The Merciless Alpha(erotica)


I was starting to panic. What had I done? Narusil’s first sexual experience, and I was fucking blowing it. She’d be exhausted, spent and desperately unsatisfied. I was starting to run out of steam myself, there was no way I could salvage this.This text is property of Nô/velD/rama.Org.

I felt my matrons as they noticed my panic, except poor Narusil, all she felt was the need for me deep inside her. Confusion began to spring up among the watching matrons. Then I felt a moment of clarity and heard Heilantu rise. She approached the bed.

“Tohi mai kohvari!” I heard her intone and her hand touched my upper back.

A crackling energy filled me, starting where her hand touched me, and spreading like cracks propagating through stone. The tiredness I felt was driven from me. Then the energy reached my groin. My erection sprang back to life, like I’d just downed way too much viagra. I could feel my balls recovering at lightning speed. Her spell completed, Heilantu stepped back.

Bless Heilantu! She’d realized what was going on! I had no idea what spell she’d cast, but fuck yes, it was exactly what I’d needed!

I lifted Narusil’s leg out of the way and slipped between her legs. She thrust her hips at me, desperately begging for what she needed as all words had abandoned her. I slipped my now throbbing cock up and down her drenched pussy, and gently pressed it into her opening. Narusil groaned as her womanhood stretched to accommodate the most desired intrusion. Her hands gripped at my hips, trying to pull me further into her.

I remembered what had just happened when Diamiutar had taken me too quickly, and I eased into Narusil’s virgin depths. Narusil sighed happily, then hissed as her hymen strained to keep me out. I knew Narusil needed this now, and with a short sharp thrust, her hymen popped. Narusil didn’t care, her hands tugged at my hips, there was only one thing that mattered in the world to her right now, and that was getting her womb filled with sperm.

I started to rock, slowly opening her tunnel, and building my pleasure as well. My panic had put me back a bit, but Narusil’s body was the best yet. I knew regardless at this point Narusil was going to be absolutely wiped out once she got what she desperately needed, so I didn’t have to draw this out anymore. I got a rhythm going and fuck did it feel amazing. Narusil’s incoherent moans of pleasure and desire only made it better. After just a minute I thrust into her deeply and my rejuvenated balls gave her a load of sperm large enough it started leaking out around my dick as it was still buried in her, kissing her womb. I must have squirted almost fifteen blasts of my baby batter into her chamber.

Finally sated, Narusil laid back, her eyes closed, her breathing heavy.

I savored the sensation of being in her for a minute, until I felt the rush of Heilantu’s spell fade and my dick began to soften. I pulled out and turned to Heilantu.

“Thanks, Narusil and I really needed that.” I confessed to the smiling matron.

Heilantu blushed, the red creeping down almost to her exposed breasts.

“My pleasure. We could all feel you realize something was off, what happened?” She prodded gently.

I sighed, “It’s apparently a difference between how your bodies are built, sexually, and the women I’m used to back home.” I winced realizing I’d used the term ‘women’ which had different connotations here, but hurried on. “Back home, sex without an orgasm was a disappointment… but for you, the most important part is receiving the sperm and fulfilling your desires to reproduce… isn’t it?’

Diamiutar seemed to have recovered enough to be listening and she nodded, “I think that’s a fair way of saying it. Wouldn’t you agree, Tavorwen?”

My other lover looked thoughtful, “These orgasms, they’re when my body felt like it was pulled tight then just… released, right?”

I nodded.

Tavorwen accepted that and thought about it, “Yeah, that was good, really good… but it was nothing compared to feeling your seed fill me. That was on a whole other level.”

“Making me want it that bad made it feel indescribably amazing to finally feel it flood into me.” Narusil moaned, her eyes still closed and her entire body trembling. “You can do that to me anytime you want.”

I laughed nervously, “Yeah, I’ll just make sure I’m not spent next time, I almost wasn’t able to give it to you.”

Narusil groaned, “That would have been torture!”

I hung my head, “That’s what I realized.”

Diamiutar patted my leg, “But in the end it worked out. Where did you learn that spell anyway?’

Heilantu blushed again, “A matron I worked with years ago taught me… in case I was chosen. It helped Master Korval keep up with his duties…”

Lymarith laughed and stood, “That was incredible! And I don’t know about you guys, but I’m starving. Diamiutar, I’ll do the cooking this time, since I doubt you will be standing long enough to do so.”

