The Maid: Mafia Romance (Series)

#2—Chapter 17

Someone was brushing my hair. No one had ever done that before. Someone was lightly caressing my lips. No one had ever done that before, either. Something hot radiated from my core. It had never happened before. Not until tonight.

I fluttered my eyes open, seeing the image of the beautiful Adonis before me.

“Boss.” I smiled, eyes lighting up, recalling that beautiful experience of our love making. “Did I fall asleep?”

“Yes, you did. You must be exhausted. Your first time and all.”

“I guess I was a bit tired. But that little nap was really refreshing. I could stay up all night talking to you right now.” I smiled up at him, basking in my own glowing happiness.

Giovanni smiled, a twinkle reflecting in his eyes. “Did you enjoy that experience?”

I nodded my head, knowing what he meant. “It was a wonderful experience. You were right. It only hurt a bit. But the pleasure overrode the pain.”

“Good. Really good.” He nodded his head, his thick, dark hair hiding half of his face as he came to rest in front of me, closing the gap between us.

I watched Giovanni as his sweet, gentle smile twisted into a wicked grin, turning that once beautiful face into a devil’s mask.

Oh, shit. I’m in deep shit now. Giovanni’s revenge. I should have known.

I scrambled off the bed, but Giovanni was fast, hauling me backwards until I lay flat against the bed.

“You’ve had your fun, Jay.” He pinned me down. “And since you’ve regained your energy, now it’s my turn to have fun. Time for my revenge, Jay. Are you ready?”

The Mafia’s Cold Heart

Giovanni’s heart had always been cold. He could never remember a time in his young life when he’d felt warmth radiating from the core of his heart.

Since he could remember, his life was mundane episodes of fight and survive, whether out on the dark streets of New York City, when he was a homeless kid, or within the small syndicate of the Dente Group, when he got scouted by Giuseppe. Even now, reaching the top of the chain and becoming the mafia boss, his heart still hadn’t warmed one bit.

He tried searching for that warmth, finding a small place where his heart ought to belong, but he could never find it. Despite the numerous women he’d bedded and then tossed out, he’d always felt the same, that deep, cold ache at the core of his heart.

Late at night, or early in the morning at dawn, he’d sometimes dreamed of that one summer, late in the afternoon, when he sat under that beech tree with his little friend Jennifer, talking about random stuff. Only during those times did he feel whole again, like he was a human being with warm blood rushing through his soul.

And right now was one of those times. He was warm, protected from the outside cold, with this girl enveloped in his arms. She was sleeping peacefully after their explosive climax.

Giovanni now knew the remedy to his cold heart. He could only find that inner sanctuary of warmth when he was with her, his little Jennifer, or maid, Jay, beside him. Only when he was inside her, his cock buried deep in her tight pussy, did he feel he existed.

Giovanni planted kisses, not only on her lips, but cheeks, chin, nose, and eyelids, to express his thanks. Every single kiss gave him a warm burst inside his heart. He kissed her more, wanting to keep this warmth inside him forever.

“Um… ah…” she moaned beneath him in her sleep. He chuckled between more kisses, and lightly caressed her cheek.

She moaned again, and this time, her mewing hit him hard, very hard, and shot straight down to his cock, hardening his soft length to a fully engorged spear. He shuddered at that instant, his pulse rushing hot in his blood.

Fucking God! It felt good to be alive.

He loved this feeling. Was addicted to it even. So, he kissed her again, all over her naked body. She lay limp and quiet, like a little doll for her master to pleasure.

And he did pleasure her, planting kisses after kisses, followed by little light licks all over her body. He continued to kiss and lick her, mind in a haze, while his eyes were still trained on her, watching her as he inflicted this pleasure on her body.

She was still asleep, but what did she feel like unconscious? This question rubbed his curiosity. Was she throbbing with this need like he was, too?

Giovanni decided to experiment. He gently pushed her knees apart, revealing her inner core. He wrapped his lips on her pussy and sucked.

“Ah… ah… ah…” came her response. She bent her back, arching her butt a bit higher, as if allowing him more access to her core.

Giovanni took this opportunity, latching on to that spot, sucking on that flesh more. He licked her up and down along her slit and playfully teased her clit with his tongue.

