The Millionaire And His Billionaire Ex-Wife

Chapter 71

Chapter 71

Chapter 71 Hearing a voice that rang a bell. Sarah abruptly swiveled her head towards the stairway to find Grace, donned in a ravishing velvet gown, trailed by a stern-faced man. The man’s face was obscured by a mask. “You! How on earth? Weren’t you pushing up daisies?!” Sarah’s smile hung frozen on her face, her eyes brimming with shock. Incredulously, she questioned, “How in the world?! You took a leap of faith from that plane! How did you manage to make it back alive?!” “Sorry to rain on your parade, Miss Grammer,” Grace replied, a mischievous glint in her eyes and an alluring smile as captivating as ever. “You b itch, it’s all because of you that Patric decided to call it quits with our engagement. I swear I’ll get you!” Sarah, boiling over with rage, lunged towards Grace, looking as if she were ready to meet her maker along with her adversary. Grace deftly sidestepped, leaving Sarah, failing to keep her balance, nearly eating dirt. “I knew you were fine,” Patric softly rubbed Grace’s face, relief washing over him. “You go check on Hedda’s condition, I’ll hold the fort here.” “Alright, she’s in your hands then.” Grace agreed promptly, and with Chad, her bodyguard in tow, entered Hedda’s room. Watching Grace’s figure retreat into the hallway’s depths, Patric turned his grim gaze towards Sarah, sprawled on the floor. “I’ve given the Grammer family a heads up, this engagement is null and void. You better pull your socks up. While I’m still not in the mood to settle the score, beat it.” His face was a canvas of disgust. “How could you do this to me! Patric, I’m the one who loves you the most. Is this how you repay my

love? Are you so ruthless? You’re pulling my leg, right? You won’t call off the engagement!” Sarah was a mess of so bs. Patric, stone-faced, towered over her at his impressive height of 62″, beholding her pathetic state. “Miss! The Grammer family have just sent word, everything Mr. Smith said holds water!” Elon aided her up from the ground, “Mr. and Mrs. Grammer have given orders to cart you off post- haste.”

“No! I won’t go back. Nobody can make me!” Sarah tried to wriggle free, but Elon held fast. “Miss, Mr. Smith is currently hot under the collar. Best swallow your pride for now. Mr. Grammer and Mrs. Grammer will have your back regarding the engagement!” He practically hauled her downstairs, flashing his crew a meaningful look, “What are you lot dawdling for! Make tracks!” The posse made their exit, their earlier bravado nowhere to be seen. 12:00 The Milliontie and His Billionaire Exi Chapter 71 At this time, in Hedda’s room. Chad unpacked his trusty medical kit and apparatus, performing a preliminary once over on Hedda. Perched on a small couch nearby, Grace observed Chad’s deft movements, whilst covertly assessing Hedda who was snoozing like a baby on the bed. Even though Hedda and Nancy shared the same father, their facial features were as different as night and day. Nancy was all sweetness and light, delicate and prissy, coming off like a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Hedda, however, had features that were more open and genuine. Grace wasn’t well acquainted with Hedda, and wasn’t about to jump to conclusions about her character. But seeing how she’s been managing the Mellis Group in such an orderly manner over the years, she

must be a career-driven woman, and certainly no wilting wallflower. “What’s the result of the examination, Chad?” Grace asked Chad, as he began to tidy up his instruments. She swiftly crossed the room to lend a hand. “She’s not doing too shabby, her brain function is showing signs of getting back into the swing of things. That suggests her overall health is on the up and up.” Chad handed her the medical report as he spoke. Grace skimmed the report, “Any chance we can speed up the process of waking her?” Chad scratched his chin, “Not entirely out of the question. If we opt for surgery, she could be bright- eyed and bushy-tailed within a week.” “A week?!” Grace crinkled her brow in thought before rejecting. “No, a week is too long. Can you wake her up in two days?” “Two days?” Chad seemed floored by her audacious request. “What I mentioned is the safest route. If we’re talking two days… He paused, “Well, then we’re left with nothing but the most dangerous treatment.” “What is it?” Grace asked, her doe eyes flickering with anticipation. “What are the odds, Chad?” “The procedure’s called Deep Brain Stimulation. It involves cracking the skull and chest. open. risky business, I’d only give it a forty percent shot, tops. Are you sure you want to roll the dice?” It’s a A surgery even Chad, a high-flier in the medical field, only gave a forty percent chance of success – it was not for the faint-hearted. If he failed… Grace mulled over it for a beat, then met his gaze resolutely, “Go for it! Come hell or high water, I have faith in you! Chad, you get things set up. We start at the drop of a hat.” Patric gave a soft knock at the door, poking his head in, “Anything I can lend a hand with?”

“Perfect timing.” Chad said, clearing his throat, “Do you have a room in your villa fit to be made into an operating room?” “Tused to have a personal physician staying here. His room would be just the ticket. I’ll get the house staff to spruce it up right away.” Patric understood his intentions. Chapter 71 Robert, as calm as a millpond, nodded his agreement, gathered all his equipment together, and followed Patric out. “Chad, I’m coming with you. I’ll play second fiddle,” Grace piped up, falling in step with them as they entered the ex-personal physician’s room. Chad cast an eye around the room, a look of satisfaction crossing his face, “Excellent, fully equipped. Have the house staff tidy up and sanitize everything. Then we’ll bring the patient in.” In no time flat, Susan and a couple of maids had the room sp ick and span. A ser vant gently laid Hedda on the operating table. Chad, steady as a rock, aligned the medical instruments with her head, ready for the initial procedure. “Grace, check the power supply,” he ordered, giving the medical apparatus one last once-over to ensure that all systems were working. “Everything is ready. No problem.” Grace stood behind Chad, watching as he began the procedure, eyes sharp as a hawk. Almost five hours had ticked away, but Chad’s scalpel-wielding hand remained as steady as ever, a thin sheen of sweat emerging on his forehead. With a light touch, Grace stood by his side, dabbing away at the beads of sweat on his forehead from time to time. “Tweezers.” Chad said, stretching out a hand. Not missing a beat, Grace picked up the tweezers and handed them over. The operation was demanding, but Chad, tireless as ever, continued his deft manipulation of the surgical equipment. All text © NôvelD(r)a'ma.Org.

Grace couldn’t help but marvel at his intense focus, thinking to herself, “Chad is truly the genius of the surgical world.” “Grace, give the instruments another once-over with the disinfectant. We’re about to cr ack the chest open, and the slightest slip-up could lead to an infection,” Chad cautioned with a serious expression. “Alright.” Grace replied crisply. Patric stood sentry outside the room, his eyes glued to his wristwatch. The operation had been going on for close to ten hours, and there was still no sign of them emerging. from the room. His nerves on edge, he resisted the urge to barge in, wary of causing any distractions. “Mr. Smith, there’s a message from the Grammer family,” the butler whispered as he ascended the staircase.

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