The Merciless Alpha(erotica)


She snarled at him and pushed him aside. ‘Damn he looks good,’ she thought. It was an erotic aftereffect of the bloodlust that was creeping up on her. She wanted to jump his bones, drink him of blood and ride him into the ground while doing it.

“Sadie –”

“Out of my way!” Every police unit had an emergency blood pack refrigerated for just such an emergency. She managed to get the doors open on her own, growling at anyone who tried to assist her. She grabbed the case, yanked it open and sank her teeth into the cool blood. It was good, but it was far from enough to replace what she’d lost. Still drinking from the bag, she headed around to the driver side door. She opened it up and depressed the cigarette lighter.

“What the hell are you doing?” Vlad said, wondering if he should try to tackle her so that the frightened medics could do their jobs.

She wasn’t in her right mind, so she just kind of ignored him. After a second, she grabbed the lighter and shoved the hot metal against the wound in her shoulder. She screamed so loudly that she made everyone in the area jump at the sound. Her flesh cooked, but the blood stopped flowing.

“She’s nuts!” she heard one of the EMTs gasp.

“Four . . . four assailants,” she said, her voice strained. “Two elves, one witch . . . one vamp. Started a magic circle . . . trying to burn down the whole damn district. Blood magic,” she added. Blood magic was nasty and incredibly dangerous, and those who practiced it tended to meet very painful ends.

“You did good,” Vlad said, worried more than he could express. Sadie looked like hell, and she was getting worse. “Now let’s get you to a hospital so you can get some –”

“No hospitals,” she said. “No chance in hell. Just gimme some Plasma-Ade and –”

“That shit won’t give you nearly what you need!” he snapped. “It’s just a stop-gap fix!”

“It’s enough,” she replied.

Devlin came running over, his face pale. “Arbiter, you look like shit.”Copyright by Nôv/elDrama.Org.

“Fuck you!” she growled, crawling into the SUV.

“You cannot seriously be thinking of driving!” Vladimir said. He’d shoot the tires out before letting her drive anywhere.

“I’m thinking that I’ll think whatever I wanna . . . wanna think,” she babbled.

“What’s wrong with her?”

Vlad shook his head. “Some kind of delirium. I don’t know what’s supposed to happen now.”

Sadie needed to get away. Looking at Vlad, she saw a pool of blood and sin that she wanted to roll around in. She knew she was far too close to the edge.

Vlad got on his radio. “Hey, Sadie’s hurt bad, and she’s getting crazy. What the hell does that mean?” He heard a bunch of random noise on the other end, then he heard Mel’s voice. She had been listening in, and she sounded concerned, but she had also turned on the calm. And she was the closest thing to a vampire expert they had.

*How much blood is she down? (click)*

“Too much. And she isn’t letting the medics near her.”

One of the medics grimaced. “We normally just stop the bleeding,” he said. “We don’t have any more bags.”

“Get that?” Vlad asked to the radio.

*Vlad, if she gets too low, she’ll go into a blood lust or a feeding frenzy. She won’t be able to resist it and, if she gets that far, she’ll probably kill whoever she’s feeding from. (click)*

‘That’s probably why she’s trying to get away,’ Vlad thought. ‘She’ll protect those around her even if it kills her.’

“I can’t believe she’s doing this for THAT guy,” Devlin muttered, looking back at the transient.

Sadie heard that and roared. She was acting on instinct, and she wanted to bash this human into oblivion for his callousness. That man had as much right to live as anyone. Luckily for Devlin, she was too weak to do much but snarl at him. But if she was still there when the bloodlust kicked in —

*Vlad, I’m patching you through to Mary — (click)*

“Mary?! The wraith?!”

*Yes, but she’s Sadie’s friend too, and she used to be a vampire. I called her for advice and she’s got some for you. (click)*

“Okay,” he said nervously. Even over the radio, wraiths were scary.

*Officer Koloff,* that cool voice said, *how dilated are her pupils? (click)*

“Very. I can barely even see whites anymore.”

*She’s close to the edge. (click)*

“Crap!” he shouted. Sadie was trying to start up the vehicle so, smart or not, he grabbed her out of it and wrestled her against the side. She may have been faster normally, but she was weak now. Weak, but pissed, and she was snarling at him. Then her face blanked a bit.

