The Omega For Sale

Chapter 70

Greyson’s POV:

As I brought Freya’s still unconscious body into the house. It felt worse than anything. Even while I could still feel her pulse and her body was still warm to my touch, I couldn’t help but believe that the worst was about to happen and I blamed myself for it.

She was sleep deprived and had obviously been very tired this last couple of days and just because she managed to catch a couple hours of sleep didn’t completely restore the rest of her energy. I should have known that and reconsidered taking her for the training.

“Master!” Zoe called when she met me by the stairway with Freya in my arms.

“Bring me a towel and some water please.” I said, moving up the stairs without waiting for her response.

Twisting the knob and pushing open the door to the master’s bedroom, I gently placed Freya’s small frame in the center of the bed and my heart hurt from seeing the love of life laying helplessly in the center of the large bed.

Zoe came into the room a few seconds later with the items I had requested for and she lingered by the bedside.

“What happened Master?” She asked but I ignored her.

“Clara will soon be here. Go downstairs and wait for her and then bring her straight here.” I instructed instead and with a small head bow, Zoe left the room.

I changed Freya into something more comfortable before starting to wipe her down with the wet towel. I had been negligent. I could see Freya everyday and it always felt like she had no energy left within her, that should have been enough to worry me but I kept trying to take her word for it and believe her when she said she was fine.

The green eyed woman stirred on the bed and my heart skipped two beats in its cage. Freya’s eyes fluttered open and when they locked onto my grey orbs I could see the tiredness within those beautiful eyes. I swiped the hair away from her face before offering her a small smile which she struggled to reply.

“What happened?” Freya asked.

“You fainted honey.”

Freya immediately began to try and sit up from her position at my words but I stopped her movements.

“Lay down babe. You have to keep laying until Clara is here to check you over please.”This belongs © NôvelDra/ma.Org.

Thankfully she listened to me and relaxed on the bed once more.

“Is Jessy still with Smith?” Freya asked once she was settled in again.

“Yes, I called him on the drive here and he’ll bring Jessy over soon.” I assured her and she nodded her head in understanding, shutting her eyes tight like it hurt her when they were open.

I couldn’t tell what could have gone wrong but it unsettled me because Freya looked really sick and I was afraid of what the cause could be. I wouldn’t be able to stand it if she were poisoned or something of the sort had happened to her.

It was another couple of minutes later before a knock was coming on the door, and even in my heightened state of panic I could still tell that it was the healer from her scent.

“Clara!” I greeted and as usual the older woman gave me a smile, despite the situation.

I would say it was one of Clara’s many superpowers. The ability to stay calm even in the most dreaded situations. The entire building could be on fire and the woman would only continue to smile.

Not in a creepy way, far from it. Clara had one of the most comforting smiles ever and it was definitely coming in handy right now.

She settled on the bed beside Freya and urged her to sit up. Propping a few pillows behind her back for her comfort.

Clara began her routine vital check on Freya and every couple of seconds she would hum. I didn’t know what any of the humming meant but I didn’t ask too, instead I remained silent by the foot of the bed and only continued to watch her work.

“What happened?” She finally asked once she was done.

“We were out in the fields training and we had just begun, I asked her to take a lap around the field and she did complete it but the moment she got to me, she just fainted.” I offered.

“Well, Freya is very capable of running around the field at the back of the training school without a hitch. So something must have happened for her to cause her to faint afterwards.” Clara said and I nodded my head in agreement.

If I didn’t think that Freya was equal to the task then I would have never set her up to it.

“What’s the problem Freya? Do you feel some kind of way? Anything I should know?” Clara directed her question to Freya this time.

“Well I don’t really think it’s anything big but lately I’ve been feeling really tired. I haven’t been sleeping well too so I thought that was the reason I was feeling tired but it just keeps getting worse and worse. If I stand for too long then I feel dizzy, the walls around me start to spin and I just feel sick.” Freya explained.

And a surge of anger went through my frame, she didn’t tell me any of this. The only thing she had ever admitted to was being tired and even that she was very dismissive of the topic, made it sound like it was nothing important and most times she just waved it off.

We definitely had some things to be talking about the moment Clara left the room. Freya was my responsibility and she more than anybody needed to understand that. I wanted to be able to trust that if anything were to happen to her then I would be the first person that she came to.

“When did this start?”

“Honestly it’s been a couple of weeks but I didn’t think it was anything. I have always struggled with my sleep so that part felt kind of normal and I just thought that the sickness and tiredness was coming from my lack of sleep.”

Freya explained and Clara nodded her head in response. She turned to look at me and I raised a brow in question, she said nothing though and only turned to Freya again.

“Raise your shirt.” She instructed and I frowned.

Why did she have to raise her shirt? I could see similar questions in Freya’s eyes too although both of us remained silent, with Freya doing as she had been instructed.

Everything seemed normal and okay until Clara reached for Freya’s stomach. I felt rage from nowhere fill my body and I growled loudly. Clara took her hands off which helped to calm me down but Freya was looking at me with confusion.

Clara reached for her stomach again and I felt the rage multiply at the base of my spine and when her fingers came in contact with Freya’s stomach, I leaped from my spot and in the next second I was in front of the healer with my hand wrapped around her neck in a chokehold.

“Goddess Greyson! Have you lost your mind? Let go of Clara immediately, she’s only trying to help. What the hell is your problem?” Freya screamed at me and I did as she asked.

Letting go of Clara immediately, it helped that her hands were off Freya’s stomach but even with that I could still feel the rage course through my veins.

“I-I’m sorry, I don’t know what’s wrong. My wolf is just feeling insanely protective and possessive of Freya and every time you touch her stomach it feels like I loose all control of him.” I explained.

“That confirms it then.” Clara said.

It took a couple of seconds for her words to settle in my head but when it did, both my eyes and mouth opened wide and it felt like I had been doused in cold water.

“Wait, what does it mean Clara? Why does he look like he has seen a ghost?” Freya asked.

And if it weren’t for the shock that was coursing through my body at the moment then I would have laughed loudly at the comical look on her face and in her tone.

“You’re pregnant Freya. I would still need to check you through and maybe run some tests, that is if the Alpha wouldn’t have my head so you’re coming with me but you’re definitely pregnant.” Clara explained and this time it was Freya’s turn to express shock.

When I saw the first drop of tears escape her eyes, I moved quickly onto the bed to pull her into my arms and even as Clara went on explaining some very important things that I honestly couldn’t care for in this moment, I could still feel my blood pumping with intense excitement.

I was going to have another child with Freya.

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