“What a delight!” Nonno chuckled the moment he sighted us coming towards the garden. Instantly, I developed cold feets, but Bianca was quick to hold my hand.

“It’s fine.” She smiled at me and I nodded like a robot. It was indeed fine. This was what I was supposed to do. I definitely couldn’t leave Sicily without patching things up with my grandfather. “Good afternoon Nonno.” Bianca waved before detangling our hands nad making her way towards where he sat. The moment she got to him, she bent down for a hug.

“Hello my sweet.” He grinned, then looked up at me. “For a moment, I was wondering if all my favourite people were gonna do was….” He trailed off, realizing he just referred to me as a part of his favourite people. That was clearly a slip. He glanced at me quickly, before his eyes fell on Bianca again. “So when are you both leaving?” He asked. Instead of Bianca to answer his question, she pulled away from his embrace and walked up to me.

“When are we leaving honey?” She asked, blinking her eyes a couple of times. “You care to enlighten Nonno when?” I already knew what she was up to, and in as much as I was a bit tensed, her behaviour made me chuckle.

“When are you both leaving?” Nonno asked again.

“Come on, Manuel.” She nudged me by the arm. “Tell Nonno what he needs to know. I think I forgot my phone inside and I need to go get it.” Before I could say a word, she was walking away and leaving Nonno and I to ourselves.

“Why do I feel like nipotina has something up her sleeves?” He narrowed his eyes at me.

“Not really.” I shrugged.

“Not re….”

“Nonno please can we talk?” I blurted out. He eyed my for a few seconds, before releasing a sigh and making a gesture to the empty space beside him on the bench.

“Make yourself comfortable.”

“No, I’ll just stand.” I muttered, before thinking my statement through. “Sorry, I would sit.” I walked closer to him and lowered myself onto the bench. “Thank you.” I muttered.

“I hope there is no problem between you and nipotina?” He asked sternly, and I shook my head immediately.

“Not at all. Didn’t you see us a moment back?”

“Fine then. What do you want to talk about?”

“It’s about us.” Why did I sound like we were lovers? I chuckled subconsciously, making him narrow his eyes at me. “Sorry.”

“So, what is it about us?”

“I…. We… You and I are….” I had rehearsed this with Bianca the whole of yesterday. Why was I stuttering now? “It is quite a sensitive topic for us to talk about.” I sighed.

“Then get on with it already.” He shrugged non chalantly.

“I just want to say that I’m sorry.” My voice wasn’t as firm as I was hoping. Why did I sound like a child about to cry?

“I was angry before, but not anymore. At least, not after we found out you really did not cheat on….”

“No, not that.” I shook my head in disagreement. “Not that. I wasn’t apologizing for that.”

“Then what are you making an apology for?”

“I’m apologizing for something I realize I’ve never really been able to apologize for.” I seemed to have gotten his undivided attention now, and it made me more nervous. “I….. made a very huge mistake some years back, and it ended up destroying your…. happiness.”

I could feel his eyes digging holes into my face, but I couldn’t raise my head to look at him.

“Manuel.” He muttered and I managed to steal a glance at him. The water that clogged his eyes was enough to knock me off. It only proved to me that this was indeed a very touchy topic of discussion.

“Please Nonno, I am deeply sorry. I’m sorry for… for everything.” Shoot! I hated the fact I was getting teary eyed now. I knew this wasn’t the best idea. There was no way Nonno and I could have this conversation sanely. If I was already close to tears at this point, what did I expect him to do? He was the hurt one here. I took another look at him, and his eyes were getting red. I was getting so deep into the whole thing, that I didn’t even realize when I stood from the bench and went on my knees. But he did deserve such gesture. “Please forgive me.” I whispered, bowing my head in remorse. “If there was a thing I could do to bring Nonna back to life, I wouldn’t hesitate to do it.” The tears finally slipped down my eyes when a thought crossed my mind. The thought of losing Bianca. It was a thought I couldn’t even stand, so I could only imagine how much pains Nonno had, and is still going through.

This was a woman he had done life with. Hell! They already had grandchildren who were so grown, when she died. And I think what hurt him the most is the fact that she had died in such a cheap way. An unknown vehicle? God!

“Rosa.” He finally whispered after a while of silence. “My Rosa. She didn’t deserve that.” He sniffled and that was when I looked up at him. God, he was crying. I guess it made me cry all the more because in truth, this ‘hard’ and stubborn man was still very hurt, even after so many years. His old heart still grieved the loss of my Nonna. “This was our favourite place to be.” He waved over the mansion and I sighed. “I had decided to permanently come here after her death, hoping it would ease the pain. But still, nothing changed. In fact, it hurt more than ever because every corner of this place reminds me of her, and the fact that I would never see her again.” He managed to say in between loud sniffles.

