The Rogue Alpha’s Claim

Chapter 51

“Do you have to go?” Ariel whined as she helped Kane pack a bag for his journey-or would she call it a satchel?

“We have gone over this, and it is very necessary that I go. And I am also scouting for a beta.”

“I don’t know why you are against the idea of making Maddie the beta. I am sure she will do a good job.” Ariel rolled her eyes.

“We have been over this love. Maddie is not going to be the beta, and I don’t want us to have an issue over this. Besides, I am not only scouting for a beta; there are some things I need to do too.”

“But why?” Ariel sighed, jutting her lips out in a pout and widening her eyes to give those puppy eyes, but Kane took one look at her, and he shook his head.

“You know those don’t work for me again?”

Ariel rolled her eyes, angry that her tactics couldn’t work for him any longer. “What will happen to us now?”

“This isn’t our first rodeo, Ariel, and this trip is actually important. We need money to maintain the pack and complete the new project that is ongoing. I need to take this trip.”

“I know.” Ariel grumbled under her breath. She wished she could hide him inside her blouse and never let him go. She couldn’t shake the eerie feeling she had since he told her he was going out on a mission, and it wasn’t going away.

No matter how she tried to dissuade Kane, the man was bent on going. She loves a man who is sure of what he wants, but damn, they could be annoying.

“At least give me a smile; I am not going to die.”

“I thought we had enough money.”

“Maintaining a pack is a continuous job, and no matter how much we have, it can never be enough. Feeding, living expenses, and stipend.”

“Wait, you actually give everyone stipends?” Ariel’s eyes were literally bulging out. She thought she only got it as a perk of being the alpha’s girl.

“Well yes. Not everyone has a regular job, and I am the Alpha; it is my duty to ensure that the pack is properly cared for.”

“Wow.” Her respect for Kane grew even more. She had been a whiny bitch all this time while he was balancing the weight of everyone’s problems on his neck. “I think I am through.”

“Thank you.” Ariel glanced at the small bag she had packed for him, wondering how it was going to sustain him for the days he would be away.

“Are you sure this will be okay for your travel?” She eyed the bag in distaste.

“It is more than enough. It is not a vacation. Meanwhile, I have talked to Maddie, and she has promised to be on her best behavior. I will be leaving the pack in your hands, and I know you can lead them well. Everything you will need is available, and the ladies will work together with you to keep the pack.”

“I see you already have everything planned.” There was a bitterness in her voice, angry that he had done all this behind her but still somewhat happy that he had tried to make the job easier for her. “I will miss you.” She said in a small voice.

“Cheer up, I will be coming back soon, and we could…” His eye gleamed, and he stared into space as he received a message from the mind link. “They are all ready and waiting for us. We have to go.”

Ariel grudgingly stood up while fighting everything in her not to just take his hands and disappear somewhere safe. She held his hands firmly as they walked out of the room, the warmth between them a reminder that he was going to be back soon.

The pack was deadly quiet, a large contrast from the usual buzz of the pack, and as they walked down the stairs, Ariel gripped his hand tightly.

“It will be fine.” Kane reassured her for what would be the umpteenth time.

They made their way down, their shoes heavy on the stairs, until they got to the bottom of the stairs and headed towards the door.

Kane opened the door, and they went outside, where all the pack had gathered. Everyone was in some sort of embrace, whispering words of comfort and saying their last goodbyes.

Ariel let her eyes scan through the people she was coming to accept as family, and her eyes watered a little. But the amusing thing that caught her eye was seeing Maddie cuddle up with Toby by the side.

No matter how she tried to deny it, the bond was bringing them close, and a little smile was on her lips.

A hush fell through the gathering as Kane cleared his throat, and they all fastened their eyes on him-well, on both of them since she was standing beside him.

Ariel shifted a little, finding the attention a little nerve-racking, but Kane stood in front of her, and he began to speak.

“You are all aware of our mission, and in that light, I will be leaving the pack in the capable hands of my mate. She is Luna, and she will be in charge, and in that sense, whatever she says goes. Disrespecting her is disrespecting me, and it should not be taken lightly. I expect maximum cooperation from everyone until we are back. Is that clear?”

“Yes Alpha.”

“Mmm.” Kane nodded his head as he cast his gaze through the crowd. “Good. I will leave the pack in your capable hands. Goodbye.”

Ariel was choked up with words as she looked at him, and Kane was drawing towards her as he saw the look on her face.

“I promise I will be back, and maybe we could go out on a date.”

“I will hold you to your promise, and I will be looking forward to it.”

“I will miss you.” Kane said as he lowered his head to connect their lips together. “I love you.” He whispered against her lips.

Ariel could only mumble her reply, her voice betraying her. She slowly parted from him, her eyes blurring with unshed tears.

It was with that blurry vision that she saw him off to the gate, her eyes puffy and red. It was as if somehow her senses had dulled with his departure, and he had taken everything she had with him, leaving just a shadow of herself.

Ariel ignored the rest of the crowd, and she headed straight to their room. She was ashamed to admit it, but she couldn’t be the Luna they needed.

Right now, she just wanted to curl up on Kane’s side of the bed and immerse herself in his scent.

And that was all she did.

Somehow, this departure hit her more than she could bear it, and for the days that followed their departure, she was confined to their room, surviving purely on Kane’s scent and the food Liza would bring.

It was on the third day that she came to her senses, and she stood up from the bed, washing up and heading downstairs.

The laughter coming from the common room startled her, and on closer inspection, all the women were huddled in the chair, cracking their ribs over some sitcom.

Shame hung on her head, like a halo on an angel, as she lowered her head as she passed by them.

Kane had left her in charge, and it was her duty to make sure they were fine, yet she had been sulking in her room, acting like it was the end of the world while the others had moved on.

“Hey Luna.” It was Liza’s cheerful smile that stopped her in her tracks, and she went towards them.This content © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

“She is alive!” Another one exclaimed, and Ariel tried to hide the red in her cheeks.

“Hey ladies.” Ariel smiled, taking up one of the empty seats and reaching for a handful of popcorn. Within minutes, she was sucked into the sitcom, and that was how the day had gone by.

Each day melted into the next, day turning to night, night to day, and Ariel had fully assumed the role of Luna. Kane was right; she was just worried over nothing. The days were going to fly by, and they would be home before she could think of it.

Or so she had thought.

They had been relaxing, playing a game of monopoly, and as usual, Ariel was winning. She was a beast in the game, and her competitive spirit always flared up.

Maddie was at the corner, antisocial as ever, sipping from her cup when she was jerking off from her seat. “Ladies, I think…”


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