The Maid: Mafia Romance (Series)

#3—Chapter 16

Confiding in a Friend

” W hat’s wrong?” was the first question Kimberly asked.

I watched her blankly. She couldn’t have sensed my uneasiness back there, could she?

“What do you mean? I don’t understand.” I laughed awkwardly, avoiding eye contact. If I didn’t look at her, maybe she’d change the subject.

Damn, I was stupid. Who was I trying to fool? Kimberly could detect my mood from a mile away.

“Oh, Jenny.” She lifted my chin so our eyes met. With kind words, she comforted me. “You don’t have to pretend you’re fine. I could tell you were not comfortable. Did I embarrass you somehow?” she asked, trying to find the root of the problem. Before I had the chance to speak, she spoke again. “The boys are a rowdy bunch. But they are all good guys. Was it the food, then? I don’t like French, either. Too many forks and spoons. If I had my pick, I’d eat Chinese any time.”

“I like Chinese, too,” I said.

“Especially with chopsticks.” We chorused in sync, and somehow, we ended up chuckling along, too, like we were the best of friends.

“You’re smiling now. Are you feeling better?”

I nodded. After that little laugh, I did feel a bit better.

“Thank you for cheering me up. And I’m sorry I spoiled the mood,” I apologized to her. “This was such an amazing evening, eating delicious food and getting to know all of Giovanni’s friends, but I kind of blew it.”

“No, you didn’t. Those guys are like a species of emotionless blocks. They can’t detect us when we have our PMS.” Kimberly really had a way with words. I laughed again, and when I finally managed to calm down, she took my hands in hers, and spoke. “I know we’ve only known each other for a bit over two hours, but I really think we could be friends. So, you can talk to me about anything.”

Gosh! I was frustrated with myself. I prided myself as the quick-witted, smart-mouthed girl, but for this one time, I was at a loss for words. I couldn’t structure my thoughts in a cohesive manner. So I said the one thing I could think of. “Could you help me?”

Kimberly looked at me quizzically. “You want me to help you? In what way?”

“I… It’s just… I feel inadequate, somehow. I mean, look at you.”

She blinked in rapid succession. “What about me?”

“Come on. You should know it yourself. You are beautiful, smart, confident.” I pointed out her positive points.

“And you are not?” she asked back, her eyebrows frowning in confusion.

What was there to be confused about? Couldn’t she see the difference between us? We were so similar, but yet so different in many ways.

She was refined; I was all rough around the edges. We both had brown hair. No wait. Mine was brown; hers had a chocolate hue, with hints of red-gold, accentuated even further under the rays of light. The color of our eyes reflected each other, but hers were of emerald green, the crystal everyone prized and valued. Mine, moss green, which everyone stepped on and abused.

My gaze flicked to our hands. We both had our manicures done. Mine from this morning, though no amount of hand creams or cosmetic products could erase the evidence of chapped skin caused by endless hours of washing dishes and cleaning toilets. My short, stubby fingers could never measure up to her long, lean ones. Those hands spoke of a woman who was well-bred and had lived a privileged life. Being in her vicinity only highlighted the sore points I lacked as Giovanni’s lover.

“Jenny. Don’t be like that,” Kimberly said when she saw I had paid too much attention to our hands. “You are perfect the way you are. Isn’t that why Giovanni picked you as his girl?”

Maybe Kimberly was trying to console me. I didn’t think it would work since my mental state was at an all-time low, but I listened to her anyway.

“You know,” she carried on talking, “I’ve known Giovanni for quite some time now. That guy is really picky. Like I said before, he’s an ass. Especially toward women. If he didn’t like them, he wouldn’t even give them the time of day. I’m sure there is something about you that he likes.”

Of course there was. I was merely a substitute to his little friend Jennifer, whom he knew in the past. But I couldn’t tell her that.

“I don’t know,” I mumbled, my gaze flicking anywhere else but at her.

“I can see you are struggling to tell me. Why don’t we change the subject?”

“To what?”

“Mmm.” She thought for a bit. “How about you tell me how you met Giovanni?”

“How I met Giovanni?”

“Mm-hmm.” She nodded, her hand under her chin, looking relaxed and poised, ready to take in my story.

I shifted in my seat, clearly uncomfortable with the topic.

“Um,” I mumbled, “my story is boring. There’s really nothing interesting to tell, at all. What about yours?” I diverted the subject back to her. “How did you meet Julian?”

“Me?” She drew back, clearly surprised by the turn of events. But she wasn’t uncomfortable like I was. She smiled, closed her eyes, and leaned into her palm. Her eyes held a look of nostalgia when they opened up, as if her mind was traveling down memory lane once again. “Mmm. Let’s see. Where do I start?

