The Twin Brothers

Chapter 13: Special Treatment

Her eyes open slowly. She felt something cold wet on her forehead making her reach for that thing. It was a wet towel. Who put it on her forehead? That is what is inside her mind right now. Liana tries to sit up with groans because her headache hit her. Something fluff falls from her arms to the ground.

“Bunbun?” She quietly said. Seeing the bunny stuffie on the ground. Her hands grip the wet towel that fell on her lap. “Where am I? What happened?”

Suddenly, the door opens and reveals Leonardo with a tray full of something she needs. When their eyes met, she can see the concern in his eyes but his expression was still blank.


“Hey, little one.” He sits on the bed and slowly puts the tray on the desk.

“W–Where am-am I?” She timidly asks.

“You in our house. No need to panic, little one. It’s going to be fine. I promise, there’s no harm. Okay?” He strokes her hair full of adoring. There’s something in this girl making him go all soft.

Liana frowns and looks around the room. She is sure this was a guest room because it looks simple. Leo knows she needs to remember everything so he gives her time. She turns to the guy, and everything makes sense. Why is she here. What happened to her.

Her smartwatch is beeping like crazy when she realizes what happened. Red appeared on chubby cheeks making Leo slightly smile. Too cute. “Remember anything?” He asks while preparing her soup.

She remembers it all. She is clingy and her little sideshow. Liana got under the cover, whimpering. “I–I’m sor–sorry. I-I didn’t mean to.” Half of her feels embarrassed. Half of her feels stupid. What kind of girl doing that? Weak.

“Don’t. Never apologized. You just fever. It will be fine.” He firmly said.


“But what?” His tone makes her flinch. Leo let out a sigh, “But what, little one?” He softened his voice.

“It… It s-s-stupid… isn’t it?” She asks.

“What stupid, little one.” He raises a question again.

“T–They way… uhh… I–I act–act.”

Its silence. Leo didn’t say anything instead, he stood up and walk out of the room. Somehow, it makes the girl’s heartache. Her lips start to tremble and tears slide on her cheeks. She knows this is embarrassing and stupid. How can she not be aware of herself and act like that? She brings her nails to her mouth and bites them.

The door opens and reveals the twin. Except, they both have furious looks. Enzo puts his hands on his hip, “Did I just hear from Leo calling yourself stupid just because of the way you act towards us?” He trying his best to hold himself from yelling. Out of those two, he knows he’s the one who has short-tempered.

“I–I…” Liana didn’t know what to say. She doesn’t even understand why they get angry about that. She just stating the facts.

When heard no response, the twin exchanged looks with sighs. They sit on each side of her. Enzo was about to take a sit but he saw a bunbun on the ground. “Little baby, I don’t know why you need to feel that kind of thing. I know we just know each other recently but I notice one thing about you.” His fingers stroked the bunny fluffy ears. “You keep letting yourself down. I don’t understand why you trying your best to be perfect. Everyone has their own personality. If everyone has the same personality, don’t you think how bored this world is?”

Liana slowly gets out of the blanket. What he said was right. She tries to think like how Enzo asks her to but… she just can’t. Until now, she doesn’t understand why Ivan’s family adopted her and treat her like a family? She is just a girl who doesn’t know who her own parents are, her backstory, and how people found her.

“People might underestimate you. Fuck what they thought. As long as what you did is genuine and gives your comfort.” Leo agreed, holding the bowl of porridge. “Eat up.” He said after blowing the soup slowly so that the heat would be less.

Is it wrong for her to get attached to these two guys? She starts to cry feeling overwhelmed. “I–I’m… I’m sor–sorry…” She cried.

“Hey, little baby. It’s fine. Everything will be fine. You don’t need to apologize to us.” Enzo brings her head to his neck, stroking her hair. “Shhh, calm down, baby. We’re here. I know you are sick right now and maybe your emotion is not stable right now.” He looks at how twin and Leo nod.

“Little one, dry those tears for us, hmm? Let’s feed you, okay?” Leo said, bringing her slowly to his arms with his free arms. “Open that pretty mouth of yours.” He requests again, bringing the spoon to her mouth.

She opens her mouth and tastes the soup he made. Enzo the other hand, wiped her dry tears while saying the comforting words. Liana felt love and safe around them.

“That’s a good girl. How do you feel, little one? Soft? Cozy? Hmm?” Leo asks while wiping her side lips.

“Y–Yummy…” She pointed at the soup.

“Of course, baby. Leo is a great cook. If you ask me, I will burn the kitchen if I did.” Enzo jokes. Surprisingly, it makes the girl giggle. The twin can hear those giggles forever.


While those twins chilling on the couch, someone burst the door opens. Only to make the twin pull out their gun and aim it at that person. Seeing it was the guard, they calm down.

“S–Sir, there–there is some urgent news.” The guard’s heart almost drop when saw their boss aiming the gun at him.

” Talk it out.” Enzo spokes.

“Felix asked me to tell you that Damien and his men burst into our main house.” He spills it out.

When they heard that, they know what his intention coming there. “Call Adam and told him to protect Darliana here. Stay with her. I want you guys to guard every door here, got it?” Enzo asks.

“Yes, sir!!”

As much as they hate living the girl behind, they have to. It can’t be only one of the meetings with that guy. It must be two of them when it comes to Damien. Or not, the meeting wouldn’t end well.

