The Seductress


“Are you alright?” He says as the smile leaves his face. He walks towards selene but she step sideways and ambled to the large aquarium against the wall. She tried to bite back the tears but they slid down her cheeks. Dammit not now!.

“I hate to see my date smoking, it kinda irritates me… Could you discard that?” she voice out.

“oh!… sure sexy but i find it normal”. She hear him walk out and she uses that chance to regain her composure. She wipe off her tears and sniff back the pending tears. He’s not gonna see her cry… never!

He comes in and selene turns to meet his gaze.

“What do you care for sexy?”he asks as he walks to a large cabinet.

“Vodka”. She walked to a single couch and lower her butt on it. Fate is a cute thing, leading her to one of the guys who hurt her.

Gosh!, the things she’s gonna do to him!. He’s gonna cry like a kid who’s been denied christmas present. Beg for mercy till his voice shook. He returns and hand her a glass as he sit across her. She look down her drink, wondering if he probably slipped some pills into it.

Selene sighs and sets the drink on a fancy glass table.Têxt belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

“you’re sexy Selene”. He grins showing off a silver tooth. She smile back and nod. He barely even recognised her. The things money could do. Once she was this poor girl with no one in the world. Now here she was, sitting across a wealthy dickhead with all the money she could ever get.

“Nice place you’ve got… must have cost a lot” She compliment as she take in the expensive interior of the ensuite. The glass wall fittings and thick blue drapes said it all. He’s a rich fucker.

“I’m glad you love it Selene” He smirks and she gives him a plastic smile. She crosses her leg and the gown slides up her thighs, making him stare lustfully at her slender legs. Selene chuckled inwardly. Stare all you want asshole… cos there aren’t any sexy girl In hell.

“So what do you basically do to earn your cash mister?” She return her gaze to him.

“I’m a transporter. I own a fairly large fleet of ships and I’ve got a yatch for leisure. She’s beautiful and sails well… we could cruise on her if you want” The leer smile on his face almost made her gag.

“That sounds adventurous mister…. and I love adventures” Venom laced her voice and she restrained herself from smashing the wine glass against his face.

“That makes us a pair Selene… I love adventures… and exploring too” He ran his tongue across his lower lip as his bulge began to harden at his wild thoughts

“What do you want from me then” She clutched her purse to push down the anger and hate bubbling inside of her.

“That’s a good question Selene… I want you as my mistress… I know you’ve got the cash… but being my mistress would make you be at the top, we would rule together Selene, you need a male by your side… and I’m the only one who could give you that” He gets off the chair and walk towards her. Squatting in front of her, he ran his fingers down her bare thighs. Memories flashed before her eyes. She remembered the way he touched her, bruising her skin with his hands and mouth.

Selene chuckles and shrug away from his touch.

“So what to you say Selene?” He rasped, wishing he could plunge into her already.

“You know what… I think you’re perfectly right. I need you” She gives him a watery smile and he smirks, excitement bubbling inside of him.

“But… I’ve gotta warn you, you’d get hurt in the process” She bites down her lip and he grins.

“I love that Selene…..” He kisses her bare thighs as Selene gently shove him away.

“Not so fast.. boy….” She gets off the couch and move away from him.

“I need to get prepared…. we would meet tonight at eight…. I’d love to see your yatch… we could meet there tonight… yes?” She grins and he nods.

“Perfect Selene… I’d text you the address… i can’t wait for tonight” He run his palm down his slacks and she nods.

“Me too… tonight is gonna be fun, don’t be a second late will you?” She walks to him and kissed him lightly on the lips before withdrawing immediately. That single action made his length harden. Selene blinks back the tears pooling in her eyes as she walked out of the ensuite.

She took the elevator down and walked out of the lobby to her car. Bill gets out of the car as she approached him.

“That was a quick date Selene” He arched his brows at her angry features.

“Are you okay?” He asked in concern as he held the passenger door open for her. She shut it close and turned to him.

“Take a cab home Bill…. I’m staying out late tonight” She run her hands through her hair as she gets into the driving seat.

“Huh!?” He asks in surprise. Selene needs to stop her late outings… Miami is a busy city, she might get hurt.

“You heard me Bill… no arguments okay?” She shuts the door and ignite the engine as Bill cusses under his breath. Hell!. She pushes a button and the sunroof folds out.

Bye Bill… be a good boy” She gave him a small smirk before stepping on the gas, with one place on her mind.


Wayne sat at the desk in his cubicle as he types. His mind wandered. For some reasons he couldn’t shake off last night incidence. Selene flirting openly. He’s got to admit she’s got nerves. There was something about her amber coloured eyes, maybe it was the dim lightings from the chandeliers, or just his own vague perception of her, but it felt like there were some sort of hidden stories she wasn’t telling. She was beautiful and he barely had been able to control himself. Sometimes he wondered if he was right to hate her. He’s got this feeling that behind that brave aura she put on, there was this vulnerable side of her. Maybe it was just instincts or his gut feeling. He stops typing and leans back on his seat, absently raking his hands at his hair as he remembers Zach. He had a small cubicle beside Zach’s office.

Zach has been unbearably quiet ever since last night incidence, withdrawn and has been stuck in his office since he arrived. He’s being feeling kind of guilty, but there was little he could do. The elevator slides open as Wayne looks up from the rim of his laptop. The strong scent of cologne hits his nose as he stared at the lady who walked in. Her red hair and curvy figure clad in expensive dress said it all, Stacey… hell! not now!.

