The Seductress


“Ava Gonzalez…. cute name” She compliments and let go of her. Ava blushes and grip at the bag of cash.

“Bye Selene …” She whispers and turn, running into the shadows, her blonde hair whipping sideways. Selene watch her leave with a weak smile and for the thousandth time she was glad she’s an Enchantress.


Wayne rolled out of bed groggily and trudged to the bathroom. Washing up, he return back to the room and dressed up in a casual body fitting shirt and slacks. He combed out his hair and sat on the bed. Pulling out a coffee colored jewelry box, he opens it and stare at the two diamond encrusted rings nestled on the small red cloth. He ran his hand through his hair and sighed.

It was the only memory of their once blissful life. Belonging to Greg and Susan. No matter how he tried he couldn’t bring himself to auction it, even though it’s gonna cost a huge sum of money. Sometimes you just can’t let go of somethings no matter the value. He shut it close immediately as the door burst open and a flustered looking Fiona steps in.

“Wayne!… Doc Mac called. it’s mom” She breath out, her face ghostly pale. Wayne shoves the box away, fearing the worst.

“Come on let’s get to the hospital. Don’t panic” He reassures her and they rushed out of the apartment.

The cab pulls over at the hospital and they step out, Fiona eyes flooded in tears. Mom should be strong for them. Wayne had told her to believe had she’s done just so. They stride into the hallway leading into the wards. Fiona peeks her head into Susan’s ward and it’s empty. Panic settled in the pit of her stomach as he stared at Wayne. A nurse approaches them and Fiona wipes of her tears.

“Morning Wayne, the doctor said to tell you your mom has been transferred to another ward. They started the surgery already.” The nurse informs as she smiles up at Wayne. Fiona plonks down the bench as huge relief washed over her. Wayne sighs and nods, ignoring the flirty looks she was giving him.

“If you need anything, my table is just down the hall” She jab her thumb to the direction and Wayne manages a smile.

“No we’re fine thanks” He tells her and lowered himself beside fiona. The nurse let out a low groan and strides away.

“Seriously, this is the lamest time to flirt dammit!” Fiona cusses immediately. Wayne chuckles and pulls her close to himself.

“You said mom’s gonna get through this huh?” Fiona asks lowly as she lolled against his shoulder.

“Yeah… and I believe so too. Do you believe that?” He asks lowly. Fiona shut her eyes and sighs. She didn’t know what to believe anymore.

“Yeah… I do believe mom would get through this. Then she’d be back on her feet like before.” Tears pool at her eyes and she wiped them off.

“That’s good Fiona… now I’d just call my boss and inform her that I’d be coming later in the day.”

He pushed to his feet and stalks away. Fiona watches as he leaves. She might have lost all the good things in life. Money, a huge house, lots of food and expensive dresses, but she was glad she still had Wayne and her mom with her. And that was the only thing they needed to stay happy. settling comfortably on the seat, her mind drifted to Selene. She owe her a lot for paying all thier mom bills and once Susan gets through this, She’d let Susan know about her.


Selene slams the receiver back into its place in anger. Fvck!. She’s just spoken to Wayne and it angered her that he wouldn’t be coming till noon. Hell Selene have some conscience, he’s doing this for his mom!, her subconscious screams and she groaned.

Alright she understands he needs to be at the hospital but why can’t she stop getting angry. Maybe its because he didn’t seem like someone who’s been thinking of her. Tried as she could, Wayne green eyes, tousled hair and lean muscular frame has being occupying her mind lately. She wondered how he’d feel when he was buried deep inside her, how he’d taste. Was she ever gonna accomplish her plans to get into bed with him. She doesn’t see herself doing that anytime soon. Not with his proud attitude. The door opens and Gwen steps in.

“Ma’am, a client is here to see you” She tells her, watching Selene angry features in concern. She wasn’t blind. She could tell it’s because of Wayne. She can’t help but notice Selene’s attraction towards him. Wayne is obviously a hot piece of eye candy, and they seem the perfect couple.

“Do I have an appointment with him?” She asks listlessly. Gwen had filled in for Wayne when she noticed he hadn’t arrived, he was always so punctual at work and Gwen wondered if he ever gets enough sleep.

“No ma’am… he said he just got into the country, he appears to be a rich client ma’am Selene…. maybe you should hear him out first.” Gwen advices.

