The Seductress


Wayne stood at the doorway shell-shocked and aghast. He took everything in an heartbeat. A different Selene and a dead man. His grip on the door handle was hard, making his knuckles go white. He stared at her clad in a small lingerie, wondering how someone as beautiful as her could be able to do such.

“Wayne!” Selene’s heart twisted in pain a hundred times over at his shocked state. She gripped to the gun as she watch him feast his eyes on the dead man.

“Fir-st!.. I–I–don’t want you jumping into conclusions Wa-yne!” Selene blurts out immediately.

“What’s this!” He mutters, his voice detached as he walks dazedly into the room. A tear slid down her cheeks and she walks shakily to him.

“Look wayne… he’s a bad guy, he ruined my life months back!” She choked on her words. Why does it have to be now!. Why did he have to show up just when she wanted to end this all!.

“I n-ever wanted for this to happen!… trust me I didn’t!” Selene stood inches away from him and they locked gazes, he saw the pain in her eyes and he could feel his heart shatter into tiny pieces.

“You were raped… I heard all you said minutes ago, and it’s so heartbreaking Selene to know you passed through such treatment… but did it have to come… to this huh?, did you have to hurt yourself this much by revenging, you had the chance to move on and live a better life!…” He watched tears slid down her cheeks and she sniffled, wiping at them with the back of her palm.

“I–I tried to move on Wayne… but I couldn’t!. I never f-ound that inner peace though I had all the money in the world!, and I vowed to make their lives miserable. I was doing just that!… until you came into my life wayne!” She paused to catch her breath before she continued. “I realized I was falling hard for you and I wanted all this to end! I decided to kill them once and all….” She falters, sobbing quietly.

“But you never trusted me enough to tell me about everything huh… you were behind those mysterious deaths… how the heck were they not able to trace you!” He whispers. Selene rakes her hand through her hair and bite down her lips. She has to confess everything to him, no more secrets..


“Fine!… I’d tell you the truth Wayne!… but I-I just hope it doesn’t change anything!.” She fists her palm and sucked in her breath.

“Mrs Grace found me almost dead at the dumpsite and took me home. And she healed me…. with her powers…” She stopped and tried to read his expression but it was pointless.

“My healing brought about Mrs Grace’s death…. and before she died, she told me to forgive!… She wanted me to live so she gave me her powers Wayne… her enchanting powers!” Selene shut her eyes briefly and blew out her breath. Wayne rakes his hand at his hair and took a step back as if he was hit by something.

“Are you tryna tell me you’re an Enchantress??… and you’ve got powers!” He raised his voice in disbelief but Selene only sobbed.

“So, Stacey was right afterall…” He mutters. Thier gaze clashed and Selene bats her lashes.

“Stacey?…. who’s she?”

“A friend..” He says and she knots her brows.

“A friend?… you guys are that close?, close enough that she knows I have powers?” Selene voice out, hurt visible In her voice.

“What the fuck are you talking about!” Wayne grits out. Selene flinched at the anger in his voice and she shook her head.Property © NôvelDrama.Org.

“I guess it was she who sent me those pictures… you’ve been stalking me Wayne haven’t you… so why the pretense!.. why are you trying to act like you don’t know anything about this!” Wayne furrows his brows in confusion.

“Selene… I never stalked you! until now, and that was because I wanted to find out the truth!.”

“Then who stalked me the last time I went to get rid of one of my rapists!.. who did!?” She argued.

“Stacey has been the one stalking you selene!… you were blinded with revenge that you never knew your own life was at risk!.” Selene lips twitches in anger and a deep scowl settled on her face.

“She took those pictures… and you knew about it too, what does she wants to do with it, announce to everyone I’ve got powers?” She scoffed bitterly. “She dares not Wayne… cos I’m gonna find her and kill her!” She added and whipped her head to the door at the sound of a car engine.

“That’s my last rapist..” Selene says and cocked the gun. She wiped her bloody palm against her lingerie.

“What!… you still wanna end his life…” Selene gave him a small smile and nods.

“Yeah Wayne… you know about it already, he raped me… and I’m never letting him go free.” She walked past him but he held her back by the arm.

“Selene!” He calls as he gripped her shoulders, forcing her to stare up at him. Wayne watched her amber coloured eyes fill up with tears and he sighs.

“… Do you love me?” The question left her stunned for a second and she part her lips open. Her heart raced tremendously as she inhaled the scent of his cologne.

“Yes Wayne!…. I do” She breathe out and his eyes goes dark passionately. He cupped her neck and pressed his lips on her cold ones, heating up her cheeks, making her heart almost explode as it raced. He kissed off the tears and withdrew.

“Then if you do!… stop all these Selene, I’m here for you. I’m gonna make you forget your pains, you don’t have to do this okay!” He pleads. The doorbell rings and Selene shakes her head slowly as she shrugged out of his hold.

“It’s too late Wayne, I’m sorry….” She whispers and stride out of the room hastily. Wayne rakes his hand at his hair, took one glance at the dead man before going after her.

Selene gets into the living room and strides to the door, hiding the gun at her back. She opens the door knob and the last of her rapists is before her, a wide grin on his face as his gaze stops on her bøobs. The night air hits her bare skin and the porch lights shone on him.

“Woah!.. Selene I didn’t know you were already waiting impatiently f-” Selene scowls and butts the gun hard on his face before he could complete his statement.

“You asswipe!… how dare you waste so much time huh!” She yell as he staggered backwards on the porch, clutching his bleeding nose and groaning loudly.

