The Royal Maid And The Lost Kingdom



I rushed off with the food ignoring the groaning man on the loor, I saw the other guard rush in when he heard his companion’s cries. I grabbed the cart and dart out of the way before he could get to me and I rushed off, I made my way down the stairs and dragged the food cart through the slope that was placed on the stairs to allow easy access and conveying of meal. I turned and saw that the guards did not follow me knowing fully well that it is grave offense to leave their work post.

Nevertheless, I rushed straight to the Queen’s theatre which was on the other end of the castle might I add, bee lining up and down, almost tripping off a basket of laundry and flagging off people on the way as I rushed there. I knew that he could make up a whole issue if I run late or his food gets cold before I arrived, I got to the door and I stopped took a deep breath and adjusted my cloths, he would never see me this dishevelled.

I walked in as elegantly as I could knowing that I was neither too fast nor too slow so he would have no words of complaint whatsoever, I set his meal in front of him and gave him a cunning smile before I returned to my position. I was to wait on them till they finish eating then I would be able to clear it up quickly, I saw Edward looks at his food then at me suspiciously and I guess he was wondering if I laced it again or not. I kept my face as stoic as possible while he looked at his meal in mild judgment before he started eating.

I watched them as they ate and I started dozing off, the fact that I was not able to sleep throughout the night was showing its effect. I heard bits of their conversation as the Queen was elated about something but Edward was not that excited yet happy, and I heard something about someone coming back in a few weeks and also how the King was too busy to see the person. I briefly caught Edward expressing his distaste and I smiled

“So you could actually feel bad about something? Now isn’t that astonishing and a miracle? phff” I murmured to myself

“Alice??” I heard and I jolted back to see both royals staring at me then I realized that they have heard my murmurs, I fell on my knees instantly now I was the one astonished at myself for saying something like that out.

“My Queen, I am so sorry I was only sleep taking.” I rushed out then I widen my eye when I realized that that was even worse because I was sleeping while I was on duty. The queen laughed out almost entertained more than the ones on the stage, she continued laughing while Edward sent me a very annoyed look before he returned back to his meal.

They finished their meal and I packed the plates and all the things used and returned the carts back into the kitchen pushing two at once, I was proud of myself reaching there at record time, I rushed out for two reasons, one being that I was embarrassed at myself for speaking my thoughts out loud and the second because I needed a well nice and deserved rest. The cooks saw me arranging the plates on record time at the sink and they looked worried.

“Alice dear, are you alright? What is wrong.” One of them took the initiative to ask, I turned around and gave an over dramatic sigh.NôvelDrama.Org exclusive content.

“I barely got any shut eye last night and I do need at least an hour of pure sleep to be able to function properly.” I said in an over the top tone and they all laughed at my obvious jest.

“But I doubt you would be able to get that around here. The royals are always asking and ordering you girls all around and even Madam Teresa won’t let you at all and it would be better she does not catch you especially you Alice…” Another said as they snickered before returning to their works. I stood still trying to find a way in which I could get my sleep when a maid walked in carrying fruits, I walked to her.

“Where are you going with those?” I asked with a plan forming in my mind

“To the stables.” She responded, and just like that the plan was completed.

“Let me help you deliver it. It is along my way.” I told her giving her a small smile and she was more than happy to give me the bag as she returned. I received her thanks and I turned to thank the cooks before I made my way to the stables but I just hoped that it was Angela that adorable 14 summer old girl was the one there.

I got there and I saw her seated on a patch of hays playing a flute, she was very good and the tone sweet to hear. I walked up to her and gave her the bag, this one was much smaller than the one I brought before so she could carry it.

“Thank you for coming again.” She told me sending me that gorgeous smile of hers.

“Anytime Angela.” I answered.

“Ahh…. I never asked for your name miss.” She asked as she blushed. I laughed she was just too cute.

“My name is Alice.” I told her. And she laughed. We did the same routine as last time as I helped her to feed the animals. When we were done I was more tired than I was before.

“Angela would you mind if I could get some shut eye on the patch of hay there?” I asked slowly so she won’t feel entitled to do it.

“Yes, you look really tired. And don’t worry I will be on the lookout for any maids and wake you up before then.” She told me and I could not help the surprise I felt. She really is a smart one, I gave her a thank you smile, I laid on the hay and the soft sound of her flute enters my ear as she sat down near me.

“You play beautifully dearest.” I spoke softly before I dozed off.

I woke up and I saw that the flute playing had stopped, I looked around and could not find the swet girl. I got up and dusted myself I knew that I had have enough rest for the day so I returned into the kitchen to resume my duties.

