The Rise of the Omega Supreme

Chapter 13: Despair to find Lina

(POV: Nicollas)

“Supreme, all the trackers are already in the vicinity,” Albert says as I enter the room. “We are awaiting your orders.”

I don’t respond to him, nor do I even look at his face. I stride apace to the center of the conference room and clear my throat, capturing everyone’s attention.

“As most of you already know, I have found my Luna,” I announce, scanning the audience as they listen. “She is currently missing, and I want you to find her.”

I spot a hand in the crowd and realize it belongs to Logan, Melanie’s mate and the future alpha of their pack.

“And what is your connection with her, Supreme?” he questions, pushing my last shred of patience.

“If I could find her through our bond,” I mutter through gritted teeth, “I wouldn’t send you all to search! Now do your job and obey your Supreme.”

Logan lowers his head, and I see anger tense his jaw. I don’t care; I’m not here to please anyone. I only want to find my mate.

“Well, I have a piece of Lina’s clothing with me. I want all you to sniff it and locate her as apace as possible,” I instruct, handing them the blouse. Everyone except Logan sniffs it. “Won’t you sniff your Luna, Logan?”

“No need, I already know her scent,” he responds defiantly.

What? How does he already know her scent? As far as I know, she didn’t have any friends when she was only a simple omega.

“Oh, indeed?” I speak with a voice roughened by jealousy, unable to hide my irritation, which he notices.

“Y-yes, we used to talk a lot,” he says, causing my anger to escalate.

“What did you talk about?” I question, seeing his face pale and his chin tremble a titlle. “What did you talk about?” I repeat the question, struggling to resist tearing this person’s head off.

“Only trivial things, Supreme. It’s… it’s better if we focus on finding her,” he stammers and stumbles over the carpet in the room. “With your permission.”

If looks could kill, this pathetic tracker would witness firsthand what happens to those who irritate me.

“Sir?” Elga, the governor, calls me with her head bowed in reverence.

“Speak!” I command.

“There are two omegas outside the mansion who want to speak with you, sir,” she informs me.

“Send them away, Elga.”

Elga turns her back and leaves the conference room, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

“This is your fault! If you hadn’t left her alone, she would still be here!” my mind condemns me, and it’s right. If I hadn’t left her alone, she would be here in my arms. I would be experiencing her sweet scent, hearing her enchanting voice. She… she would still be here with me.

I can’t control myself and destroy the entire room. I throw everything on the table onto the floor, shattering it into pieces scattered across the clean marble floor. I grab the chairs and hurl them at the wall, smashing them into fragments. I topple the bookshelves, only stopping when I hear a high-pitched scream that nearly deafens me.

“Sir… they said they won’t leave until they speak with you,” Elga informs me, trembling from head to toe.

Damn it! Who do these ridiculous omegas think they are to disobey my orders? I stride forcefully to the front door of the mansion and open it without the slightest delicacy, making it clear that I’m not in a good mood.

“What are you doing here?” I stop

mid-sentence upon seeing who they are. “What are you doing here?”

“We apologize for disobeying you, Supreme, but we needed to speak with you urgently,” one of them says.

“Fine, come in,” I relent, realizing I shouldn’t lose control and disrespect Lina’s omega friends, according to Lina herself. I make way for them, and they enter. “Sit down.”

“We won’t take long.”

“Then get straight to the point,” I say impatiently. I’m really pushing myself to the limit to not step on these inferior beings’ necks. “I have better things to do.”

“We want to help find Lina, our Luna, and most importantly, our friend,” the woman whose name I don’t know speaks.

Oh, dear moon, grant me patience.

“And how do you intend to do that?” I question, raising my right eyebrow.


“You are trackers?”


“Do you have any leads on where she might be?”

“No, but…”

“Then you are useless!” I shout, knocking over the coffee table in the room. “You can’t help in any way! You’ll only hinder! Damned!”

