The Twin Brothers

Chapter 22: The Lucky One

It has been a few weeks since Darliana keeps hanging out with those guys. Having two twin friends and two goofy friends are blessing to her. She couldn’t be happier than this. While she hummed a song while doing her work, her phone rang. She picks it up thinking it must be Enzo since he promises to call.

“Ennie!!!” Since she change the nickname, she stuck with this one.

“Little sis?” Ivan’s voice spokes.

Her smile dropped but that doesn’t mean she hate her brother. It’s just the scene where they don’t believe her and are making her upset. “Oh. Hey, bubs. How are you doing?” She asks trying to sound joyful.

“Sweetie. I know you are still upset with me and the others–”

“Except for Jessica.” She interrupted.

“Okay. Except for Jes. I’m sorry but it’s hard to believe, little sis. You have to understand.” He sighs before continuing. “No one–and I mean never, the dangerous twin let people near them without their permission.”

No, they are not. But for her, she can do everything. They even handle her toddler space so well even with a lot of struggle. They even use a soft and gentle voice for her.

“But they’re nice.” She pouted, putting down the bowl full of cream. “They even babying me as if I’m a baby!! They also handle my stutters so well and calm my panic attack or asthma!! Also, they will check my heart rate every hour.” Liana beam.

Ivan heard it, jaw-dropping. That’s not a sound of a dangerous twin. A part of Ivan starts to believe her since Liana is not good at lying but part of him is not. “Okay. I start to believe you but sis… don’t put all your eggs in one basket. You know what I’m trying to say right?” He said.

“Nope.” She giggles.

“Fine. What you are doing right now is too risky, sis. Being friends with a dangerous twin will put you in danger at any minute. You know that right? You know what their work is and they are one of the members of the round table?”

Round table? She has a lot to ask them after this. “I know what they do. But trust me. They treat me like I’m precious. They even agreed to be my friend!!” She squealed brightly.

“Sis, they are not what you are thinking of. Stay away from them as you can.” Ivan scolds her. “I don’t want you to involve in their life. Please, little sis. They’re bad people.” His words only make the girl upset but he didn’t mean it. He just states the fact and tries to save her innocent sister.

Tears formed in her eyes. She thought her brother want to apologize for the incident at the family dinner but no. He only makes it worse. Liana wipes her fallen tears on her cheeks.

“You are s–so m–mean. How c–could you.” She cried.

“L–little sis. I–I just saying and trying to save you from them. I told you, you don’t know them–” Before Ivan could finish, the phone line cut off. It must be a shocking act to him since Liana never does that.

She wipe her tears being replaced with color on her face. Since her hand was full of flour, “Ivan was a meanie. Ennie and Lili are not bad guys to me.” She mumbled to herself.

“Are you okay, big sis?” Daisy walks in with an empty tray.

“I–I’m fine.” She sniffles.

“Oh gosh!! Why you’re crying!!?? Did you hurt yourself!?” Daisy rushed to her, but the empty tray was down and checked her physical body. But she got nothing.

“I–It fine. I–I’m just sad.” Liana sighs. “W-Why can’t p–people understand?” She pouting. It seems like she becomes more comfortable with Daisy and Mrs. Willy due to her stuttering less.

“Understand what? Who?” The girl leans her body on the counter.

“M–My brother scold m–me for being f–a friend with t–the t–twin.” She explains. Daisy mouthed ‘o’ and nodded. Well, she can’t blame her brother since she will do that too to her little sister.

“What your brother did makes sense. He just worried about our safety with them. Well, everyone in this world knows who are they and what they did.” She shrugs her shoulder.

“B–But I already t–told him. E–Everything they d–did for m–me. T–They are n–nice to me.” Liana tilted her head in confusion. “Why c–couldn’t he b–believe it?”

Daisy chuckles at her innocent. “Sis, who will? Everyone wouldn’t not until they see it for themselves. You know actions worth more than 1000 words. Besides, those twins will be nice towards you only and ONLY.” She put her fingers on the cream and lick it. “You are the lucky ones, you know.”

“M–Maybe I s–should bring t–them for my f–family dinner n–next… time!!” She clapped her hands excitedly with her ideas.

“Yeah. That was a great idea.” Daisy agreed. She pats her shoulder and walks back. “So shame I can’t see brother and boyfriend fight.” She chuckles. A lot of drama she saw where her brother couldn’t accept the boyfriend of their little sister. She wants to see that in real life.

The door is open by Mrs. Willy. “Liana dear. Leo wanted to see you.” She nods and takes off her apron before out of the pantry.

