The Pinnacle Of Life

Chapter 3526

Chapter 3526


‘How could this be?’ An astonished Sandra stared at the dagger that had pierced deep into Hayley’s heart. He didn’t know September, but for him to come with Hayley showed there would be no issue.



Hayley had no idea what to anticipate either.

With lifeless eyes, she asked, “Senior brother, why?”

September answered, “Senior Sister, I don’t want to die here. I’ve attained eternity. How can I die like that? Additionally, even if I’m your senior brother, I’m not required to die with you. I might still consider it if I’m the person you decide to pick.”

As he said this, his hands again exerted force. The surge of great eternal power pierced Hayley’s heart. The six remaining Eternals next to him were also taken aback by this scene.

“Amazing, well done!” Ancient Divinity said.

Sandra‘s eyes were red with desire. He had considered his own demise, but he couldn’t imagine Hayley, an eternal expert, ending up like this… Bits and pieces about his relationship with Hayley flashed through his mind like a movie.



“No… You deserve death!” Sandra let out a shocking roar, his heart hurt like a knife at the time, and his heartbeat was as strong as a bell and drum.



Boom! Boom!

Immense sorrow flooded his heart. With a fist, he ruthlessly blasted September. He was filled with hatred this time, and he took no stance.

Sandra did not care whether it was Buddha power, witch power, cosmic energy, chaos Chi energy, or black and white Chi… He simply struck out subconsciously in anger and pain.




It was far too quick.

September’s hand was still holding the dagger, and he had just discovered Sandra’s attack on himself, and the thought of disdain had just flashed through his mind when Sandra’s fist was slammed into his chest.





Thirteen stars joined as one to form a flying dagger.

The will of the universe was added to it, three thousand lotus, three thousand great Dao, and even a smidgeon of dark demonic lotus energy.

Pfft! This is from NôvelDrama.Org.

September, an eternal, was astounded to discover that Sandra’s strike had also struck into his heart, with the flying dagger stabbing it.



“Thirteen Star Chain Flying Dagger!”

“Really… It’s really in your hand..?”

Sandra himself was perplexed at this point. He had delivered such a powerful blow that even he couldn’t think clearly.



The following second…

Hayley’s mouthful of blood transformed into a blood-colored nebula that engulfed the entire crowd. Simultaneously, she slapped September with force, “Senior brother, our relationship ends now. You

want me to die. It’s not so simple! You are free to pursue me. Come closer. I‘ll kill every single one that I see!”

“Go, Sandra!”



Hayley’s heart had burst, but she had not died.

Having attained the eternal realm of cultivation, she could regenerate with a drop of blood, without a heart, as long as the conditions allowed. However, her combat power was completely depleted for a brief period of time.

September yelled angrily, “You still haven’t made a move, Ancient Divinity? When are you going to take action?!”

The six eternal experts, as well as a large number of Peak Eternal experts, summoned from the Chi universe, all launched powerful and overwhelming attacks on Hayley and Sandra in an instant.



Hayley’s heart shattered, and she suffered greatly. She ran alongside Edgar, but not as quickly as the pursuers behind her.



Hayley collapsed shortly after receiving a blow to the back, spitting blood. Sandra also collapsed to the ground. Sandra noticed this and rushed back to pick up Hayley before continuing on his way.





“You put me down, Jordan. I’ll delay them for a while. Hurry!” Hayley said.



“This one’s for you!”

She pulled out a painting of Mountains, Rivers, Lands, and Grains that included Sandra’s wife, Rowan, and others.



Sandra tucked the painting of Mountains, Rivers, Lands, and Grains away and said, “Do you think I’ll be able to get away from these people? Or do you believe I’ll leave you here?”



Hayley was speechless. And their pursuers had actually surrounded them.

“I was able to stab September just now, so maybe I have a fighting chance!” Sandra considered this in his heart before looking ahead again.



That call was becoming increasingly urgent. He had a feeling his chances of survival were over there.

“You can’t run away, and you can’t protect him, senior sister!” September said as he opened his mouth.

“You filthy beast!”

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