The Twin Brothers

Chapter 25: Get Away From My Daughter!!!


She screamed in pain when feeling her stomach being shot. Blood dripping on the sea. Her shaky hand touches her stomach, and her palms cover with her own blood. The beeping of her smartwatch becomes loud, her vision become blurred and her breath unstable.

Adam took out his gun and start shooting that guy but miss. The mystery guy gets up and runs from that place. Adam didn’t waste his time but run after him. Leo picks up the girl, rushing toward their car.

“Felix go follow Adam!! Meet us at the hospital!!” Enzo order.

“Yes sir!!” He said before following his friend.

Liana already passed out in Leo’s arms. Enzo starts to drive when everything settles. No one talks during their journey toward the hospital. But their eyes and heart held so much emotion. Pain, sadness, scared, and anger. Someone important to them just got shot and it is not them who got it.

His grip on the steering wheel becomes tight, ready to kill anyone who plans to kill Darliana. Leo tries his best to cover the wound to prevent more blood from coming out.

Soon enough, they arrive. Enzo got out and yell, “WE NEED HELP HERE!! HURRY THE FUCK UP!!!” Everyone was shocked to see the twins here with a little girl in Leo’s arms.

Some nurse came to bring trolly for Liana to laid. They push it to the emergency room. “She loses too much blood Faster!! Faster!!” One nurse said, probably the leader here. They arrive at the emergency room.

Before the twins could follow, the nurse stop them. “I’m sorry, s–sir. But, you can’t get in. You must wait here.” The nurse looks down, not going to pee herself in fear.

They didn’t say anything but just groaned. Enzo sits with his head in his hands while Leo sits in the chair opposite of him. His face might be blank but it holds a lot of emotion. How can they let this happen?

“Sir.” The same nurse called.

“What?” Enzo grunts.

“W–We need the patient’s name.” She said.

“Darliana.” Enzo answers. “Anything else?” He asks. As much as he wants to bring Liana to their private doctor, he can’t. From the beach to their house, takes too much time. Liana wouldn’t make it.

“Her last name?” She asks again but earns a ‘no’ from Leo. “Can we h–have her parent’s number?” Enzo took her phone out of his pocket and give it to her. Liana asks him to hold it for her when they play at the beach.

“We will call the relative of the patient. Can we know who you guys are to her?” The nurse asks.

“We were her friend.” Enzo sighs in annoyance. He doesn’t want to say that.

The nurse nods and excuses herself.


Hours by hours passed. How can it be this long? While they trying to calm their mind and pray, the footsteps running, seem to get near. Leo opened his eyes and saw a group of families with panic walking toward them. But it seem like they didn’t notice their presence.

“Honey!! My daughter!!” The women cried.

“I think she is still inside.” The man answers.

Suddenly, one girl spokes to Enzo. “You are Lorenzo and Leonardo!?” The girl said. Leo stood up and went beside his brother. “I told you Liana telling the truth!!” She smacks another guy’s arms.

Out of a sudden, that guy grabs Enzo’s collar, making him stand up. “WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY LIL SIS, YOU BASTARD!!??” He yells. He doesn’t care whether these guys are dangerous or not but his sister is more important.

“Ivan!! Stop!!” His mother pulls her back.

“No, mum!! These guys who bring Liana into their dangerous world!!! I told Liana not to but I know these two guys wouldn’t stop following her!!” Ivan bursts out in anger.

“Iv!! Stop! That’s not true!!” Jessica pushes her boyfriend back. Enzo fixing his collar watching the scene. “I know they wouldn’t do that towards Liana!”

“How did you know!? If not because of them, Darliana wouldn’t be laying in the hospital room right now!!” He yells back.

“We didn’t do anything.” Leo spokes.

“Oh yeah? Then, what is that?” He points at the emergency door. “Because of you guys’ enemy, she hurt!!”

“So, it’s true Liana be friends with you.” The mother mumbles. “You hurt my daughter.” She shed a tear.

“It’s unexpected. You have to believe it.” Enzo clenched his jaw.

“No, it not. This wouldn’t happen if you guys stay away from my daughter.” Their father spokes full of anger. He stands in front of Enzo and Leo. “I don’t want you guys et my daughter anymore. Even contact with her.” He speaks in a low tone but harshly.

