The Maid: Mafia Romance (Series)

#2—Chapter 20

Tempting You

“A hh…” I blissfully sang under the shower head. The jet spray relieved my stress and I was lost for that small moment. Pa was gone from my mind. Amelia was gone from my mind. And the upcoming exam I was stressing about flew out of my mind. At that moment, it was only me and the shower.

Who would have thought being the lover of the mafia boss could get you this much privilege. Last time, I could only shower in secret. Now, I got permission to use his bathroom at my leisure.

After shampooing my hair and applying conditioner, I rinsed it. Feeling all fresh and clean after the wash, I wrapped myself in the big, white, fluffy towel.

The mirror was slightly fogged after my shower. I wiped it with my hand and saw my own reflection. Me, this pale plain girl with mousy brown hair was now the lover of this heartthrob of a mafia boss. What had fate bought me? Was I lucky or what?

Running back through Giovanni’s bedroom, I was pleased to see he wasn’t in. Probably out and about with Bobby, Heath, and their business associates: making deals, breaking deals, or breaking necks, whatever those mafia people do.

But at this hour, at eleven o’clock at night?

Dig my head in the sand-regarding what these mafia people do. Last time, I got roped into helping them collect cash from the people who owed them, and it was awful. I was glad I didn’t have to do that again.

I wasn’t really thinking straight. Thoughts of Giovanni abstaining from sex occupied my mind and literally cracked me up, I laughed out loud, like a crazy loon. Approaching my bedroom, I turned the door handle and quickly slipped in when-

“Holy cow! What are you doing in my room, boss?” I screeched in shock, backing up against the door when I saw Giovanni sitting elegantly on my small bed.

Was I dreaming? Was he just a mirage my mind somehow concocted, since I couldn’t stop thinking about him?

I rubbed my eyes to verify the evidence right in front of me, and holy hell, he was still right there.

“Boss, what are you doing here?” I asked again.

Of course, since he gave me the surprise of my life, I wasn’t really focusing on holding my towel. The damned thing slipped. I shrieked and clumsily pulled it back up.

“You don’t have to cover your breasts. I’ve seen them already,” he commented drily.

I just couldn’t comprehend this. I was still in shocked mode. Jenny, snap yourself out of this.

I shook myself and snapped back to reality.

“Boss! Answer me this instant. What are you doing in my room?” I demanded answers a third time , but all he did was just casually smile at me in that stupid oh-so-alluring way.

My knees were turning into jelly.

Oh, dear. This was not good. I was reacting to him again. What the hell did he want from me, anyway? Especially at this this time of night. Especially when I just had a shower. Especially when I was completely naked under this towel.



“Boss. You can’t do anything to me,” I spurted out my conclusion. “The exam period clause is in effect. Until the exam is over, I can’t satisfy you.”

I was in a vulnerable state. I was not in a position to negotiate myself out of this situation. Full stop.

“Am I asking you to satisfy me now?” he asked me bluntly.

“Then… then what are you doing in my bedroom?”

“Waiting for you to finish your bath so I can move your things to my room.”

“Wait! What?” I tried to wrap my head around this new information. But my stupid towel kept slipping and I was losing concentration. I moved it back up and flicked my attention back to him. “Why?”

“Because, as my lover, you are to stay in my room,” he said. And he swiftly got up off the bed, moving toward me with a fine feline grace.

“Umm. No. I’m fine here. I’m used to this room. So, you can go back now.” I waved him away.

Not good. This was not good at all. He was coming closer and my heart was pounding faster. I backed even farther up the wall.

As if this distance could separate us. He was closing in on me fast, I couldn’t even blink twice before his hands shot out from nowhere and slammed against the wall. I was so stunned, I literally just froze in place. With his body blocking me left, right, front and center, I was cornered. He leaned in close, until I could feel his warm breath on me.

“No fucking way am I letting my lover sleep in this tiny cot. So, you’re moving all your things to my room. Right now.”

I blinked. “But…”

“No buts, Jay.” He shook his head as warning.

“But I have to get changed.” I stamped my foot to let him know I wasn’t one to be pushed around. “And you’re in the room. Get out first, boss. Then I’ll move my things to your room.”

“You’re surprisingly easy to tame,” he said, not walking out the door, but farther in.

Why am I even surprised?

I watched as he sank down on my bed and folded his leg, a look of accomplishment on his face.

“Boss,” I drummed, pointing to the door. “Get out now. I’m about to get changed.”

“Go on.” He urged me with a lift of his chin. “I’ve seen it all before. Your body. Your skin. Every single mole on your body. We’ve fucked a number of times. You don’t need to be shy. You can get changed in front of me. I don’t mind.”

“But I mind. You, being here, is not good for me,” I was stressed out.

“Why?” He shot up and now was caressing my cheek.

Damn this mafia boss. He moved like a panther. I couldn’t keep my eyes on him.

But he was tempting me right now, and I wasn’t comfortable. In fact, I was tempted. So damned tempted.

But I will not break.

