The Merciless Alpha(erotica)


Torrie’s grin returned. She liked this woman and was happy that her mistress had “chosen” her for the evening. She was obviously no stranger to lust, but never without compassion. She wouldn’t hurt Torrie, at least not in an unpleasant way. The fact that this vampire Arbiter was sexy beyond all reason didn’t hurt matters. Watching the woman push jeans and panties down to her boots and then lowered her legs on either side of Torrie’s head.

“Prove it,” Sadie growled.

“As you command,” Torrie said slyly, pressing her face forward and lashing at the vampire’s exposed sex with sensual aggression. She placed the tip of her tongue near the base of Sadie’s pussy and slowly traced it in a clockwise direction. She stopped at the top and teased the clit, giving her mistress of the moment a small glimpse of the pleasure in store for her. Then she continued her circle until she reached the bottom again before finally going straight up the midde. She planted a gentle kiss on the clitoral hood . . . then another.

Sadie’s hand reached under her vest and started vigorously playing with her breasts, giving them something to do as pink tongue penetrated her pink cleft and got her normally still heart racing. She sent blood surging to all the places it needed to be to make the pleasure more potent, and it was working.

Torrie sucked on those swelling inner labia. She hadn’t been with many vamps, and none as hot as Sadie. She would have to do something extra nice to her mistress for letting her have this. She tugged on on those inner lips, making a low growling noise. She let it loose and then moved to the other one.

“You’re as good as you said,” Sadie chuckled, then moaned again.

“I’ve had a lot of practice,” Torrie replied demurely. She spread her tongue and pushed it slowly upward from bottom to top, then dragging it back down. She did this several times in short order, then wrapped her soft lips around that hard clit and sucked gently.NôvelDrama.Org © content.

It was only a few minutes before she had Sadie writing in pure bliss. She lavished affection all over her lover’s mound, and even performed a few quick darts at that perfect little anus.

Sadie grabbed two handfuls of Torrie’s pink hair and held her in place when she climaxed, not letting go until the girl’s mouth was coated with a sweet, sexy sheen: evidence of Sadie’s pleasure.

“I’ve never pleasured an Arbiter before,” the girl said happily. “It could be addictive. If I weren’t utterly devoted to my mistress –”

“It’s okay sugar,” Sadie replied, releasing her legs death-grip on Torrie’s head. “I ain’t the settling-down kind, and you folk need more . . . consistency? Yeah, consistency. Besides, sounds like you and your mistress have a good thing going.” She gave the young submissive a kiss, more friendly than passionate, but warm nonetheless. They both got dressed, or as dressed as they were going to get and cleaned up. The booths had a convenient box of tissues set aside, and the girls made great use of them.

“Hey, here’s my card as well,” Sadie said, “just in case you hear of any other weird behavior or need help.” She smiled and grabbed Torrie’s tight ass. “Or if you AND your mistress want another taste.”

Torrie bowed her head in subservience, but that gleam didn’t leave her eye. “I will happily . . . very happily . . . extend your invitation.” She waved off the money that Sadie tried to offer for the “dance.” “Oh no,” she said, “this one was on the house.”

The exited the VIP area and Torrie vanished into the corner of the club where her mistress eagerly awaited news of her slave’s debauchery. Sadie sat down contendedly next to Vlad.

“Oh sweet hell,” the wolf said, rolling his eyes, “you reek of sex, you know that?”

“That would be because I had sex,” Sadie responded primly. “I need to visit that club of theirs next time I’m in California.” She looked at Vlad, seriousness taking over. She told him about the mistress’s concern about the growing arrogance of vampires in the fetish scene. “I didn’t even start it,” she said at last. “But I need to make sure someone else thinks something’s wrong. I’m not crazy –”

“I know, and no one thinks so. But the vamps have contacts, ears, and eyes everywhere, and they have tons of connections. Not everyone is so willing to stoke their fires as you are.”

“Think I should back off? Let someone else look into this?”

“You’re biased, headstrong, and far too cocky,” Vladimir said. Then he grinned, “There’s no chance in hell of you letting someone else go chasing these shadows and you know it.”

She nodded, waving down the waitress for another beer. This was turning into a particularly dangerous game, and it was time she took it more seriously. But that would have to wait for another sunset. “Your turn,” she said, turning towards her comrade. “Fess up. How did you and the little missus meet?”

Vladimir’s mirth vanished. He hadn’t really expected for Sadie to come clean about Austin, but she had and so it was time to pay up.

“Really not much to tell. I actually served with her brother in the first Gulf War. Never thought I’d see an elf in the Marines, but he surprised me. Good man . . . good man. Always had my back. I’d met Teresa and she’d seemed a little snooty, but Lavelle was convinced that was just a front. Their parents died about ten years ago, so Lavelle thought it was his job to keep an eye on her, even though she didn’t much seem to want him to. Well, one night, we were clearing out a bar in Baghdad . . . and by that I mean –”

“Yeah, I can guess what you mean,” Sadie replied, shaking her head. Leathernecks were all the same.

