The Mafia’s Third Wife: Between The Devil’s Triangle

Caught Red-handed

Chapter 50 Caught Red-handed

“I’m not a fool,” Carlos said, his voice firm. “And I know what you’re capable of. But I’m not afraid of you. Because I have something you don’t.”

“Oh, and what’s that?” Ramos asked, his eyes narrowing.

“Hope,” Carlos said. “I have hope that one day you’ll be brought down.

“Hope?” Ramos said, his tone full of disbelief. “You think hope can save you? You’re more of a fool than I thought.”

“It’s more powerful than you think,” Carlos said. “It’s more powerful than any of your threats or violence. And it’s more powerful than your hate.”

“Spare me the idealistic nonsense,” Ramos said, a sneer on his face. “You’re deluded if you think hope can win against power. It’s a worthless emotion.”

“It’s not worthless,” Carlos said, meeting Ramos’s gaze head-on. “It’s what drives people to do amazing things. To make the world a better place. To fight against evil, no matter the odds. It’s what makes life worth living.”

Ramos was silent for a moment, studying Carlos’s face. Then, he started to laugh. “You’re a hopeless idealist,” he said, his voice full of scorn. “You really believe all that nonsense?”

“I do,” Carlos said. “Because I’ve seen the power of hope.

“You’re delusional,” Ramos said, shaking his head. “But I admire your conviction, even if I think it’s misguided. It won’t help you, though. Nothing will. You’re trapped here, and your family is at my mercy.”

“My family is strong,” Carlos said. “And they have hope, too. You can’t crush that with your threats or violence. You can’t crush the human spirit.”

“We’ll see about that,” Ramos said, his eyes gleaming with malice. “In the meantime, I suggest you prepare yourself. I’ll be back soon.”

With that, Ramos turned and walked away, leaving Carlos alone in the cell. As the door slammed shut, Carlos let out a long breath. He was terrified, but he wouldn’t let Ramos see it. He would hold on to his hope, no matter what.

Meanwhile, Raven who had sneaked out of Carlos cell heard everything. And so after Ramos left Carlos alone in his cell. She went inside.

“Carlos, are you alright?” she asked.

“You can’t be here now. You have to leave immediately. If Ramos finds out that you are involved with the Sanchez brother and helped me keep my family safe, he would kill you.” he said.

“I’m not scared of Ramos. I’m more worried about my father and you, Carlos. I’ll do what I can to get you out of here and to where your family is. I promise you that.” Raven said.

Carlos was about to protest, but he saw the determined look in Raven’s eyes and decided against it.

She was clearly not going to be deterred, no matter what he said. And he had to admit, it was a relief to have someone on his side. He had been so alone for so long.

“Thank you,” he said, feeling a sudden rush of gratitude. “You’re a good friend.”

“I try to be,” Raven said, giving him a small smile. “Now, we need to make a plan. What do you think we should do?”

Carlos thought for a moment, trying to think of a way out of this situation. Then, an idea came to him. “We need to get a message to my family,” he said.

“They need to know what’s going on. If they know I’m being held here, they’ll come for me.”

Raven nodded. “You’re right. But how do we do that? We can’t get out of this cell.”

“Maybe not,” Carlos said. “But we could get a message to them through the guards. I know one of them can be bought.”

Raven’s eyes widened.

“You’re serious?” she asked. “You think we could bribe one of the guards?”

“I’m pretty sure of it,” Carlos said. “I’ve been watching them, and I think I’ve figured out who’s most likely to cooperate. We just need to come up with something they’d want.”

Raven nodded. “We could offer them money, or… or information about Ramos. I bet they wouldn’t be too happy about the way he’s been treating them.”

Carlos thought for a moment. “Information could work,” he said. “If we could offer them something juicy enough, they might be willing to help us. But we need to be very careful about this. If Ramos finds out, he’ll make sure we can’t ever escape.”

“We’ll have to be very discreet,” Raven agreed. “But I think it’s worth a try. It’s our best chance of getting out of here.”

“And of making sure my family is safe,” Carlos added. “That’s the most important thing.”

“Okay, here’s what we’ll do,” Carlos said, hatching a plan. “We’ll wait until tonight, when the guards are tired and less alert.

Then, we’ll approach the one I think is most likely to help us. We’ll offer him the information, and see if he’s willing to cooperate.”

“Sounds like a good plan,” Raven said. “But what if he refuses? Or if he goes and tells Ramos about our offer?”

Carlos thought for a moment. “We’ll need a backup plan. In case things go wrong.”

“If he doesn’t want to cooperate, we’ll need to threaten him,” Carlos said. “I know he’s been stealing from Ramos. We could threaten to expose him if he doesn’t help us. And if he tells Ramos about our offer, we could say we were just trying to trick him. Either way, we’ll need to be ready for anything.”

“You’re right,” Raven said. “We need to cover all our bases. I think we’re ready for anything now.”

“I hope so,” Carlos said. “We can’t afford to fail.This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org - ©.

Just then, the door swung open revealing Ramos which shocked Raven and Carlos.

“I knew you were the one…..

Meanwhile, Alfredo had taken Carlos family to a safe area, but he noticed from behind his mirror of the car that some men were following him and his men.

“Alfonso, we have company. Ramos sent spies to follow us so they would know the location of Carlos family.

Handle it!” Alfredo said.

“Alrighty then.” Alfonso said and then turned told his driver to turn the car around and as he did, Alfonso, started shooting Ramos men car.

The car chase was intense, with bullets flying and tires screeching. Alfonso and his driver were skilled, and they managed to outmaneuver Ramos’s men, even as they continued to shoot at them. But then, one of Ramos’s men managed to get a lucky shot, and the bullet hit the back tire of the car.

Alfonso’s driver tried to keep control, but the car started to spin out of control.

“Hold on!” the driver yelled, as the car veered towards a steep cliff.

Just as it seemed like the car was going to go over the edge, Alfonso acted quickly. He opened the door and jumped out of the car, rolling down the embankment to avoid injury.

The car, meanwhile, continued over the cliff, crashing into the rocks below.

Alfonso pulled himself to his feet, bruised but otherwise unharmed. He looked back up at the road, hoping to see his driver, but there was no sign of him. He was gone, and Alfonso was alone.

Alfonso cursed under his breath

He knew he had to get to Carlos’s family, and fast. Without a car, it would be a long and difficult journey.

But he had to try. He started walking, keeping an eye out for any sign of Ramos’s men.

He didn’t want to risk getting captured, but he also knew he had to get to Carlos’s family before it was too late….

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