“Julian and I… our relationship is really turbulent, has been right from the get-go. You could almost say it’s more of an adult love. I’m not saying that your love life with Giovanni isn’t one, but I think your relationship feels more innocent and sweet. If my story were to be made into a film or TV series, it would be rated R. Contains strong sexual reference and lots of sexual situations.” She laughed, giggling about whatever memory she’d dug up. “Julian and I, we both had our ups and downs. We went through many situations filled with betrayals and manipulations. But somehow, in the end, we still stuck together.” Kimberly shook herself out of the past and smiled at me. “But that’s all in the past now. We learned from our mistakes and vowed to make a better future together.

“But enough about me, though. Let’s talk about you. Tell me, what kind of help do you need? Seducing Giovanni? Roping him into bed? I’m an expert in these fields. Julian and I had many sexual adventures together. I would be more than happy to help you out with a few techniques.”

“No, no. Not that. Not that at all.” I blushed, waving away the idea as one already formed inside my head. Although, one side of me did want to tell her I sucked at seducing Giovanni, but that wasn’t the root of the problem today. The problem was me and my inability to be his ideal girlfriend.

“I want you to teach me how to drink,” I said.

“To drink?” Kimberly asked, doing a drinking gesture with her hand.

I confirmed again with a nod. “Yes. You did say you were going to teach me how to drink, remember?” I reminded her.

Kimberly laughed. “Oh, Jenny, you are so cute. Of course, the offer will always be open. You have come to the right teacher. I could drink for days without getting drunk.”

A bartender walked past, and she snatched his attention, ordering two shots. The bartender poured the shots into two small glasses and passed them to her. She slid one across to me.

I picked up my glass and surveyed it. “What kind of drink is it?”

“It’s a gin and tonic. Very intoxicating. And delicious,” she added.

I didn’t need a gin and tonic to make me intoxicated. I was already intoxicated by this whole atmosphere, this environment, and most of all that guy over there, sitting across the room from us, my mafia boss, calmly discussing his business affairs, while Kimberly and I talked girly things and drank intoxicating liquids.

I took a sip and almost spewed it back out.

Sheesh! I sucked at this.

“This tastes awful.” I hung my tongue out like a dog.

“The taste is unique. But you’ll soon learn to love it. Trust me.” She lifted her own glass and chugged it all down in one go. “Ahhh. That was good. All this talk of boys is getting me thirsty. Another glass?”

Even though it tasted disgusting, I nodded my head for another round.

I had to do this. Mastering the art of consuming liquor was the first step to becoming Giovanni’s ideal girl.

Maybe Kimberly loved drinking and she simply wanted someone to drink with, or maybe she was trying to get me drunk so I could spill out all my problems to her. Either way, it worked. My mouth was like a broken dam, pouring out all my inner feelings for her ears.

“You know how I met Giovanni?” I started my story, the memory bubbling up to the surface, that moment when I first met Giovanni still fresh in my mind. “I delivered a letter on behalf of my Pa to him. Didn’t realize the letter was actually a contract. In exchange for my Pa’s debt, I was the collateral. In the end, I became Giovanni’s maid.”

Kimberly stayed silent, listening to every single word I spoke. There was no stopping me now. The lid of my bottled-up feelings had been broken. I carried on talking.

“It’s pathetic, Kimberly. Every time I think about it, it pisses me off. I’m hurt inside that they chose to abandon me, when together we could have thought of a solution. It still hurts now, because I just can’t understand why they would do something like that. I mean, we were flesh and blood.”

“Oh, Jenny. I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have asked you that question.”

“No, not your fault. I wanted to tell you. I’m okay now. I don’t think of them much anymore. When I think back, it was like a blessing in disguise, because in a way, Giovanni has been my savior. Without him, who knows where I might be. You know, I used to dislike him when I first worked as his maid. He can be really scary when he’s mad, but once I got to know him more, I realized he’s such a soft kitten.”

“You seem happy when you talk about him. Do you love him?” Kimberly asked that one question I dreaded.

But somehow, the words that came out of my mouth didn’t surprise me, because I’ve known for a long time now that what I was feeling for Giovanni was love.

“I love him, Kimberly. I don’t know when it started, but I love him. Maybe it was ever since I was his maid. He totally captivated me. Just his presence alone allured me. And now, he’s intoxicated me. He’s like my air, my oxygen, that substance I need to survive. And that’s why I’m so scared of the future.”

“Why, Jenny? What are you scared of?”

