The Maid: Mafia Romance (Series)

#3—Chapter 12

A Gift of Love in Return

I was in a dilemma. Right now, I didn’t know whether I should switch back to my role as maid to the mafia. My hand was itching to clean that vase. It stood at least three feet tall and I bet weighed more than ten pounds. And there was dust collecting on it.

If I didn’t clean it, who would? Was Giovanni going to rope some poor woman into becoming his maid like I was? For a filthy rich guy like him, where were all his staff? I didn’t see anyone today.

Just as I was about to start on my task, Finnie called me to Giovanni’s office. The dark lord had summoned his lover, and I must obey.

But I was not one to neglect my task. I made my way into his lair, balancing the heavy vase with my skinny arms. I didn’t stop until I found a good, stable bench to rest the vase on. And Giovanni’s desk was that stable bench.

“Yes, Boss. You need me?” I peered over the side of the large vase to address him.

Today Giovanni was chic, dressed to the nines with gray slacks and a blazer. His hair was slicked back, a contrast to his normal messy hair style. Yesterday, he was a bad boy. Today, he was the perfect gentleman.

He was perfection in all forms and detrimental to my mental health. I was almost distracted from my task, if not for the cloth in my hand. I clicked my tongue and got to work.

I took my job seriously. And my job was to polish this vase until I could see my reflection on it. I prided myself on all the work I’d done. It’s that one single trait I was not afraid to show off.

“I want to discuss your college break. You’ve finished your exams, right?” He shot his questions straight at me.

“One more exam, Boss. Just in a few days, then I’ll be done.” I kept working, scrubbing that dirtied vase until half of it was already gleamingly clean. “I seriously hope I pass, though. If not, I’m worried I might have to repeat the paper.”

The worry must have shown on my face because Giovanni comforted me somewhat. “Jay, I’m sure a smart girl like you, who runs her mouth nonstop, would pass with ease.”

He leaned back and linked his arms behind his head, a look of relaxed composure radiating from his body.

At least one of us was relaxed. When it came to exams, I failed big-time. That’s why I couldn’t have any distractions. Especially with this person in front of me. Always tempting me. Always making me want him.

I shifted my focus to said person and eyed him with questioning doubt. I asked suspiciously, “Is that meant to be a compliment?”

“It’s a compliment. You know I don’t dish out compliments like Starbucks coffee.”

“Then I should say thank you, I suppose. At least I’m somewhat relieved. But why do you ask?” I went back to my polishing.

Sheesh! This vase was dirty. I put more effort into it.NôvelDrama.Org exclusive content.

“After your exam, Jay, I want to take you out. As a present.”

I dropped the polishing cloth and turned my full attention to him. My eyes lit up like light bulbs. What he’d said sparked my interest.

Giovanni planned to take me out? I was in luck. The only other time I’d been out was when he’d tricked me into shopping for clothing for his lover, when in the end, it ended up being me.

That time was so hilarious, I giggled out loud just thinking about it. But I stopped myself before he thought I’d turned stupid. Curiosity got a hold on me, and I asked him where we were going.

“Really, Boss. You’re taking me out. Where to, Boss?”

I didn’t remember going out much when I was young. So the thought of going out excited me big-time. It would be super amazing if he’d take me somewhere like Disneyland. I loved theme parks. Who would have guessed I was still a kid at age nineteen?

“Singapore,” he replied nonchalantly.

“Singapore? Singapore!” I hyperventilated in excitement. “Like the country Singapore? The Singapore that’s all the way across the other side of the world?”

“Yes, that Singapore,” he confirmed, and I literally wanted to jump up and down like a little kid who’s been given candy.

Oh, dear Ma up in heaven, I’m going to Singapore. Giovanni is taking me to Singapore.

“Boss, I can’t believe you’re taking me to Singapore. Since I was born, I’ve never been outside the States. If I wasn’t dirty, I would jump up on your lap and kiss you like crazy.” I expressed my excitement.

Giovanni shot up, leaned on his arms, and cooed softly into my ear. “What’s stopping you?”