“I’m so sorry.” I muttered. “You can go forever without recognizing me as you grandson, but I just hope you can forgive me.” I pleaded. To be very honest, that was truly the way I felt. Nonno could go on, never relating with me as his grandson, but I just hoped he could find a place in his heart to forgive me.

“You think I never recognized you as my grandson?!” He suddenly flipped, making me shudder in my spot. I didn’t mean to provoke him that way. “I neved treated you fairly, considering what you had done against me?”

“No, that wasn’t what I meant.” I choked out.

“Then what did you mean?” He queried, his eyes looking pointedly at me. “Do you mean that I wasn’t kind enough for letting you take over my empire, after your cousin stepped down as Don?! Even if I made a promise never to associate with you as a member of my family?! Or did you think I didn’t think Anthonio was a way better option to be with nipotina?! Or did you think…”

“How was I supposed to know?!” I suddenly yelled out, shocking even myself. “How was I supposed to know that you had changed your mind about disowning me? I had been involved in a very ghastly car accident, missing for weeks! What did you say when I miraculously returned home?” I asked. “You just looked at me and said… ‘you were tougher than I imagined’. Were you hoping I was going to die too? Was that going to be enough atonement for the death of Nonna?”

“What rubbish are you even spitting?” He glared at me, but I could really care less. I’m so sure I looked stupid at that moment. Yelling at the very same man I was kneeling before. “Do you know the scare you caused me for weeks?!” He asked, but I didn’t give a response? “And you think I said that because I was sad you returned? I said that because I was relieved nothing had happened to you?!” A tear slipped down his face. “I was relieved you were tough enough to scale through that difficult time. God, you cannot even imagine the heartache you caused me when I thought I was going to lose you just like your Nonna! I may have been mad at you for being the reason I lost Rosa, but at least, I wanted you to stay alive and bear the brunt of my anger!!” He grabbed my shoulders and shook me, as if shaking his words into my brain. I was a huge man, and it was insane how much strength Nonno had, to shake me that way.

“And I survived. I stayed alive! Why didn’t you pour the brunt of your anger onto me!! That way, I would have felt better knowing you still gave a damn about me. Even though it was your hatred. But you didn’t even act like I existed.”

“Yes, you may have let me take over Russo from Alexander, but you did not show up at the ceremony! You never even gave a call to acknowledge my new position as Don. It would have even been better if you had displayed the slightest bit of concern, even if it was to show your disapproval of the family’s decision to make me Don. I became the heir to your empire, but didn’t even feel like one. Everyday I was worried you’d just stand up and give my position to your favourite grandson. Anthonio. And I wasn’t worried because I’d lose the wealth and power that came with the position. I was worried because that was honestly the only thing giving me the hope that I was still a member of your family.”

“You say Anthonio is my favourite?” Nonno asked, chuckling dryly. I scowled my face at his reaction, wondering what seemed humorous. “Do you know the pains your cousin had gone through as well?!”

“What do you mean?” I muttered, truly at loss.

“Oh? You think I am a fool? You think I did not realize the reason why Anthonio had gone ahead to break the news of your Nonna’s death to me, even after the entire family had agreed to be silent about it?”

Okay, now I was a bit confused. Did Nonna know what Anthonio’s intention had been all along? And what did he mean when he said Anthonio had gone through pains as well?

“After you left to go be with Alexander in Russia, Anthonio was sent out of Italy as well.”Owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

“What do you mean by ‘sent out’?”

“I guess it’s something no one had told you yet, huh?” He muttered. “I sent Anthonio away. I sent him away from his family at such a tender age. He was only 16 when I sent him off to Miami. I was very mad that he didn’t mind the consequences his behaviour was going to cause my health. All he had cared about was himself, and what he stood to gain by shitting on you.” Oh, wait a minute. I remember Anthonio making mention of this once. A few months back, I guess. That was when he had been asking for my help to get the last slot for his company to join the national car race championship event. He had told me he had been away from home for many years. And he asked if it wasn’t enough to atone for his sins. Then, I felt he was just bluffing, but now I realize he wasn’t. Indeed, he had been away from home for a reason. Nonno had sent him away. I wasn’t the only one who had been away from home because of Nonno.

“You actually sent him away for 9 years?” I asked in disbelief.

“I hope that makes you realize that I never really had other favourites. It remained you! I had worked in the background just for you! Do you know how many problems I have helped deal with, since you became Don?!” What was going on? This man kept confusing me. “Dito works for me.” He said, not breaking eye contact with me. I’m sure my eyes had gone as wide as a saucer. Tell me he was joking.

“No.” I shook my head in disagreement. “Dito works for me. I recruited him as a part of my team a few months after I became Don.”

“My dear boy, I sent Dito to you.”