I chugged another shot down, the liquid burning my throat, but it also boosted my confidence, and I carried on confiding in her. “I’m afraid he’ll leave me when he finds out I’m not the real person he thought I am.”

“What do you mean?”

“He thinks I’m a girl from his past,” I mumbled, feeling sad and depressed again. “He keeps on saying I’m his Jennifer. I keep wanting to tell him that I’m not, but I’m scared that if he finds out, he will kick me out. Not only that, but I’ll have to pay him back the three million dollars that Pa owes. And I’m sure my heart will be broken. No, I’m positively sure it will be shattered into smithereens. I’ve never been in love, Kimberly. He’s my first love. That’s why I’m acting like this. It’s horrible, this feeling of insecurity.”

“So, he thought you were his long-lost friend,” Kimberly concluded after listening to my verbal garbage.

“Did he tell you about that, too?”

“No. Julian mentioned it all the time whenever Giovanni visited us in Miami.”

“That’s right. I bet the whole world knows he’s looking for his childhood friend, and when he saw me, he proclaimed to the world that he’d found her.”

“Why don’t you think you’re his childhood friend?”

“Because I don’t have memories of us together. I have amnesia, you see. I can’t remember anything from when I was a kid.”

“Who’s to say you didn’t know him. It’s because you have amnesia, that’s why you can’t remember.” Kimberly was all up and slurring her words now, too. We were like two drunken fools, conversing about our sordid love lives.

“I did think about that possibility, too, but he mentioned giving me his dragon necklace, and I don’t have it.” I pointed out that lack of evidence, my eyes beginning to go hazy.

“Mmm. You do have a point there.” Her hazy finger waved in front of me. “Here’s my advice.” She slumped her head on the counter. “Enjoy the moment. You don’t know what the future holds. Live life now. If you keep thinking about the past, and how you’re not the one for him, then who knows. You might end up losing him for real. He loves you, right?”Belongs to © n0velDrama.Org.

“I don’t know. I hope he does. He calls me weird names, though, like coffee machine. And now I’m his beloved.”

“I would consider those as pet names. I believe he loves you, Jenny. Otherwise, he wouldn’t bring you to meet us.”

“Really?” Hope raised in my eyes.

“Yes. Really.”

“Oh, you’re so nice and kind. If only I was as beautiful and confident as you, everything would be great. I don’t usually concern myself with looks, but since becoming his lover, I am more conscious of myself. On second thought, is it because I’m so plain, that’s why Pa and my sister abandoned me?”

“Oh, Jenny, don’t think like that. You are not plain. And confidence comes from within. You have got to be confident in yourself. This insecurity won’t do you any good. Fuck whoever says you are not. Whether it be your father or sister or Giovanni. You show the world what kind of girl you are. If Giovanni has enough of you, come to me. I’ll help kick his ass for you.”

“Hahaha,” I laughed, spilling my drink on the counter. “I’ll definitely tell you first if that happens.” I took another gulp of liquor and felt my head spinning. Suddenly, my world tilted. I toppled, blinked, and right there was Giovanni’s captivating face.

“Boss, is that you?” I slurred, wrapping my hands around his face and falling right into his arms.

“Kimberly, you corrupted my little bunny,” that deep, hot, sexy voice said. Yes, it was him.

“Ah! It’s Giovanni, the ass mafia,” I heard Kimberly say. I turned and saw her struggling to get up. If not for her boyfriend’s strong arms supporting her, she would have fallen already. But Kimberly didn’t like to be helped; she struggled to break free from his hold. “Let go, Julian. I haven’t finished talking yet.” She pinched and swatted his arms away until he let her go. She staggered to us then, Julian still lightly holding on to her waist to prevent her toppling over. Directing a finger at Giovanni, she pointed at his face. “You. Don’t go breaking Jenny’s heart, now. She’s a precious little thing. If I know she’s hurt because of you, I’ll have Julian kick your ass.”

Ahhh, Kimberly. She’s a good friend.

“Kimberly, that’s enough. Let’s go,” Julian said, a certain dangerous tone to his voice. Kimberly relented then, melting her soft body against his as he captured her waist and cradled her away like something precious.

“Okay. Bye for now, Jenny. See you later.” She waved at me from behind Julian’s shoulder, right before they both disappeared out of the restaurant.

“Bye bye. See you later.” I returned the wave, flinging my floppy arm backward and forward, until Giovanni caught my wrist.

“That’s enough, Jay. Let’s get some air.”

“Boss!” I mouthed, squeezing his cheeks. “Where are we going?”

“Outside.” And he hauled me up in his arms as well, carrying me like I weighed nothing.

