I looked at the men in irritation, as I thought of the best punishment for them. These were the men who had the guts of working with Marco, to cheat me. I had fools in my pack! Their present states was more than enough to douse my anger at that moment, and let me make a right decision as to what best to do with them. The looked like they were on the brink of death from that much torture. I looked at Alexander, and made a signal for us to leave the guard room. We both walked to my study, with Massimo following behind.

“I’m at loss here, Alexander. I haven’t thought of a suitable sentence. That’s unlike me.”

“It’s not so hard.” Alexander shrugged, flashing me that evil smirk. “How about they help us send a message to the Marcolinis? This time, their life would be in their own hands. If they fumble, they die. If they are lucky enough, they could escape with a few crushed bones and a disfigured nose.” I loved Alexander’s suggestion. He of all people knew that I didn’t take well to being betrayed. But then, Marco was a sly man.

“Apart from the fact that we both know the risk that comes with keeping rogue wolves alive, Marco is a sly and greatly impetuous man. If we send them to him, he might bend the situation to his own opportunity.” I released a dry chuckle. “He would have already seen my retaliation coming. By now, he should have already found out that the traitors in our pack who worked for him, have already been caught. I have a feeling he has built himself a shield already. My bullet may not penetrate that shield.”

“True.” Alexander nodded. “So what do you think is the best plan?”

“Hmmm…” I thought to myself, before releasing another evil chuckle. “Let him relax. Nobody should throw any stones at Marco.” I directed the errand to Massimo, who was just standing behind me.

“Yes Don.” His bass boice reverberated through the dimly lit room. “Don?” He called again, making me hum in response. “There was a tip from Dito.”

“What about?” I asked, getting interested. Whenever it was a tip from Dito, I was. The man had never been false about any heads up he had given us in the past. I wonder what this one was about.

“He says Jacobo was spotted with Marco last weekend, around….” He hesitated, making me grunt in disapproval. I hated being kept waiting.

“What has the ears never heard before?” I asked in displeasure of his inability to let me know the rest of the information.

“My apologies Don. But this may come as quite a suprise.”Text content © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Spill.” Alexander ordered, making Massimo finally speak.

“They were both spotted at Tawan’s den.” The entire place suddenly became consumed by an eerie silence. I looked at Alexander, hoping to hear him say a word, but he kept mute.

“Tawan.” I muttered, finding it difficult to believe it. “When you say ‘Tawan’, does that mean they spotted Tawan in flesh?” I asked Massimo, who nodded.

“I guess so.” He said, making me release a sigh.

“Where were they spotted?”

“His den in Rome.” Massimo supplied.

“I thought he had been banned from stepping foot around our territory?”

“Yes, he was. I guess there’s someone new he’s working for now. That is the only possible way he could have gain accessed into Italy, without being shot dead.”

“So this simply means…” Alexander finally spoke up. “This simply means he is back for revenge, or what?”

“Well, considering the fact that he was seen with two enemies of ours, I think you’re right. Also, I had told you then. Depriving him of an arm wasn’t enough. You could have ended his miserable life there and then. Now that life you refrained from taking, is what gives him the opportunity to come back against you.”

“It was Bella’s wish that I kept him alive. She had begged so much. I couldn’t refuse her.”

“That’s sad because the same man is back. And it’s so clear that he’s returned for her life.”

“That would never happen when I still breathe.” Alexander spat, glaring at no one in particular. I sighed and walked up to him.

“Not when ‘we’ are alive.” I corrected, making him give me a firm nod.

“But I think we’re missing something here.” Massimo said, making us look at him.

“And what is that?” I asked.

“It’s all assumptions. What if there’s a different reason as to why Tawan has returned? I find it funny to believe that he has returned to kill a woman who is literally the reason why he is still breathing.”