“How? I said I recruited him myself.”

“Who do you think compiled that list for Massimo? Huh? The list of the best hackers in the country. I personally had Dito compile that list, and then I sent it to Massimo to submit to you.” Christ! “And before you begin to frown your face in disappointment, that was the only time Massimo had ever taken direct orders from me. So do not think he betrayed your trust.” He huffed.

“And while you were away in Moscow, planning a suprise wedding for the Ferrari lady, I was in Sicily… busy taking care of the mess you couldn’t tend. Dito had informed me first hand, abour the attack from….” He paused, as if trying to remember something. “Mr X, right? I heard that was the name you and Alexander gave the unknown man who has been trying to attack us.” Oh my fucking God! To say I was suprised, was an understatement. I felt extremely foolish! While I was out here, thinking I was on top of things, Nonno actually was. “Do you think I was secretly being so supportive because I was bored? I was being so supportive because I knew your new position came with a lot of enemies. I had already gone through the pain of losing you before. Now, I wanted to personally watch out for you.”

“Nonno.” I whispered in disbelief. How could a man be so caring, yet distant? “How could you have been so unfeeling towards me, yet took care of me this much?” I whispered the last part.

“How do you expect me to act towards the boy I genuinely loved, but was hurt by?” He asked, making me tight lipped. “I had been sad for so many years! I wanted you to….” He trailed off, probably not having an idea on how to relay his feelings anymore. But I did understand him though.

“And when nipotina came into the picture, I felt revived. I was in shock at first, then I was in denial, before I finally learned to accept the miracle. There was nothing anyone could tell me, for me not to believe your Nonna had come back to me. When I learned she was dating Anthonio, I was quite glad because that would mean her truly becoming a part of Russo. But on a certain day, she spilled the beans about being stuck on the island with you. She talked about how infuriating you had been, how much unfeeling you had been, and how you parted ways with her like your stay together for 3 weeks didn’t make a difference to you. She didn’t say a word about you both actually having quite the tumble in bed, but from how hurt she sounded, I knew there was more to it. I had pressed on, and she revealed she had loved you since her early college days. As days passed and we spent more time together, I realized that Anthonio may have been a rebound to her after all. She always seemed happy whenever she spoke about her relationship with Anthonio, but every once in a while, she found a way of chipping in the fact that you were getting married to Francesca soon. I didn’t want her to shy away from the truth about her feelings for you, so I never spoke to her about it. All I prayed and hoped for, was that you both ended with the right people for you.”

“And it happened.” I whispered.

“Hmmm.” He nodded I agreement. “And I milked every opportunity I could, when I learned she was pregnant for you. Firstly, I had been very suprised you both had gone as far as having sex. It only meant one thing. That the attraction was present. And when you both went ahead to have your petty quarrels in the presence of everyone, it strengthened my resolve to make sure you both ended up together. I was a clear as day, that Bianca was the only woman you needed in your life. They all wouldn’t have seen it, but I did. She was the only woman who could challenge you, and that simply meant one thing; she was definitely going to be the only woman capable of taming you. To truly know and feel the weight of love, one has to be tamed. I am glad she finally did.”

“Thank you.” I found myself saying. I was truly thankful that he had made it possible for Bianca not to slip out of my hands. Had it not been for his persistence, I would have ended up getting married to Francesca and making a mess of things. We both looked at each other for a while, before he said the words that finally sent the guilt I had felt for years, packing.

“This conversation is something I have long awaited. I forgive you, my boy.” He sighed, making another tear fall off my eyes. It was out of gratitude.

“Thank you.” My voice broke. “Thank you so much.” I took his hand and kissed the back of his palms.

“And don’t you ever think for one moment, that I do not love you. You are the most important person to….”

“Now, that’s cheating.” We both turned to see Bianca walking towards us. The smile on her face and tears in her eyes were enough evidence that she had been eavesdropping on our conversation the whole time. “I thought I was your favourite.” She pouted at Nonno, making him laugh heartily.

“Of course, you both are! But I am afraid that child in your belly may steal all the love I have for you both.”

“He has every permission to steal it.” “He can steal it!” Bianca and I said at the same time. We eyed each other for a minute, before bursting into laughter.

“I can see you both have carried out a test to know the gender already?” Nonno asked, unsure.

“No.” “No.” We both shook our heads.

“Then why…?”

“We just said it.” Bianca chuckled, before covering the distance between us, and making herself comfortable on Nonno’s thighs. “Come here.” She beckoned to me, and I literally crawled to them both. She played with my hair and then, leaned down to kiss me. “Nothing makes me happier than this.” She sighed in satisfaction. “My best men are good again.”

“You are a blessing to me, nipotina.” Nonno whispered.

“Likewise you both, to me.”

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