I stilled and fluttered my eyes in his direction. He was seducing me with those obsidian eyes, and it was turning my world upside down.

My heartbeat shot up to the roof, and because I was literally pumped with adrenaline, I spazzed out the first sentence that came to mind. “My hands are dirty; I don’t want to dirty your new suit.”

And I was still excited, smiling at him like a dork. I imagined myself hanging out in the cool places in Singapore, like Marina Sand Bay or on Orchard Road, where the rich and wealthy hang out. Because I had an active imagination, my hands became active, too. They somehow stopped polishing the vase and started polishing the desk instead. Vigorously.

Giovanni made a face like he’d sucked on a sour lemon, exhaled, probably in irritation, and crashed down in his chair. The chair squeaked under his weight, and I squeaked, too, as soon as I saw his change of mood-I was very attuned to him these days-my manner changed instantly.

“Boss, what’s wrong? Gone sick all of a sudden? Want me to grab you some acetaminophen? Or a shot of morphine to stop the pain?”

“Shut up, Jay. And stop polishing my desk,” he barked out, annoyance scratching his face.

“Sorry, Boss. It’s hard for me to stop.” I tried complying with his wish, but my hands wouldn’t stop with the swirling motion. That’s what three months’ worth of maid duty did to me. My hands were on autopilot whenever they grabbed a cloth. “I mean, I’m so used to being your maid, and now I have an obligation to be your lover, too. And it’s hard sometimes, you know, to differentiate between the two roles.”

“Why is it so hard to stop polishing? Just drop that rag and come here.” He gestured for me to come to him.

My legs obeyed him like the rest of my body did. I put the rag down and nimbly walked to his side.

“Sit.” He issued his order.

“Where? There’s only one chair.” And he was sitting on it.

He pointed to the space on his lap.

I burst out laughing. “I was only joking before, you know. Don’t take it seriously.”

Giovanni wasn’t laughing. “I’m not fucking joking. Now sit.”

My eyes immediately skittered across the room, making sure the guys weren’t in the vicinity.

Who knew if they were hiding behind a closed door somewhere? I couldn’t trust those guys when it came to the boss and me being all cozy. They were even worse than a bunch of girls gossiping on Friday night.

“What if the guys see us,” I whispered as if they could hear our conversation.

The thought of them seeing me in an intimate position with the boss was embarrassing enough, but for them to witness me sitting on Giovanni’s lap, now that would be pure mortification.

“At least I didn’t ask to fuck you on the chair,” Giovanni said loud and clear. “Now sit!”

Was I a dog or what? But I did as he commanded. I gingerly crawled onto his lap, positioning my butt to make myself feel as comfortable as possible, then folded my dirty hands together so as not to touch his immaculate clothing. I waited patiently.

Thankfully, I didn’t have to wait long. Giovanni drew out a small rectangular box from his drawer and placed it on the table in front of me. Gently and ever so lightly, he planted feathery kisses on my cheek. My face warmed up at that intimate contact, and I shyly turned to him.

“It’s yours,” he said. They were only two words. but my heart melted.

I peeked at him under my lashes, then flicked my gaze back at the box. It was wrapped in white sparkling paper, with a nice blue bow to complement it. It was too beautifully decorated; I didn’t want to spoil it by touching it with my dirty hands.

“Go on,” he prompted me when he saw me sitting there and staring at the box like I was possessed. “What are you waiting for? Open it.”

“I don’t want to touch it. My hands are dirty.”

“Open it, Jay. I don’t care if the box gets dirty. Unless you want to see me pissed.”

True. I hated seeing him pissed. He went berserk and swore at his underlings all the time. It was just not funny.

But what made me dislike his bad mood even more was his devilishly good looks and my reaction to him. He exuded elegance and an intoxicating drug that just sucked my essence out of me. I went all boneless and defenseless. And I didn’t like that. Especially not at this moment, when I was sitting on his lap. I was already defenseless. Physically and emotionally.

