Trapped with My Billionaire Ex-Husband

Chapter 100

Chapter 100


Every muscle screamed in agony, and it felt like fire was coursing through my veins. I squinted against the bright light streaming from the ceiling as I slowly tried to open my eyes. The stark whiteness of the room, the sterile smell, and the faint beeping of machines confirmed that I was in a hospital room.

As I tried to piece together what had happened, I overheard voices at the foot of my bed. They were arguing, and I quickly decided to feign unconsciousness.

"I told you to wait for us! Why didn't you listen to me? What if instead of saving Blaire, you both got yourselves killed?" one voice said, filled with frustration and concern. I didn't recognize him, but the urgency in his tone suggested he was someone who cared deeply about Sebastian.

"And what if I had listened to you and arrived a minute too late?" Sebastian countered, his voice strained but resolute. "They were about to kill Blaire. If I hadn't gotten there before your team, she might have been dead by now."

There was a pause, filled with the heavy silence of conflicting emotions. Then the other man let out a loud, exasperated sigh. "That was stupid and reckless, but brave. I hate to admit it, but you're right."

As I lay there, the urge to reveal that I had regained consciousness battled with my instinct to remain silent. More than that, the sudden flood of memories that had come back was almost too much to process. Yet something inside me told me to hold back. Maybe it was fear, or perhaps a sense of self-preservation, but I knew I needed to piece things together before sharing what I knew.

"I'm sorry, Atlas," Sebastian continued, his voice a mixture of guilt and determination. "I just couldn't wait. I couldn't risk losing her again."

"We could have lost you both. But," he sighed again, "I understand why you did it. Just... be more careful next time."

"I'm making sure there won't be any next time," he responded.

I heard the door open and close as people came and went; the room was filled with the sterile scent of antiseptics and the soft beeping of medical machines. The pain in my body was a dull, constant ache, but the emotional turmoil was even more intense.

Sebastian and Atlas continued their conversation, but their voices faded into the background as I grappled with my thoughts. Should I tell them I was awake? Should I reveal that my memories have returned? The weight of the past, now fully remembered, pressed heavily on my chest.

In the end, I decided to keep quiet for now. I needed time to understand everything and process the memories and emotions swirling inside me. The truth would come out eventually, but not yet.

As I lay there, feigning unconsciousness, I listened to their conversation, hoping to gather any useful information.

"Atlas, we need to increase security around Blaire," Sebastian said, his voice urgent. "If Catherine and Grant were able to get to her, who knows what else they have planned?"This content © Nôv/elDr(a)m/a.Org.

"Catherine is dead," Thompson replied. "What could have possibly happened?"

Sebastian sighed. "I know, I just... I can't help but feel responsible. If I had been more careful, if I had acted sooner,

"Stop blaming yourself," Atlas said firmly. "We're all doing our best here. The important thing is that Blaire is safe now, and we need to keep it that way."

That's when I decided to move to let them know that I'm finally awake.

"Hey, you're awake," Sebastian said as he practically ran beside me and held my hand.

As I looked into his gentle eyes, I remembered the man that I fell in love with. It seems like he came back to the same gentle soul that I used to cherish. It reminds me why I loved him in the first place.

But those were ages ago. So many things have happened, and we're not the same people that we used to be. I can't let my feelings cloud my judgment the way they did in the past.

"Where's Blaze? I want to see him," I blurted out, unable to hold back the surge of maternal longing that swept over me.

Both Sebastian and Thompson looked stunned, their eyes widening in unison as they processed my request.

"Blaire, do you perhaps... recover your memory?" Sebastian asked, his voice tinged with a mixture of hope and anxiety.

I stared at him for a minute, weighing my options. Part of me wanted to reveal the truth, to share the flood of memories and emotions that had returned. But another part of me, the part that had learned to be cautious, decided against it. I wasn't ready to expose everything just yet.

"No, I haven't," I replied slowly, watching the myriad of emotions play across Sebastian's face. "But being shot three times and still being able to live makes me want to seize every moment of my life. And if, according to you, I have a son, then I want to see him as soon as possible."

Sebastian's expression shifted from hope to relief, but I could also see a flicker of disappointment in his eyes. He wanted me to remember, so everything will come back to the way it was. Yet there was also a part of him that seemed relieved that I was still somewhat in the dark.

"Of course, Blaire," he said, his voice softening. "I'll make arrangements for Blaze to come here. He'll be so happy to see you."

Atlas nodded, a faint smile touching his lips. "I'll handle the details, Sebastian."

Sebastian nodded, gratitude in his eyes. "Thank you, Atlas. I appreciate it."

As Atlas left the room to make the necessary calls, Sebastian turned back to me. "Blaire, I'm so glad you're awake. I was so scared I was going to lose you again."

