Uncontrollable Tempration

Chapter 52

I looked through the mirror and gladly saw that it was only Phoebe Woodley, the marketing manager and also one of Sophia’s friends. Her expression was obviously that of shock but I know I won’t have a problem with her. I’m sure Sophia will keep her under control and get her to not say anything. I don’t want to ruin her reputation at the office.

“Phoebe!” Sophia jumped when she noticed her presence. She had already caught us in a compromising position so there was no point trying to hide it.

“Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry. I- I- Just- I’ll just leave.”

“No, Phoebe wait!” Sophia tried calling out to her but she rushed out.

“Oh no! Phoebe!” She was going to run after her but I held her back.

“It’s alright love, don’t worry about Phoebe. Let’s just go to the penthouse now okay?” I pulled her into my arms again.

“No!” She screamed.


“What do you mean ‘no’? We’re going to the penthouse now!” There was no way I was letting anything ruin this opportunity. She had already said yes.

I tried to drag her as gently as I could but she fought and pulled her arms out of my grasp.

“No! I’m not going to the penthouse!” She insisted.

I stared at her in confusion. One minute she was literally begging and ready for me. What could Phoebe’s remote appearance do to change that? Is she embarrassed that we got caught? Because I’m not.

It’s Phoebe anyway, they’re good friends and I’m sure they share their usual female gossips and secrets. This shouldn’t be a surprise to her.

“Okay, okay. Although the penthouse is more comfortable, I could lock the doors this time and we could do it right here.” I improvised.

I took hold of her once more and leaned in for one of those sensual kisses but before I could get far, a sharp pain shot across my face.

“How dare you say that?! I said NO! Get away from me!” She slapped me and pushed me away for good this time.

“Fucccc-” I hissed. The pain on my face intensifying by the second.

She ran out of the restroom, leaving me completely stunned.

What in the world?!

History was repeating itself in a different way. I was stunned and I left with unsatiated desire.

Never have I felt more serious on one thing: carnal satisfaction, with Sophia Parker. I burned from head to toe with it. It irked me that I had been so close to taking her upstairs but that Phoebe nuisance came to ruin the show. If she wasn’t a friend of Sophia then I would definitely have her fired right now.

I was so frustrated with the whole situation, I just wanted to punch something! I looked at my reflection through the glass in front of me and it took a huge amount of physical and mental energy not to break it with my fist.

I left the restroom instead but I wasn’t going to go after Sophia. I’ve learned my lesson but this time I won’t give up like other times. I will continue to fight and do anything possible to have her. Right now I would give her some space. Tomorrow I will deal with her.


Sophia Parker

“Phoebe, please wait! I need to talk to you!” I called after her. “What you saw was-”

“A mistake?” She finished for me.

“No, that not what I wanted to say. It wasn’t what it looked like. He mauled me, I swear!”

“And why do you have to justify that to me?” She stopped walking away and stood to face me, crossing her arms in confrontation.

“Because… I- You-” I couldn’t find the right words. My head was still recovering from the daze I was in just a few moments ago.

“Sophia, you should know better than to play with two men’s heart at the same time. Especially when one does not deserve it.” She referred to Sean.

“I’m not playing with anyone’s heart, I promise. What happened there was a mistake. I didn’t mean to, he just came at me.” I tried to make her understand but she wouldn’t. She probably didn’t like me at this very moment.

I know she still has feelings for Sean and seeing me with him one minute and with Mr Wilson in the next obviously made her unhappy.

“I don’t care about what I saw Sophia! You know I very much welcome the idea of you and Mr Wilson together. My only problem is that you’re using Sean and he doesn’t deserve it! Ild rather you just keep him out of this! You can’t keep denying yourself from your true feelings and forcing yourself on Sean! That is pathetic.” She spat.

My eyes welled up with tears. She was right. I know I have feelings for Sean, but what I feel for Adam is way stronger. The way he had touched me and how I instantly responded was good evidence of that.

“I’ve never known you to be a hypocrite Sophia, so stop acting like one. I’m only telling you this as a friend, not because I still have feelings for Sean. Watching you with him is bare torture.”

She said everything in a way that made me feel terrible. I felt like a completely mean person.

“I’m so sorry.” I cried convulsively. “I didn’t know that was how you felt. But please, promise me one thing. That you wouldn’t tell him or anyone about this.”

“I won’t say a word. But for the mean time, please keep your distance. I’m kind of upset with you.”

She walked away from me.