This was his intention. He did say he wanted me to run to him. But I would not break. I needed to think of my exams. Now was not the time to play with Giovanni.

“Am I making you uncomfortable, Jay? Tell me, so I can help you,” he growled close to my ear, and all my senses fried.

“Stop it. Stop it.” I thrust his hands away and surrendered. “If you are not getting out, then I will.”

I had grasped the door knob, and had just turned it when the door slammed shut in front of me.

I spun around to meet Giovanni’s steel chest. I lifted my eyes and met his burning obsidian pupils. “Boss, let me out.”

Giovanni had the nerve to chuckle when he responded, “Get changed, Jay.”

“I won’t change in front of you.” I challenged.

“I give you three seconds to find your clothes and get changed.” With this said, he leaned back against the door, blocking my access. He folded his arms and started tapping his foot. God he was irritating.

“I’m waiting, Jay. You know I get pissed if you don’t follow my orders.”

“I’m your lover, boss, not your servant.”

“I’m glad you know your role, Jay. So, get changed. A lover doesn’t shy away from their lover.”

I mumbled a curse and pushed him out of the way when he started his countdown, freaking the heck out of me.


I was startled. “Boss, what the hell are you doing?”NôvelDrama.Org holds text © rights.



“Fuck it all, Jay. Forget about getting changed. I’m tired. Let’s go to bed.” And he lifted me off the floor and into his arms.

“Ahhh, boss. Put me down. Put me down,” I screamed.

Giovanni didn’t listen. He cushioned me between his arms and chest. I hated to admit this, but I was warm, safe, and comfortable. Until I realized his motive.

I thumped his chest. “Boss. Remember the exam period clause. You can’t demand I sleep with you.”

He held me tightly in his arms, like I was someone special to him. At that moment, I stopped struggling and let him hold me.

“Who said anything about wanting to fuck you. I just needed a body pillow to help me sleep. And you are it.”

With this, he walked to his bedroom. Once beside the bed, he placed me gently on it and nestled himself beside me. His arm was draped over my belly and his face found my nape. And there he lay, like an octopus with four limbs, strangling my body.

“Read or study for your exam. I’m comfortable like this.”

“But I’m not comfortable,” I told him. When I should be, because this was the very bed I’d dreamed of sleeping in when I first came to be his maid, a few months back.

But he was sticking to me like glue. His manly body was molded against my own. I felt hot and bothered. And he was hard. These were not good signs.

How could he fall asleep in this condition? I was so flustered I could barely breathe properly.

Heck, I was naked beneath this towel and he was holding me like a tight glove.

“Boss, let go. I need to wear my pajamas.”

“You don’t need pajamas. I sleep naked all the time. So, you’re fine like this. Your scent is perfect like this,” he muttered in his sleep.

Was he really asleep? Or was he playing with me?

Those fingers were playing with my skin, and my body responded with a hitch of my breath and the flushing of my skin.

How long could I hold on when he tempted me like this. I had to be a statue if I didn’t want to respond.

I kept still, not moving an inch. This way, I was sure he’d be annoyed at my lack of response and let go. But it didn’t work. His inner strength was tougher than mine.

I tried closing my eyes, and just when I could finally calm my raging heartbeat, he swung his leg over me. Leg and arm surrounding me, I was cuddled like a soft bear.

I was losing this battle fast. I had to do something, or else I’d break.

“Boss,” I begged. “Please let go. I can’t breathe.”

“You agreed to be my lover, Jay,” he breathed seductively next to my ear. “So, suck it up. Either let me take you tonight or stay like this until morning.”

I whimpered. This was all too much for my body to take. He knew all my weaknesses and he’d used them to his advantage. How could I have thought of lasting a week without his kisses, when those soft whispers already drove me up the wall.

“Oh, for goodness sake. Just kiss me, already. I can’t take this anymore.” I snapped, and lunged on top of him. Except after that, I didn’t know what I was supposed to do. I’d never seduced any guy before. This was all brand new to me.

“Are you giving in?” He opened his eyes slowly and a ghost of a smile played on his lips.

I knew he’d only been pretending to sleep. And now he’d caught me. Hook. Line. And sinker.

“Mmmhmm.” I nodded, giving up to fate.

“Good girl.” He tossed me around so now I was lying beneath him. “From now on, Jay, I’ll seduce you. I’ll drag you down to my world. I’ll intoxicate you until you can’t think of anyone but me. Are you ready to be totally intoxicated?”

My eyes glistened as he spoke this. I swallowed every word that came out of his mouth.

What more did I want? Giovanni Dente, the mafia boss of New York City. He’d already captivated me on first sight. He’d been totally alluring these past few days, since I’d come back to Cory Mansion. And now, he wanted to drag me down to his world and intoxicate me with his love.

I cradled his cheek and whispered lightly, “Boss, I’m ready to be dragged down to your world. I want to be totally intoxicated by you.”

He smiled, the kind that made my belly quake. ‘Good girl, Jay. Now, be prepared to become totally intoxicated.”

THE END of book 2

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