“Good day ma’am” Wayne greets as she walks towards him. Stacey doesn’t reply as her eyes trailed down Wayne build. He’s always hot and sexy, reasons she’s never gonna stop hitting on him. She’s been out of the country for months now, and although she’s had a couple of flings, Wayne has always been on her mind. She’s always wished to have him to herself. He’s got looks that could make any lady go crazy… and hell!, she wasn’t excluded.

“Wayne” She drawls huskily stopping in front of his desk.

“I’ve missed you… Sent you tons of messages and called frequently, you never picked up any of my calls or replied my texts…. that ain’t how to treat a lady you know” She pouts, flipping her hair to her back. Wayne growls lowly as he stared at her. She’s way older than him for fuck sake.

“I’m sorry ma’am… I’ve been awfully busy… Zach’s in the office… I’d just inform him you’re here”. He voice out… clearly avoiding any further conversation.

“Come on Wayne… quit the formalities” She leans forward and gently pulls him down as he tries to get off his seat.

“What do you want Wayne. I’ve got the body… I’m freaking wealthy… what can I do to make you mine huh?.. You’re making me crazy already you know” Her eyes cloud in lust as she trail her hand against his shirt. Wayne pushes his seat backwards and sighs.

“I already told you ma’am… I’m not interested. I’d love you to abort whatever thoughts you’re having… or I’d do so” He glared at her clearly pissed. She straightens up, running her fingers through her hair. Even though he’s angry, he looks hotter while at it. Fuck!

“I’d give it a thought Wayne” She bites down her lips and smirks, walking to a couch to wait. Wayne rolls his eyes as he gets off the chair and punches the code to Zach’s office. He peeks his head in and stares at Zach who looks lost as he stared at his phone, a cigarette stick stuck between his lips. He looks up and his eyes are bloodshot. Wayne steps in fully and shut the door behind. He walks over to him and takes the pack of cigarettes on the desk, tossing it into a trash bag.

“Boss!” Wayne calls through clenched teeth. “You’re going crazy and you know it!..” A pile of files lay on his table…. untouched. He hasn’t attended to any of his appointment all day!. Zach’s gotta be careful or he’s gonna get tangled in business issues.

“I know Wayne… she’s driving me crazy” Zach mutters lowly… staring at Selene’s picture displayed on the phone. Fuck this is crazy!.

“It’s obvious she’s not interested in you boss .. why don’t you drop it already” Zach shakes his head.

“She is Wayne … she sent me a text… wants me to reschedule another date with her… I’m too hurt to reply” He sighs and drops the phone, raking his hand at his hair. Wayne goes quiet. Why the heck does she wanna go out with him again…. Zach can’t take another dose of embarrassment.

“Do you wanna go?” Wayne folds his arm, staring down at him. Zach smiles and shrugs.

“I do Wayne… but I’m just so confused” His voice shook, as he massages his temple. Wayne sighs feeling bad about his state.

“Boss… we could talk about this later… but right now an important client is here… Stacey” Zach loos up at him.

“Stacey is already back in the country?” Wayne nods, grateful for the distraction.

“Yeah boss… and you might need to freshen up… you look wasted” He rolls his eyes at him. Zach chuckles and push to his feet.

“Alright Wayne… thanks” He pats him on the shoulder and ambles to the adjoining bathroom. Wayne sighs and begins to clear out the messy ashtray on his desk.


“How much does this cost” Selene asks the tatted man behind the counter. Different ammunitions ranging from revolvers, riffles, cartridges and hostlers adorn the wall behind him. And his partner, a huge guy with brown locks was smoking a cigar. Selene look down at the revolver she bought illegally.

She knew Miami like the back of her palm. When she got out of the orphanage, she took the streets, finding menial jobs to keep body and soul together. She was smart too and knew of where to go and where not to go. She knew of the many illegal business and their location. Gun smuggling was one of them.

“That’s a lot it’s got a silencer attached too…. that baby is new… sure you can afford it?” He says as he looked down at her. She rolls her eyes and brought out a thick wad of dollar bills from her bag. She slammed it down the counter.

“Here you go… keep change” She smirked as they gape at her. Obviously it was fuckin much.

Thanks for this ma’am” His partner grins as he slides the cash to himself. Selene smiles as she picks up the gun. It actually weighs heavier than it seems.

“There’s a manual booklet on how to use too” The tatted one slides a small booklet across her. Selene chuckles and wrap her finger around the trigger, pointing it at him. She cocks her head and grinned. The tatted one shifts on his feet.

“It’s loaded” He says calmly and she snickered.

“I don’t think I need the booklet… action series has always being my best genre” She smirked at their surprised faces. If they knew she was Selene, they showed no signs of it.

“Thanks boys” She says and shoves it inside her bag, before striding out of the stuffy room in the abandoned warehouse. She brings out her phone as it dings, she swiped at the screen as she stared at the address he sent to her. Good boy. She got out of the warehouse and slides into the driving seat. She throws her phone on the dashboard and ignite the engine. Her hands felt clammy as she gripped the steering. She drives out, sucking in her breath momentarily to push down whatever emotions was building up her chest.

Fortunately she wasn’t so far from the dock. Selene reaches for the pack of cigarettes on the dashboard, she lits a stick and clamp it between her teeth. He better be prepared for her. She scowls and puffs out smoke as she steps on the gas.

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