His words tugged at my heart, and for a moment, I almost told him everything. But I held back; I don't know what's going on inside his head. When I lost my memory, he kept on insisting that I was his wife when we were clearly separated already. Is she trying to hide the truth from me so I won't leave?

"Thank you for saving me," I said softly.

He shook his head, a determined look in his eyes. "Nothing matters more to me than you and Blaze. I'll do whatever it takes to keep you both safe."

A few hours later, I heard the sound of small footsteps racing down the hall. The door burst open, and a young boy with bright eyes and a wide smile came rushing in. Blaze. My heart ached with a fierce, protective love as he threw himself into my arms. "Mommy!" Blaze cried, his voice full of joy and relief. "I missed you so much!"

Tears filled my eyes as I hugged him tightly, my heart swelling with a fierce, protective love. "I missed you too, Blaze," I whispered, my voice choked with emotion. "I missed you so much."

His little arms wrapped around my neck, holding on as if he would never let go. I could feel the rapid beat of his heart against my chest, and the warmth of his small body soothed the lingering fear inside me. In that moment, everything else faded away-the danger, the confusion, and the secrets. All that mattered was the warmth of Blaze's embrace and the overwhelming love that filled the room.

Sebastian stood nearby, his eyes filled with tenderness as he watched us. There was a softness in his gaze, a quiet relief that mirrored my own. For a moment, we were a family united by love and hope, the dark shadows of the past held at bay by the light of this reunion. "Look at you, buddy," Sebastian said, stepping closer and ruffling Blaze's hair. "You've gotten so big since the last time I saw you, which, by the way, was only a few weeks ago," he chuckled.

Blaze beamed up at him. "I can reach the top shelf now, Dad! Just like you!"

Sebastian chuckled, a genuine smile spreading across his face. "That's impressive, champ. You're growing up so fast."

Blaze pouted his lips before admitting, "But I can only be reached with a ladder."

I held Blaze a little tighter, savoring the sound of his laughter and the feel of his warm breath against my neck. "Tell me everything, Blaze. What have you been up to while I've been away?" Blaze's eyes sparkled with excitement. "I've been learning how to ride my bike without training wheels! And I drew a picture of our family for school. It's hanging up in the kitchen!"

My heart melted at his words. "I can't wait to see it. You always make the best pictures."

Sebastian glanced at me, his expression a mix of love and concern. "Why don't we let Mommy take a rest for now?"

Blaze's eyes filled with worry as he clung to my side. "No! I'm scared that Mommy will go away for a long time again. I don't want to leave her side!"

"But, Blaze," Sebastian began, his voice gentle but firm, "Mommy needs to rest to get better."

I placed a reassuring hand on Blaze's shoulder, feeling his small body tense with fear. "It's okay, Sebastian. I have already rested. I don't mind having him around," I insisted, despite the hospital setting and the aching pain all over my body. Being with Blaze brought me a comfort that no medicine could provide. I wanted to be beside him to reassure him and myself that we were together.

Blaze's face lit up with relief, and he hugged me even tighter. "See, Dad? Mommy wants me here."

Sebastian sighed, a look of resignation crossing his face. "Alright, Blaze. But if Mommy gets tired, you have to promise to let her rest, okay?"

Blaze nodded vigorously. "I promise, Dad. I just want to be with Mommy."

Sebastian blew a loud sigh before sitting down beside us on the hospital bed. "Why don't we just stay here together for a while? We can tell stories or talk about your favorite things, Blaze. How does that sound?"

Blaze's eyes sparkled with excitement. "Can we talk about my favorite superhero, Mommy?"

"Of course, sweetheart," I replied, ruffling his hair. "Tell me all about your favorite superhero."

As Blaze animatedly described his favorite superhero's latest adventures, I found myself immersed in his world. His excitement and innocence were a balm to my weary soul. Sebastian listened intently, occasionally glancing at me with a mixture of admiration and concern. Blaze's stories continued, his voice full of enthusiasm. "And then, the superhero saved the day again! Just like you, Mommy. You're my superhero."

Tears welled up in my eyes at his words. "That is so sweet, honey."

The room was filled with the warmth of our little family, and for a moment, the pain and uncertainty faded away.

As Blaze continued his storytelling, his eyes began to droop, and he yawned widely. "Mommy, can I stay with you until I fall asleep?"

"Of course, sweetheart," I said softly. "You can stay right here with me."

Blaze snuggled closer, his small body fitting perfectly against mine. I held him close, feeling his warmth and the steady rhythm of his breathing.

The night wore on, and eventually, Blaze's eyes closed, his breathing deep, and even as he drifted off to sleep,.


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