The Temptation of Sin And The Lycan Princess

Chapter 150

Chapter 150

Chapter 150

Uninvited Guests


We reach the venue soon enough, and it is as beautiful as its name. The entire building is made of mainly crystal glass, with pearlescent pillars and beams.

The witches are surrounding it, blending into the shadows of the trees and archways. NôvelDrama.Org: owner of this content.

Most are outside…


“The witches think the attack will come from the outside, don’t they?’ I say through the link as the doors shut behind us.

‘Yeah, and it fucking will for the most part, but once we’re in those outside will be locked out and those inside, inside. No fucking witch can stop us from crashing that fucking engagement, ‘Dad’s growl comes.

I can’t help but smile slightly. (2

Never have I been happier to hear Grump Bear’s growl. 2

‘Care to share why the fuck you sprung the idea

of getting engaged to him? A tad fucking extreme, don’t you think?’ he asks.

‘Because Gherkin Dick is conceited. I needed

something extreme to make it more believable.’ I reply. ‘I’ll see you guys soon,’

‘Soon.’ Kataleya’s soft voice comes as I take a deep breath.

Aleric looks at me sharply and I smile as warmly as I can as we step into the open hall of the crystal gardens. The huge dome above reflects thousands of rays of light.

It’s… breathtaking. Damn, I never knew the Arden’s had such a stunning place…

I’m admiring the dancing rays of light when something pops out to me. Within it, dancing subtly along the chandeliers and vines of roses and ivy, Bastet’s sign jumps out at me.

How clever…

This place is hooked up… with Bastet’s symbols everywhere,’ I murmur.

‘Let’s just say Raihana, Maria, Catherine, Delsanra, and the younger girls worked the

entire night to make sure it is not lacking in any way.’ Mama explains appreciatively.

‘I owe them,’ I say quietly.

‘We all do.’ Mama says.

‘Your fucker has a message for you,’ Dad grumbles. ‘But it’s not fucking import-‘ 201

‘He says he loves you, and not long now. Await the signal and believe in yourself.’ Mama takes

over from Dad. (1

‘And that you know how to control your Lycan,

trust your heart. That poetic shit irritates the fuck out of me,’ Dad says unhappily. ‘And there was no need to add the other shit, Amore Mio.’ 6

I almost snicker.

‘Ok end the link and focus.’ Dante’s voice

comes, making Dad growl.

‘I can multitask.’ He retorts. 1

‘Ok, understood, we’re ready.’ Mama


‘See you guys soon.’ I reply as I glance around the hall.

There are some of the council members here,

the witches, including Magdalene and other important alphas and werewolves.

“Alpha Aleric Arden!” Alpha Keith says, being the first to approach us.

Oh look, the snakes are gathering together.

“Congratulations on the engagement.” He adds

as Aleric shakes his hand.

I try not to scoff, for someone who was hell-

bent on proving me a criminal he sure has

changed his tune.

We meet several people, and each time I put on a front that makes a few people look at me with intrigue. Some who know me…

I can see the concern in their eyes, knowing this isn’t me. There’s worry on others’ faces and blind excitement in others.

Those who are true to their King can be seen from how they are responding to this shot-gun engagement.

Allen is here, but his eyes are filled with worry. For as long as I remember he’s stood by Dad’s side.

I like the old, wrinkled fig. 8

Someone passes me a drink and I pretend to sip it. I am not going to risk anything tonight… 4

I place the glass down just as Aleric steps up on the low stage, a smirk on his arrogant face.

“Ladies and gentlemen, may I please have your attention, tonight we are here to celebrate a momentous occasion! My engagement to the beautiful Skyla Rossi, the first daughter of the

Lycan King, Alejandro Rossi. A man I still respect, despite him not giving us his blessings. Nothing can stand in the way of something created by the moon goddess herself!”

Bla bla bla. 1

How are people even listening to this crap?

“Before we make our engagement official, I want to acknowledge that my father has indeed disobeyed the laws of our council. Laws that we must always abide by!”

