[67] b

One shot from Sam was directed right at Joseph’s head, causing the man to slump lifelessly. Blood splattered, staining the tips of Sam’s shoes. Sam pulled a thin grin as a form of release for the death of Joseph Quassano in his hands. He hadn’t found true satisfaction yet, but he knew Joseph was not someone to be given a chance.

Those in the battle area witnessed how Sam executed and achieved a victory without announcement; the Twin Serpents remained undefeated. This moment was immediately seized upon by all of Sam’s subordinates, including Alfred’s men, to press their opponents to surrender, throw down their weapons, and submit to defeat.

Unlike Bella, Jimmy, and Gerald, who gathered and forced Joseph’s men to regroup in one spot, their gazes were focused on each other. They seemed to be giving each other a signal to get as far away from this area as possible. They couldn’t stay here any longer. There was no longer any interest, and they didn’t want to deal with the police or Alfred any longer.

They didn’t even need to congratulate Sam on this victory.

“I’m giving you three the freedom to leave once everything is settled, Gerald. But understand one thing: your lives are still intact because I don’t want to prolong the problem. But if you step out of line again, I won’t hesitate to expedite all of your deaths.”

Gerald still remembered Sam’s words at the end of the phone call a few hours ago. He couldn’t escape from everything Sam had said, including his presence here. Although Ferdi, the police chief who had been monitoring their movements, Gerald had his own plan at least. Especially now that Sam’s words echoed again. It meant that Sam allowed them to still do whatever they wanted out there.

As long as no one disturbed the Twin Serpents again.

Gerald wouldn’t waste that opportunity. Including Bella and Jimmy’s presence, who certainly wouldn’t be able to return to their original place. They would discuss that later. The only thing they needed to think about was how to escape while the security around them was tight. Even though they had to participate in this battle, Gerald knew that Hugo was watching from above.

The never-missing sniper aimed his weapon. The three of them could easily become mere names while moving.

“Hugo is no longer in his position, Gerald,” Bella quickly informed. She discarded the weapon she had been using to beat Joseph’s forces. Damn Sam. He made her afraid but also forced her to think quickly to stay alive. Although she had practiced with weapons several times, this battle was much more thrilling, and if she made a wrong move, her life would be at stake.

“Now is the right time for us to leave.” Gerald nodded, understanding. He gathered a few things he could take with him during their escape, rummaging through the scattered pockets of bodies nearby. What they needed now was money.

That’s what Bella did too. Jimmy, who was in another corner, did the same. As if they understood what they had to do now. They scattered to deceive Ferdi’s people who could hinder their escape. The forest they would pass through would certainly be heavily guarded. They had to find another way to escape and live as freely as possible.

“We’ll take the western route. We’ll separate at the border,” Gerald said, occasionally looking back. He saw an opportunity to flee. Two others joined his hurried steps.

“So soon?” Jimmy asked incredulously. “I can’t go back.”

Gerald sighed. “You can take care of yourself, right? What did you get?”

“I don’t know. I didn’t look. Everything is in this bag.” Jimmy pushed aside a branch that suddenly blocked his path. “We’ll think about it once we’re really out of their reach.”

Reluctantly, Gerald agreed. Especially when Bella’s voice chimed in. They walked quickly, ignoring anything that stood in their way, including tree roots that occasionally tripped them. They believed that at the end of this dense pine forest, they would find freedom without involving Sam, the Quassanos, or Ferdi.

However, plans remained plans.

Their steps came to a sudden halt as the blood-smeared sword blocked their path. It wasn’t just in front of their chests; it was right at their necks. The gleaming samurai sword rendered them completely helpless.

“Where do you think you’re going?” Eland asked with a wicked grin. “Do you think you can escape from me, huh?”


Sam was trained for five years to fight when there’s an intruder. At the age of seven, he was already skilled in using blunt weapons, including a staff. He had mastered the art of incapacitating opponents, even with improvised weapons. And if he were equipped with a knife or pistol, his opponents would undoubtedly be helpless.