I completely lose control. I didn’t want this. I wanted to respect their wishes and, at the very least, make an effort to treat these two well. But it’s becoming very difficult.

“You’re right, Supreme. We are not trackers, and we have no clues about Lina’s whereabouts. We’re just omegas at the mercy of the blue-blooded wolves. But Lina, who is not only our Luna but also like family to us, cannot be left in danger,” the woman speaks with determination.

I stare at her, speechless. They genuinely love my mate and were willing to disobey me out of love for her. Oh, my Lina, I promise I will find you and have you in my arms once again. I will once again feel your sweet perfume. Your strong and gentle personality. The softness of your lips and I will taste your delicious egg farofa.

(POV: Lina)

I sense something warm and moist being placed on my forehead, gently pressing against it. I open my eyes and find myself face-to-face with the human girl from before, what was her name again? Sonia, Soray, Soph… Sophie! Yes, her name is Sophie.

She searchingly examines every detail of my face, and I do the same to hers. Wow, she’s such a beautiful girl, with such a calm and serene face. Still looking at her, I sit up on something soft, which I realize is a bed.

“Hello!” I decide to break the silence.

“Hello, Supreme,” she replies, lowering her head.

“You don’t have to do that, you can only call me Lina, dear.”

“Alright, Supreme… Lina!” She corrects herself and gives me a shy smile. “How do you feel?”

“My head is hurting a little,” I say, putting my right hand on my forehead and my left hand on my neck. “And my neck too.”

She analyzes me once again and turns around, grabbing a cup from a table.

“Here, take this,” she hands me the cup. “It will make your pain go away in less than a second.”

I sniff the contents of the cup, and the smell is awful! I make a face, and she laughs at my reaction. With hesitant movements, I bring the cup to my mouth and drink its entire contents in one go. Yuck! The smell and taste are so horrible that it makes me want to vomit everything I drank, but I control myself. When the urge passes, so do the pains, and a grateful smile spreads across my lips.

“Thank you, Sophie. Can I call you that?”

“Of course, Lina, and you’re welcome. I imagined you would feel like this when you woke up.”

I look around, and the room I’m in is quite large and luxurious. The bed is huge and very comfortable, the wardrobe is a white twelve-door one, and the walls are leaf green.

“Where am I, Sophie?”

“In your room.”

“No, I mean… how can I explain it?” I gesture with my hands. “I want to know where…”

“I understand, but I can’t tell you.”


“I don’t have permission, I’m sorry.”

I give up. In the short time I’ve been here, I’ve already noticed how things work.

“Can I leave the room?”

“You can, but…”

“But?” I encourage her to continue.

“You can only leave during the day.”

“What time is it?”

“Eight o’clock in the evening, Lina. I tell you to rest because your body is still tired.”

Wow, I must have passed out completely. I snap out of my thoughts when Sophie opens the door of the room and tries to leave, but I’m faster and hold her wrist.

“Can you sleep here with me?” I ask.

She looks at me for long minutes, seemingly pondering her decision. Finally, she seems to make up her mind, lets out a long sigh, and turns to lock the door. Once again, panic takes hold of me, and a solitary tear escapes from my eyes.

“Don’t lock the door… please,” I whisper the last part. “I… I have claustrophobia.”

Once again, she lets out a long, heavy sigh and turns to look at me.

“Alright… on one condition.”


“You have to promise not to run away while I’m asleep.”

“I pinky promise,” I raise my finger, and Sophie laughs at my childishness.

(POV: Sophie)NôvelDrama.Org content.

I wait for Lina to settle on

the bed and turn off the lights. I lie down next to her, and a few minutes later, I can hear the calm sound of her breathing. She fell asleep.

My thoughts wander to the room I share with my sister. She must still be waiting for me…

“My dear sister, please forgive me, but tonight I won’t be able to keep you company. I hope you can sleep well and without nightmares,” I cogitate.

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