The Otherside Of Love || Sadistic Billionaire

Chapter 90 Her Feelings

Natalie’s POV

I was standing among the lively chatter of the family gathering, my eyes inevitably drifted towards Rafael. He was standing beside Daniel, surrounded by a group of curious women. There was something magnetic about his presence, a quiet confidence that seemed to draw everyone in. Our eyes met once a while and I could see the amusement into his eyes, as if he was telling me that he was happy to be here.

How he didn’t feel annoyed about what granny did to him?

On the contrary, he handled their probing questions with a charming smile, his eyes twinkling with a mix of amusement and pride. I even heard him saying that I was the core of his life. I really started to feel the ice around my heart melted.

My heart bounding as if I love him for the first time!

After our kiss at the back yard, I felt I need more of him. What if I forget the past and started over?

“The man indeed in love!” Maya grinned.

I rolled my eyes, pretending that I didn’t care. Even though my heart was soften for him. I saw him getting along with the family men, Grandpa, uncle, Daniel, Lucas and the others, as they were grilling the meat in this family gathering.

I couldn’t help but admire how he carried himself. Despite the unexpected and rather harsh greeting from Grandma, he didn’t lose his composure. When she pinched his ear, Rafael’s face registered surprise, but he quickly recovered, his smile never faltering. He even managed to look dignified, despite the undignified situation. It was as if he knew that every pair of eyes in the place was on him, judging him, and he was determined to meet their scrutiny head-on.

His self confident made him take control there as he started guiding the men and gave everyone one of them a mission.Text content © NôvelDrama.Org.

To be honest, he surprised me! Where was the cold, ruthless man? His interaction with the family was nothing short of remarkable. He greeted and smiled to each person in the family warmly, his deep voice resonating with sincerity. Even Grandpa, who was usually quite reserved, seemed to warm up to Rafael’s easy charm. I could see the genuine respect growing in the eyes of my relatives as they spoke to him, each handshake and polite nod serving as a testament to his character.

Sure I wouldn’t deny that the family basically was warm and genuinely kind.

The time passed quickly and I wasn’t surprised when at the end of the family gathering Rafael made a friendship with them!

“Can I drive you home?” he asked.

I was busy talking with Maya when I heard his question. I turned around and with small smile replied, “Okay!”

He stared at me in shock. He stammered, “Are you sure?”

His reaction made me hold my laughter. “Then, why you asked if you wasn’t sure?”

He whipped his back neck with hand in nervousness and mumbled, “I was trying my luck though!”

I rised my eyebrows and teased, “then It seems you have a good luck tonight!” Once I uttered these word I regretted saying them. Afraid he would interpret them to the wrong meaning.

So , I rolled my eyes and said, “Whatever!”

After I said goodnight to everyone, I entered Rafael’s car.

The car was filled with a tense silence. I was sitting in the passenger seat, my hands clenched tightly in my lap. I could feel the warmth of his presence beside me, a stark contrast to the cool leather of the seat. The rhythmic hum of the engine and the faint sound of the tires on the asphalt should have been soothing, but my mind was a whirlwind of conflicting emotions.

I stole a glance at his face. He was was calm, his eyes focused on the road ahead. There was an unshakable determination in his expression, a confidence that seemed to radiate from him. It was both infuriating and intoxicating. How could he be so composed, so sure of himself, after everything I told him, and the bad way I treated him?

The evening replayed in my mind. His proud smile as he acknowledged being the father of my child, the way he handled Grandma’s aggressive interrogation with grace and humor, his unwavering gaze as he declared his love for me in front of everyone. It was as if he had taken every challenge and turned it into an opportunity to prove himself.

Prove himself to me? I felt flattered as I felt a pang of admiration for him, despite my attempts to keep my distance and to keep hurting him.

There was something undeniably attractive about his confidence, his refusal to back down. He had faced my family head-on, enduring their scrutiny and emerging with their reluctant respect. And then there was the way he looked at me, his eyes filled with a mix of longing and determination, as if I were the only thing that mattered in the world.

But alongside that admiration was a deep-rooted fear. Rafael was a force of nature, and I wasn’t sure I could withstand the storm he brought with him. His love was intense, all-consuming, and I wasn’t sure I could give him what he wanted any more.

What if he asked me to be his submissive again?

I had built walls around my heart to protect myself, and the thought of letting him in, of allowing myself to be vulnerable again, was terrifying.

As we approached my house, the reality of the situation settled heavily on my shoulders. This wasn’t just about me anymore. There was a child to consider, a future that seemed uncertain and fraught with challenges. Rafael’s presence complicated everything, stirring emotions I wasn’t ready to confront.

Weeks ago, I was determined about my future. Once he reappeared, I felt confused again.

The car came to a stop in front of my house, and Rafael turned to look at me. His eyes were soft, filled with an unspoken question. I knew he was thinking all along the road as I was.

For a moment, I felt the urge to reach out to him, to let him in. But the fear was stronger. I couldn’t afford to lose myself in him, not when so much was at stake.

From the look into his eyes I knew he wanted me even more than I did. He wanted to spend the night inside.

“Thank you for driving me home,” I said, my voice barely above a whisper. I avoided his gaze, focusing instead on the familiar sight of my front door.

He nodded, his expression unreadable. “Anytime, Natalie,” he replied softly.

I stepped out of the car, the cool night air a stark contrast to the warmth of his presence. As I walked to my door, I felt his eyes on me, a silent promise lingering in the air between us. I didn’t look back. I couldn’t. I needed to hold on to my resolve, to keep the walls around my heart intact. But as I closed the door behind me, a part of me couldn’t help but wonder if I was making a mistake, if pushing Rafael away was truly the right thing to do.

I leaned on the door, confused whether I should let him in or not?

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