Another moan escaped her lips, and her legs shook. A flood of her honey exploded into his mouth. He swallowed and licked his lips. She tasted delicious.

A small moment later, he heard her voice. “Boss. Did I fall asleep?”

She sounded drowsy. Properly just woken.

Giovanni hauled himself up, braced one arm over her and gazed into her misty emerald eyes that were filled with lust.

She was so innocent she didn’t know what he’d done while she was sleeping. If she did feel the effects, she would have imagined it was her dream.

He wasn’t about to tell her, though. He’d show her instead. This time, with her eyes wide open, staring at him as he ate her up.

“Yes, you did,” he replied wickedly. He caressed her hair and coiled it around his fingers. “You must be exhausted. Your first time and all.”

“I guess I was a bit tired. But that little nap was really refreshing. I could stay up all night talking to you right now.” She smiled up at him, her cheeks flushed pink.

Fucking hell! Did she know she looked so fucking alluring right now? And those lips. He wanted to fuck those lips, too. Shove his cock into her mouth and let her suck him dry.

A ripple of pleasure tore through him.

God! Fuck! That was so fucking intense.

“Did you enjoy that experience?” he asked, putting in every effort to dampen his desire.

She nodded again, a broad smile on her face.

You little bunny. You’ve no idea what you’ve just unleased within me.

“It was a wonderful experience. You were right. It only hurt a bit. But the pleasure overrode the pain.”

“Good. Really good.” He nodded, his thick, dark hair falling in his face.

Giovanni watched as her expression change from innocence to panic.

She knew, oh fucking god how she knew. His little Jennifer was so smart, quick to decipher his change of behavior.

“Where do you think you’re going, little bunny?”

He caught her leg just as she made to bolt out of the bed. He clamped his viselike fingers around her ankles, the bedsheets twisting erotically around her body. There was no way in hell he would let her escape again.

He tugged her leg forward and pinned her to the bed again, his heavy body on top of her. She fought him, struggling for her freedom.

For a little wee thing, she sure had the strength of a tiger. Or had his little bunny turned into a tiger after all?

Giovanni smirked. “You’ve had your fun, Jay. And since you’ve regained your energy, now it’s my turn to have fun. Time for my revenge. Are you ready?”

“No, I’m not ready for your revenge. Let me go, boss.” She struggled against him some more, her body wrapped, twisted and molded with his. Her action only heightened his desire to unleash the dormant beast inside him.

Her body, which was so soft and malleable against his, turned his mind to a pool of liquid. He wanted to do so many wicked things with her. And to make sure he could do that, he tied her up, her hands bound together to the bedpost.

“Boss. Boss,” she panted when her strength gave way. “You said you’d be gentle with me. Why are you tying me up?”

“Oh, Jay. You’ve got it all wrong.” He caressed her cheek again and unraveled that white bedsheet from around her body, revealing one breast, two, and then her wet pussy. He licked his lips. The taste was still too sweet in his mouth. He wanted more.

He flipped his eyes to her again and pressed his forehead against hers. With a husky voice, he whispered, “I was gentle with you, Jay. I have fulfilled my promise to you. But now it’s my turn. I’m going to gobble you up. Chomp you into little bite-size pieces, so not a single crumb is left.”

“You make me sound like I’m your snack,” she rasped, every breath a choking effort on her part.

Giovanni chuckled again. “Yes, Jay. You’re my midnight snack. Or more like, my midnight dessert.”

“Boss, please don’t say things like that.” She shyly looked away. “I’m embarrassed.”

He chuckled again and teased her, and then he traced his finger all the way to her wet pussy, pushing one finger in.

Jay jerked back from his touch, scooting her butt back by three inches.

“Boss…” She panted, surprised. “Please don’t…”

He pushed a bit deeper, this time with two fingers. She was hot inside, like a furnace radiating heat.

“Boss… ahhh…” She drummed against him.

At last. He’d found her spot.

“Boss. Please… ahhh… I can’t… stop…”

“That’s good, Jay. Really good.” He whispered softly in her ear. “More of that sound. You’re making me so hard.”

