The Mate He Hates

On heat

Amanda’s POV

It’s been two days since I came back from the hospital, and things have been just normal except for the constant urging of my wolf, wanting me to go have a talk with Alpha Edward. But I was stubborn; if anyone has to initiate a conversation, it has to be him, not me.

A knock landed on my door, and when I asked the person in, I realized it was Liam holding a bouquet of flowers.

“Momma, Dad said I should give you these,” Liam said, handing the bouquet of flowers to me, which I took with curiosity. “See you later.” Liam smiled widely at me before leaving.

With a furrowed brow, I stared at the flowers before taking the note inside and reading it. “I saw these and thought of you.”

A lump formed in my throat as I didn’t know how to react to the gesture. “Well, he is being romantic,” my wolf mumbled in my mind, but I rolled my eyes and inhaled the fascinating scent of the roses before dropping them on my bed. My thoughts went to Alpha Edward and why he had been avoiding me for the past two days. I hardly see him even for meals, and when I asked Matthew, he told me Alpha Edward had gotten back to work and was very busy. But something tells me that was not the only reason-he was practically avoiding me.

“Maybe we should pay him a visit,” my wolf urged, but I resisted. He should be the one coming to me, not the other way around.

A knock landed on my door again, and this time it was Matthew who walked in with a plain look on his face.

“Nice roses,” he said, staring at the flowers on the bed.

“Yeah,” I murmured, sitting on the edge of the bed.

“Why didn’t you tell me what Killian tried to do to you?” Matthew asked, and I furrowed my brow.

“You knew? Mother told you?” I asked, and he nodded while I sighed. “I didn’t want to cause trouble,” I said.

Matthew scoffed. “Well, there is trouble now,” he muttered, causing me to raise a confused brow at him.


“Yes.” He paused and sat beside me. “I didn’t know how Alpha Edward got to hear about it, but he has summoned Alpha Killian to the Council of Werewolves and will charge him with attempted rape. Believe me, with Alpha Edward’s influence, Killian won’t get off scot-free.” Matthew said, and a lump formed in my throat. I didn’t know Alpha Edward would get so angry about that.

“The hearing will be next week, and Mother has agreed to testify against him. If he is found guilty, he will pay a great penalty, and he might even lose his title as an Alpha.” Matthew sighed and shook his head, seeming worried about it.

“What is wrong? You don’t look okay.”

Matthew sighed and took a deep breath. “Killian has reached out to me, Amanda. He is pleading for forgiveness. Also, Father has reached out to me, pleading as well. If this case goes through, it’s going to be a stain on our name, and Father is so worried about it.” He sighed. “What will people say? A brother trying to rape his half-sister?”

I could see the worry etched across his face and the tension in his shoulders as he struggled with the conflict between justice and family reputation.

“Amanda, please,” Matthew continued, his voice softer now, almost pleading. “I know Killian deserves to be punished, but this… this will tear our family apart. Father is beside himself with worry. He knows Killian was wrong, but he’s terrified of the shame it will bring upon us all if this case goes through. Can you talk to Alpha Edward? Maybe he can find another way to punish Killian without bringing it to the council.”

I sat there in silence, my mind racing. A part of me wanted to refuse, to let Killian face the full consequences of his actions. But another part-the part that had always valued family, that had always tried to keep the peace-felt the pull of Matthew’s words.

“I don’t know, Matthew,” I finally said, my voice hesitant. “What Killian did… it’s unforgivable. He tried to…” I couldn’t even finish the sentence; the memory was still too raw, too painful.

“I know,” Matthew interrupted, his tone urgent. “And I’m not asking you to forgive him. He should be punished, but maybe there’s another way. Something that won’t destroy our family’s name in the process.”

I looked into Matthew’s eyes, seeing the sincerity and desperation. He wasn’t just asking for Killian’s sake-he was asking for all of us, for our family. A lump formed in my throat as I wrestled with my decision.

