The Merciless Alpha(erotica)


“Thank you mistress,” Mel replied. ‘It’s not fair,’ she thought. ‘If I had tits like these, I’d play with them all the time and never leave the house!’

Sadie wasn’t done. Leisurely she rolled off of the bed, her feet on her incredibly comfy carpeting as she went into her walk-in-closet.

Mel heard rustling, then the sound of buckles being done. ‘What’s she doing in there? I’ve heard everything but power tools.’ She got her answer when Sadie reappeared . . . with a sizable erection between her legs. Sadie may not have much by way of bondage gear, but that strap-on harness and dildo seemed to have come directly out of a leather-junkie magazine.

“You HAVE seen one of these haven’t you? The male sexual organ?”

Melissa nodded. “A few mistress.”

Sadie was climbing onto the bed again, this time between Melissa’s outstretched legs. She stroked her shaft, smearing the lube she’d applied in the closet all over the nine-inches of delight she was about to provide. She ran the fleshy rubber head around her lover’s opening, taking extra time to tease the girl’s clitoral hood.

“There’s something I want to hear,” Sadie said soothingly. “I need to hear it before we go any further.”

“Please?” Mel said. She’d never been this horny in her life. There were parts of her body that were still stinging from the treatment she had received, but the rest of her wanted more.

“Please what?”

“Please put it in me,” Mel gasped. She wasn’t sure what the vampire wanted to hear, but it wasn’t going to stop her from trying. “Please fuck me! I need –”

“Oh hush silly girl. You had me at ‘fuck me.’ I swear, you’re far too wordy.” The two women shared a chuckle at that. At work, Melissa was known for using as few syllables as possible to communicate.Nôvel/Dr(a)ma.Org - Content owner.

Sadie pushed the head of the dildo inside, letting it slide further in at an excruciatingly slow pace. When she bottomed out, Sadie was in a push-up position and Melissa was in heaven. The vampire withdrew the device slowly, then plunged it in, forcing the air out Mel’s body. After that, Sadie wasn’t going for force. She was going to take her sweet, sweet time. She leaned forward until her breasts touched Melissa’s, then let her hips start to move in slow, deliberate strokes.

Again not what she was expecting, Melissa nonetheless found herself truly enjoying what was happening. She was still bound, and that made even the simple act of being penetrated. And Sadie was showing that she could be soft sometimes too. ‘There’s something to be said for soft,’ Mel thought as the vampire’s lips sought out Mel’s mortal ones. And she felt a wonderful fullness in her nether regions, with the ridges of the dildo rubbing her secret places. Melissa’s body felt warm against her, and those large breasts had a comfortable heaviness on her chest. Sadie took care to make sure that their nipples rubbed against to each other often. Mel knew she was going to be sore and have bruises in places she would rather not, but Sadie had made this a wonderful experience, just like she’d promised. And the kissing was certainly nice.

Mel lost track of time for a while, but she kept careful count of how many climaxes she experienced under Sadie’s gentle but methodical touch. The magic number was three, bringing her nightly total to more than she’d ever experienced in a previous relationship . . . period. She DID feel a great amount of relief when her hands and ankles were untied.

“Damn,” Sadie said, noticing the marks around the wrists and ankles. “Was it too tight?”

“Honestly, I didn’t notice,” Mel replied, officially slipping out of submissive mode, “until now. Owh –”

Sadie collapsed next to her, both of them staring at the ceiling. “Well, I think we made progress today.”

Melissa smiled. “Thanks for everything.”

“Oh don’t thank me. You EARNED your keep.”

“So I wasn’t too bad?”

Sadie stroked the girl’s face, rolling onto her side so she could look her over. “You were great. You’re going to have to figure out what you’re going to tell people at work though.”

“Tell them about what?”

“The noises you make when I do this to you every time I walk by!” She reached over and squeezed one of Mel’s tits.

“You wouldn’t?!” the girl groaned, caught between being indignant and highly excited. “You b–”

————– ———-

A week later . . .

————– ———-

Despite her bedroom bravado, Sadie had left Mel pretty much alone, except for her usual friendly enthusiasm. Melissa was just coming to grips with certain things, and the last thing she needed was a room full of testosterone laden men making fun of her for tumbling in the Arbiter’s bed, even if they didn’t know the full extent of it. Things were coming up roses. But there was a snake in the rose garden.

It happened at the beginning of the evening during duty assignment. Captain Grom had decided to join them that time, and Vladimir was standing next to the area map. Sadie was sitting in front of the desk, her feet kicked up. Most of the crew were casually and not-so-casually checking her out. Her revealing denim was hardly standard dress for cops, but what could they do? While she took direction from the Captain, she outranked everyone in the precinct.

“Okay folks, let’s –” the Captain started.

“– get this party started!” Sadie interrupted, lifting her arms and “raising the roof.” The crowd snickered.

“Thank you for that musical accompanyment . . . sort of,” the Captain said. He would’ve glared, but he couldn’t do it. She was just too much fun. “Anyway, something’s come up and I’d like to keep an eye on it. There’s been an increase in interspecies conflicts as of late. It’s only a small trend upward,” he said, turning on the projector and popping in a slide.

“Great,” Sadie groaned. “These things were boring in college –” This time, Grom actually glared at her, so she pouted a bit and watched the presentation.

