first. After all, there were many things he wanted to talk about.

“Ray, can’t Aurora’s divorce process be accelerated?”

Rayyen laughed. Judging from his demeanor, he was sure Asher must be very fed up. In contrast to Aurora, who seemed so relaxed and unaffected.

“Patience, Ash. Aurora is still gathering a lot of evidence to be presented during the trial.”

“Is it that complicated?”

Rayyen nodded.

“There are indeed many processes to go through. From mediation, repeated trials, to the division of marital assets.”

“Besides, why rush?” Aurora asked. She seemed so relaxed as if she didn’t have any burdens. “I’m actually enjoying every day watching the clowns perform circus shows.”

Asher clicked his tongue immediately. He even pinched his sister’s nose out of frustration.

“Just be single quickly. It’s nice to pair you up with Alden.” Before Aurora could protest, Asher quickly took out his phone. He asked his sister and cousin to come closer because he wanted to show them something. “Speaking of Nicole’s pregnancy, I’ve got new evidence.”

“What new evidence?”

Then, Asher opened his email feature. He opened one of the documents to show it to Aurora and Rayyen.

“Take a look. But, don’t take too long. It’s sinful.”

Aurora, curious, immediately snatched Asher’s phone. She looked at it carefully, then cursed loudly.


“What’s wrong, actually?”

Rayyen was, of course, even more curious. But after Aurora handed Asher’s phone to him, it was his turn to shake his head.

“Oh my God, is this a photo of Nicole with the guy you investigated the other day? They’re really serious, taking naked photos together like that. Besides, I always wonder about people who like to immortalize their intimate relationships through photos and videos. What’s the point? Later, when it spreads, they claim to be victims. But actually, they’re the ones asking for trouble.”

Asher laughed again. Shrugging, he also didn’t know the reasons and intentions behind people’s foolish actions like this.

“Well, I don’t know what their intentions are. I don’t really care either. What’s certain is that these photos can be used as additional evidence that Nicole’s unborn child is indeed from another man.”

“And there are so many photos,” Rayyen added, still shaking his head. Then, he smirked and winked flirtatiously. “But, can I see the photos again?”NôvelDrama.Org (C) content.

“No, don’t!” Aurora forbid. She took Asher’s phone and then returned it to its owner. “It’s sinful. Should I tell Alina about this?”

“Yes, sis. Just kidding. You love complaining to the Lion.”

“But…” Aurora continued, her face now changing to joy. “Can I copy the documents, Ash? After thinking about it, I think it’s a good idea to use those photos as a wedding gift and show them to Mama Savana. I’m sure they’ll all love it.”

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