“Please, boss. Stop it with those fingers. I’m not… I’m feeling hot…”

“Good. That’s the whole purpose, Jay. I want you to feel fucking hot so we can do it again.”

“Boss… mmmm… ugghhhh…” And suddenly he went in for the dive. “Ahhh…” she cried out in ecstasy. “Not there. Please. Not there.”

But it had to be there. He’d wanted to taste her essence again. And now that she was fully awake, with legs spread out, revealing that soft, delicate pussy, he took action.

He lapped at her essence, licking all her honey. She wedged her butt off the bed, buckling as each lick of his tongue sent another shivering sensation down her spine.

Giovanni knew he was the one who had this effect on her, and he smirked, wanting to inflict more of this pleasure on her. So, he bathed attention on her breast, licking his way up her flat belly, sucking and swirling his tongue along her hypersensitive skin. When he reached her breasts, he squeezed them. Taking one nipple into his mouth, he lightly grazed, then bit that small nub between his teeth.

His little Jennifer arched her back again and moaned out his name.

His Jennifer. She was his Jennifer. And there was no fucking way he’d allow any other man to touch her. Not in this life or the next.

She might not be experienced in the art of fucking, but he’d sure teach her all the basic skills to please him. And he had his whole life to teach her, because Jay would belong to him for the rest of his life.

Giovanni was so overjoyed by this thought he kissed the living hell out of her neck, to mark her as his woman. If he were a wolf, Jay would now be his mate. His scent was now on her. And he was pleased when he drew back to inspect his work, a dark-red spot was already evident. His mark, this hickey.

What did she feel like at that moment? Was she bound by this explicit desire, too? Because he was stuck in a realm of passion. No longer could he differentiate where reality finished and fantasy started. He needed her to understand how he felt, too, this explosion of fireworks in his mind.

His dick increased in size, large and long, like a spear pointing toward her. He’d had her once. But that wasn’t enough. He needed more, wanted more. He wanted to bury his dick right in the crevice of her tight pussy, pushing and thrusting until the fire in his eyes ignited into sharp, white flames. He wanted to come inside her, spill his seed inside her, but he knew she wasn’t protected. He cursed at himself, remembering he must wear a condom.

He was lucky the first time he took her, he went slow and prepared a condom in advance. Now, everything was a haze in his mind. All he wanted to do was pound his cock deep inside her without a second thought. But he must remember that Jay wasn’t one of those easy fucks. She was his precious little Jennifer, and he had to take it slow, even for their second time.

Giovanni rolled off her and grabbed another package of condoms. Quickly rolling it on his cock, he stopped in mid-action when her soft voice floated into his mind. “Boss. Please.”

Giovanni flicked his eyes to her. She was begging him, her eyes glassy and large like a little doe. Her legs were spread wide like a fucking goddess offering herself to him. Her essence leaked out of her pussy, that place where he licked and fucked with his tongue and fingers.

“My sweet little Jennifer. You’re driving me fucking insane.” He grabbed her face between his palms and crushed her lips with his kiss.

“Boss.” She mewed after he drew back.

“Call me Gio… Gio, handsome boy, like before,” he asked her, desperation in his voice.

She lolled her head around, mind in another realm, too far gone to understand what he asked. “I… I don’t remember calling you that.”

He brought her back to reality, shaking her and kissing her hard on those lips again. With lust-filled eyes, he said, “You did. The first time I took you, you said my name. You called me Gio, handsome boy. Call me that again.”

“I…” She shook her head again, eyes hot and bright. “I don’t remember.”

Maybe she’d recalled something from their past. That was why she’d used that phrase to call him. But even if she didn’t remember, he wanted to at least satisfy his fantasy.

“Please,” he begged again. Giovanni never begged for anything. Even when Rocco Bianca cursed him and kicked him out of the house, he didn’t beg a cent from that man. But with Jay, for her to say “Gio, handsome boy,” that was his lifeline.

“Gio, handsome boy.” She panted.

Giovanni smiled, heart overwhelmed with joy, and he kissed her hard. Finally satisfied, he pulled back, wrapping the condom on his engorged cock. He milked it, readying it for the grand entrance.

He managed to slip the head in before Jay cried out. “Boss.”

