The Twin Brothers

Chapter 45: I’m Rosie Thaver

Damien targeting the twin? But why? It had been days since Liana thinking about this. The brothers didn’t even check on her. She spends her time on training and training. Sometimes, Adam and Felix’s helped train her, sometimes it was Terry or Alfano. Honestly, she misses the brothers. Their sweet talk and warm touch.

The way they babied her.

Liana sits on the ground and takes off her boxing gloves. Her skills in fighting and shooting got better. But still, need to practice a lot. “You look bored.” The voice makes her jump a bit. The girl turns her head and saw Asher walking in.

“No… Not really. ” She looks down.

“Where’re the brothers? Didn’t they already… Be your partner? ” He asks as he gets inside the ring. Liana stood up, looking at him with glares. “Geez, don’t look at me like that. I’m just asking.”

“They busy. I want to help but… they send me away.” Liana pouts.

Ash giggles. “I guess, they blame you, yeah?” He arches his eyebrows. The girl nods. He took out one boxing glove and wear it.Text © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

“I think it’s my fault. I shouldn’t have made them busy for me. Now, Matthias got taken.” She blames herself. When heard Asher scoffs, she gazed at him.

“Is this the part of how the leader be? Seriously?” He chuckles.

“If you come here just to mock me, better go away.” Liana frowns. She was about to turn around but the guy quickly locks her neck with his arms from behind. The action makes her shocked. “What are you doing!?”

“If you are a leader, fighter, show me. Prove it.” Ash whispers.

The lock was too tight. She struggled to escape. “You know our sizes were so much different?” She sighs.

“Sizes didn’t matter, my lady. Strength matters. Not physically but mentally.” He tightens his grip. Liana starts to suffocate in his grip. “If you are a leader, you know how to think positively and handle this type of situation.”

Tears forms inside her eyes. What he said was true. She holds his arms around her neck and pulls him in front. Once Asher was on the ground, she was about to punch him but he quickly dodges it by rolling away.

“That’s more like it.” He smirks and stood up.

“Is this the way you apologized?” The girl asks.

“Kinda.” He shrugs his shoulder. “Now show me what the brothers and the other taught you this past few weeks, my lady.” Ash brings his fist up and smirks his face.

“Gladly.” She grins.

The match was intense. There’s no one but two people having a match in the ring. Leader and her people. Everything she learn these past few weeks paid off. She has to push aside her baby aside away for a while. Just this time though.

Liana swings her legs, hitting the guy’s head. When Ash lost focus, she quickly kicked his stomach and punched his face. Asher falls to the ground with a bleeding nose but still has his proud smile.

“I shouldn’t have doubted you at first.” He chuckles.

“You shouldn’t.” Liana smiles. She pulls her hands out and Ash accepts her help without any words. “I’m sorry if I hit you hard–oh. I did it hard.” Concern washed over her when saw his bleeding nose.

“Are you kidding me? This bleeding nose is nothing but your energy is something. You are right. Each one of us needs to have something to comfort us. Having a baby side, are not wrong. I’m sorry for… you know. Everything?” Ash looks down, rubbing his neck.

“It’s okay, Ash. I know you couldn’t accept someone replacing Thaver’s place.” She pats her shoulder and gets down from the ring while Ash cleans the mess.

She packed her stuff and her phone rang. The ID showed it was an unknown number. She knows who it is since he told her she can’t save his number. Before picking it up, Liana looks over at Ash who cleans the stuff.

“Hello?” She lowers her voice.

“Liana, you have to hurry!!!” Alex whispers yell. He’s hiding behind the wall.

“Why? What’s wrong?”

“Damien will set a trap. The brother finally found my father’s location and they will come here. You better stop them before Damien kill them!!” He yells.

The door bursts open, it was Alfano breathless. He looks like he running from someone. Asher who wipes his sweat looks at his senior with confusion. “Brother, what’s wrong?”

“The twin… we have to go save them.” Alfano looks at her with panic.