Totaly bullshitter.

I glance around the room sharply. He’s throwing his father under the bus to win points … Even his father’s die-hard followers seem to be nodding slowly, realising he is their new ally. The next Alpha, or so they think.

Some of those who were worried, relax a little at

his words.

He’s smart, I’ll give him that.

“I am disappointed to call myself his son, disappointed that I have a rapist and abuser as a


How dare-

‘Ignore him.’ Dante’s smooth voice comes.

‘I know’ I reply, swirling my wine in the glass.


“In my father’s stead, it means will be the next Alpha. To lead the Shadow Wolves pack from this day on-”

He’s cut off when the doors slam open, and my heart skips a beat when the familiar scents of my family hit my nose.

“Well now, you can’t be fucking getting engaged to my daughter without her father

now, can you?” A cold voice booms through the hall. 11


He’s standing there, dressed in black, a cold

smirk on his face. A cigarette in one hand, the other around Mama’s waist. His burning red eyes trained on Aleric, who is unable to hide the rage on his face…

Aleric pales slightly, as many of the guests lower their heads to Dad. He’s still the king,

whether they like that or not.

“How did you…” Aleric trails off.

Surprised they got past the witches?


Dad’s eyes find me, his gaze runs over me and his brow creases.

‘Proud I’m covered up?’ I ask humourlessly, through the link.

‘Didn’t think I’d ever fucking say it, but no, not like this. That fucking bastard…’ 3

‘Skyla… come join me, Princess.’ Aleric says and I smile gracefully. Turning and stepping onto the dais, I close the gap between us.

‘Got me a weapon?’ I ask through the link, watching some of the guests congratulate Dad and Mom quietly on our so-called engagement,

whilst others simply look relieved Dad’s here.

‘Yes, I do.’ Kataleya says.

She’s here too, along with Uncle Liam, Aunty

Raven, Uncle Marcel, Winona and Mama Mari… 4

The others are probably close…

Aleric is looking at me, his gaze burning into

me, and I suddenly realise he wants me to

humiliate them… and have them leave.

‘He wants me to speak. Are we ready to end this

engagement and make history for the smallest event in our fucking family?” I ask.

‘Await for the signal.’ Dante’s voice comes.

‘Signal?’ I ask.

‘You’ll know.’ Dante says. 1

Cryptic fucker. 5

My eyes meet Aleric’s, and he bends down,

kissing my lips. I feel Dad’s aura hike and I

almost gag.

Never did I think minty fresh breath could make my stomach churn, as it does right now?

I’m going to be sick.

The sparks between us have faded greatly and I’m relieved for it.

“Leave it to me,” I whisper to Aleric, turning to the guests. “I want to thank everyone for attending today. Some of you are happy to see us together, others- not so much.”

Aleric’s eyes are on me, and I put on a sad expression as my eyes shift to my family.

“I know that my father is the Lycan King, that my mother is the Blessed Wolf. Those who have never been wrong before, do you think that their judgment would be lacking?” I ask clearly.

Aleric frowns, his hand tightening on my waist. I look at him, giving him a wink.

He relaxes a little, but I can see his eyes flit to Sephora the cunt waffle. She nods slightly before she leaves the room swiftly.

What is she up to?

‘Sephora left.’ I say just as Mama speaks.

“The high witch Sephora just left the hall.’

‘Noted.’ Dante answers. ‘We’re ready.’

I continue speaking, trying to delay it until the

signal Dante spoke of appears.

“Can their words be lies? I never thought I’d fall in love, never thought that anyone could love me… but I was wrong, and I want my family to accept that I love him dearly. I’ve made mistakes in my life… tried

to be something that I am not… until he came into my life…” I say quietly. “I love him, and no matter what anyone thinks, he is the only one I wish to be with.”

Aleric is nodding as he takes my hand when the doors slam open once again. My heart skips a beat as his delicious scent reaches my nose.


Fuck, he’s here.

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