Leo stops beside the guard and whispers dangerously to his ear, “If I saw any scratch on her, tears on her face, any wounds, you touch her even her single hair, I’m not hesitated to shove down my gun on your throat and shoot you.” By that, he walks away leaving the guard swearing in nervousness. His hand shaking just thinking how special this girl is to them.

Liana woke up from her long nap. She stretch her arms feeling a little bit much better than before. But still, that fever was still there. Better than having an aching body and head. She looks at the clock and it is already 5 pm.

She slowly gets up, clutching the bunny in her arms. Her tiny feet bring her downstairs and nervous about seeing no one. She checks the living room and still doesn’t. What if those twins left her? What if they change their mind and left? The negative thought run through her mind even though she tries to push them away.

“Peanut?” She flinches when someone calls her. Her body tensed and slowly turn around. Only to see Adam standing at the kitchen doorway with a groceries bag in his hand. “Are you okay? Are you hungry?” He asks with concern.

“I…. I–I’m… f–f–fine.” She nods slightly. Liana looks down but panicked when saw the bunny in her arms. She quickly hides the stuffie behind her back even though Adam had already seen it.

He chuckles and puts down the groceries bag. “No need to be shy, peanut. It’s just a stuffie. It’s cute though. Nothing’s wrong with it.” Adam gives her a reassuring smile.

Liana brings the bunny back to the front. She gazed at the guy who took out some foodstuff and arranged it. She wondered if this guy is straight or not because he look like a wife material. Even with that bulky muscle body.

“Are you hungry? Leo told me you just had the soup. It must not stay long in your stomach.” He spokes bring her out of her thought.

“You–You… c–can… cook?” She shuffles towards the barstool.

“Of course. I’m not like Enzo.” Adam scoffs while bringing out the pan. “Do you know what happened the last time he cook? He almost burns the kitchen. We try so hard to get rid of the fire and hesitated to call the firefighter.” He laughs when thinks about it again.

Enzo’s words were true then. He can’t cook.

“I will make you chicken butter and spaghetti. Is that okay?” He asks.

“S–Sure.” While he was busy cooking, Liana couldn’t help but ask about the twin. “Um… A–Adam… where uh… w–where is… M–Mr. Leonardo a–and Lorenzo.”

Adam couldn’t help but slightly chuckles hearing she still calling Leo, Mr. Leonardo while Enzo, Lorenzo. “They had some urgent work so they ask me to look after you. You are sick so I got some stuff to cook for you.”

The word ‘look after her’ somehow gives her butterfly in her stomach and safety. She sighs with a smile on her face and puts her head on the counter with the bunbun on her lap. There are no words to describe how much she loves her best friends. Adam who saw it just smile. Look like the twin got the girl who will appreciate them so much.


The men who talking or eating inside the mansion stop when saw their boss coming in. Seeing from the twin expression, they know it was not a good time to joke or something. They drop everything and stand up straight.

“Where was he?” Enzo’s voice can make them pee in their pants.

“I–In the living room, sir.” One of the men answers.

They walk towards the living room. The guards open the huge door that lead to the living room and saw one man sitting on the single couch. Crossing his legs and act like he owns this place.

“How nice of you to break into our mansion like that, Damien.” Enzo spokes with a ‘too nice’ tone. Both of them took a seat opposite him.

“Oh please. You should feel glad I didn’t direct you to your personal house.” He chuckles.

When he says that, Darliana come to their mind. “Don’t you even think about it,” Leo growls.

Damien slightly laughs, “No need to be aggressive, Leonardo. You sound like you got something precious in your house.” His words only made the twin’s blood boil.

“Why the fuck you are coming here without telling us?” Enzo asks again.

“I heard Matthias hand the Thaver’s clan to you both. Is it true?” His eyes showed seriousness.

“Yes. Why?”

His hands clench into fists on the armchair. “I know you guys didn’t want it, right? How about we together find Thaver’s son and ask him to give it to whom?”

“Are you coming just to demand we reject the offer?” Leo narrows his eyes on him.

“No. Not like that.” He shakes his head with a smile. “It just… I’m sure it will give a burden on you guys. Maybe Matthias can give it to me instead of you guys.” It’s obvious he wants it.

“No, Damien. We know what your intention is.” Enzo crosses his arms. “We can’t trust you to hold that much power. Who knows… what you might do with so much power in hand. You will turn against us. Like before.” He added.

“Wow. Are we going to talk about the past? Come on, past is past. Thaver’s clan is still under no one. Matthias is the only one who has the power to hand it to whom. You guys can help me and besides, both of you are already known as powerful.” He states.

Enzo stood up, “Listen here. Thaver is one of our VIPs for some reason. If Mat going to hand down his clan to us, we will get it.”

“But you guys said you don’t want it–”

“How do you know about that?” Leo interrupted him.

“Little birdie told me.” He smirks.

They know there must be a fucking spy. Whether it Matthias men or their own men. Look like they have to tell Matthias about it if not, they can’t talk about any secret matter.

“We change our mind. We will be the one who got it until we found the next generation of Thaver.” Enzo walks towards the door and opens it. “I think you got your answer. Now please leave.”

Damien glares at them. “Sure. I’ll leave.” He mentions his men to follow him. They escort him until he reaches the main door. But before he went out, he turn around to the twin. “Are you sure Thaver’s son is still out there?”

“Hope you are not thinking of a plan that can ruin you forever.” Enzo spokes.

“Oh no. Just asking though. I wouldn’t do such a thing.” Damien turns around, walking towards his car, and mumbles with a smirk, “….. yet.”Nôvel(D)rama.Org's content.

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