“Alright,” I whispered, finally giving in. “I’ll talk to Edward. But I’m not making any promises. Edward is stubborn-if he decides to go through with this, there’s nothing I can do.”

Matthew let out a sigh of relief, his shoulders relaxing slightly. “Thank you, Amanda. I know this isn’t easy.”

I nodded, standing up from the bed and smoothing out the creases in my dress. My heart pounded as I made my way to the door. I wasn’t sure how Edward would react to my request-he had been avoiding me for days, and now I had to ask him to show mercy to the man who had tried to hurt me. But I had to try.

When I reached Edward’s study, I took a deep breath before knocking on the door. After a moment, his deep voice called out, telling me to enter. I pushed the door open and stepped inside, my heart racing.

Edward looked up from his desk, his eyes widening slightly in surprise when he saw me. He quickly masked his expression, though, and leaned back in his chair, his gaze cool and distant. It had been two days since I had seen him, and just seeing him, looking hot and seated behind his desk, made a tingling sensation hit my body.

“Amanda,” he said, his voice neutral. “What brings you here?”

I swallowed hard, suddenly feeling nervous under his intense gaze. There is this alluring feeling whenever he looks at me in such a manner.

“I need to talk to you,” I said, my voice steady despite the turmoil inside me. “It’s about Killian.”

His expression darkened at the mention of Killian’s name, and I could see the anger simmering in his eyes. But I pressed on, knowing I had to say what I’d come to say.

“Matthew told me about the council hearing,” I continued, stepping closer to his desk. “He also told me about the charges you’ve brought against Killian.”

Edward’s jaw tightened, and he looked away, his fingers drumming on the desk. “And you want me to withdraw the charges?” he said flatly.

I hesitated, choosing my words carefully. “Not exactly. I want you to punish him, Edward. He deserves it. But the council… it will destroy our family’s name. My father is pleading for mercy, and Matthew is worried sick about what this will do to us. I’m asking you to find another way. Something that will make Killian pay, but without bringing it to the council.”

Edward’s gaze snapped back to mine, his eyes searching my face for a long moment. I held my breath, waiting for his response, hoping he would understand the gravity of what I was asking.

Finally, he sighed, running a hand through his hair. “You’re asking a lot, Amanda,” he said, his voice weary. “Killian crossed a line. He knew you were mine, and yet he dared to touch you? I might be crippled, but that doesn’t mean I’m not still the Alpha Edward, feared by many. No one tries to touch what is mine.” He growled angrily, but what caught my attention was his claim over me. He called me his, and the feeling of that was…unexplainable.

“If only I could use my legs, he could have been dead by now,” Alpha Edward grunted, clearly frustrated about his condition.

“Please,” I pleaded. I didn’t want this matter to escalate.

“Amanda…” he trailed off, his expression conflicted. I could see the struggle in his eyes, the battle between his duty as Alpha and his feelings for me.

“I’ll consider it,” he finally said, his voice quiet. “For you, Amanda. I’ll think of another way to deal with Killian. But understand this-it won’t be easy, and it won’t be without consequences.”

Relief flooded through me, and I nodded, stepping closer to him. “Thank you, Edward. That’s all I’m asking.”

Our gazes locked for a moment, and neither of us could look away from each other. “How have you been?” he asked, but that brought a frown to my face. How dare he ask me that when he has clearly been avoiding me?

“Why? Do you care?” I sneered before turning around and slamming the door behind me.

“Take it easy on him, Amanda. He is feeling guilty about his actions, and it will take a while for him to forgive himself,” my wolf pleaded on his behalf while I scoffed and angrily went back to my room.

The rest of the day was uneventful until it was time for sleep. I put Liam to bed, and while making my way toward my room, a sudden rush of heat enveloped me, making me stagger in my steps.

“What is happening?” I whispered to my wolf, confused by the sudden discomfort I was feeling.

“We are in heat, Amanda,” my wolf growled in frustration, her voice filled with the same tension I was feeling. My body was suddenly on fire, every nerve ending alight with a need I couldn’t control.