In order to prevent this ailment, I did as he suggested and carefully unwrapped the box, my dirty hands smudging the wrapping. But Giovanni really didn’t care. All his focus was on me.

He was watching me, watching my facial expression as the item inside that box was finally revealed. And I gasped. In surprise, in shock, and in delight.

“Boss, wow, it’s a mobile phone,” I exclaimed. “You know how much this gadget costs? I’d have had to sell my arm and a leg if I wanted one. But how did you get a hold of it? It’s not even in the stores yet?”

“I have my ways.” Giovanni practically beamed from ear to ear. His eyes sparkled with amusement at my reaction to his present.

In all my life, I’ve never held anything this expensive before. Only the wealthiest and the richest could get their hands on the latest edition that’s not even out in stores yet.

“Go on. Turn it on,” Giovanni prompted me, grinning like a Cheshire cat. “I’ve input my number already. Just dial one.”

“How thoughtful of you.” I was very surprised by Giovanni’s generosity. First Singapore, and now this gift.

Giovanni caressed my cheek and then kissed the living hell out of my lips. I was sucked into a vortex, my whole body melting into him. I sucked back at those lips, and literally took up all the spaces in his body, meshing our limbs together. My moan spilled out in between kisses. After satisfying myself with his taste, I drew up for some fresh air.

“Thank you, Boss. I really appreciate your kind offer. I’ll make sure to use it to its full potential.”

“Now there’s no excuse for not picking up your phone. Got that?” I heard Giovanni say somewhere in the background.

“Aye, aye, Boss,” I mumbled back, my attention caught on my new phone.

I checked out the new apps and even found a camera, too. The definition was definitely beyond HD. It’s 4K. I got a feeling I would be starting a new hobby soon. And Giovanni would be my first model.

Jenny Stone. Student. Maid. Lover. Barista. And now, photographer. I grinned at the thought.

“Jay, are you happy?” His voice resonated in my ear, making my heart thump dramatically, and I almost dropped my phone. Apparently, I was so busy playing with my phone, I didn’t realize Giovanni was making a move on me.

How could I have forgotten that Giovanni was beside me? I gently put the phone down on his desk and wrapped my arms around his neck.

“I’m very happy, Boss. Truly, one hundred percent happy.” Flashing him a smile, he returned one to me with his pearly white teeth on display.

God, he looked magnificent when he smiled. His eyes crested a bit, like wee little crescent moons. He really should smile more often.

“You look really handsome when you smile, Boss,” I complimented him. “You should smile more to the guys, too. They are scared of you, you know that? They need to know this kind side of you, too.”

“That’s the face I show to everyone who works for me. And this face right here, it’s reserved only for you.”

My heart swelled up at those simple words.

“I’m so lucky.” I squeezed those words out through my smile.

“Yes, you are, my little bunny. A very lucky pet.” He patted my head and stroked my hair.

Once again, I was reduced to a pet. But I didn’t comment on it, just smiled at him, then turned back to explore my phone.

“It’s about time I introduce you to my friends,” he decided.

“You have friends, Boss?” I shifted my focus to him, my interest piqued.

“You think I’m a lone tree with no friends, Jay?” He pinched my chin as if he disliked my answer, so he was punishing me. But I thought it was more of a cute love gesture.

“Well, it’s just that I always see you holed up here in Cory Mansion. Never seen you outside of here.” Tilting my head, his fingers let my chin go, and I went back to playing with my new phone, his conversation becoming disinteresting again.

“Well, Jay, you’re in for a big awakening.” He pinched my chin again, drawing my attention back to him. “I’m going to drag you down to my world; are you ready?”

And this time, he didn’t let go. But I laughed, throwing my head back until I couldn’t laugh anymore. I was going crazy, just like Giovanni was. Giving him the best beaming smile I could muster, I said, “Are you kidding, Boss? I was ready since yesterday.”

His eyes sparkled with mirth, matching mine. This was going to be an interesting adventure. Going to Singapore and having my own phone, too… I was so ready for this. But first, I truly hoped I could pass my last exam.

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