Chapter 19 The truth


Diaz voice came out in whispers.

“I’m so sorry for not telling you Diaz, I wanted to, believe me I wanted to, I’m so sorry.”

Maddie pleaded, tears falling from her eyes.

She felt so devastated right now, this wasn’t how she planned on telling him the truth.

“You are a fucking Arrowhood and you didn’t bother to tell me?”

Diaz yelled and in the next second was now standing in front of her and his hands flew to her neck, sweeping her off her feets as he squeezed the life out of her.

“I’m sorry Diaz, I’m so sorry, i wanted to tell you but the thought of being killed by the man I love was devastating, very devastating.

With you beside me Diaz I never for once thought of myself as an Arrowhood, I mean how could I?

I was raped by the man I called my uncle, not once, not twice Diaz but countless times.

I was taken forcefully every single night, every single night in this Mansion.

This Mansion was a living hell for me.

But with you Diaz, in your arms you made me forget about the wicked world outside, I forget about the conflict between the two families, I forget about everything else Diaz but you, only you Diaz, you!”

Maddie yelled, crying in pains.

Diaz hands slowly left her neck and he took a few steps backwards in shock.

He stared at the beautiful woman crying infront of him and cursed at himself.

He can’t believe he just hurt her.

What the hell was wrong with him?

He was blinded by rage and anger at that moment that he forgot about everything else.

“I was raped by the man I called my uncle, not once, not twice, not thrice Diaz but countless times.”

Her words replayed in his head and immediately his silver eyes blazed dangerously from anger.

How dare he?

“Watch out Diaz!”

Diaz heard Maddison yell followed by her tiny arms pushing him to the wall before two gunshots were heard.

Everything happened so fast.

Diaz slowly regained his stance as his eyes immediately darted to Maddie and his silver eyes widened from shock and dread.

He just stood there staring at the weak woman standing a few metres away from him, his eyes were fixed on her stomach which was now bleeding terribly.


He called, his voice shockingly low.





While Diaz was still lost in thoughts, Damien took that as his chance as he sneakily went to his drawer and took out a special gun made with silver bullets, aiming it at Diaz.

He fired two shots at him but unfortunately Maddie was fast enough to see his attacks and she immediately pushed Diaz against the wall saving him from the silver bullets but was too slow to dodge the incoming bullets and they pierced straight into her skin.

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Diaz yelled, catching her in his arms before she reached the floor.

“Maddie, stay with me. Maddison.”

He whispered, wiping off the tears from her face with his trembling fingers.

“I’m sorry Diaz, I’m sorry for not telling you earlier, I’m so sorry.”

She apologized, breathing heavily.

“Shhh, save your strength Maddie, please don’t talk.”

He pleaded.

“I love you Diaz, I really do… I…”

She whispered but couldn’t finish her words as she ended up coughing blood.

Her eyelids became heavier and heavier by each passing second and soon enough she blacked out.


Henry yelled, making his way inside the Mansion followed by many more of their men.

“Capture him!”

Diaz yelled, pointing at Damien and the men immediately charged towards Damien.

Henry bent down and checked Maddie pulse and a relief sigh escaped his lips.

“She’s still alive boss.”

He whispered knowing fully well that he heard him.


That was the sound they heard next as Diaz dashed out of the mansion with dying Maddie in his arms.

“Stay strong Maddie, please stay strong for me.”

Diaz muttered holding Maddie in his arms as he supersped to his destination.




“Who’s there?”

A voice asked from the insides of the room as Diaz banged loudly on the door.

“Open the fucking door Kia!”

He growled hitting the door harder and in the next minute, the door was opened.

“Oh my God what happened to her?”

Kia asked immediately he opened the door and saw the horrible state of Maddie.

“There’s no time to explain Kia, please save her.”

Diaz pleaded, shoveling Kia away from the doorpost and hastily walked inside the house.

“Her blood is gonna stain my bed Diaz, it’s white for God sake.”

Kia yelled, staring daggers at Diaz who laid maddison on his white comfy bed.

“Ignore the stain and treat her already Kia!”

Diaz simply muttered and Kia hissed in horror, walking away.

He came back shortly with his equipments and immediately started working on the dying Maddie.

“You got to be kidding me, a silver bullet?”

Kia asked and Diaz furrowed his brows in confusion.

“A silver bullet?”

He asked.

“Yes Diaz, a silver bullet!

Silver bullet is the only bullet that can injure a vampire but it’s capable of killing a human and she’s a f*cking human.”

Kia explained and Diaz felt his anger slowing rising up again.

Was his pet going to die?

“Easy , easy there Diaz, now is not the time to get angry, its gonna be very painful removing the bullets from her body. I need you to do something to distract her for me.”

Kia uttered, wearing his handgloves.

“I’m going to start working now Diaz, do something.”

Kia stipulated, taking hold of a scissors and cotton wool which he dipped inside an ancient cup filled with a liquid substance and started applying it on the wounded area.

Maddie groaned from the pains she was feeling and she wiggled Painfully on the bed.

“She’s regaining consciousness, I’ll be removing the bullets now.”

Kia announced.

Without knowing what else to do, Diaz crashed his lips on Maddie lips and he heard her groaned painfully in the kiss.


She slowly groaned in the kiss as Kia finally removed the second bullet from her stomach and she blacked out.

She’d lost alot of blood.

“Is she going to be alright now?”

Diaz asked staring at Kia.

“Not yet Diaz, it’s a miracle she’s still alive but she has lost a lot of blood already and she’s human, I don’t know if she will be able to survive it Diaz, I’m not sure.”

Kia replied, bandaging the wonded areas of her body.

His once white bed was now stained with her blood.

“Awwwwn, look at my white comfy bed all stain with blood, you’re surely going to pay for it Diaz.”

Kia said and Diaz rolled his eyes.

“Just shut up and concentrate on treating her, fuck, you’re even annoying than that Damien.”

Diaz muttered, earning a glare from Kia.

Diaz felt his phone ring from his pocket and he didn’t hesitate for a moment before picking it up.

“Hello boss.”

Henry spoke from the other end of the line.

“Did you capture him?”

Diaz asked, his voice terribly cold.

“Yes boss, we caught him, he’s in the torture room already”

Henry announced and Diaz lips curved to a smirk.

“Good work Henry I’m already on my way.”

Diaz revealed and disconnected the call.

“I have to go now Kia, take care of her for me, I will be back shortly.”

Diaz pleaded, heading towards the door.

“Where are you going Diaz?”

Kia asked making Diaz stopped on his tracks and slowly turn to face him.

“I’m going to murder someone.”

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