All of this was because of his father, who had tempered him relentlessly to survive. Despite the tears and the refusal, losing his stubborn and merciless father had shaken him to the core. Everything his father left behind was to prepare Sam for things that could harm him. His intuition sharpened to read his surroundings and protect what needed to be protected.

The Twin Serpents.

The only legacy his father had entrusted him with, which he had to keep guarding until this moment. He should have realized that there would be infiltrators who could cause such chaos. Maybe this hardened part of him also came from his mother’s blood. A beautiful woman with a gentle and compassionate nature, which made him lower his guard a bit. Including his heart, which suddenly became occupied by someone.

The person in front of him now, in a helpless state, trembled as they clung to a blood-soaked figure. Sam knew that figure was an old man who was always nagging. Sometimes he reminded Sam of his father, and his visits would make Sam exhausted and irritated. But that figure wasn’t someone who wanted to possess the Twin Serpents.

Whether it was due to the past relationship between his parents and the Quassanos or because Alfred was just like that. Sam didn’t want to find out now. What was on his mind at the moment was how to avenge everything and everyone who tried to harm Alfred and… Beatrice?

He wouldn’t let Beatrice suffer even a scratch.

“You bastards!” Sam exclaimed.

He fired a shot at the man in the black suit who aimed his weapon at Beatrice. Not satisfied, Sam disabled three people around him with a single shot. Sam stepped forward without fear, even though several shots were fired at him. In Sam’s eyes, they lacked courage. None of the shots hit him. Not a single one.

Consequently, his retaliatory shots sent them tumbling. Helpless and lifeless, as this time Sam aimed for their heads. He didn’t care about his bloodstained hands; all he cared about was Beatrice’s safety.Text © owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

Meanwhile, Jack, who was unprepared for Ute’s frenzied attack, got slashed. His hand was injured, and blood gushed from a wide, gaping wound. “ARGH!” he cried out. The weapon he had been holding fell to the ground.

Ute was delighted to see what had just happened. Once again, she directed the bloody machete at Jack. After that, should she deal with Beatrice or perhaps escape? Whatever. The most important thing was that whoever her opponent was, she had to disable them immediately. Even if it meant facing their death.

However… BANG!

The sound of a gunshot accompanied by a cry erupted from Ute’s lips, abruptly halting her plans. “Damn it!” Her hand went numb. Blood gushed, soaking the floor. The machete she had been gripping fell, bathed in her own blood.

Her hungry eyes roamed, seeking to find out who dared to disrupt her pleasure this time. She didn’t care who was injured. In her eyes, the Twin Serpents sided with the Quassanos. If she couldn’t get to the Quassanos, then her attack had to be directed at someone who would satisfy her. Including injuring Jack.

“I’m here, Ute.” Sam chuckled. His weapon was back in his pocket. He glanced briefly at the approaching figures-his subordinates. “Deal with Alfred immediately, Val. Instruct Ferdi to clean up this place. Ask Hugo to take Beatrice as far away from here as possible.”

“Understood, Boss!” Valdo promptly followed Sam’s instructions.

Meanwhile, Ute grumbled in displeasure. Her eyes hungered, fixed on Sam, who was now approaching her. Although a sudden fear crawled up her spine, Uti didn’t care. If she had to bear Sam’s punishment this time, it didn’t matter. Her eyes were already satisfied with the two people she had successfully injured, including Alfred. Her calculation was that the old man wouldn’t be able to withstand the torn wound in his abdomen. Surely he had been bleeding since earlier.

Ute laughed afterward. “Do your worst, Boss.”

Sam grinned. His eyes continued to gaze sharply at Ute. The person he had trusted all this time, the person he had extended his hand to. The person who had now entangled him in all this chaos, including being the one who suffered the most from the consequences of Ute’s betrayal.

This woman is damn awful. It’s as if her heart has died and she can’t think straight. The headquarters doesn’t have to be a mess, but at least the people who have lived under the same roof. Ute must know them. There’s no way she doesn’t know who they are.

