The Omega For Sale

Chapter 105

Greyson’s POV:

“What just happened?” Freya finally asked with a shaky voice and I raised my head to address my mate.

Sighing in relief when the hate that had resided in my heart against her over the last couple of days was nowhere to be found. I beckoned Freya closer to me with a finger, still unable to use my voice due to the dryness that had settled in my throat.

I could see the hesitation in her features and it hurt me more than anything in the world that she doubted if I meant it or not.

“I’m sorry.” I said to her and I watched as her features softened, she looked at my face, before looking down at the body at her feet.

Then going around it to reach me on the bed. Once she was within grasp, I reached forward to pull her into my arms in a hug, melting into it and taking a big sniff of her scent that I had missed very much.

“I’m so sorry.” I said again

“It was the only way, if I had not done it she would have only taken control of my mind faster.”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about right now. Is this about your attitude in the last couple of days, or about whatever it was that just happened in this room a few minutes ago. I’m truly confused Greyson.” Freya said, but there was no malice or anger in her voice. Only confusion.

Sighing heavily, I placed a kiss on her forehead and hugged her even tighter. Before pulling away, picking up my phone and shooting a text to Smith first.

“We all knew that Zoe planned to do something sinister and evil. We had no idea what it would be, when she would strike or worse, who exactly she would strike. So we went to the only person we knew that might be able to help. Clara. And she did, she helped us a lot.”


“We have no idea where she’s going to be, so how the fuck do we stop her?” I raged bitterly.

“We know she’s going to be at the Luna ceremony so maybe we could get her there.” Smith suggested but I was already shaking my head no before he could complete his words.

“That’s my day Smith, there’s no way I’m going to be looking for a witch in a dead body on that day, plus it’s too risky. No plans? We just wait for her to show up and then what? Do we go over to have a friendly conversation with her, where we beg her to please leave us alone or what? Plus, it might be too late.”

“We need help then. We can’t go into this blindly. This is witchcraft at its peak, we need a little knowledge on it if we plan to take her down in anyway. Maybe we should go to Clara, she’s the only one I know who might be able to help us.” My Beta said, and I nodded my head in agreement.

“Let’s go now then.” I said, moving off my seat and picking the car keys off the table.

The drive to Clara’s clinic was unusually quiet. It was odd to see Smith quiet and deep in thought like he currently was, the idiot always had something to say or joke about but apparently not this time. I couldn’t even bother with teasing him because I also had a thousand and one things on my mind.

Walking into the lobby of the small clinic, brought back the nostalgia I felt the first time I came here with Freya and Jessy for a check up.

It felt like such a long time ago, and it felt like those times were the easy times of our lives. It was a period of our lives I could call perfect.

“Alpha Greyson, how may I help you?” The receptionist asked, making me realize we had gotten to her table.

“I’ll love to see Clara please, let her know it’s urgent.” I said and the blonde head nodded in understanding.

It was a good thing Clara understood what urgent meant because in three minutes we were walking into her small office.

“Clara thank you for seeing us immediately.” I said to the older woman, as smith and I settled in chairs opposite her.

“I hope all is well with Freya and the babies. We have an appointment set for after the ceremony so I’m hoping all stays well till then.” The healer said.

“All is well with them Clara, thanks for all your help. We’re here for something different.”

And then I go on to explain the entire situation to Clara. Starting from the very beginning. Thankfully, the healer had the best listening ear and refused to interrupt me while I spoke.

“I know very little about witchcraft and I’m afraid my knowledge on the topic might not be able to help you, not as much as you would want. But I know someone who might be able to provide the answers you seek, or at least help in some way.” Clara proposed.

And from there we moved location again, this time all three of us.

“Park the car here. We’ll go the rest of the way on foot.” Clara instructed.

I did as she asked, putting the car into park and making sure it was secure before we continued the rest of the journey, deep into the woods on foot.

It felt like an unending journey. Deeper and deeper we went, until finally I could see a small cottage up ahead, hidden amongst large trees.Content from NôvelDr(a)ma.Org.

“Her names Sophia. She’s one of the weirdest people you would ever meet but she also has a lot of knowledge, so you might have to bear with her.” Clara said.

When we got to the door, Clara knocked twice on it. I pricked my ears trying to pick the sounds that might come from the room but I was met with nothing. Only an eerie silence came from the house.

“Smith?” Came a small voice and we all whipped her head towards it.

A very petite old woman, dressed in rag clothes was stood behind us with a stick in her hand. I couldn’t exactly get a clear view of her face because she had all her attention turned towards Smith.

“Mom?” Came my Beta’s voice

And for a second it felt like my world spun.