“True.” I muttered. “There is actually a bigger picture here. If Tawan is back, that definitely means he could only achieve it with the influence of someone as powerful as the Russos.” We all went silent for a few seconds, before I continued speaking. “Let’s call that unknown person ‘X’. From the tip given, Tawan has gotten involved with Jacobo and Marco. But then, Jacobo and Marco very well know that Tawan has been banned from stepping into this territory. They would only have the guts to meet up with Tawan because they have the strong backing of X. If X went through the stress of securing Tawan a safe pass into our territory, and working hand in hand with our enemies, then it only means one thing.”

“X has an agenda against Russo, and we have to find X.” Massimo said, making me grin. He was always on track.

“Massimo you know what to do.”

“Yes Don.”

“Remember I had made mention of sending Marco a package. Please still do so. Infact, send him something to show I’m well pleased with our business transactions. He shouldn’t have the slightest idea that his inside men have been caught.” I ordered and Massimo nodded. “I have suddenly thought of the best punishment for those rogues. I’m glad I wasn’t quick to put some bullets through their heads.”

“Luck is clearly on our side.” Alexander chuckled, before looking at Massimo. “Off you go, then.”

Massimo walked away, leaving us to have our private discussion.

“Do you really think he isn’t here to hurt my Bella?”

“Yes, I do. Tawan wouldn’t return to hurt the person who literally saved his life. I doubt that. I think this is more about Russo, than Bella.”

“Okay.” He sighed deeply, making me chuckle.

“Bella is so lucky to have you. The way you care and worry about her is just so…. so nice.” I muttered, not knowing why I felt a certain kind of way. What was worse was the fact that I couldn’t exactly tell how I felt. Empty? Was that the right word?

“That’s the way it is when you love someone, brother. I’m sure Francesca makes you feel that way too.”

“Naturally.” I guess? I gave a small smile. “Naturally.” I repeated. I did feel worried about her though. I always tried to ensure she was safe and all. That was what it meant to care, right?

“Stop bombarding yourself with questions.” Alexander suddenly said, making me chuckle in embarrassment. He always managed to read my mind. “I guess you really don’t know what it really means to care for a person, until situations arises.”

“Maybe.” I shrugged. “Let’s go downstairs and join the others. The event would be over soon, then we can breathe some fresh air.” I chuckled. It wasn’t news that Alexander and I weren’t really a fan of social gatherings. If not that these elite gatherings were an avenue to gain new business contacts and meet powerful people in the country, we would have preferred talking about business in our study, until the gatherings were over. But here we were, having no other choice than to go down and socialize with these people.

We both readjusted our suits, before stepping out of the study and walking to the mini hall, where the others were. As soon as our parents sighted is, the introductions began! I chuckled as uncle Philippe pulled Alexander away to introduce him to some people.

“Oh, son! I’m glad you could wrap up whatever seemed so important and come downstairs. I want you to meet The Fernandos.” I looked up to see my mother smiling and grabbing my arm. She pulled me towards a particular set of people. “Honourable!” Mom grinned at an advanced looking man who fit the name perfectly, making me internally roll my eyes.

“Ahh! Madame. Such a lovely event you put together tonight!” The man who was supposed Honourable Fernando smiled at mom. “This is my lovely wife; Beatriz!” He introduced, taking his wife’s hands and gently pulling her forward. The woman was beautiful even for her age. A total opposite of her husband, might I add. And why did he keep shouting? That was quite embarrassing, but his wife seemed not to mind.

“So nice to meet you Mrs Fernando.” Mom leaned in and gave her a hug. “You’re very lovely indeed.”

“Thank you for your warm compliment.” The woman gave a smile. I could see she had a perfect dentition as well.

“Oh, please.” Mom waved her hand in disapproval. “It is true indeed. You’re such a beauty to behold. Meanwhile meet my son, Manuel.” The moment I got introduced to them, honourable Fernando smiled so widely at me and pulled me for a hug, giving me a fatherly pat on the back.

“Thank you so much! My son was offered a job at your company a few weeks back!” The next minute, he turned and pulled a younger guy from behind me. “This is our son, Ricardo Fernando! He has a lot to learn from you! Please take care of him as you would your brother.” I found his words really flattering, but his son’s face really didn’t seem familiar in any way. I shoved it asides because I really didn’t know all of my thousands of employees. But then, for someone from an affluential family as Ricardo, I was supposed to have been given a special introduction. I watched as Ricardo released an awkward smile as he whispered to his father, though we all could hear what he had said.