She walks towards the elevator and got in. Her finger pressed the button where his office will be. Ivan’s words were still inside her head. She knows they are dangerous but she also knows they wouldn’t leave her. Wouldn’t they? It makes her worried and insecure. They wouldn’t leave her, right?

This only makes her heart rate rise and the smartwatch beeping. “Oh no. This is bad. Leo will ask me what happened.” She tries to stable her breath at the same time, as the elevator opens the door.

The beeping manages to silence. She walks out and found Adam at his receptionist’s desk. “H–Hello, Addie.”

Adam chuckles at the nickname she gave randomly and the flour on her face but decides not to ask about them. Afraid she will think he doesn’t like the nickname. “Hey, peanut. Leo is inside waiting for you. Just go inside.” He ruffles her hair.

Liana takes a deep breath before getting in. But her smartwatch can’t lie. “Lili?”

“Hey, little one. Come here.” He motions his index finger.

The girl shuffles toward her with her hands wrapped around the smartwatch to hide it. Leo who can sense his girl something is wrong with her, decide to play along. Soon she reaches between his knees, and he asks, “How was your day, little one?”

“G–Good.” She still looks down.

“If that is so, can I check your heart rate first?” He was about to pull her wrist but she hide it behind her back. “Little one, you know we always check it. I need to see your smartwatch.” His palm hand is already open.

But the girl wouldn’t move. “Darliana. Now.” He demands sternly and the way he says her name makes her obey him. She slowly brings her wrist to him. Leo check it and saw her heart rate are not stable. “Little one, what happened?” Before she could lie, he spokes. “The truth. If you didn’t want me to manhandle you. I promised you wouldn’t like it.”

Liana whimpered, “I– I just… have a t–thought about y–you and Ennie… l–l–leaving me.”

“Why would you think that?” He frowns.

“I–I think if… s–something h–happened to me, y–you guys will l–leave me. J–Just using m–me. Just a–acting f–a friend with me.” Tears already sliding on her cheeks ready to fall from her face.

“Now, why would we be acting? Who makes you think like this. Tell me.” He asked again but this time, with anger.

“My b–brother.”

When she says that, he can imagine the dialogue they have. Well, he doesn’t blame the brother though. He knows how dangerous they are so he just trying to save his little sister. But, a part of him is angry that he makes Liana think they just use her, and acting friends with her, and will leave her.

“We wouldn’t, little one. Why do we have to act friendly with you? Why we will leave you? Why do we have to use–for what? We can do this at the first place we met you. Don’t you think so?” Leo asks.


“You are nothing but precious to us. Everything is wrong except for an acting friend.” When he says that, Liana starts to cry.

“Y–You don’t w–want to be f–a friend with m–me!?” She bursts into tears.

“No. We want more than a friend.” He smirks.

“M–More than what?”

“Little one, we don’t want to be only your friend. I and Enzo want more than that. You know like… boyfriend and girlfriend?” He arches his eyebrows. Leo can’t believe he takes this opportunity to ask about this.

Heat starts to appear on her cheeks with red. She can’t help but be flustered by him. She didn’t think the twin want more than friends with her. This is too much for her and makes her overwhelmed.

“Don’t worry little one. We will take this slow and start with a friend. How about that?” He asks. Liana only manages to nod. Loe brings her to his lap and back to his laptop. “Now, forget about that stupid thought of leaving you and using you. We love you and we can’t even lay a single gentle hit to you. Remember that.” He tickles her side making her giggle.

“W–Why you all m–me here?” She asks, watching him typing.

“Enzo ask me to video all of him with you since he can’t call you just now because you calling someone.” Leo hands her his phone. The girl didn’t waste her time calling Lorenzo.

When he picks up, there was his face. “ENNIE!!!”


Liana jumps excitedly when Adam and Felix show off their skill with guns. She already wearing a headset to prevent the noise. The twin already showing their shooting skill so they watching their girl from afar.

“Headshot!! You sucker!!!” Adam points at him and smirks at the little girl who is amazed by it.

“Tch. I can do better than him, Dar.” Felix scoffs and starts shooting. he got everything headshot. He turns around and smirks when saw Liana jaw-dropping.

“You just copying me. I learn this thing earlier than you.” Adam rolls his eyes.

“That’s bullshit. I got here first. Enzo and Leo take me in first than you.” He talks back. The little girl between them already watching their argument.

Right now, they are in an empty wide field where they always hang out for shooting training. It outside activity. They had a shooting training place at their black house but decide to have nice air.

“I’m here first so I learn this thing first.” Adam glares at him.

“It was me.”Content bel0ngs to Nôvel(D)r/a/ma.Org.

“It’s me.”