“We can’t do that. Our enemy aims her.” Enzo glares at him.

“We don’t need your help, bastard. Get the fuck away here.” Ivan spits it out.

Adam and Felix came running, sweating. They saw the scene and immediately shut their mouth. The air seems tense with Enzo clenching his fists and Leo hiding his angry expression. Meanwhile, the old man glared at the twin, and one guy held his anger.

“I don’t think this is the right time,” Adam whispers to Felix.

“You think so? But we have to. this is urgent!!” Felix said.

He takes a deep breath before talking. “Leo, Enzo. We need you.” His voice drew attention to him. Ivan scoffs and walks toward them. “Okay. This is no good.”

“I told you!!” Adam scolds him.Belonging © NôvelDram/a.Org.

“Oh, so this your men?” He scoffs. “Tell your boss to get the fuck away from my Lil sis!! Because of you guys, she becomes the victim here!!” Ivan yells.

“My boss is not that cruel man. This is unexp–”

“That’s bullshit. Get out now, men.” Ivan pushes his shoulder.

“Don’t you think that was rude?” Felix arches his eyebrows.

Before anyone could answer, the nurse came out. “Darliana?” The twins are about to step forward but the old man stops them.

“Don’t even think about it. Starting now, I don’t want to see you and your twin, with my daughter anymore. Even contact her.” With that, he and the other family member walk in except for Jessica.

She stops and turns around. “I’m sorry about their behavior.”

“Yeah. They seem… nice?” Adam jokes a little bit.

“They are just protective over Liana. Look…” She crosses her arms. “Take this. I will tell you guys if they are not here. So that, you can visit her.” She handed over Liana’s second phone. “I know you guys wouldn’t hurt her.” With that, she walks into the emergency room.

The tension still fills the air. Adam and Felic exchange looks before turning to the twins. They just stared at the emergency door, eager to see the girl. But, they know her family wouldn’t let them. Leo clenched his fist and turned toward the two friends.

“Got him?” He asks.

“No, sir. He manages to escape. We’re sorry.” Adam looks down in disappointment.

“It’s fine. We will get him anyway.” Enzo spokes. “Now, is something urgent you want to tell?” He asks.

Felix take out the piece of paper and gave it to him. “I found that letter outside our house. They start targeting Darliana. I don’t know how they know about her but in my theory, there must be related to the rat you told Mat about yesterday.” He explains.

When Enzo opens the letter, they write something about threatening them with Darliana. If they didn’t hand over the Thaver clan, they will continue doing this toward Darliana. Even worse, kidnapping her. Enzo sighs heavily, ripping the paper and throwing it on the ground.

“We can’t leave Liana here alone. Even though her family is here, we still need to give her protection.” Leo spokes.

“Felix, send guards as many as you can around this hospital and in front of Liana ward. Stop anyone who looks suspicious except for her family.” Enzo demands.

He nods and walks away. “Adam, go find who give this letter. Find that fucker.” Enzo said. With that, their friend nods and walks away.

Leo rubbed his face and sigh in annoyance. “You know we can’t let her stay alone at her apartment, right?”

“I know, dude. Right now, we have to find a way to convince Liana to move in with us for a while.” His brother said.


Her eyes slowly open, and the blur visions start to fade. She squints her eyes due to the lights. She looks around and found people standing around her but they haven’t acknowledged her awakeness.

“They are not that bad, Ivan.” Jessica spokes.

“Stop defending them, babe. It annoyed me.” Ivan grunts.

Liana groans, making all of them turn to her. “Sweetie!? Oh my goodness!! Thank god!!” Her mother hugs her immediately. She tries to sit up but was stiff when a sharp pain in her stomach. “Ouch…”

“Lil sis, don’t move yet.” Ivan pushes her gently.

“W–Where am I?” She asks, holding her head.

“You at the hospital, sweetie.” Her father answers.


She frowns. She tries to remember what happened. Looking at her stomach and lifted her hospital tops up, seeing it bandage. That’s when it hit her. The reasons she coming here.

“W–Where are they!!??” Liana asks.