“He isn’t my boss, Dad.” He muttered for the third time, to his father who seemed like someone with a hearing disability. He seemed to not be hearing what his son was whispering to him, when we could all hear it.

“What?” The man asked again, making the young man sigh. I decided to step in since it was now clear that the man indeed had a hearing disability. No wonder he had been shouting throughout our conversation.

“He is saying that I am not his boss.” I smiled. “I think you may have mistaken me for my cousin, Alexander Russo. I guess that is where Ricardo works.” I supplied the confused looking Honourable.

“Ohhh?” The man laughed as he realized his mistake. I gave a small smile as Ricardo mouthed a ‘thank you’. “Still, my appreciation is in order! You both are still the same family! Thank you for taking my boy under your wings! I am indebted!” I had thought that was all the man had to say about it, until he began narrating an epistle. “So, I had been skeptical when Ricardo insisted on getting a job himself! He is from a wealthy family, and as such, not suppose to struggle for a job, when I could just put a call across and get him a befitting one! You know…” And that was how he continued talking about his son’s career and interests. 10 minutes and had gone by, and the man was still talk so loudly. If not the fact that I didn’t want to ruin mom’s effort at connecting me to Honourable Fernando, I would have burst out laughing. The look on mom and Ricardo’s faces were hilarious. The only person who didn’t seem bored of his talk was his wife. I watched as she shot Ricardo a knowing smile, making it clear that she was already so used to the man. The woman looked at me and flashed a warm smile.

“Uhhmm, honey?” She called her husband’s attention.

“Yes, my darling!” He finally paused his story.

“I think Mr Russo and his mother have a whole lot of other people to interact with tonight. Not to worry, your discussion with them would be completed over dinner some other time. That gives you ample time to talk as much as you wish to.”

“Yes.” He nodded, giving her a small smile. “That’s fine!” He grinned at my mother and I. “It was a nice time with you both! Some other time!” He announced, finally walking away with his family.

“I’m sorry.” Mom suddenly muttered, making me shake my head in disbelief. It was so clear that she hadn’t seen all of that coming. She had innocently wanted to introduce us to one another, but look what happened.

“That’s fine ma.” I replied. “I have a couple more people to get familiar with tonight. I beg to take my leave.” I didn’t really wait for her response, before running off.


It was the start of a new week, and I was particularly lazy to leave my bed. Unfortunately, I had a few important tasks to complete today, which meant that I had to step out. Looking at my reflection in the mirror for the very last time, I combed my hair before stepping out of my room and making my way out.

I got to the office some moments later, and I began going through the financial reports of the farm. Revenue seemed to have skyrocketed this past few weeks, and I couldn’t be more impressed. People could really not do without tobacco, could they? The next minute, a call came in and I picked up immediately when I saw it was Alexander.

“Hey man. What’s good?”

“A lot.” He chuckled. “You’d have to see for yourself.”

“O.. kayyy?” I replied unsure. What could make him so excited?

“Pablo would come to your office with some important files very soon. Let me know your response after going through the files.” I grinned widely, beginning to think of what it might be. If it was what I was thinking, then it was the best news this whole month. But I had to see what it was first of all.

I walked into the restroom to ease myself, and why I was still inside, I heard my door creak open. Who could it be? Knowing my secretary, she would have called my name to know if I really wasn’t in. But the person who had come in had been completely silent. Quickly feeling alert, I looked around the restroom and quietly pulled the fire extinguisher at the edge of the wall.

Walking as lightly as a feather, I carefully opened the door of the restroom, and took a quick peek.

“Wow! No need to be so agitated, Manuel. It’s just me.”

I saw Francesca sitting on my work desk, with a file in her hand. I released a sigh and fixed the fire extinguisher back in it’s place, before walking out.

