The Wolf In Me

Chapter 75: Part 3 Lessons Learnt

Chapter 75: Part 3 Lessons Learnt

Luka's Pov

"This was your first experience, Mason. Don't beat yourself too hard," I started, knowing how he was feeling as we walked into his bedroom back home.

As a father, I try hard to comfort him the best I can just like my dad used to do whenever I end up in trouble. For a moment I peeped out of the window which was slightly opened and I inhaled deeply to allow the freshness of the outside air to fill my lungs.

"I remember my first time leading a small group of the pack," I cackled looking down for a moment, taking myself back on that day.

"I bet it was better than mine."

Turning around to face him I smiled and softened my voice further, trying to emphasise that I was not upset.

"That's the thing actually, it was just like yours. We were surrounded by some vampires. I was to lead the pack to start getting familiar with leadership and the know-how of dealing with problems as the soon to be leader of the pack. Father asked me to bring one vampire back home for questioning but instead of obeying his orders, I decided to kill every single one of them thinking that my decision was a better one. You can only imagine what happened when I returned home," I explained, raising an eyebrow at Mason.

The room was quiet for a while as I gaped at him, noticing his facial expression changing from a thoughtful one into a faint smile.

"Thanks for understanding me, dad. I wish I would be just like you when I have my pups."

"We live to learn son, we live to learn," I tapped at his shoulder and started walking my way out of his room.

"And I am sure that you will be a great dad when the time comes. It's written in our genes."

I winked at him before disappearing from his sight, making a slight joke out of a tense circumstance. The only problem was that the situation was going to be worsened after our pack murdered the beta of the yellow stone pack. Who knows what is waiting for us at the end of the line. I had to come up with a plan and discuss it with alpha Dale before the time comes.

Mason's POV

I chuckled, repeating dad's last words in a whisper after he disappeared, knowing that he tried to be the usual funny dad.

"I couldn't ask for a better father," I mumbled, looking at the picture frame on my clean desk, thanks to the omega cleaners.

After the short chat, I felt a little better, though I knew that now I needed to help dad think of a solution to end the fight with the yellow stone pack as fast as possible.

Somehow the day passed way too quickly and soon enough it was getting dark. I almost slept on the desk as I was writing down different plots I was coming up with whilst scratching my head to share them with the council which I knew I had to meet in a few hours.

"Still up?"

I turned to see my mother standing at the door, holding two mugs of coffee.

"Sort of. I am tired but can't sleep. What happened during the fight is still in my head. I hate to disappoint you and dad. Not being able to control my wolf is unacceptable. So I am trying to fix the

problem I got us into by thinking of a good way to stop the fight as early as possible," I said widening my eyes for a moment to get some energy into them.

As always she smiled at me, walking further into my bedroom, handing me my warm mug.

"You know I am always proud of you and your sister, right? Nothing will stop me from loving you."

I looked down at the mug and drank a few sips of it. Nodding, I returned a smile but remained quiet for some time.

Just having her company was enough to make me feel better. She was the most gentle of wolves especially with us. Her subtle voice would make even the most anxious person feel at ease.

"I am going to make you proud mother, I promise. I will come up with a good plan to avoid further injuries or deaths and make all the packs united once again like the good old days."

Taking the last bit of the coffee I turned back to my paperwork and started writing down more ideas. Kissing my forehead she took my mug and left the room to give me some space to concentrate. I spent hours plotting different ways before my eyes couldn't take it any longer and I fell into a deep sleep on the desk. Têxt © NôvelDrama.Org.

It was already eight o'clock in the morning when I woke up with panic as I looked at the watch almost missing the meeting with the council.

Collecting all the paperwork I rushed out of my room, not realising that I was still with my pyjamas, so I had to run back in to change into a more presentable outfit.

"Shoot, shoot," I mumbled, choosing my clothes from the wardrobe.

Wearing my white shirt and blue jeans I gathered the papers again and rushed down to my father's office, slowing myself down as I entered the room, hoping no one would notice I was coming in late.

"Ah, welcome son. Now we can start the discussion and share our best ideas. Would you like to start?" he asked, looking at me, nodding towards my paperwork.

Fixing my throat I sat down on the last empty chair I found, placing my stuff on dad's desk. I looked at everyone for a moment before I picked out one of the papers from the pile.

"I spent the whole night plotting out how to win a fight without the need for violence. It was not an easy task knowing how alpha Marcus is hard-headed and so difficult to persuade. But, I thought I...we, should make our way to their territory holding up a white flag in a way to show that we come in peace and calmly discuss how we can resolve the matter."

"Excuse my manners for being so straight forward but are you out of your mind? Alpha Marcus will not be convinced and would probably kill whoever gets close to him right now. What an absurd idea. I expect far better ideas than this!" One of the councillors blurted standing from his seat.

"Enough of your talk and take your seat!" Father growled, standing up, "we are here to listen to everyone's ideas and opinions without judging one another. My son is still learning but I will give him his space to share his strategies. This is how we all learn, no matter how experienced or inexperienced we are. How many of you came up with a plan? Anyone?" He asked looking at every person in the room as we all stayed still and quiet in shock of dad's reaction.

"Thought so," he added, breaking the silence as he rested his arms against the table, "son, what else have you written down that you would like to share with us this morning?"

Looking back down at the papers I flicked through them, observing everything I wrote the night before, hoping that there was a great idea somewhere between my grasp.

"I have a plan and I hope that you will like it this time, council. We can do something unexpected and this is what we will do!" I started, smiling at them eager to share my idea.

Standing up from my seat I turned the page to show them the scruffy drawings of my plot.

"Well," I shifted my hand towards the first drawing on the top part of the paper, illustrating my plan until I reached the bottom part showing the result of my proposal.

For a moment the room was quiet as I was noticing each person's expression changing and eyes connecting from one to the other. Momentarily I felt a tinge of another failed proposal and so I sat back down feeling disappointed.

"Well?" Dad started, raising his eyebrows as he moved his fingers around his beard as he always does when he is deep in thought.

"I think that this is a great strategy Mr Garry Junior," alpha Dale said from the other side of the table forming a smile.

Everyone mumbled and nodded in agreement making me happy that my hard work paid off and that my ideas were validated. Shifting into a more relaxed position I grinned looking at everyone as I felt proud of myself.

"So, let the games begin," dad said smiling, standing up from his seat to make the rest of us follow his lead.

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