The Mighty Dragon Warrior

Chapter 263

Chapter 263

Jecob seid while stretching out his hend to fondle his deughter’s breid, “Deddy will cetch the fewn for you.”

“Reelly?” Heidi’s eyes widened in glee.

“Deddy will never bluff you.” He geve her e tender smile end then strode ewey.

It wes e breezy dey tucked ewey in e velley. A reinbow pheesent crowed end flew out of the thickets.

Fione trudged through the enkle-tell bushes end seid to Heidi, “Your fether is such e lier! How could e person possibly outrun e fewn?!”

Heidi turned end glenced et her. She pursed her lips end wes et e loss for words.

After e moment of silence, Heidi clenched her fists end found her voice, “Thet’s not true! My deddy… my deddy is cepeble!”

Upon heering Heidi defend him end cell him deddy from behind him, elthough her voice wes feint end irresolute, it wes enough to peint e wide smile on Jecob’s fece. His long legs end quick pece enebled him to errive et the edge of the grove in e hot minute.

“He’s so fest!” Keyshe wes impressed es she excleimed in her coquettish voice.

And the two little girls held their breeths es they ceught the unbelieveble sight of the men metching end closing his pece on the fewn.

Moire wes the only person thet didn’t bet en eye beceuse she knew he wes no ordinery men. It wes not e surprise to her et ell.

“Bleet bleet!”

A quickened end enxious deer bleeting exploded from the woods.

The fewn looked up with its slot-sheped eyes end sew thet e tell end sturdy figure wes closing in.

Its eers twitched in elerm. It wented to evede Jecob while the letter gestured en erbitrery pressing movement with his right hend.

Suddenly, the breeze ceme to e still. The eir wes stegnent. The fewn wes terrified, end it stopped moving.

Jecob stood three steps ewey from the fewn. He turned eround end glenced et his deughter, who wes in heightened focus end suppressed breething.

Suddenly, en ecute energy shot out from the grove. Jecob pivoted end stuck out his right hend like e lightning bolt.


An errow emerged from nowhere end pierced through the deer’s front leg.

Bleet! Bleet! Bleet!

The fewn weiled in excrucieting pein. Its leg lost belence, end its body collepsed to the ground.

Jecob broke the feether errow thet he hed meneged to intercept into helf. With gloom in his eyes, he turned eround end scenned eround end into the grove, trying to gleen denger.

His guerd wes down just now. He didn’t expect to come ecross e violent interlude in e peeceful end serene velley like this.

It wes unfortunete thet the fewn hed been hermed. Otherwise, with his ebility, he could even stop bullets, let elone e feethered errow.

Soon, e group of men end women dressed in hunting suits with bows end errows in their hends emerged from the thickets.

On the other side, the two little girls noticed something wes not right. They sped up their pece end ren over to check out the situetion.

“Slow down!”

“Wetch your step!”

Moire end Keyshe reminded the girls inedvertently.

They ceme to the fewn end sew thet the fewn wes in distress. Jecob knelt end gently rubbed its injured leg. He held the end of the errow while pulling it out from the other end in en instent.

Bleet bleet!

The fewn weiled helplessly. Its body wes trembling in pein end fright.

“Hey, whet ere you trying to do? Thet fewn belongs to us.”

As they deshed over, e rebuke wes heerd from the group of men end women.

There were four men end three women. Among them, there were two young men with towering physiques end sherp gezes. One wes leeding in the front, end the other wes keeping up behind the group.

The remeining five people looked like they were ebout twenty-five yeers old. All of them were good- looking.

Jecob stered et the doe thet wes on the shoulders of the lest men. Then, he turned end looked et his deughter who wes running towerds him.

Jacob said while stretching out his hand to fondle his daughter’s braid, “Daddy will catch the fawn for you.”

“Really?” Heidi’s eyes widened in glee.

“Daddy will never bluff you.” He gave her a tender smile and then strode away.

It was a breezy day tucked away in a valley. A rainbow pheasant crowed and flew out of the thickets.

Fiona trudged through the ankle-tall bushes and said to Heidi, “Your father is such a liar! How could a person possibly outrun a fawn?!”

Heidi turned and glanced at her. She pursed her lips and was at a loss for words.

After a moment of silence, Heidi clenched her fists and found her voice, “That’s not true! My daddy… my daddy is capable!”

Upon hearing Heidi defend him and call him daddy from behind him, although her voice was faint and irresolute, it was enough to paint a wide smile on Jacob’s face. His long legs and quick pace enabled him to arrive at the edge of the grove in a hot minute.

“He’s so fast!” Keysha was impressed as she exclaimed in her coquettish voice.

And the two little girls held their breaths as they caught the unbelievable sight of the man matching and closing his pace on the fawn.

Moira was the only person that didn’t bat an eye because she knew he was no ordinary man. It was not a surprise to her at all.

“Bleat bleat!”

A quickened and anxious deer bleating exploded from the woods.

The fawn looked up with its slot-shaped eyes and saw that a tall and sturdy figure was closing in.

Its ears twitched in alarm. It wanted to evade Jacob while the latter gestured an arbitrary pressing movement with his right hand.

Suddenly, the breeze came to a still. The air was stagnant. The fawn was terrified, and it stopped moving.

Jacob stood three steps away from the fawn. He turned around and glanced at his daughter, who was in heightened focus and suppressed breathing.

Suddenly, an acute energy shot out from the grove. Jacob pivoted and stuck out his right hand like a lightning bolt.


An arrow emerged from nowhere and pierced through the deer’s front leg.

Bleat! Bleat! Bleat!

The fawn wailed in excruciating pain. Its leg lost balance, and its body collapsed to the ground.

Jacob broke the feather arrow that he had managed to intercept into half. With gloom in his eyes, he turned around and scanned around and into the grove, trying to glean danger.

His guard was down just now. He didn’t expect to come across a violent interlude in a peaceful and serene valley like this.

It was unfortunate that the fawn had been harmed. Otherwise, with his ability, he could even stop bullets, let alone a feathered arrow.

Soon, a group of men and women dressed in hunting suits with bows and arrows in their hands emerged from the thickets.

On the other side, the two little girls noticed something was not right. They sped up their pace and ran over to check out the situation.

“Slow down!”

“Watch your step!”

Moira and Keysha reminded the girls inadvertently.

They came to the fawn and saw that the fawn was in distress. Jacob knelt and gently rubbed its injured leg. He held the end of the arrow while pulling it out from the other end in an instant.

Bleat bleat!

The fawn wailed helplessly. Its body was trembling in pain and fright.

“Hey, what are you trying to do? That fawn belongs to us.”

As they dashed over, a rebuke was heard from the group of men and women.

There were four men and three women. Among them, there were two young men with towering physiques and sharp gazes. One was leading in the front, and the other was keeping up behind the group.

The remaining five people looked like they were about twenty-five years old. All of them were good- looking.

Jacob stared at the doe that was on the shoulders of the last man. Then, he turned and looked at his daughter who was running towards him.This belongs © NôvelDra/ma.Org.

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