“Am I precious, Boss? Are you going to carry me like a precious bundle, Boss?” I mumbled, stupidly rubbing my face against his soft whiskered cheek. “You need to shave, Boss. Your cheek is all rough.”

Somewhere in the distance I heard Giovanni sigh. “You are really drunk, my beloved.”

Chapter 13

Like the Sun and the Earth and the Moon

It was supposed to be cold in New York, so why was the weather so warm and musty tonight? Oh, right, we were still in Singapore. When did we arrive? I was so lost right now. A second ago, I was with Kimberly drinking gin and tonic, and now here I was, seeing the billions of stars brightening up the night sky. My head toppled, and the next instant, a hand cradled my head to rest on strong shoulders.

“You are very drunk, Jay. How much did you drink?” A far away voice drifted into my ear.

I turned and locked eyes with that very person who always made my heart pound.

Giovanni. My mafia boss, my lover. Oh, how I loved him.

Through my mushy brain, a burning question emerged. “Do you like me?”

I watched those midnight eyes enlarge. They were so dark, they sucked out my entire soul.

After what felt like an eternity, he answered. “Yeah.”

Did he say yes? Or was it my imagination?

I shook my head to clear that fog, but everything just looked so blurry. I wound my arms around his neck and dragged him to my level. I claimed his face with both hands, squeezing it until his lips popped out like a goldfish, then smacked my lips against those pouts. He was delicious. He intoxicated me. Or maybe it was the alcohol talking.

“You’re so cute, Boss. I love you a lot. I hope I get to stay close to you forever and ever and ever. Will you stay beside me forever and ever and ever?”

He wound his arms around my naked shoulders, pressing me against his solid chest. He smiled, his eyes sparkling like those midnight jewels up in the sky. “Yes, I’ll stay beside you.”

“I think you’re lying.” I pouted, turning away from him.

“Why would I lie?” he asked.

“I know when the real Jennifer comes along, I would be nothing but your little toy.” I grabbed his hands and wound them around my body, nestling my head at the crook of his neck, searching for his warmth. I needed his warmth. I wanted his warmth.

“Jay, you think too much.”

“Do not.” I tilted my head and pointed to the stars. “Look at those stars…” The alcohol must be playing in my system because the whole scenery just looked so beautiful. Thousands of bright, colorful lights illuminated the black background. Red, orange, blue, various colors blending together to form one giant orb. “Can you see it, Boss?”

I waved my hand in the air, directing his eyes to those stars.

“Those are city lights. Up there, those are the real stars.” He tilted my chin up and up until I saw the few stars twinkling against the night sky.

“Oh, hahaha.” I laughed. “Those city lights sure fooled me. But those real stars, though, aren’t they beautiful?”

“Yeah. I guess so. What about them?”

“They are like you, Boss. You’re as beautiful as those stars, hot and mesmerizing, just like our sun.”

“Well, I can’t deny I’m hot material.”

“That’s my whole point, Boss. You’re too beautiful for me. My eyes hurt when I look at you. I feel so plain standing next to you. Why couldn’t we be more compatible? At least make me look like those movie stars. They’re beautiful. You know I envy them.”

“They get plastic surgery.”

“Not all of them. If only I was a bit more beautiful, then maybe we could at least stand shoulder to shoulder.”

“There’s no way we could stand shoulder to shoulder. You’re shorter than I am. Your head only reaches up to my chest.”

“That’s not what I mean.” I was about to thump him on the shoulder when he caught both my arms and kissed me on the lips, stilling me into shock. And somehow, my head became a little clearer.

“I know what you mean, Jay,” he said, his eyes going soft, devoid of that usual playfulness. He asked, without his usual trace of arrogance, “Did Kimberly spout some shit into your ear? Why are you suddenly like this?”

“No, she didn’t say anything.” My eyes became a little teary, and in that instant, he let my hands go.

“Ahhh, fuck!” He combed both hands through his hair in frustration. “I thought it was a great idea to let you meet my friends, but this has turned out to be a fucking disaster.”

“I’m sorry, Boss. I ruined your evening.” Somehow, the pressure was too much, and I didn’t know what had overcome me, but my eyes started brewing with tears.

Giovanni saw the damage he’d done and tried to stop it in time, but it was too late. Large teardrops fell from my eyes like twin broken dams.

“God damn. No. No. You didn’t ruin anything, Jay. Don’t cry. It’s me. It’s my fucking fault. I didn’t consider your feelings.” He wiped my tear-stained cheeks and kissed each side softly, hugging me so tightly until my tears finally stopped.

A while later, after collecting myself somewhat, I apologized. “I’m sorry, Boss. I don’t mean to be this emotional.”

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