The Maid: Mafia Romance (Series)

#2—Chapter 10

Shopping with the Mafia Boss

I was maid to the mafia’s boss, Giovanni Dente. My tasks included a selection of housework at Cory Mansion, where Giovanni and his underlings lived and worked. Not only did I cook them dinner among other menial tasks like cleaning their bathrooms and doing laundry work, I was also a personal maid to the boss at night-brewing him coffee at three in the morning, his usual night routine.

I was used to my life now, studying and working at Cory Mansion to pay off Pa’s debt, which was three million dollars. But never in my life had I thought I’d have the chance to grace a fancy high-class fashion designer store. Well, not in my hand-me-down sweater and skinny jeans, with a mass of messy bun that could have been better tamed with a hairbrush.

What did the mafia boss see in me, to select me as his personal assistant in choosing a dress for his woman? Not that I was complaining, but I was curious. And maybe a little envious.

Okay, I was jealous. Like super-duper jealous. I never knew I had an evil side lurking inside me.

I knew I was captivated by Giovanni. And the mere mention of his woman yesterday had me lying awake the whole night. Did he not know I was very troubled and traumatized by that statement? Did he not know I’d dreamed about him making love to me?

Giovanni puzzled me with his changed behavior since I’d come back to live in Cory Mansion. He was already a playboy; I knew that. I didn’t need to see his women upfront to know he had a whole collection of them. Last I heard, he stored some in his Las Vegas home.

But what would hurt me most would be the effect of seeing his woman first–hand, right in front of my eyes. And I had a strange feeling that tonight, I’d get to witness his new woman, named Jennifer, getting all comfy and cozy with him.

Footsteps approached me. I dragged my eyes up in time to see the beautiful blonde sales assistant handing me another collection of designer gowns. I almost toppled under the weight of the fabric in my arms.

“Will you be all right?” she asked me.

“Yep. I’ll be fine.” I smiled brightly at her.

She smiled brightly back at me. “If you need anything else, I’ll be right over there.” She pointed to a counter close to the changing room.

I nodded, and she disappeared.

Yep. She was beautiful. And kind.

Now why didn’t Giovanni ask her for help? I was sure with a snap of his fingers, he’d get all the help he needed from anyone. So, why me?

I watched Giovanni, who was sitting a few feet from me in the black lounge chair, casually cruising through one of the magazines as if he owned the place.

Wait, does he own this store? Do mafia people own designer stores?

I shook my head to rid this thought and walked to him, hands full of the designer gowns.

“Boss, tell me again why I have to accompany you to buy a dress for Jennifer?”

Giovanni stretched his arms out and folded his long legs like a king. With a sardonic grin he said, “Because you both have the same body frame and height. You make a good substitute for Jennifer. Try them on. I’m sure whatever fits you fits her.”

Ouch, that hurt. To be compared to his lover, that was not good.

“Look, boss, I really think you should just choose one and buy it for her yourself,” I expressed wearily. With my lack of sleep, I wasn’t bouncy like my usual self. “I’m a size six. That should be enough information to buy a dress.”

“Jay, why do you ask so many questions?” He stood and stalked toward me. Once he was in front of me, both of hands fell on my shoulders. He inched closer until his lips hovered just above mine, eyes the color of the midnight-sky staring down at me. “Just hop in the changing room like a good bunny and try them on.”

Straight to the point.

I wanted to cry. And that reference to the bunny wasn’t helping my mood one bit. Instead, I offered a small moan in protest and went into the changing room as directed.

The sales assistant secretly smiled at me, as if to say I should be grateful for having such a kind and generous boyfriend like Giovanni.

Well, he ain’t my boyfriend, I wanted to tell her. He’s my boss. My god damned mafia boss. And if I don’t listen to him, I’ll be dead meat by tomorrow.

I was just about to get out of my sweater when there were three knocks on the door, followed by a deep baritone that sent my heart racing. “Jay, how are you getting along?”

Holy Crap! My soul almost flew to meet my ma.

So, Giovanni still hadn’t left. What was he doing outside my changing room door? Surely he must have some other business to attend to. Why was he waiting on me?

“Jay, you hear me? Answer me now, or I’ll come in there myself.”

Such an impatient man.

“Good, boss. Very good. I’m almost done.” I quickly pacified him with my hasty reply.

“Well, come out, then,” he growled. “Let me see.”

A minute longer and I was sure he’d be pissed off as hell.

I quickly picked a green dress, the soft lacy material catching my eyes. After only tugging the dress halfway over my head, I was stuck. Not because it didn’t fit me. It was because my messy bun got caught on the seam of the dress.

I swore, so ticked off at this whole scenario, and my left eye twitched. My left eye always twitched whenever I was pissed off.

I tugged on the dress a bit more to get it over my head, then decided my buns would only get caught on more. I pulled the hair tie out. My brown tresses came tumbling down all over my oval face. After zipping up the dress, I quickly walked out of the changing room, poised, ready for Giovanni’s inspection.