Enzo and Leo just sigh in annoyance. The truth is, both of them got this job at the same time. “So, is there any suspect you think is the rat who gave Damien the information?” Lee asks.

“I don’t know. What I know is, it must be Matthias men.” Enzo puts his elbow on his knee. “Why? Because we talk about Thaver all at Matthias mansion. Who else other than his men?” He clicks his tongue.

“You are right. Have you told him?” Leo asks before connecting his lips with the bottle lips and drinking.

“Not yet. Do you think he will think we think bad about his clan?” His brother looks at him with worried.

Leo sighs, gazing at his little one who giggling at those two idiots. “Not sure. But it is better than we keep it secret. Or not, that person will continue being a spy for Damien.”

“Hmm. We will go inform him of this thing for our next meeting with him. He seems like he is eager to meet Darliana more than us.” Enzo chuckles at his words. Leo joins him.

The small feet move towards them with a happy vibe. “T–They look so–so cool!!” She takes off her headset, jumping excitedly.

“Really? How about us, love?” Enzo slowly pulls her hand to make her close to him. “Are we cool?”

“M–More than t–them.” She giggles.

“How could you!?” Adam put his hand on his chest faking his offended feeling. “You are a betrayer, peanut. I’m disappointed with you.” He slowly shakes his head.

Liana just laughs at his silly actions.

“Let’s go. We need to go to the blackhouse. Cara said Kelvin found something.” Enzo said as he stood up.

The girl looks at him with excitement. She finally got to see a black house or whatever it is. When Leo saw her excited expression, he chuckles and holds her hand gaining her attention. “Don’t be too excited, little one.”

“Yeah. Trust us. You will be trapped in those two jerk arms the whole time.” Felix smirks.

“W–Why?” She frowns.

“You will see.” He walks away with Adam.

They followed behind with the confused little girl.

After a long ride, well not that long but it will be because of Adam and Felix’s argument. Which never ends. Liana looks outside and saw the big building more like a mansion but bigger than it. It looks like a hotel but she knows it is not.

“Our men live here and work here. We prepared one apartment for the guy and girl. Kitchen, living room, entertainment room, and everything we prepared for them. Plus with their workplace and some lab, hacker office, training place, gyms, and other things. That’s why it’s big.” Enzo explains.

She nods slightly. The car is parked. As she went out, all guards turn their attention to her. Maybe more like, who is she and what is the innocent girl doing here? As they walk in, all eyes follow their movement and silence fills the air. The laughter of enjoyment faded seeing their boss walk in. The twin looks around.

“Where are Cara and Kelvin?” Enzo asks. Adam and Felix had already gone somewhere.

“They are at Kelvin hacker office, capo.” One guy answers. (Boss)

He nods and turns towards his brother. “You coming?” Leo nods his head. “You guys, watch this girl out. One scratch on her, every one of you will lose your head. capisce?” Enzo keeps his hard stare on them. (Do you understand?)

“Si capo!!!” The men salute.

“Stay with them, okay?” Leo ruffles her hair.

Liana knows she doesn’t need to be afraid of them since the twins believe them. If not, they wouldn’t leave her here with them. She nods with a smile earning praise from them.

“Such a good princess.” Leo kissed her forehead.

“Good little baby.” Enzo kissed her forehead.

After an explanation from Leo about they wanted to be more than friends, she started to feel tingly whenever they kiss her skin. They will be warm and butterfly when they praise and comfort her. The two guys walk away leaving her with their big intimidating men.

“Um… hi?” She shyly waves her hand.

The office door is open. A woman and a guy discussing immediately stop and stood up. “Signore.” They greet. (Sir)

“Anything?” Leo asks.

“For now, no sir. We’re sorry.” Kelvin bowed.

“It’s fine. Cara?” He turns to the woman.

She sighs. “That’s the problem. We’re not sure yet but that’s what we trying to discuss.”

“What the thing you are not confirmed yet?” Enzo frowns.

“The doctor’s number you give us really helpful but not yet sure. He gives us the blood sample and still in progress. But we found out that Thaver’s daughter might still be alive.” Cara said.

“How can you be sure?” Leo asks.

“There’s some same information about her in another hospital. We ask them but they didn’t remember the face. Even her information is not really helping since everything is under her foster parent’s name.” She explains.

“Huh. Foster parent. That means she’s an orphanage.” Enzo snaps his finger.

“That what we thought so, sir.” Kelvin nods.

“I want you guys to go check every orphanage here and ask them about Rosie Thaver. Understand?” He demands.

“Si, capo!!” They nod.

“We’re close anyway,” Leo smirks at his brother who has the same expression as him.

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