“I’ve talked with some of the other precincts and they’ve noticed it too. And vamps seem to be involved a lot. Know anything about it?” he said, glancing at Sadie.

“Why yes,” Sadie grumbled, “I totally forgot about the call for civil-disobedience that I read in the most recent issue of the ‘Things With Fangs’ newsletter.”

“That would be no then? Okay.” He clicked to the next slide, that had a series of addresses on it. “Vladimir, circle these on the board?” He watched as the season officer started putting up lots of little circles and brief descriptions of the incident on the clear plastic sheet over the map. “I’ve heard of this happening before sometimes in the month leading up to Halloween.”

“You mean October?” Sadie said with a sweet smile. “Captain’s right, of course,” she said, giving him a bow of the head. “You know how wacky most vamps get. Some time ago, they decided that it was the holiest day of the year and blah blah blah. Anyway, we tend to get full of ourselves in October. Pisses me off thought. It’s like most of them don’t remember the real reason for the holiday.”

Fitzpatrick raised his hand. “You mean gorging on candy and lots of costume parties?”

Sadie aggressively pointed a finger at him and said, “Precisely! There’s a man with the spirit. Give me a hallelujah!”


“Okay, enough!” Grom shook his head. The moment she walked in, Sadie took control of a room. He glanced over the desk, then hit an intercom. “Melissa, could you bring me the rest of the case slides? I think they’re –”

*On your desk next to the picture of your wife. I know. (click)* Mel sounded just as deadpan talking to the Captain as everyone else.

After a few minutes, Mel walked into the room. The girl avoided smiling, but the glitter in her eyes made it clear she was glad to see Sadie. While they were just friends with benefits, Mel didn’t have many friends in the first place. Certainly none like Sadie.

But as she walked in, Sadie noticed something. Bart was standing at the back of the room, and he inhaled deeply when Melissa walked by. ‘What’s that about?’ she wondered. Whatever it was couldn’t be good.

It wasn’t. Bart waited until Melissa was at the front of the room, standing next to the desk. Then he spoke.

“She’s always quick to serve, isn’t she Arbiter?” he half-hissed, half purred. “She’s smelled more and more like you all week.”

Crom stood up, looking annoyed. Whenever Bart spoke, something bad happened. “Bart!”

“Those nipples harden when you walk by, did you know that? Just glad to she rolled out the whole welcome wagon for you.” Bart looked Melissa in the eye. “You ever wanna REALLY experience sex and pain, you give me a call.” Then he smiled.

“Out!” Crom shouted. Sadie was trembling in fury. She should’ve been paying more attention. Bart had probably been watching the newcomer all week, looking for a way to cause trouble. He couldn’t go after Sadie directly, so he hurt the first friend she made. And since everyone knew that demons couldn’t actually lie —

“I think that would be construed as inappropriate conversation,” Vladimir growled. He wanted to pound Bart’s head into the floor and had since he’d been sent here. Useful or not, he loathed the creature. “Which means it’s time for another appointment with Doctor Issac.” He saw some of Bart’s glee disappear from that grin. Doctor Issac was a witch and a psychiatrist and quite possible the most boring person on the planet. Demons hate being bored, so going to see him always annoyed the demon. Bart turned and left the room.

But the damage had been done. Melissa was standing there staring at the demon, mortified beyond speech. She was an intensely private person who had just been outed and humiliated in front of a bunch of cops. They might not say anything to her, but now they’d look at her like some cheap piece of meat . . . the new cop on the block’s sexual toy. Her skin had turned to the color of ash and her hands were trembling as she put the slides down. She would not cry . . . not in front of them.

Sadie was going to have words with that demon. Actually, she planned on beating him into mulch in a dark alley somewhere. It’d be worth a few days in jail. But for now, she needed to do damage control. A demon could use truth to hurt, but truth could also heal. And the truth laced with a fib could be even better.

She popped up to her feet and grabbed Mel’s arm. “Hold on,” she said warmly. The look Melissa shot was wrought with fear and frustration, but there was also trust there. And Sadie would never betray that trust. “Listen, since the walking yellow-bellied trout said it, let’s get this over with and out in the open. And no ‘out’ jokes,’ since I’ve already thought of them.” That got the crowd to laugh a little, breaking the tension.

“Yes, the young Melissa and I have been spending time together away from work.” She was using her best “compassion” voice, smooth and sweet and crystal clear. “She had questions about vampires, and I had some answers. We liked each others company, so the relationship moved forward. Happens to people and darkworlders all the time. Now the walking dragon scrotum twists the truth a bit just hurt someone. How many of you has he done it to?”

The crowd’s mood turned from thinking naughty thoughts about Melissa to unpleasant thoughts about Bart.

“I thought so. And you know the worst thing to do with a demon is pay attention to what they say. So just let Melissa do her job and don’t give that colon-based afterbirth the satisfaction. Okay?”

Crom looked like he was in pain. “Where do you get those insults from?” He was still dwelling of the “afterbirth” line.

“Every celebrate St. Patrick’s day in Ireland with a tribe of leprechauns?”

Fitzpatrick leaned back. “Enough said.”

Melissa walked slowly out, her face returning to the calm she did not feel. A few people looked after her, but most went back to looking at the front of the room. Captain Grom got the message . . . it was over. He dropped one of the new slides.

“Okay, now let’s talk about these incidents south of Jefferson Street –“

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