It was like that the first time, too. Jay was just too fucking tight. They’d need to do it more often to loosen her up.

“Gio, handsome boy.” He reminded her. “Say it,” he grunted, sweat forming on his forehead and he pushed in a little farther.

“Gio, handsome boy. Please…”

“My little Jennifer. Are you begging me to fuck you faster, or to go slower?” He teased her, licking the sweat forming on her upper lip. She was fucking beautiful and oh-so-fucking delicious.

His cock grew even larger as he went in deeper. He knew it hurt Jay to even breathe, so he smoothed her hair and told her to breathe through her nose. Jay obeyed, breathing slowly with shallow gasps.

“Does it still hurt?” he asked.

“No. You’re just so full inside me.”

“That’s my girl.” he chuckled, and thrust another few inches into her.

Jay softened against him.

“Jennifer. My little Jennifer.” It started slow, and then he slammed right into her. He couldn’t control himself any longer. The dormant beast inside him, his savage self, came forth.

“Ungaahh… ah… hah…” she cried in response to his harsh fucking.

Giovanni frowned, holding himself back once more. He slowed down, and petted her hair gently. Even after their first time, she wasn’t used to this.

Warm breath escaped her lips, fanning his face. “Boss. God! Help!”

“You’re all right, Jay. I want to give you pleasure. You’ll feel the pleasure. I promise.”

And soon Jay did feel the pleasure, as she brought her legs to wrap around his naked butt and rocked with him. Thrust after thrust, stroke after stroke, she synced her action with his.

“Ahh… ummm… ugghh… I…” She shook her head again, clamping her mouth shut. “Please, boss. I can’t hold on.”

“Hold on. Don’t come until I tell you to.”

He counted to ten. One… two… three…

The seconds ticked by. Faster and faster. Each stroke turned to lightning speed. He held her tight as they rode the wave together. Suddenly, they reached their destination, bright fireworks exploding in front of his eyes.

Jay came first, convulsing beneath him. Giovanni took his time, watching his woman finally sated. Then he came, finally collapsing on top of her as the wave hit him.

Her essence leaked out of her after their intense climax. In a dash, he picked her up and carried her to the bathroom, straight into the shower stall.

“Where are you taking me, boss?” she asked tiredly, in her seductive voice.

“To wash you up,” he said quietly. His cock hardened as soon as he heard her speak.


Giovanni stood her up, but because her legs were so tired, she collapsed in his arms.

He sat her on the edge of the tub. Running a bubble bath, he settled her inside, resting her head onto his chest as he got in, too.

“Boss…” she murmured quietly, head lolled back to look him in the eye. Those eyes heated up, glazed over with passion when his hands washed her sensitive skin, her nipples, her belly, and her pussy.

“You sure know how to drive a man crazy,” Giovanni let out. He spun her around and thrust his cock inside her again. He pounded into her this time, without reservation. Fierce and hot, like a panther chasing his little bunny rabbit. After another intense climax, she collapsed in his arms again.

“Boss, I’m tired.” She laid her head on his shoulder.

“It’s all right, Jay. I won’t take you again. I’m just washing you up. We’ll sleep after this.”

He quietly washed her hair and rubbed strawberry soap onto her body. Once done, he hauled her in his arms and gently laid her on the bed, nestling her small body close against him.

“Boss, are we finished? I’m so tired.” She complained again, tucking her head automatically into the crook of his neck.

He patted her hair, smoothing the strands with his fingers. “Yes, Jay. We’re finished for the night. Go to sleep.”

“Boss,” she murmured quietly, eyes already closing. “I don’t think I could be your lover. I don’t have the strength to keep up with your appetite. I’m going back to being your maid. Forget about adding that lover bit to the… contract.”Belongs © to NôvelDrama.Org.

Giovanni chuckled quietly as she fell asleep in his arms. “You sure yack a mile a minute, Jay.” He caressed her softly. “But it’s too late for that now, my little Jennifer.” A single tear drop slid from his eyes. He quickly wiped it away. He hugged her close against him, feeling that warmth seeping into his bones again. “I’m already addicted to your warmth. I’m not letting you go back to being my maid again.”

And with this, he fell asleep, too, in the arms of the girl who thawed his cold heart.

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