The exhausted head matron chuckled, and started trying to move, “No, I think you are correct on that. Go ahead.”

The spell of sexual arousal broke, the matrons not spent on the bed began to dress, and I looked forward to my first meal with my full new family.


Gla’dri was impressed again by the ruthlessness of his queen as he lay there stunned by her final plan.

“It definitely has the most promise, if successful… and the costs, while potentially high, are not the worst of the plans, should we be underestimating our forest cousins and their new ally.” Gla’dri mused. “But assuming the first stage is successful, it opens the door to increasing our knowledge and understanding of the threat we face.”

Kathra laid down on the bed. Gla’dri had delicately pointed out how her first two plans had terrible flaws she overlooked in her haste… and unflinching confidence of her soldiers. It was so frustrating that she had to maintain this war on five fronts. She couldn’t allow the different groups to join up, and that mandated keeping pressure up on each type of her worthless cousins. That stretched her forces thinner than she liked. Gla’dri had pointed out that if she pulled her full forces together to attempt to eradicate the forest cunts once and for all, it would push the fractured resistance of the others together into a unified front against her. She presented a strong front and tried to make each of the other races of the elves believe she could crush them on a whim. But if they pulled together…

“So, you agree with my plan?” Kathra demanded, “Don’t dance around me with your word games.”

Gla’dri sighed, “Yes. I think this plan is our best bet…. I would make sure the soldiers I deployed were from House Xen’thir. Mother Sa’Hydri is too strong in her position, and has suffered less losses than the other houses… if you leave her alone too long, she may gather the strength and support to challenge you.”

Kathra smiled, she probably would have arrived there with thought, but Gla’dri had done that thought for her. She rose finally from the bed and wrapped a robe around herself. “Good. Now scurry away to the hole you sleep in. And send in my general as you leave.”

Gla’dri rose and pulled on his clothing, his body objecting to the effort. He stumbled from the room, and Kathra rubbed the charm between her breasts. A cracking sound filled the air and her charm flared, cracks running over its surface until it broke into a dozen pieces each dissipating before they touched the floor. Kathra smiled and put a hand on her womb. A new life was forming deep inside her. Hopefully, this child would accomplish what her first daughter could not.

Her lip curled at the thought of that disappointing wench. The only good thing that worthless piece of elf flesh had done was inspire her plan to deal with this new threat.


I rested my rifle against the wall as I walked into the dinning room. I was helping Narusil walk to the table, her legs were still numb, and the lingering bliss still had her face stuck in that thoroughly fucked happy face.

“By all that is holy….” Creadean breathed, “I had a hard time believing that being inseminated was so straining, but you have made a believer out of me.”

Lymarith sighed as she manned a large shallow pan, like a frying pan, on the stove, and a pot simmering over the second flame. “Who gets to experience this wonder next?” The smell was tantalizing. It seemed like some sort of tangy fruit based soup in the larger pot, and it smelled like a fish dish in the frying pan.

Diamiutar smiled, “You are next to make love to our master, Lymarith, then Creadean and Heilantu will finish us off.”

Lymarith squealed in excitement. Creadean and Heilantu nodded, accepting the order.

“I am glad I was not first after Diamiutar.” Heilantu admitted, “I don’t think I could have concentrated enough to cast the spell were it me that Master Thomas was pleasuring so.”

Narusil hummed happily, “It was quiet distracting…”

The chorus of crickets outside said that my house was eating late. The food was delicious. I would never have thought of a fruit soup, but it was delicious and the seasoning of the fish actually made the two complement. As the meal finished, Creadean excused herself and I heard her begin to check the house.

Lymarith had set herself on the opposite side of Narusil during the meal. As soon as she finished eating, she leaned on my arm and hummed happily.

Diamiutar stood, “I am heading to bed. I need a good night’s sleep after today. It has been a wild and beautiful day and I am so happy to be a part of our new home.”

Narusil clung to my right arm as Lymarith clung to my left. Narusil gazed into my eyes. “May I spend the night by your side?” She begged.

“Me as well?” Lymarith begged, “I wish to make love to you first thing in the morning.”

Damn, who in the world would turn that offer down?

“Of course!” I told both of them. Kissing them, one then the other, or their foreheads. “But I warn you, I sleep wearing nothing but my undergarments, if that.”

Lymarith lightly bit her lower lip, “That is fine by me.”

Heilantu smiled, “I can enjoy my own bed. Sleep well, master.”

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