Without any words, Liana hangs up. Alex understands why so he sends the location of Matthias immediately. Liana went out followed by the two guys. “Prepared our men. I want two snipers to back up us.” She said, grabbing her hoodie and wearing it. Cara and Kelvin who are about to meet Liana, stop walking. “Cara, try to scan the place and find if they set any trap for us.”

“On it.”

“Kelvin, try to contact them, Adam or Felix or whoever it is.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

Liana turns around, “Al, Ash, you two follow me.” They nod. Terry comes and hands the gun to their leader.

Leo and Enzo leaning on the wall. Adam who ready to kick the door earning a sign from Enzo. He kick the door and aimed his gun, ready to shoot. Unfortunately, it is empty.

“Clear.” He informs.

Felix take a lead. He looks around followed by the others. “Weird. Why no men are guarding here?”

“Something is wrong,” Leo mumbles.

Suddenly, someone shot when they walk into the new hallway. “Felix, Adam. Kill those men. We will find another way.” Enzo spokes. The two guys salute, obeying their boss.

The brothers find another way. There’s a man they found and have to kill. After a few minutes, they found the door. Leo gives a nod to his brother. With that, Enzo slams the door open. Matthias hanging there, bleeding.


“Saving you old man.” Leo sighs, still facing the door. Who knows people might walk in and shoot them. “Now, we have to free you–”

“No!! You have to leave, now!!” Matthias’s words make the two guy frowns in confusion.

Damien who watches through CCTV only smirks. His finger itch to press the button and explode that building. He just needs to wait until the right time. The guy who is being tied in front of him glares at him.

“Trust me. You just wasting your time.” Alex states. Bruise and small wounds on his face and body. He is caught betraying. Now, he got the consequences.

“Oh boy. I wait for a long for this to happen. My father’s wishes and revenge finally happened.” He chuckles.

The car park with the sound of tired friction. Liana and the others went out to see some of the twin men outside. Waiting. Once they saw the girl, they straighten their body.

“Where are they!?” She asks.

“Inside, my lady.”

She rushes inside with Alfano and Asher. Liana connects her earpiece to talk with Cara. “Cara, is there something here?”

“You guys definitely have to leave now!! There’s a bomb inside!!” The woman informs. “I will try to defuse it!!” She added.

“Find Adam and Felix. I’m sure they are somewhere.” She ushers the two guys away which they obey. Her heart beat rapidly thinking of losing the twins. “LEO!!! ENZO!!”

Her screaming reaches the twins. When they help the old man down, they heard Liana’s voice. The brother’s exchange looks in confusion. Didn’t that girl stay at home?

“What is Liana doing here!?” Matthias looks at them in horror.

“What’s wrong?” Leo asks.

“This is a trap, I told you!!”

Liana stood there breathlessly. She felt relief to see the twins were okay. Well, of course, Matthias also. “We have to go now.”

“Baby, what are you–”

“Bomb will explode any time!!” She cuts Enzo off.

They rushed to the exit door. on the way there, Liana found a CCTV. She furrows her eyebrows and took a step forward towards it. Damien who saw through the computer also staring at her eyes.

“Even if you want to kill them, I would never ever, back down. You kill my loved one. You manipulate people son. I promise you, Damien.” She aimed the gun at the CCTV camera. “I’m Rosie Thaver. I promise you, I will end your life with my own hand. With my own blood. It didn’t matter how long it takes.” With that, she shot the CCTV.

Damien press the button but nothing happened. No explode. He slams the desk and groans. Alex who saw it just smirks. “Fuck!! What she thinks herself?”

“You don’t know? Let me tell you.” Alex smirks. “She… one and the only one, Thaver’s daughter. Thaver’s blood. Her name is ROSIE THAVER. The one who will end your stupid generation task.”

His words only give Damien fuming in anger. “Send this dickhead to the basement!! Before I kill him!!” His guards quickly grab Alex and ragged him outside who laughing maniacally.

His broad chest went up and down with his breath so heavy. How can the innocent girl have that type of side? Damien clenching fist while his other hand gripping the gun.

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