“Heat? Now?” I whispered, clutching the wall for support as I tried to steady my breathing. The timing couldn’t have been worse. With everything happening, the last thing I needed was to be overwhelmed by my sexual desires.

“Yes, now,” my wolf responded, her tone laced with urgency. “And you know who we need.”

I bit my lip, trying to suppress the thoughts that immediately flooded my mind-the image of Alpha Edward, his strong arms around me, his scent, his touch. The pull towards him was overwhelming, but I fought against it, knowing how complicated things already were between us.

“No,” I muttered, shaking my head as if that would clear away the thoughts. “I can’t. Not now.”

“You won’t be able to resist, Amanda,” my wolf warned, her voice low and full of desire. “You need him. We need him.”

I clenched my fists, trying to focus on anything but the growing heat in my body. I couldn’t let myself give in-not when I was still angry at Edward, not when our relationship was so strained. But it was getting harder to think, harder to breathe as the heat intensified.

Stumbling, I made my way to my room, every step feeling like torture. The moment I shut the door behind me, I leaned against it, trying to catch my breath. My wolf was pacing in my mind, her agitation only fueling the fire within me.

“Think, Amanda,” I whispered to myself, trying to stay focused. “You can get through this. You just need to stay away from him.”

But even as I said it, I knew it would be nearly impossible. The bond between mates was strong, and the heat made it even stronger. Every fiber of my being was screaming for Edward, and I knew he would feel the pull too, despite the distance he had been keeping.

I collapsed onto my bed, trying to will myself to sleep, but my body was restless, my thoughts consumed by Edward. My skin felt too tight, too sensitive, and every time I closed my eyes, I could see his face, hear his voice, imagine his dick in me.

“Damn it,” I muttered, sitting up abruptly. I couldn’t stay in my room like this-I needed to do something, anything to distract myself. But as I stood, another wave of heat hit me, making me gasp and clutch the bedpost for support.

“You’re not going to make it through the night without him,” my wolf insisted, her voice urgent. “You need to go to him.”

I shook my head stubbornly, but the logical part of me knew she was right. The heat was only going to get worse, and without Edward, I would be in pain by morning. I couldn’t avoid him any longer.

With a resigned sigh, I pushed myself away from the bed and made my way to the door. The hallway was quiet, everyone else already asleep, but my heart was pounding so loudly it felt like it might wake the entire house. I didn’t care, though-my only thought was of Edward, of the relief I knew he could bring me.

I hesitated for a moment outside his door, my hand hovering over the handle. What if he rejected me? What if he was still angry at himself, still avoiding me? But the need was too strong to ignore, and I couldn’t let fear hold me back any longer.

Taking a deep breath, I turned the handle and slipped into his room. It was dark, the only light coming from the moon outside the window, casting a soft glow over the room. Edward was in bed, his eyes already on me as if he had been waiting.

The intensity of his gaze made my heart skip a beat, and I suddenly felt vulnerable under his scrutiny. But there was no going back now.

“Edward,” I whispered, my voice trembling slightly. “I… I need you.”

He didn’t say anything for a long moment, just stared at me with those piercing eyes. Then, slowly, he sat up, his expression unreadable. “Come here,” he finally said, his voice rough with emotion.

I didn’t need to be told twice. Crossing the room in a few quick steps, I climbed onto the bed and into his arms. The moment his skin touched mine, the heat intensified, and I couldn’t hold back the gasp that escaped my lips.

Edward’s arms tightened around me, and I felt a shiver run through his body as he inhaled deeply, his face buried in my neck. “Amanda,” he murmured, his voice low and strained. “You’re in heat.”

I nodded, unable to find my voice as the sensation of his touch consumed me. The bond between us flared to life, and all the anger, the frustration, melted away, leaving only the overwhelming need to be with him.

He pulled back slightly, his eyes searching mine, and for a moment, I saw the conflict there-the same conflict that had been tearing me apart. But then his expression hardened with desire, and he leaned in, capturing my lips with his in a fierce, possessive kiss.This content © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

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