
Since their separation, Rulli couldn’t reduce the tension that consumed him. Sitting beside him, casually, was a leader of the Twin Dragons. But Rulli was sure that deep in the ruler’s mind, many things were struggling, especially regarding what had happened today.

Rulli didn’t dare to disturb except with one question, “Where are we heading, Boss?”

“Mansion Alfred,” he replied shortly.

After that, there was no sound from Sam except for a few times when he contacted his trusted people. Rulli was a thousand percent sure that no one would object, no one would defect, and everyone would move in perfect synchronization as desired. Even Rulli drove the car at a fairly high speed. Through the rearview mirror, he could confirm that several cars were also following their movements without asking too many questions.

Leaning back while opening the window, Sam enjoyed his drink bottle not far from him. He also lit his cigar. He was enjoying the journey, which would soon arrive at the destination. His mind was already starting to depict what was happening to him. Unfortunately, he didn’t consider the most cunning way that left him helpless.

Out of all the things that had happened in the past two days, from the attack on Flown, his desire to calculate Gerald and Jimmy, as well as Bella’s figure, the bomb in the hospital, and what made him furious the most-his headquarters being attacked. And damn it, this was what Sam hated the most from the series of events he experienced-Beatrice was there.

The black-haired girl should not have experienced fear and worry because of that terrible tragedy. Plus… Sam’s only hope was Jack’s arrival. He estimated the arrival time of his two subordinates according to what he had requested. Because he knew Eland wouldn’t be able to protect what he needed to guard.

If he acted recklessly, everything would fall apart. Although he had a strong desire to return, he wanted to replace Rulli’s position behind the wheel. No matter what vehicles were in front of him, he could quickly eliminate them as long as he arrived at the headquarters immediately.

But he couldn’t do that.

He couldn’t do it. Pressed by his strong desire to ensure Beatrice was safe. There was one thing he had to do: uncover everything. Because of this, he strengthened his grip on the drink bottle, unaware that the pressure caused it to break again.

“Boss.” Rulli looked terrified. “Boss, I’m not-”

“Focus on the road. Don’t worry about me,” Sam said. His voice sounded calm, deep, full of intimidation, and he didn’t want to be disturbed by anything. Rulli obediently nodded because of it.

Sam took a strong puff of his cigar. He immediately wrapped the broken glass with a torn piece of cloth from his shirt. For him, the scratch was nothing compared to everything he wanted to do to the main puppet master.


Sam’s car began to enter the territory controlled by Quassano. He remembered meeting Eland for the first time on this road. This road also witnessed the cooperation between the Twin Dragons and Quassano, although Sam didn’t want it too much.

If he didn’t remember Alfred’s existence, he wouldn’t have bothered to pass this winding road. He sighed deeply, letting the wind mess up his hair. The road they traveled started to ascend. There were no obstacles at all at every turn they passed. The trailing team members moved like a fast-moving snake, keeping up with their leader. Rulli slowed down slightly as they approached a checkpoint visible from a distance.


Sam understood what Rulli wanted to say. He searched his phone for a specific name. It wasn’t difficult to find, and without hesitation, he pressed the green icon. Soon, the call got a response.


He moved the phone slightly away from his ear as he heard the raging anger on the other end. “Open the main gate for me, Old Man.”


“Don’t hinder me from destroying the other parts of Quassano,” Sam said, raising his body. Although Rulli slowed down the car, Sam looked at him cynically. “Step on the gas, Rulli. Ignore the inspection.”

“Damn you, Sam!”

“My trailing team has all the weapons, Old Man. Your mansion can disappear as soon as I order an airstrike.”

Sam could hear the growl on the other end.

“But no, I don’t want to see the area where we got married in ruins.” Sam grinned.

“Open the access for Sam’s car to enter!”

They simply passed the security checkpoint, following Alfred’s command. There would definitely be no objections there. Sam urged Rulli to press on the gas even harder so they could quickly arrive at the main mansion owned by the leader of Quassano.

“I don’t want anything to be missed from all the incidents, Sam.”

“I have one wish, Mr. Alfred, whom I still respect.” Sam stared straight ahead at the tall black gate that began to open at the end of the road. The magnificent two-story building with a white ambiance and undoubtedly luxurious architecture was starting to become visible. It became clearer as Sam’s car entered the area of the Alfred mansion.

“Don’t blame me if I cause trouble.”

“I don’t care who you want to eliminate, Sam. All I want is for my granddaughter to be safe.”

Alfred couldn’t stop staring at Sam, who was now sitting in front of him. Calm. No trace of fear on his face. His eyes were as cold as the North Pole. The voice that had been explaining and strongly pointing to one name since earlier also caught Alfred completely off guard, so far from his thoughts.

“Are you… sure?” It wasn’t just Alfred’s doubt about the analysis and everything Sam presented as evidence. He couldn’t fathom where Sam had obtained the recordings that were truly terrifying for Alfred to hear.

“I’m telling you this not to support it, Old Man.” Sam reached for the object he had previously played with. He pocketed it quickly and switched to another cigar that he once again enjoyed. “David, could you fetch me your best wine?”

David, who had been in the room where the boss and leader of the Twin Dragons were talking, glanced at his master. There was a nod, indicating that Sam wanted to speak privately. He made sure Sam wouldn’t do anything strange. Alfred also wasn’t afraid to face Sam directly. Although he would definitely be physically overpowered, this was his home. His residence. All his subordinates knew about Sam’s visit this time.

It would be foolish if Sam acted recklessly towards Alfred Quassano.

“They’re targeting the woman I love. The one I eventually admit…” Sam closed his eyes for a moment. “She… Leora Eddith Seraphine Quassano. Did I pronounce her full name correctly?”