“I’m sorry Vlad,” she whispered. “I shouldn’t have . . . I should’ve respected your wishes and your wife . . . I didn’t want to drive you away.” The woman was beginning to babble.

“I need some help here!” he shouted.

*Vlad, she needs a blood source,* Mary’s voice said. *She needs fresh blood, and she needs it now. Whoever it is needs to be big enough to donate the blood, strong enough to fight her off, and hopefully someone who doesn’t hate her. When a vampire feeds, they react to the emotion of their ‘victim.’ (click)*

“No,” Sadie said, shaking her head. “I won’t . . . won’t –” Her face was so pale.

“She says she won’t bite!” Vlad said. “I’ll do it, but how do you make her feed? She’s such a stubborn bitch!” He put the radio to his ear. Mary gave him an unusual set of instructions.

*And if you can, take her somewhere private to feed. She will probably feel guilty and vulnerable after feeding, and privacy will help her pride. (click)*

‘What . . . wuh she say?” Sadie said, looking at him suspiciously. She was trying to edge along the wall to escape, but he picked her up.

“Devlin,” he said calmly but firmly, “I want you to go help Fitzpatrick. I’m taking the Arbiter over . . . there,” he said, pointing with his chin to a small grove of trees between the parking lot and a state highway. It was easily dense enough to hide from prying eyes. “And you say nothing about this to anyone. Clear?”

Devlin nodded. He respected the Captain, and he didn’t want Sadie to die.

Vladimir carried the weakening woman over. Mary had told him that if she reached the frenzy stage, it meant that her body had diverted all remaining blood to her muscles and away from her brain. She would become easily strong enough to kill somone if it got that far. Once out of sight, he leaned her against a tree. He yanked his shirt off his shoulder. “Feed!”

“No,” she whispered. “I can’t . . . I’ll hurt you . . . I already hurt you, and I didn’t mean to.”

“You won’t feed?” He waited until she shook her head. Then he slapped her hard across the face.

She looked away, then her gaze met his again, and she looked confused. He wered his hand just enough to get claws on the end of his fingers, and he used them to create a thin trail of blood along the meat of his shoulder. Then he slapped her again. This time, her face whipped forward. Her teeth were extended and her eyes wild, and she was staring at the trail of his blood.

“No,” she said, one more time.

*Smack!* His hand struck her again. Mary had told him to do this to evoke her animal instincts, preferably while her mind still had some grip on reality however. It worked. Sadie lunged forward, wrapping her arms around him in a demonic embrace and sunk her fangs into his shoulder.

Vladimir Koloff had never been bitten by a vampire, but he was pretty sure what was happening was abnormal. Normally, there was supposed to be a slight sexual rush when being bitten. This was like a tidal wave of pure sensual pleasure. As she drew blood from him, his manhood jumped to full attention faster than he could’ve imagined possible. Her body was like fire against his, and it took every bit of willpower that he had not to rip off her clothes and drill her like an oil well as she consumed his blood. He could barely even remember his wife’s name at the moment, much less care what the bitch thought of him. This creature before him was wild . . . she was passion incarnate. He gasped as he climaxed in his pants due to nothing but the feeling of the bloodletting and the pressure of her body against him. To make matters worse, his member wasn’t even able to shrink, but rather was ready to go again.

He was on the verge of breaking down and giving in to the temptation he’d felt so strong that night at the bar, but then he heard something that made him stop. Sadie Hewitt was crying. Even as her body pulsed with lust and her teeth drew him inside of her, her soul began to ache and her eyes leaked tears.

‘She feels weak,’ he thought, ashamed at the notion that he’d almost taken advantage of her. ‘She completely lost control of her mind, and she’s ashamed of herself.’ He could actually feel, at a very subtle level, what she was feeling. Mary had been right. Sadie felt vulnerable. Vlad was feeling a little woozy, so he knew it was about time to stop.

As soon as Vladimir began to calm down, it seemed that Sadie did as well. Her fierce bite had become a gentle nursing, and the tears came down harder. Finally she pulled away, closing her eyes and curling up into a ball on the ground. Vlad knelt beside her, coming down from the sexual rush of being bitten and trying to comfort a vampire who had been laid low by savage instinct.

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