The Royal Maid And The Lost Kingdom



I said nothing and kept my mouth shut as I followed her to the Queen’s chamber, her room or rather her quarters housed different things and the colour were vibrant. As I approached the Queen’s chambers, I couldn’t help but feel nervous. This was my first time meeting with her and I was eager to make a good impression. I straightened my dress, a soft blue gown that complimented my eyes, and took a deep breath before knocking on the door.

The Queen’s personal maid opened the door and gestured for me to enter. I stepped into the room and was immediately struck by its grandeur. The room was spacious and airy, with high ceilings and large windows that let in the light. The walls were adorned with intricate gold moldings and intricate frescoes, which depicted scenes from the kingdom’s history.

In the center of the room stood a massive four-poster bed, draped in luxurious silk curtains in shades of gold and cream. The bed was surrounded by plush velvet armchairs and a matching chaise lounge. Across from the bed, a large fireplace roared with a warm, crackling fire, filling the room with a cozy glow.

The Queen herself was seated at a beautifully carved wooden desk, surrounded by piles of parchment and quills. She was a regal figure, with silver hair styled in a sleek bun and piercing blue eyes that commanded attention. Her dress was a rich shade of purple, adorned with gold embroidery and sparkling gems.

She looked up as I approached and a warm smile crossed her face. “Ah, Alice,” she said, beckoning me forward. “Please, come and sit.”

I took a seat in one of the armchairs opposite her desk, feeling a little intimidated by her presence. “Your Majesty,” I said, inclining my head in a polite bow.

The Queen chuckled. “Please, there’s no need for such formalities here. I’ve heard so much about you, Alice. I’m eager to get to know you better.”

I walked in and I saw the Queen up close this time around, she really was a beauty. Now I know where Edward got his handsomeness from, although the King was above an ok gentleman the Queen puts any other lady in around her age to shame.

“My Queen.” I curtsied as soon as the lady I followed entered. I rose my head and I saw a pleasant smile on her face.

“Come here my dear.” She held her hands to me seated regally on a sofa. I walked to her and took her hands still meekly bowing.

“Are you busy now?” She asked, I did not know whether to cry or laugh. Am I to tell my Queen that I was busy to attend to her yeah right.

“Of course not my Queen.” I spoke, I mean nothing less was expected from those lips of mine. She gave me a knowing smile but she dropped it.

“Sit with me for a while would you.” She said more like she commanded me. I was worried if it was my latest stat and the rumours circulating the castle that made her call me to see her, still I followed her command and sat a bit farther away from her.

“Are you scared of me Alice?” She teased with a smile on her face.

“No my Queen. I am not.” I lied through my teeth, she knew that I know that she knows I was lying. As soon as those words came out I heard a very soft laughter from her.

“Then come sit near me. I will not bite you.” She said, with no other choice I walked to a seat near her.

“Would you like some tea? Or what type of tea do you enjoy dear.” She asked me almost like I was her guest.

“I am alright. I will be working later and I would not like to impose My Queen.” I said in time to stop her from calling one of her attendant to go get me tea.

She looked at me again and laughed, she sat up and was discussing something with her lady in waiting, I looked at her and I seriously saw another image overlapping hers. Where have I ever met someone who acts like this, regally and also royal, I stopped thinking because it was like smoke the more I try to hold on the more it slips away. I just chalked it up to the fact that I am in the presence of an intelligent woman and also kind and she is the Queen.

“Might I ask why you requested my presence my Queen.” I questioned knowing that I might just be stepping on thin ice.

“Could I not just to enjoy your company?” She replied with a question of her own.

“That would be true if I were to be in your class or one of your nobles. Alas I am neither but just someone as lowly and burdensome with no power nor strength to my name.” I responded feeling my heart ache from the words that Meredith told me. I wanted to be invisible and blend into the background with no one and most importantly no royals looking for me nor putting me in more troubles. By what Meredith said then these people mostly have no regard for the lives of their maids.

“You are a smart one, so I would like it if you keep that till the end of our conversation.” She told me still smiling.Original content from NôvelDrama.Org.

“Yes my Queen.” I answered to let her know that I understood everything perfectly. I already have a red streak with the King so the best I can do at the moment is to not allow myself to land in trouble with the Queen.