The minute I stepped out, Giovanni had his eyes on me. Well, on my body to be precise. His eyes were like liquid coal, so dark they shone beneath the bright chandelier. Those dark pupils ran up and down my body as he took a turn around me. A full minute later, he completed his circle, standing erect in front of me once more. He turned his lips upward, a full, bright smile lighting his whole face.

“Beautiful. Very beautiful,” he commented subtlety, his fingers caressing my hair, coiling a few strands around his fingers.

I stood very still, not moving an inch, as the boss inspected me for any faults.

Keeping this thought in mind, I was aware of his fingers moving down from my hair to trace my flushed cheeks. The brush was gentle; I wanted to lean into for him more. The act was a soft gentle caress, as if he were petting his favorite dog.

And I snapped back to reality.

I was his maid or, in this case, his pet. And his comment on my new look, only added truth to my conclusion. “Beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. Jennifer would definitely look beautiful in this dress.”

I didn’t comment; I was too upset at his words.

Would he ever say I looked beautiful? The last time I was dressed in a womanly dress was when I was trying to con some money out of old Mr. Hermit, to try to get on Giovanni’s good side.

Although, the result was anything but positive. I was told not to dress like that ever again. A person like me only belonged in the kitchen, as a maid, making coffee.

Yes, that’s right. I should never forget my place. I was his maid. But inside, I was rebellious. If I had all the money in this world, I’d buy that dress for myself. I wouldn’t be like his Jennifer, for whom he had to buy a dress in order to please her.

Still, she was a lucky girl to have Giovanni’s affection.

Why did I dislike her already, even before I’d met her?Text content © NôvelDrama.Org.

I bet she must be some rich woman from a wealthy family who was born with a silver spoon in her mouth. Because that was the kind of woman Giovanni was attracted to. Not someone plain like me.

I sighed, and relished this special moment. At least I got to wear this dress for five minutes. I’d cherish this memory forever.

Curious as to the price of the dress, as I knew Giovanni wouldn’t bat an eye at paying for it, I tugged at the price tag from behind, twisting my neck to get a good look at it, because curiosity really was my second name.

And my eyeballs almost hit the floor.

“Three thousand dollars!” I screeched, as soon as I saw that price tag. “Why is it so expensive?”

Giovanni laughed, a chuckle that warmed my tummy. “Go back and try some more. I want to see.”


“Get back in the changing room, Jay. Now.” That was his no nonsense tone. And I knew when that tone came out, I should not disobey him.

I winced and nodded my head meekly, walking into the changing room to try on more gowns.

I felt like a doll, out on display for Giovanni to view, especially with the oohs and ahhs coming from his mouth every time he saw me in a different dress. By the time I tried on the last one, I was exhausted and wanted to sink my toes in a tub of warm water. It was really that bad.

Now, if only those dresses were meant for me, that would be a totally different story.

Snap yourself out of this mentality, Jenny . I berated myself. Remember, you’re Jennifer’s substitute.

Ah, why must I be her substitute? Where is she anyway? Shouldn’t she try these on herself?

I came out of the changing room, wearing my own clothing again. I was pleased Giovanni didn’t ask me to try on more dresses. Who knew being a lover to the mafia boss was this exhausting? Imagine if I were his lover, I’d be dead on my feet just trying on clothes.

Now, where did that thought come from?

“Pack all the dresses she tried. We’ll take everything. And include some lace undies and see-through bras. Her breasts are quite small, so get the A-cup.”

“What?” I shouted from where I stood, spinning my head so fast in his direction I almost snapped my neck bone in the process. Giovanni was busy instructing the beautiful sales assistant on underwear and bras.

I rushed to his side. “Boss, what was that?” I gasped out.

“What was what?” Giovanni scolded back.

“The dresses. The bras.” I twitched my eyes so he got my meaning.

“What about the bras?”

“You said it’s A-cup. Have you seen her, you know, in her baby suit already?”

“I saw her naked breasts already, if that’s what you mean.” He tossed his credit card to the sales assistant.

I knew this wasn’t the type of conversation to have in front of a sales assistant, or in a shop to be precise, but once the words came tumbling out, there was no way to shut me up.

“You mean you two, you know, kind of did it already?” I asked him for clarification.

“Not yet. I saw her breasts when she bumped into me wearing only a bath towel. But tonight, I’ll get to eat her.”

“Eat her? You mean sleep with her?”

“You are smart, Jay. Yes, I’m going to fuck her. Tonight.”

I gulped, finding his use of terms quite harsh for my ears. Maybe that’s how all mafia men spoke. But the F-word struck me.

He’s going to sleep with Jennifer tonight?

“Oh, so that’s why you wanted to buy her a dress,” I mumbled to myself.

“What’s that, Jay? Speak louder.” He flicked at my forehead. “And what’s that look on your face. Remove it.”

“Oh, no. Nothing, boss.” I schooled my expression.