Alfred clenched his fists. “I won’t let anyone harm Leora, Sam.”

“The same goes for the Twin Dragons.” Sam chuckled. He sat back down casually, crossing his legs, waiting for what Alfred would say about the person he wanted to strike with all his might. If possible, he wanted to tear apart every bone in their body until nothing remained. Damn it, they dared to mess with the Twin Dragons when he was heading towards a certain point. And… oh my God! What they were after was something precious to Sam.

Beatrice Catalina.

Which Sam eventually admitted, everything made sense regarding the attacks and the methods used.

“I need to know the condition of my granddaughter, Sam. And you,” Alfred pointed without fear. “You’re so calm talking like this? While my granddaughter might be fighting for her life?”

“My woman is a strong one, Mr. Alfred. Maybe because Quassano blood runs through her veins. And being near me is risky enough, she never fears facing any enemy.” Sam laughed, but shortly after, he put out the cigar in his hand. He took out a special phone that allowed him to directly contact three of his most trusted subordinates.

One of them was Jack.

“How is it?” Sam asked without needing any opening greetings.

“Done, Boss. Miss Beatrice is safe. Just a bit shocked that I shot Ute.”

“You killed her?” Sam felt hurt, disappointed, and betrayed. Very much so. The image of Ute in his life while he was at the headquarters was quite clear. Also the assistance Sam extended to her. No, Sam didn’t need an overly dramatized response. He understood that people like Ute needed help.

He accepted her with open arms. Sam didn’t hesitate to involve Ute in several important meetings. He also made sure to give her a crucial position in the Twin Dragons. Unfortunately, it was all repaid with betrayal.

One thing made Sam realize that there was someone planning something much bigger than himself, directing the car to Gerald’s hiding place. That’s why he intentionally split the team into three. Then he went to a specific point to seek revenge for all the anger because, logically, Sam would target that place. Unfortunately, the main puppeteer, the mastermind who might be hiding in his room or even moving towards this place, didn’t realize that Sam had figured out their pattern.

The puppeteer forgot who they were dealing with this time.

He asked Anne to send the coordinates of the unmanned drone sender that bombarded their headquarters. Along with clear photos of the drone model. Sam quickly tracked it without the help of anyone. He had already positioned all his subordinates in their respective places, making sure his assumptions wouldn’t go wrong.

“There’s only one party that can have a drone like this, Sam. Why are you asking me such an obvious question? Where are your spies?” the person on the other end of the phone asked, unbelievingly amused. How could they not? In the midst of his vacation in a tropical country, basking in the scorching sunlight and surrounded by scantily clad beautiful women, he was bothered by a phone call that he found quite intriguing.

It was unusual for the ruler of the Southern Division to contact him directly. Usually, it would be Eland or Hugo who were asked to meet him.

“The buyer is?” Sam asked, needing a complete and accurate answer.

“Quassano, of course. He’s a wealthy man, isn’t he? The weapon is expensive, Sam. And one more thing, it’s rare. It can be controlled remotely and its coordinates can be set. It can’t be detected by any radar.”


“Do you think Quassano is just Alfred alone?”

“Joseph Quassano?”

On the other end, Williem Adam, Sam’s business partner in the illegal white powder trade under the supervision of the Twin Dragons, laughed. “Bingo! I sent you two pink samples, Sam.”

From there, Sam pieced together all the scattered puzzle pieces. Including Uti’s involvement through the CCTV surveillance at the headquarters after the series of explosions occurred. One thing that Sam’s subordinates never knew was that all the communication through the special channels directly connected to him-only a few people that Sam entrusted, including Uti-were scanned by a special encryption system. All those activities were recorded without anyone knowing, even though the device was completely turned off.

At least, this is what also saved Beatrice at the right moment. Otherwise, who knows what Sam would feel now. Perhaps his greatest regret would be meeting Beatrice while she was still alive.

“No. She’ll wake up soon,” Jack said with a laugh. “You want to talk to Miss Beatrice, right, Boss?”


Sam closed his eyes tightly. The image of Beatrice danced in his mind. He was sure she was terrified. She had no preparation to fight. Not to mention the explosion at the headquarters was quite significant. Just three or four hours ago, they were still together. Looking at each other affectionately. Sam was convinced that he couldn’t look away anymore.

Only Beatrice filled his mind.

Now the distance stretched where threats still loomed. He wished he could be in front of Beatrice. Embracing her tightly. But no. There were still things Sam had to do to repay everything. He couldn’t let that person go free. Or maybe, they were formulating a new plan that Sam had to be ready to face.


The voice was trembling. There was a soft sob that Sam could hear.


“You’re scared,” Beatrice said in such a soft voice. “What’s really going on?”

“Don’t be afraid. You have me. I won’t let anything bad happen. Is anyone injured? Are you hurt?”

“No.” Beatrice sobbed softly. “You’re safe. Jack arrived just in time. Hugo said he’s already down below to check the area of the headquarters.”

“Thank goodness.” Sam felt truly relieved now.

“But, Sam,” Beatrice’s voice was slightly strained. She seemed to be trying to hold back her tears. “Ute said that I’m Leora Quassano. Is it true?”

“Yes.” Sam answered with conviction.

“You’re not lying, right?”

“I haven’t hidden anything from you. It’s not that I didn’t want to tell you about this, but, unfortunately, it’s because of this that you got involved in danger.”NôvelDrama.Org: text © owner.

“You don’t understand.”

“You don’t need to understand right now,” Sam laughed. “Follow Jack and Hugo’s instructions. We’ll meet soon.”

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