“Fine let him in” She sighs in defeat. Gwen smiles and stride out of the door. Selene smoothens down her hair and slipped her feet into her flats. The door opens minutes later and the client steps in.

“Welcome to my company sir” Selene feigns a small smile as the guy stalks towards the table and sits across her.

“You didn’t disappoint me Selene, you are fvckin sexy just like in the pictures, good morning.” He says huskily as Selene watched him in disgust. She takes in his appearance as something clicked into place. She knot her brows and opens the lid of her laptop. She types a name on the net and seconds later a picture pops on her screen. Selene looks at the picture and back to the man sitting across her. A cold rush went down her spine. Hell, it was too quick. She never expected to see another of her rapists so soon. Selene forces herself to remain calm as she shut the laptop close. She curl her toes to calm her nerves and gives him a tight lipped smile.

“Hi, Mr Hank…”


Stacey stares at Zach as he combs out his hair. Thankfully he wasn’t drunk and was totally normal unlike the last time.

“Do you realise what you’re doing is totally not good for your company?. You worked so hard to bring the company up to this standard and you’re gonna let it go down the drain because of some freaking sexy girl!?” Stacey blurts out as she leans against the doorframe of the ensuite bathroom. Zach grunts and drops the comb back into its case before smoothening it down. His eyes held tiredness and he had gone a little bit pale.

“She caused it Stace, don’t blame me.” Zach shrugs as he brush past her into his office. Stacey groans and trail after him.

“Shut the fvck up Zachary. You caused all these. What did you expect from her… another night?, or probably your permanent slampiece?, Dammit Zach stop acting like a dumbass”

Stacey rolls her eyes and stalk to the cabinet. She retrieves a bottle or rosé and a glass before going over to a couch to sit.

Zach slumps into his seat and sighs. Why his he such a fool. He lost Selene and Wayne too and now he’s about to lose his company.

He never imagined he’d be stuck in such a huge mess. No matter how he tried, he couldn’t stop thinking of Selene, their long hot s£x they had and the insatiable urge he’s developed afterwards.

“Zach… you’ve got to stop whatever obsession you have for her!. Wayne needs to return to working here and there are thousands of bitches out there. Why do you have to be hell-bent on having Selene!?.” She shakes her head and gulped down her drink.

“I wish I could Stace, but I find it hard to do so. She’s succeeded in occupying my mind. I don’t wanna say this but when I was beneath her and she rode on me, I could swear there was this look in her eyes…. like she was sure I wouldn’t ever get over her. I couldn’t break the eye contact till she did and then i knew whatever look she gave me worked. I can’t stop thinking about her… and I don’t think I ever will…” Zach falters and run his palm down his face.

Stacey dilates her eyes as she dropped the glass of rosé. Maybe he was just blabbering but she had this gut feeling that he was saying the truth.

She too had her doubts about Selene. She’s pretty and rich quite alright but why are there lots of guys craving for her?, What relationship does she have with Mrs grace to have made her will her properties in her name?. And what’s the reason behind this crazy obsession tons of guys have for her!?. Stacey shakes her head and stare at Zach.

“I think you’re right Zach, she did something to you, and whatever she did sounds evil” Stacey voice out, a thoughtful expression on her face.

Fiona watches the surgical room for the umpeenth time as nurses rushed in and out continuously. Wayne had left to get lunch and Fiona couldn’t be anymore scared. Her butt aches from sitting too long on the seat. She hugged herself as she reasurred herself that her mom’s gonna be fine. She fiddled with the pendant she wore. Her dad gifted it to her on her fifteenth birthday. Wayne appears beside her and he drops the takeout.

“Fiona…. are you alright?” He asks in concern, squatting in front of her and gripping her shoulders. Her face had lost its color and she was catching a cold already.

“I don’t think I am Wayne, we’ve been here for hours and no news about mom.” She sniff back a tear as Wayne blews out a breath.Content is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Come on Fiona we talked about this already.” He coos as he sits and puts an arm around her.

“I know but I’m just so sc….” She trails off as the door opens again and Doctor Mac steps out. He pulls out his gloves and mask and pass it to a nurse. Fiona scrambled to her feet and rushes to him. Her heart slammed against her chest at his expression. It said it all. Fiona bats her lashes as the tears fall out.

“No!…. this can’t be” She croak out, placing her palm against her mouth.


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