It’s not easy for Sam to believe everything that has happened. But the reality that exists is indeed painful, right?

“I’ll accept all your anger, Sam,” Ute still had a smirk on her lips. “Besides… I’m sure Old Man won’t last much longer.”

Sam’s fist clenched tightly. He continued to step towards Ute. His eyes never left the figure that made every drop of his blood boil.

“I should have injured your lover, not Alfred,” Ute felt the excruciating pain throbbing in her hand. Drops of blood fell one by one. Meanwhile, her other hand tried to stop the bleeding. “So that Old Man understands what it feels like to be in my shoes.”

“Silence,” Sam said with an intimidating tone.

“Why should I be silent?”

Without hesitation, Sam delivered a slap right across the face of the woman who now fell near him. A groan escaped her mouth, but Sam didn’t care. “Get up, you dog!” Sam ruthlessly kicked Ute’s leg. The woman winced in pain as the kick hit one of the pillars in this luxurious house.

Ute disregarded all the pain she was feeling. She struggled to stand up, albeit unsteadily. But after that, she laughed with satisfaction. “You don’t know what it’s like to be me, Sam!”

Without the need for many words, Sam grabbed Ute by her hair. His grip was so tight that it felt as if his hand was ready to create instant baldness on the woman’s head, who was now writhing in pain. Yet, Ute’s eyes never showed a hint of regret. Instead, they seemed to be waiting for Sam to truly lose his temper.

Since Sam was informed of what had really happened, his mind had been processing everything without being present. How terrifying Ute and Joseph’s actions were to him. They were so cunning in throwing the ball to pave the way for their plans. And once everything was carried out, there was no mercy from Joseph or Ute. Leaving a state of turmoil in Sam’s mind.

If that were to happen.

How could he not? The deaths of Beatrice and Alfred were their goals. To destroy the Twin Serpents and keep them in constant conflict with the Eagle Wing, including the basic plan that Joseph had conceived. Making them hold power over Sam’s suffering, even though it wasn’t part of their plan, but the impact could truly leave Sam helpless.

Sam couldn’t imagine if all of that happened. Just seeing Beatrice helpless had already shattered him. What if she got hurt? He wouldn’t let the person who harmed Beatrice take another breath. Sam swore, even if it meant going to hell, he would chase after them. He would continuously inflict the pain Beatrice had endured.

“There’s one thing you need to know, Ute,” Sam whispered. Very softly, he brought the woman who was still writhing in pain closer. He could savor the sound of her labored breathing. Unfortunately, Ute’s gaze didn’t reflect fear at all. Instead, she seemed to be waiting for what Sam would do.

Just like Joseph earlier. That man had successfully brainwashed Ute. Ute acted perfectly to the point that she couldn’t sense any of his moves. Was it because he was too foolish and easily trusted people? But Hugo, Eland, Jack? They were all loyal.

“People like you,” Sam unsheathed his dagger. The dagger adorned with the symbol of the Twin Serpents that he cherished wholeheartedly. Then, with one swift thrust, the dagger pierced Ute’s abdomen. It was clear that Ute was shocked by what Sam did.

“Traitors like you don’t need to live any longer, especially within the Twin Serpents.” Sam rotated the dagger with strong pressure. He didn’t care that his hand was already warm from the oozing blood. He thoroughly enjoyed Ute’s increasing expression of pain.

“Even if you were honest with me, I could still seek revenge in any way.” Sam released his grip on Ute’s hair.

Once again, the woman fell to the ground, moaning in pain. The wound Sam inflicted on her abdomen gaped wide open. The dagger was sharp enough to sever fingers, let alone stirring in her stomach. The pain she felt this time was a thousand times worse than the gunshot wound.

“You know the principle I always uphold in the Twin Serpents?” Sam approached, squatting down while observing every expression of pain on Ute’s face. He brought his hand, still stained with blood, closer to the dagger lodged in her abdomen. Without any mercy, Sam simply pulled out the dagger. Ignoring Ute’s screams and cries of pain.

“The price for a traitor is death, Ute.”

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