“Well, he had this look about him. You know how some people seem to know that their time has come due? Elves especially?”

The Arbiter nodded. Each race had their own varieties of the notion of an afterlife. Humans had a number of religions, none of which could agree on much of anything. Vampires, not including Sadie herself, tended to think they would be reincarnated, as if the possibility of living forever the first time wasn’t enough. Elves also believed in reincarnation, but as some kind of spirit associated with the earth, and werewolves . . . they believed that they would join the great Pack behind Lupus the Hunter and run amongst the stars for eternity. Sadie liked that version best, and almost wished she could believe it.

“Well he got to talking in that weird kind of way. You know, questioning the purpose of everything and why we were there. Said he didn’t want Teresa to be left alone. He’d promised his father that he’d look after her always. He said he felt the Earth Spirit whispering to him . . . I just thought he’d taken one too many shots to the head. But he was serious, and he made me promise that if anything happened to him, I’d look after his sister.”

Sadie grimaced. “Something happened to him, didn’t it?”

“We were ambushed,” Vlad said, so softly that she could barely hear his voice over the pseudo-erotic thumping of the DJ’s music. “He took a bullet for me.”

The vampire leaned back and drained half her beer. She needed to let him collect himself. Sadie didn’t even need to hear the rest of the story, but she had a feeling he still needed to tell it. Some things needed to be aired out now and again, even memories. Otherwise, they festered in the dark places of your mind until all the therapy or alcohol in the world can’t wash the rotting smell away.

“We were waiting for the docs, but it didn’t take a rocket scientist to realize he wasn’t going to make it. He reminded me of my promise . . . then asked to be given his final inspection. Said he was leaving the military a little sooner than expected, so he thought he’d earned it . . . didn’t even want his last rites.”

Sadie nodded. She always wondered who’d written those verses. Silently she spoke the last lines to herself, seeing that Vlad was doing the same.

“Step forward now, you soldier, you’ve borne your burdens well. Walk peacefully on Heaven’s streets, you’ve done your time in hell.” Their gazes met. “I’m sorry for your friend.”

“I was allowed to be his escort back to the States, and Teresa met me at the airport. We buried him . . . we got along back then. I looked her up when my tour was over. She was still kind of lost, and had taken up with the wrong crowd. I courted her constantly until she consented.”

“Doesn’t sound particularly romantic,” Sadie said. “Consented is an ugly word when it comes to marriage.”

“How would you know?” Vlad replied angrily. “You don’t seem to have much interest in love or commitment, just lust. How many lovers have you had since getting to Midian? Hell, since getting to this bar?!”

“Vlad, calm down!” she said, flushed with anger and . . . and something else. Resentment. She doubted he knew how deeply he had cut her, even by accident. “Yes, I’m fairly free with certain things, but don’t think for a moment that I don’t understand love!” She stood up, her feet and mouth on autopilot. “And I know that love shouldn’t hurt. Do you really think that you’re fulfilling a promise to a friend by being miserable with someone for the rest of your life?!” She stormed out the door. She wasn’t sure why she was the one storming out, but the conversation had taken a turn that she wasn’t prepared to deal with. And to think that she’d just told HIM to calm down.

He followed her out to the parking lot and grabbed her arm. “Marriage is work and sacrifice, not something to be just abandoned whenever convenient!”

“From what I hear, you’ve NEVER been happy with her! She treats you like shit because you aren’t high born. I’ve seen the way she sucks up to the elite.” She ripped her arm away. She hadn’t meant to be confrontational, but he’d touched a nerve. “I’m sorry,” she said, lowering her eyes. This was more than human sexual submissive play for her, because she knew how it would be interpreted by a were. She was trying to back down from challenging him. “It’s just you didn’t really seem happy with her and I wanted to find out what was going on. I didn’t mean to question your integrity or honor.”

Vladimir knew she what she had meant to do. He hated her for bringing it up, but she’d been the only one to challenge him on the issue to his face. He’d admire her more if he wasn’t so furious. “I don’t know any other way to protect her,” he growled.

Sadie looked up and realized how close he was to her. “Are you protecting her or your honor?” Sadie asked, looking directly into his eyes. They were sad, and they shouldn’t be. He was primal . . . he was a predator. There should always be hunger behind those eyes, not regret. “Does she even want your protection?”

He knew that he needed to step back. He had adrenalin pumping through his veins, and the face looking up at him was as beautiful as it was challenging. Despite her brief attempt to appear meek, Sadie Hewitt could never truly bow to anyone. ‘Maybe that’s why she doesn’t like the other vampires,’ he thought. ‘She simply will never kneel before any Lord.’ There was a time that he would’ve done anything for a woman like this.

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