“Now, tell me exactly what happened yesterday.” She instructed. I knew it, it was all a trap. What am I to do now, why me. Instantly I went to my knees which took her by surprise by her widening her eye. And she is the Queen nothing takes them by surprise so why is she surprised by me on my knees.

“I apologise; it was all my fault. I plea for your mercy My Queen.” I begged with my head bowed.

“Get up Alice.” She commanded but I shook my head.

“Please have mercy on me your highness.” I still pleaded on my knees. she suddenly stood up which startled me, immediately I followed her.

“Now that I have your attention, please calm down okay?” She softly said smiling at me, now I am completely confused.

“Your Highness?” I questioned.

“Don’t you know that even though I am the Queen I also gave birth to Edward.” She reminded me, but I can’t seem to connect what she was trying to pass across.

“I do not understand.” I said.

“I gave birth and raised him, so of course I know the attitude of my own son.” She spoke.

“ohhhhhhh” Understanding what she meant.

“I always knew that he was extremely annoying and just how mischievous he can be. He always has been that way and from when he was a child till now his attitude never changed,” She told me sitting back on her sofa, she gestured at me too and I sat. “It really was worse then, when he was just 12 summers he got about three different people exiled in the span of a month. And if Andrew had not found out about it, I had no idea what could have happened to those people.” She finished her statement.

So he always had been like that, I was not that surprised anymore but still I could not help thinking maybe there was something wromg with him. I was abut asking that question then I remembered that I was in the presence of the Queen of a country and not any woman.

“When Andrew found out, he reported to me and my husband. And not only did we do our best and punished him, we got our guards to get those exiled people escorted back to the kingdom. We also made him to tender an apology in front of the entire kingdom when we threw a ceremony to have them welcomed back to the kingdom. My husband did all those so they would not resent the boy and to appease the families affected.” She said ending her story. I do not know whether to dislike him even more than I already do but I also wonder why he was born as a frustrating

“Ohhh.” Those were the only words I could utter.

“Let me ask you something. Although I realized that he may have made your stay here unpleasant but have he ever done anything directly or anything to confront you since you have been employed in the palace.” She asked. Her question came sudden, but I started thinking and realised that even though he could have slapped me or flogged me or harm me physically he did none of that.

“No My Queen.” I answered truthfully, she smiled almost like she was lost in thought

“Have you ever fallen in love before dear.” She asked me, okay these line of questioning is extremely confusing to me, yet I have no choice but to give her a reply.

“No My Queen.” I answered again. This time around she turned and gave me one of the most radiant smile I have ever seen.

“So what if I told you that Edward loves you.”

I knew that something was wrong because why would she say something like that to someone who hates her son more than anything in the world. Just thinking about it brings a bitter taste to my mouth.

“Hmm I do not think I would like that; emotions are not something to play with especially love.” I said, speaking out my thoughts.

“I do not understand your words dear.” The Queen said to me. I opened my mouth but I know not what she might consider rude.

“Do I have the permission to speak freely?” I asked testing out my limit.

“Granted.” She replied. I took a deep breath and calmed my heart down so here goes nothing.

“I would probably give him a massive slap on his cheeks if he ever comes to confess his feelings to me.” I stated honestly, I was expecting a reprimanding tone but what I heard was laughter.

“Why would that be the case?” She asked amidst her laughter wheezing out the words.

“My Queen ever since I came into the palace he has been making me go through hell on earth and not just that. He makes sure that I felt his power and treats me like a play thing so pardon me if I cannot like someone like that nor do I see myself liking someone like that ever.” I rushed out in a breath.

“I love and admire your boldness, stating to the Queen to her face that you would slap her son.” She said in a joking manner and laughed, I responded with a nervous laughter of mine.

“I beg for pardon for my lack of thoughts in my words.” I spoke having no idea where I go that much confidence. She waved her hand signifying that it was no issue.

“Why do I have a nagging feeling that even though you show us respect you are not that intimidated by the royal family.” She told me titling her head in a questioning manner.

“What do you mean my Queen.” I asked.

“I do not know, just my instinct. Have you ever worked for any royals before you entered the palace?” She asked.