“Who, sweetie?” Her mother asks.

“Leonardo and Lorenzo–” She flinches when Ivan slams the desk.

“Why do you care about the person who caused all of this!? If not because for you, you wouldn’t lay here, Liana!!” Ivan yells. He had never yelled at her before. He just used a calm voice even scolding her. So it makes Liana shocked.

“Sweetie, they already left you. They wouldn’t come back and put you in danger.” Her father spoke firmly.

No. It can’t be. Her eyes are wide open and tears forms in her eyes. She shakes her head slowly, thinking this is a joke. “No. You’re joking, right?” She asks.

“No. We’re not.” Ivan answers.

“I–I have to meet them!!” Liana tries to get out of the bed but her mother holds her. “Mum, please!! I want to see them!!” She bursts into tears. Her family is shocked to see her burst out. They thought she will be thankful.

“Liana, they are dangerous. Ivan already warn you but you didn’t listen. Now, look what they did to you!?” Her father points at her. “I don’t care if it accident or not but they still putting your life in danger!!” He scolds her.

“D–Dad, they protect me. Please. You can’t do this to me!!” She cried.

“Lil sis. Stop this. They are dangerous. Your life and their life are different.” Ivan agreed. “Starting today, you wouldn’t meet them, contact them, or live in your apartment. You will move back to dad and mum.” His words make Liana even more upset and angry.

Her hands gripping the blanket tightly, tears already dripping from her cheeks. Jessica who saw it, feel sad also. Why only does she support Liana in this? “Um… why can’t let Liana at least contact them?” Jessica asks.

“Shut up, babe. This is a family matter. Go wait for me in the car.” Ivan snaps at her. Her jaw-dropping, not expect her boyfriend would say that. She didn’t say much but glared at him before stomping out.

Her mother rubbed Liana’s arms, “Now, sweetie. Are you hungry? I can go buy something you want.” She smiles. But, the little girl didn’t respond to anything. She just keeps her head down holding her anger down.

Her father sighs. “Stop the attitude, Darliana. This is for your own sake. The best for you.” He said trying to touch her hand but she flinches away. The old man clenched his fist before stepping away.

It has been hours since Liana woke up. She refuses to eat anything or even talk to anyone. Well, of course except for Jessica. She supported her twin from an early. Right now, what she wants is a hug from the twin. Their warm touch and gentle words, make her feel safe. Only they can handle her toddler space. Of course, her family still doesn’t about her new side.

And also, wanted an explanation about the shot. The door opens making her flinch. She gazed move towards the door and saw Ivan with food in his hand. She knows her tummy is empty but she loses her appetite, making her not hungry.

“Hey, Lil sis. You feeling okay?” He asks with a cheerful voice but her sister doesn’t feel the same. They just take away something important from her. When she didn’t respond, he continue. “I bought your favorite food which is… spaghetti!!!” He pulls the container out.

Liana didn’t even look at him. “Liana…” He sighs, taking a seat beside him. “Come on. You can’t be sad over those two jerks.” Ivan rolls his eyes.

The way she talks about them makes her angry. “You have to be aware they are dangerous. Please. Are you going to be angry at us just because of that?” He pinches the bridge of his nose.

“You don’t understand, Ivan.” Liana quietly said. While her brother was shocked to hear that since he didn’t use the word ‘bubs’.

“You are the one who should understand!! They are dange–”

“Dangerous? They are dangerous!?” She snaps causing Ivan to flinch. His Lil sis never snaps at anyone. “It will be more dangerous if you don’t let they be with me!! I need them!! I love them!! They have been treating me like their princess. You don’t know that, of course.” Liana laughs in sarcasm.

“We all love you. We all treating you like a princess. Isn’t that enough!?” Ivan yells.

“I’m not saying it is not enough. Let me ask you.” She turns to him. “Do you love Jessica?”

“What kind of question is that? Of course, I am.” He scoffs.

“Then, you should understand my feeling. The love toward the twin.” With that, she lay down, giving her back to her brother.

Ivan stiff there hearing it. Did he just hear his sister love the dangerous twin? It shouldn’t be. He leans back in his chair, running his fingers through his hair.

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