Okay, I should stop showing my exasperated face now. What right did I have? Giovanni didn’t buy those dresses, not to mention bras and undies, for me. His only purpose was to sleep with her. And again, I was only his substitute model for his Jennifer. So, to voice my opinion was out of the question.

“Nothing, boss. Nothing. I’m sure Jennifer will be pleased with these dresses and womanly accessories you’ve bought for her. Now, this green dress here, I’m sure she’ll love it.”

I caressed the material on the counter and silently said my goodbyes to the dress before the sales assistant put it in the bag.

Giovanni gave some sort of purring sound, like a panther courting its mate. I flipped my gaze up just in time to see a passing glint in his eyes.

I knew I was in deep shit again. He had that same look when he attacked me in the bathroom yesterday.

I quickly made my excuses, sliding my sneaker backward, and made a dash to the vicinity of the changing room, to calm my pounding heart. But I didn’t get very far before Giovanni came charging into the changing room, too, without permission.

“Boss, whoa, what are you doing inside the female changing room? Get out.”

There was an indescribable expression written on his face, which I’d never seen before. He crowded into my space, and not until I was pressed like a sardine against the wall did he speak. “Jay, out of all the dresses, which do you like best?”

Not again.

I slumped my shoulders in defeat. I guessed today, my opinion was very important to Giovanni’s psychological health, because he always asked for them. Then again, I couldn’t figure out why my opinion was so important to him.

“Does my opinion even count?” I asked gloomily, eyes glancing down to look at my three-year-old sneakers.

Poor things. If only I had the money, I would invest in a good pair of shoes and let my poor sneakers rest in peace.

Giovanni plucked my chin and jerked my face up, dissolving the beautiful imaginings of new shoes. “Smile, Jay. You look ugly when you make that face.”

“Can’t help looking ugly. I was born with this face,” I mumbled sourly, yanking my chin out of his grasp.

He grasped my chin and jerked my face to meet him again. “Then change it.”

“Plastic surgery is too expense,” I bluntly replied.

“I’m not talking about plastic surgery, Jay. I’m talking about your expression. Change it. Quick. Smile for me.” He jerked my chin from left to right until I couldn’t help swatting his hand away.

“Enough, boss. You can’t force me to smile. It has to come from the soul.”

Giovanni smiled, baring his pearly white teeth, and I was reminded of how utterly handsome he was. My heart skipped another beat when he voiced, “I’m sure you’ll smile tonight.”

I was puzzled.

“Tonight?” I queried, feeling something queasy inside my stomach. I knew whatever he was about to say, I would not like it.

“Yes, Jay. Tonight, you’re to accompany me to meet Jennifer.”

I knew it. I knew he would invite me to join him tonight.

What was I to him, exactly? First, picking a dress for his lover and now, accompanying him to dinner with his lover in tow? And here I thought I was only his maid. I guessed being a maid fell under all those categories. And that included being his substitute Jennifer until the real one arrived.

“Boss, I don’t think it’s a good idea.” I forced a smile. “I’ll be the third wheel in your relationship. Let’s just leave it for today.”

A small smile played on his lips, until they tilted upward to form a devilish grin. I was already backing myself into a corner. I knew when that grin appeared, I should hide myself.

I wasn’t fast enough. Giovanni caught my wrist and dragged me all the way to another designer store. This time, it was menswear.

“Seriously, boss?” I asked for the hundredth time when he came out of the changing room, parading in front of me like the pink panther. In this case, he was a black lethal panther, out to capture his prey in that sleek suit.

“I’m serious. Now which one do you like?” he asked for my opinion again, holding another dark-blue suit in one hand. “Which one suits me better? The one I’m wearing now or the dark blue?”

I jumped off my seat and strolled toward him. “That one.” I pointed to the black suit he wore. “The black. It suits your hair color and your midnight-sky eyes.”

“Jay?” He suddenly changed tactics, all in the span of three seconds, like a chameleon changing his mood. “What color are my eyes again?”

“I said your midnight-sky eyes.” I blinked rapidly, staring at his captivating face.

“That’s a very good answer, Jay. What a good bunny you are. Then I’ll go for this one.” Arching his face forward so only a breath of air lay between us, he whispered, “I’ll see you tonight, then. Now, be a good bunny and get ready. I’m sending you off to the salon to fix your hair and makeup. Then I’ll meet you in this restaurant.”

Giovanni slipped a card into my hand. I held on to it, knowing immediately it was the address of the restaurant we were to meet his Jennifer tonight.

“Must I go tonight, boss?” I pleaded with him. I knew if I were to see Jennifer I might not recover from my stupid infatuation with him.

“Yes, Jay.” He growled near my ear. “You need to be there to take care of Jennifer. Without you, my evening will not be complete.”

As he walked to try on another outfit, I collapsed on the couch with a big thud. I slumped my face in my palms, crying out a soft moan. “I am so not ready for tonight.”

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