“Not at all my Queen. This would be the first time I have ever held a job like this.” I responded, what does she mean that I was not intimidated. I thank god for the fact that my thoughts could not be known and made public knowledge.

“You don’t say.” She said before giving me a curious look all over again before she shut her eye for a brief second.

We continued our question and answer and we spoke more raging from the whether to anything that could be touched, I loved speaking with her and I enjoyed her company. She was personality wise the exact opposite of her son and I could not be more grateful.

“Now I know why my son wants to keep you to himself. If not that I do not want to pouch you from his hands, then I would make you one of my personal handmaids.” She jokingly said, and for a brief moment I wished she actually did just that.

We laughed more and talked about random things and it was a great and fun time for a girl like me who never had any mother figure. And even though I try to stop my thoughts I kept on thinking like I had met someone like her before yet I have no idea where I might have met someone like her.

“Would you tell me why you were stealing from Edward. You seemed, looked and you definitely sound like a decent girl so why steal.” She asked me. I just knew it was too good to last. I kept quiet for a while before I opened my mouth and told her everything that I had gone through and how even though I was not proud of being a pickpocket but I needed to survive and I had no choice on the cold and brutal streets without a job and a place to lay my head.

I told her about how when I was still green and just got out of the orphanage how I was used by people who I thought were honest and how I was chased out anytime I confronted them about their maltreatment to me, and also my near death and rape experiences before I decided to do what was necessary to survive.

“When I saw Prince Edward on the street that day, all I saw was a chance to eat a good meal for a while and those opportunities hardly do come every day but once in a while. That was why I tried my luck in stealing his necklace.” I finished my story. She looked at me with a mixture of purity and curiosity, her look made me fidget because they were too intense.

“But what about your pare……” She was interrupted by someone. We both turned and saw the man of the hour yes Prince Edward. He walked in fuming in anger. The Queen saw his face and laughed while I saw that this would be the second time I would see him with an angry look.

“Why is my mother keeping my maid from coming to do her duties?” He asked his mother.

“Oh, you stingy little child. I just wanted to have fun with a new face for the first time in a while and here you are complaining to my ears.” She teased him.

And their banter went back and forth with both of them teasing each other, and even though he used the excuse of him coming to get his maid just looking at him it was so obvious that he was killing two birds with a stone as he did not look the least displeased to see his mother and to come into her chambers. I hated the fact that I felt a lot of envy or rather my heart felt undiluted jealousy I mean he has everything I needed and wanted, he had all his family with him living healthy in a warm and cosy home, people to tend to his every needs, a full stomach with any type of meal that he wanted.

And here I am trying to live my life, he comes deliberately tormenting me just for trying my best to live. He has the love of his mother and it annoys me that he has the mother’s warmth which I lacked, the dislike I had for him grew more. I knew that stealing from him was wrong but at that moment I had no choice, yet I am suffering for it form someone who does not even deserve to punish me. He was after all a wicked man and the fact that he has no mercy and always try to make my life miserable tells me everything there is to know about him, the bitterness I felt grew and I knew that the Queen saw it.

“By your leave My Queen.” I said asking the permission to go, I just wanted to leave the sunshine atmosphere. Too nauseating.

“You are excused; I will see you later Alice.” She said granting me my leave, I quickly curtsied before I walked as fast as I could out of there.

I began my walk back to the kitchen to go get Edward’s meal, my heart still felt the pain of not having a mother and for the life of me I have no idea why I felt that I was missing something so important about myself. I walked into the kitchen to go gwt the meal and some maids were seated, gossiping as usual, I ignored them to go get the food.

“Did you hear about the person that was locked up.” One of them said, I turned my head to look at them but I ignored them still thinking of my dropped plan of avoiding my nemesis.

“Yes, it came as a shock that they threw him into the dungeons. He is a noble after all.” Another replied, this time around I turned fully to look at them.

“What did you just say?” I asked.

“That there is a nobleman in the dungeons?” She replied cautiously.

“Which nobleman.” I asked again with a nagging suspicion of who it might be.

“Stuart who else.” She replied, I stood still for a few moments before I turned on my heels and ran. I ran with only one purpose in mind and that is to get to the dungeons.

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