I wouldn’t blame her for being upset. I thought I was done with Mr Wilson and I could move on safely with Sean, but I’m not. His touch had taken me to another place and I cringed inwardly as I remembered how I begged for it.

Annoyed with myself for not being able to resist him, I went to my office. I noticed some chocolates on my desk. This wasn’t the first time he bought this type for me and I had to admit that they were very nice. But right now I tossed them into the bin. I don’t want anything from him! Tears were still gushing out as I grabbed my things and called a taxi. I was going home.Content is © by NôvelDrama.Org.

I felt so irritated with what I did and I didn’t want to see anyone by any chance today. I just needed to leave.


The first thing I did was take a hot bath, washing away any imprint of Mr Wilson from my body. My belly flipped over and I ruthlessly quashed the memory of what happened in the ladies room. I still couldn’t believe it had happened…

I never knew I could be so weak and let my guard down so easily for him.

I wish there was a way to speed up my resignation process. How am I going to face Sean after this. Wasn’t this classified as cheating?

My phone rang after I got dressed from my bath. It was Sean.

With shaky hands, I picked it up.

“Hey…” I breathed.

“Hey Sophia. How are you?”


“You sure you okay? Because I heard you left work immediately after you left the conference room. Is everything alright?”

“Yes I’m fine. I’m just not feeling well.” I lied.

“You didn’t seem sick at all today. Do you want me to come over?”

“Oh no! Please don’t! I’m good.”

“What if I tell you I’m on my way? I’m point five miles away already.”


I couldn’t tell him to turn back now could I?

“Okay, I’ll be waiting.”

“See you soon.” He said and ended the call.

He’s coming over. Why did I get so nervous all of a sudden? Surely he doesn’t know anything yet but he needs to and I have to be the one to tell him, not someone else. But how do I do that?

In less than 15 minutes there was a knock on the door. I had already changed into something suitable and arranged a bit.

I opened the door and saw him smiling on the other side. Guilt arrested me and I felt like a horrible person.

“Hey.” He smirked.

“I have something to tell you!” I blurted out randomly.

Way to go!

He looked at me and raised any eyebrow.

“Well, at least can I come in first?”

“Yes.” I dragged him in and closed the door. He looked worried.

“Is it an urgent matter?” He questioned.

“Well… something happened today and I have to tell you. I feel terribly guilty and I’m so sorry in advance but Mr Wilson kissed me today. I didn’t mean to, I tried to stop him I swear! But he didn’t listen.” I said in a rush.

The expression on his face did not change at all, he seemed as though it was a normal thing to him.

“Why do you feel guilty about that?”

“Isn’t that cheating?”

He laughed. I don’t understand why he wasn’t angry or upset.

“Cheating on who Sophia? We’re not dating so it’s not. You shouldn’t feel guilty.”

“But what about what we had?”

“We’re a lost cause Sophia. I always knew your feelings for Adam never went away. I see it in your eyes anytime he’s near. Even when he wasn’t around, I could tell that you missed him very much. I know you’re trying to forget about him but it’s no use.”

“I- I- don’t want to feel this way Sean, honestly. I want to be free from him. He’s no good for me. You’re a much better person for me.”

“No.” He shook his head. “I already have my guard up. I was falling for you at first but I realized that you can never feel for me the same way as Adam.”

“No! Stop saying that! I can! If you just let me, I would!”

Why does everyone keep saying the same thing??? Why does everyone think I can never feel for any other person than Mr Wilson??? That wasn’t true!

“Shhh, it’s okay. Don’t cry Sophia.” I didn’t even know when the tears started falling. He pulled me into his arms and hugged me.

“He did it forcefully. I didn’t want to.” I cried in his chest.

“Are you telling me that at any point, you didn’t give in? And that you resisted him throughout?”

I couldn’t answer that because the truth was humiliating. And I didn’t want to lie to Sean.

“I wouldn’t blame him for what he did today.” He said.

I pulled back stunned at what he said. “What do you mean by that?”

“I saw him, throughout the meeting today his eyes were on you. Not once did he stop looking at your legs. Remember I told you earlier that the length of your skirt was aggravating? Perhaps that was what left him disturbed and forced him to do what he did.”

“Don’t try and defend him. You’re blaming my skirt for this just like he did.” I scowled at him. I remember Mr Wilson calling me out for it and saying it was the cause of his problems.

“I’m not defending him. I’m a guy and if I were in his position, I most likely would have done the same thing.”

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