“Selene!” Wayne appears behind her and gripped at her arm. She sucked in her breath and spinned on her heels, facing Wayne squarely.

“Stay out of this Wayne!… this is what I wanted!. It ain’t a big deal anymore cos you know about it okay!” She blurt out, snatching her hand away from his hold. Her heart hurt deeply because she shouldn’t be yelling at him… but damnit if she’s gonna allow him go free.

“What the fuck are you doing bitch!” The guy growled as he wiped off blood from his nose.

“What does it look like I’m doing huh!” Selene says icily as he starts retracing his step to his car.

“You asshole!, did you think you could go unpunished after what you’d done to me!” He leaned against his car and stares at her in confusion. He glanced at Wayne standing behind her before returning his gaze back to her. What the fuck does she mean!.

“Oh!… you never thought I’d survive did you!… well after you raped me months ago, leaving me to rot in a fuckin dumpsite… I got saved motherfucker!… luck was on my side and I vowed to kill every one of you who’d hurt me” She chuckled bitterly as wayne watched her. It was pointless stopping her, she was blinded already by rage and he couldn’t believe the selene he knew was this bitter.

“I killed everyone of them and you’re just the only one left…. and I don’t plan on letting you go!” He widened his eyes in fear before shoving his hand into his back pocket and pulling out a pistol.

“One more move Selene!” He snarls and cocked the gun. Selene froze to her spot and Wayne stepped forward.

“Don’t you dare hurt her!” He voice out through clenched teeth. Maybe she was right afterall.

The asshole doesn’t deserve to live.

“I knew you’ve got something up your sleeves Fair. Skinned. Goddess!” He says sarcastically. Selene shifts shifts on her foot, wrapping her fingers around the trigger.

“Well I didn’t regret doing what I did bitch…. I enjoyed having to pound into you!” He laughs and pulls out his ignition key. Tears flood her eyes which she blinks away.

“I’m gonna escape once again… and this time you won’t find me” He smirks and stares at her. But it was all she needed. The smirk disappears as she locks gaze with him and ever so slowly she began to chant. His breathes hitches and the gun falls out of his hand. Selene closes the space between them and looks him dead in the eye. She was twice as angry as she was before and his eyes goes bloodshot as she continues chanting.

Wayne watched Selene, different emotions swimming out of his head. He couldn’t understand what she said because she was muttering it quickly and in a subdued tone. He watched as the man struggled for breath, trying to break the gaze. He knew he’d never see Selene as a weak, fragile girl anymore. She was much stronger than anyone her age.. She had powers and she wasn’t any random girl. All he wanted to do now was pull her close and tell her everything’s gonna be okay.

Minutes later she stops chanting and the guy falls to the floor, dead. Selene breathes out and drops the gun his body. She turns to stare at Wayne and wipes off her tears. Wayne stares at the dead guy, lips parted open and eyes shut close before fixing his gaze on Selene.

“I’m so sorry Selene!… that you had to go through this!” He whispers and engulfs her into a hug. Selene shut her eyes and sobbed quietly against his chest.

“I’m sorry too Wayne… for dragging you into this mess” She sniffs. It was all over, she didn’t have to worry about her rapists anymore. She’d move on and use her powers for good. While she poured out her pent up emotions in form of tears, Wayne held her close, cooing her kissing her reassuringly on the forehead.

From behind the dead man’s car, Stacey emerges, camera in hand as she scowls at the two hugging each other tenderly. Wayne was the first to see her. He withdraws and stares at her in shock.

“Stacey!?…. what the fuck are doing here!” Wayne blurts out. Selene whips her head to Stacey and she bats her lashes.

Stacey?, the same Stacey who had trailed after her and who had sent those pictures?. Who ever knew it was someone old enough to be her aunt.

Stacey chuckles as she held the camera in her hand. She was smart to have trailed after Wayne. She knew he would lead her to Selene. She tried trailing after them from work but she lost them at a red light.

She drove to Selene’s mansion just in time to see Wayne driving away and taking a different route. it was suspicious so she had driven after him.

Luck was on her side and he had led her to this place. She had her car parked on the main road and waited if she could find any evidence. She didn’t wait too long cos soon a car pulled up at the apartment which Wayne had gone into and she had rushed to hide behind it. She didn’t have to wait too long cos soon Selene was out and she had recorded all what she had done to the man. She retuned her gaze back to wayne and smirked.

“What does it look like I’m doing Wayne, finding evidence to prove to the whole world that this bitch here is a monster!” She spat out.

“How dare you call me a monster!… who the fuck are you old hag!” Selene yells immediately.

“Stacey!… I warned you didn’t I?. I warned you to stop poking your nose in someone else’s business!” Wayne growled and she flinched.

“Too late Wayne… I already got what I need!” She waved the camera in front of them.

“What’s that!” Selene asks icily.

“Just a video of the wicked spell you used on this dead guy here…. and oh!… I’ve still got a whole bunch of evidence against you… you are a freaking witch bitch and I’m sure you used your powers on my dear Wayne!” Wayne rakes his hand at his hair in frustration.

“For crying out loud Stacey!…. how many times do I have to spell it out to you!.. we can never be together!. For fuck sake Stacey you aren’t growing any younger!, stop this your crazy obsession and get yourself a life!” Stacey bites down hard at her lips.

“Oh really?… yeah I’m obsessed wayne, about you. I vowed that if I don’t get you… then no one will!. When this gets to everyone in florida and she is behind bars you’d have no choice than to run back to me!” Selene cussed under her breath and in the blink of an eye, rushes towards her and shoved her hard against the floor.

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