“You didn’t inform me of your visit. I almost hurt you moments ago.” I calmly reprimanded as I walked back to the seat behind my desk.

“Actually, hurting me with an extinguisher would have hurt less than what you did.”

“What are you talking about?” I squinted my eyes in apparent confusion.

“Here.” She threw the file she had been holding, on the desk, in front of me. A closer look at it and I realized it wasn’t a file. It was today’s paper.

“What’s this?”

“Look at the front page and headline.” She instructed, and that was when I saw my picture on it. I quickly read the headline and sighed in a mix of realization and immense happiness within me.

“This is a good news, why the long face?”

“You know how stupid I felt when my papa told me you had just been awarded the multibillion contract he had been pursuing with Honourable Fernando for months now? Hell! You are my fiance, and somehow I had no idea you were hitting on something as big as this?”

Hearing her say those words made me feel slightly confused. What exactly was the bone of contention here? Was it the fact that I had been awarded a contract her father had been vying for, or was it the fact that I didn’t inform her I was gunning for the contract? It didn’t take me time to figure it out, and it was all really disappointing.

“This is not the first contract I have secured since I started managing the family business. And I don’t remember talking to you about any of my previous contracts. So, how is this any different? Francesca, it’s really nice to know that you’d rather have your father awarded a contract that I deserve. And what’s worst is that I’m not even your enemy.” I chuckled dryly.

“You’re really a hand full Manuel.” She gave a humourless laugh of her own. “If you really paid attention to details, then you’d remember me asking you to try opening up to me about whatever is going on with you, during our last discussion. I pretty much do the same. I tell you all there is to tell.” She sighed. “Then again, It’s only natural if I feel sad that my father didn’t land the job. But that doesn’t mean I’m not glad you did. It would have felt better if it was something you had told me about, before today. I just stood there like a dummy while papa rambled on, about the fact that you got the contract. Worse still, he literally gloated in my face, when he realized I hadn’t an idea about the contract. Manuel, this is about the fact that you kept something as huge as this away from me.”

“Christ! Francesca, it isn’t such a big deal.” I shrugged.

“It is. It definitely is, for it to be written in a national newspaper. Stop trying to turn it on me!”

“You know what makes me so pissed?” I asked, slowly getting irritated.

“What is that thing that makes you soooo pissed, Mr Russo?” She replied sarcastically.

“It’s the fact that you couldn’t even keep this fight for later. You literally brought me good news that we couldn’t even celebrate together. It’s pathetic.” I swallowed, feeling that helpless way I normally felt again. Sometimes, I just felt I was in a completely wrong place when it came to Francesca. I wasn’t even expecting it when she picked up her purse and walked out of my office the next minute. I sighed as Alexander’s words replayed in my mind. ‘It’s always that cycle for you both. Break up, make up, break up. I hope you both stay for a longer time without any more issues this time.’ It wasn’t even up to a month we made up after our previous quarrel. Alexander was going to laugh in my face.

Just then, a knock came on my door and I yelled my response in annoyance.

“Come in!” The next minute, a familiar looking lady walked into my office and I sighed, trying to remember where I knew her from. The shy smile she had on her face was a clear sign that she had expected me to know who she was. I felt so sorry to disappoint her.

“Sorry, your face seems to be…” I hadn’t even completed my statement when she rushed out her words.

“My Boss sent me to deliver these files to you.” She said, raising the files she held in her hands. Oh yeahhhh…. Now I remember who she was. It was Alexander’s new P. A. Looking at her eye catching hair only made me sure it was really her.

“My apologies Brenda. I’m sorry I couldn’t remember who you were.” I muttered.

“It’s totally understandable sir. You have a lot of things you’re handling, which doesn’t give you the opportunity to memorize the face of a random lady.” She smiled. Why did that feel weird to hear? She was saying the truth, but it still felt weird to hear her say. Or was it the manner in which she had said it? “And I’m Bianca.” She corrected, making my eyes open widely in embarrassment. Oh wow.

“Bianca.” I repeated, managing a small smile. “It’s nice to meet you again.”

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