Finally the woman turned towards me and a small gasp escaped my lips. It felt like I was looking at the older version of Freya.

“Y-you’re here? A-all t-this t-time?”

When I saw the first drop of tears fall from my Beta’s face, it felt like a knife had been placed against my chest. Smith was one of the strongest people I know, watching him cry was very far from normal.

“Maybe we should all go inside? Can we go inside Sophia?” Clara asked softly, as if she were afraid of the woman.

Clara nudged me gently inside and I went with her, leaving Smith and Sophia outside. This was the last thing I predicted would happen at a time like this and it confused me.

I could only imagine what would have happened if I had Freya with me. I know that she had been separated and almost abandoned at a young age, so I knew that this reunion would be the last thing she would be looking forward to.

It was a long time before Smith and Sophia were walking into the small living area that was starting to become too small for me. I could see how red and swollen both their eyes were and I just knew that whatever conversation they had just shared wouldn’t be the smoothest.

“Alpha. It’s a honor to have you in my home. She’s been here already, it’s a good thing you came here now instead of waiting for her to strike, if she had, there would be no way to recover from it. She’s a desperate, dangerous woman who would stop at nothing to get what she wants.”

Sophia cut straight to the chase, I knew Smith had briefed her about our coming here.

“Zoe was here?” I asked carefully and Sophia chuckle, a sweet melodious sound that reminded me of Freya.

“She prefers to be called Estel. And yes, she was here. And will be coming back tonight to complete the ritual process. How cruel is life and fate?” She suddenly asked, staring off into the distance.

“I was about to help in the destruction of my own child, once again.” She murmured bitterly, shaking her head in regret.

I moved towards the woman and when I was at her seat, I squatted so I could be at eye level with her.

“There was no way you could have known. Now you have a chance to save her. To save everyone of us. We both know Zoe has bigger plans than just becoming Luna. Help me stop her, please.” I said softly to her.

And when she raised her eyes to mine, the sparkling green of them shocked me, it was scary to look at her and be able to see my mate within her depths. With a heavy sigh, she nodded her head and began speaking.

“Im supposed to help her make two different potions. The first one, will bind her soul to Estel’s body. So that she would have full access to it. No more stench of rot or death. The next is supposed to be for you. She never gives me full information of her plan but this potion is supposed to create a discord between the people involved.”

“Is there no way to make it fake? Or not do it at all?” Smith asked for the first time since he came inside.

“She’s a smart woman. And she would definitely have other options if I decide to not do it which would end up with her taking my life, I’m not putting it past her. It might delay her but best believe she would find someone else to do her dirty jobs. She can be very persuasive.” Sophia said.

“So can you help us?” Clara asked and I nodded in support.

“You need to ruin the magic of whatever she would be doing. There’s a potion that’s supposed to be created for you alone. No one else is to share with you but that’s exactly what you have to do.”

“I’ll share it with him then.” Smith offered but Sophia was already shaking her head no before he could complete the words.

“It has to be your mate.” She whispered, almost as if she was scared to say the words.

“No. It could be dangerous for her.” Clara said immediately.

“It won’t be. Zoe is trying to control your mind. She wants you to do her biddings, she’s trying to get you to turn your heart against everyone around you except her. Sharing this potion with your mate ensures that as long as your mate doesn’t give up on you, she wouldn’t be able to have full control of your mind. It gives you enough time to kill her.”

I sat on the floor in front of the witch, quiet, thinking through it. What if this potion turned out to be something poisonous that hurt the babies? Or worse hurt Freya? Was that a risk I was willing to take? A hand on my shoulders interrupted my thoughts.

“I would never hurt my child, not ever again. She’s going to cause a disaster, you have to prevent that by all means.” Sophia said in a whisper to me.

“Tell me what I have to do.” I finally said.

And even with Clara and Smith’s disapproval, I agreed to follow Sophia’s instructions till the very end.

We really didn’t have many options at this point. And if there was something I learnt from being an Alpha, it would be, a bad plan was much better than no plan at all.


“This is why we’ve had a rough week all along. I’m so sorry. I had to take the risk.” I said softly to Freya.

“You met my mother?” She asked with tears brimming in her eyes, like that was the only part of the story she had heard.

I pulled her into a hug. I didn’t know how I was supposed to tell her that Sophia had taken her life that very night. She had told me she was going to do it but no matter how much I tried to convince the witch she wouldn’t budge. She claimed there was no way she could face her kids, not after everything that had happened.

When Freya’s arms wrapped around me, it felt like I could finally breathe better. It felt worth it.

Risking my life, almost having sex with a dead mate, being restless for almost a week.

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