“Where have you been.” I heard a voice and I turned around to see the Head maid.

“I was at the stables.” I responded politely.

“Liar. You are a liar and a thief. I will ask again where have you been Alice.” She asked again, I saw that we were gaining audience from how loud her tone was.

“Is there something you would like to ask me ma’am.” I asked curiously as to why she was doing this.

“You stole some silver spoons did you not.” She accused me. I looked at her.

“No I did not. I swear.” I yelled at her, what had Edward done again.

“Really? we all know that you were a thief so why should we belive you.” She spoke the truth and I saw the maids around nodding, I felt a strong headache coming on as the scene overlapped with soldiers screaming and fighting, I blinked my eye and saw her again right in front of me.

“I did not steal anything Madam please believe me. I have been working going from her highness theatre room to the stables. You can ask for confirmation if you wish.” I told her feeling my patience and strength leave me.

“Would you tell me where you were you said you were last night.” She continued her questioning.

“I have no idea what you would have me say and could you please ask me straightforward what you want from me?” I replied her in frustration.

“So you had not been to Prince Edward’s chambers at night because that was where the sliver wears were stolen and only you would have the guts to do that.” She said, I heard gasps all around me and I knew that once again I would be the subject of rumour and not the kind I wanted.

“Really? you think that low of me?” I asked with a depressed and tired tone.

“You are a low life thief who got the grace of her majesty to work in the palace but ever since you had been here you always have been in one trouble or another.” She straightens her back as she said those.

“Really, what about you? I heard that you also were a thief before you entered the palace and tried seducing the King once. If not for the Queen who begged for your pitiful life you would not be here talking to me and telling me I am a low life,” I spoke the truth that I had heard about her in the castle. I saw everyone’s shock because even though they do know about the matter none have ever talked about it to her face.

“What did you say?” She threatened in a deep tone.

“You heard me Madam Teresa. If I am a low life, then you are worse than me.” I told her as I walked up close then I turned and left the kitchen, I heard the maids calling my name but I ignored them all and entered my room.

I sank into the mattress as my headache grew intense, I held my head as I saw flashes of people again. This started after having those reoccurring nightmare for a long time, and the fact that they get intense with each of their arrival makes me unable to do some works. I sat up and tried to calm down my breathing because it helps, I have no idea why I always am having these migraines and the image of what I saw. I have never been to a castle before in my life well apart from the one I currently am.

I groaned as I remembered how much trouble I had just placed myself into by making the head maid extremely humiliated and angry at me, I frowned when I also know that I would have more rumours spreading around about me and what happened. And for the umpteenth time I considered leaving the castle more strongly than before as I doubt if I would be able to handle the rumours and mishaps from both Prince Edward and also the maids in the palace. I fell to my back groaning out loud.

I was like that for a while before I decided to go to the stables and visit Angela since I was not able to see her when I woke up and she might start looking for me if she returned and she did not see me laying there. instead of going through the main entrance I took the back yard but I was surprised to see that the place had already been cleared and cleaned thoroughly and the grasses and bushes were cut off.

My mind remembered the lie I had told Madam Teresa to avoid telling her about the fact that I had been in the Queen’s garden, I rushed to the stables and saw Angela. She looked up at me and smiled before she looked more closely and tilt her head.

“What’s wrong Alice.” She asked.

“When was the bushes cleared?” I said.

“Oh…… that was cleared the night before and there was an entire group of maids and servants had gathered there to clean up after. I even heard that they went to look for more maids around to help them.” She told me, I shivered like a bucket of cold water was splashed on my body. So that meant that Madam Teresa knew that I was lying or she must have just found out after sometime.

I collapsed on the patch of hay I slept on previously and sighed deeply wondering what would happen when I had already yelled at the Head maid and I even had lied to her twice.

“Is something wrong?” Angela asked me. I shook my head.

“Nothing is wrong dearest” I answered her laying still and staring into the sky.

“I am not that young you know; you can tell me.” She resorted. I smiled at her then I decided to tell her everything that had happened and I saw that little girl was panicking on my behalf.

“Hey calm down would you.” I told her smiling.

“But what would happen? Will you be fired or killed for lying or for yelling at someone who is your superior?” She rumbled out.

“Okkayyy…. Calm down alright. I am ready for anything that would happen alright. And I will not sit low withstanding insults that will be sent my way.” I told her but it felt like I was encouraging myself. I finished when I saw a servant running my way, I stood up knowing its time I was summoned.

“The head maid calls you.” He told me and I nodded. I turned and smiled at Angela before I made my way forward.

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