“Arrghhh!! Yes!!” She moaned loudly before falling to the other side of the bed. Oh, that was nice. I leaned in to give her a kiss on the lip, but she clearly had other plans as she turned her face away and got up from the bed.

“Why?” I simply asked, slightly irritated.

“I’m sorry, but I have to get going now.” She muttered, giving me that sympathetic smile that I hated so much.

“We only just got here.”

“I know!” She sighed, throwing her hands up in frustration. “I know, but there is a dinner I have to show up at, with my father.” At the mention of that, I went silent, trying to push away the feeling of annoyance that was slowly creeping in.

“Do you even talk to your father about this? About us?” I finally couldn’t hold it in anymore.

“Trust me, love..” She chuckled. “I do, but he is never interested in any conversation that has to do with you. I’m trying.”

“Then maybe you aren’t trying enough!!” I yelled out, finally letting out my anger. “You are just not trying!”

“Manuel,” She sighed, sitting on the bed with her back towards me. “You do not always have to yell at me to pass a message. I’m your fiancee and not your employee or one of your men.”

“Oh, please!” I scoffed. “You’re always more focused on my tone, rather than the message I’m trying to pass across to you. It’s fucking stressful to be having these back and forths! It’s annoying! You talk about being my fiancee. We have been engaged for over two years, but cannot even get married because your father doesn’t like me! You don’t even wear your ring when you’re home. Is all these a joke to you? Am I a joke to you?”

“No, Manuel.” She shook her head, that signature look of disappointment on her face. Francesca was always disappointed in me. Typical her. “I should be the one asking you that. You act as if this relationship doesn’t require joint efforts. I’m trying my best here! Maybe if your men hadn’t almost hurt my father and his men during your failed mission two weeks ago, he wouldn’t be this mad at you. Hell! We wouldn’t even be coming to a hotel just so we can spend time with each other, if your mother likes me, and is really nice to me! It is not entirely my fault. You clearly have areas you need to fix up as well!” Oh no, there comes the tears!

“Do you always have to cry?!!” I yelled out in exasperation. “You can pass your message without crying!” God knows how much I hated seeing a woman’s tears. Anybody’s tears for that matter.

“Do you even care that you hurt my feelings?!” She yelled back in anger as she got up from the bed to put on the rest of her clothes. Fuck!

“I’m sorry.” I rushed out of bed and held her by the waist, but I had another thing coming when she pushed me away.

“You’re just apologizing because you don’t want me to go, not because you actually care that you hurt my feelings. You’re just an asshole!”

Why did she ways have a way of spoiling the mood all the time? She asked for an apology, I gave it to her. Now she feels the apology isn’t true enough. And what’s with the insult?

“You know what?” I asked, stepping away from her. “Just go. Go and meet your papa.” I muttered in annoyance. She looked at me in disbelief and shook her head multiple times.


“Just go. You give me a headache with your incessant naggings. If not for the fact that I love you, you wouldn’t have the guts to say certain things to me. Many people who have, are dead.” I stated matter of factly.

“Oh really?” She walked closer to me, covering the space between our faces. “And if you really loved me, this rubbish wouldn’t even cross your mind.” She chuckled dryly, before picking up her hand bag from the edge of the bed. “Goodnight.” With that, she walked out of the room, leaving a not so nice feeling in my heart. Fine then. My night was officially fucked.

I stayed in bed all through the night, thinking of a way forward. I wanted so badly to just do away with Francesca since nothing was working, but I just couldn’t.

*** *** ******

2 weeks later.

“And why can’t you?” Alexander asked from the other end of the line. “Why can’t you just end all of these with her?”

“I don’t know.” I shrugged. It wasn’t like he could see me after all. “Maybe that’s how I know we are meant to be.”

“You think?” He chuckled. “Can I tell you what I think this is?”

“I already know it’s not something positive, but say it, all the same.”

“You’re just so obsessed with the idea of ending the feud between the Ferraris and Russos.”

“Naturally.” I muttered. “That’s what happens when you truly want to be with someone.”

“On the contrary.” He said. “That’s what happens when you don’t even know why you’re with a person anymore.”

“What is that even supposed to mean?”

“This is the what…?” He asked rhetorically. “The fifth time you both are having a huge misunderstanding within the space of 3 months. Do you even understand yourselves anymore, or you’re rather interested in merging your families?” I had no response to his questions, so I just remained quiet. “Manuel, don’t you feel like you’re wasting your time? Maybe what if all she needs is just a push. A little spontaneity to make her step out of her comfort zone.”

“Okay, now I don’t get you.” I sighed.

“You already said she finds it hard to defy her father. How about putting her in a spot? That way you know if she would stand up for your relationship, or choose her father over you.”

“What do you suggest I do?” I asked, as his words finally piquing my interest.

“There’s a lot you can do. You could even show up at her place for dinner, and introduce yourself as her fiance, to her father.”

“Oh no!! That would not only be dangerous, but hilarious!”

“Dangerous in what sense?” Alexander asked, after which I started hearing some shufflings at the other end of the line.

“Are you still there?”

“Of course, I am.” He replied, though his breathing sounded a bit shallow. “I was asking what could be dangerous? Francisco Ferrari knows better than to inflict any form of harm on you. As long as you do not pose a threat to him, he wouldn’t retaliate. Though, I wouldn’t completely debunk the idea that it could be dangerous.”

“Exactly! It could be dangerous, so that’s off the chart.”

“So what would you do? I can tell you’re quite bothered by the silence between you and Francesca.”

“Yes, I am. But not to worry, I would think of something soonest. Something quite spontaneous.” I chuckled. “Tomorrow is Friday, the start of a weekend. We should visit the Casino.” I suggested, but got no response from him. “Alex?”

“Hmmm…” He let out a muffled groan and I was quite bothered until I heard the sound of kisses. Oh God, not again! This was always how it was. I preferred talking to Alex in person because it was almost impossible for him to be left alone while at home. Bella was like a beast that always attacked when you least expect it. With a low hiss, I ended the call and walked into my bathroom. It was days like this that I really missed Francesca. Now, I had a hard on, with no one to take care of it! I had always been a one lady’s kind of man, so sleeping out had never been my style. I gave a deep sigh as I dipped my body into the tub of cold water. It felt relaxing too, so I just remained there for as long as possible. By the time I got out, the water had already gone warm. I dabbed my body dry and put on some clothes, after which I contemplated putting a call across to her. Would she even pick up. It had been 2 whole weeks and we had not seen nor spoken to each other. After some more minutes of thinking, I finally gave in to the urge and picked up my phone to call her. Just as I was about dialing her mobile number, her call came in. I could swear that I was shocked. I didn’t waste any more time as I answered the call immediately.

“I swear I was just about dialing your number.” I rushed out, making her chuckle at the other end of the line.

“I miss you.” She muttered, making me smile to myself.

“I miss you too. Can you come over?”

“I’m on my way.” She whispered, before hanging up the call. Okayyyy, the universe was pretty much on my side today. I was grateful.


I had gotten to work quite late today because I was exhausted from the marathon sex Francesca and I had last night. We were at it until the early hours of this morning, so it made me sleep in longer than I usually did. Not to talk about the endless minutes of quarrels from my mother. She had always not been a fan of Francesca. Scratch that! She had never been a fan of all my ex girlfriends. Now, it was the same with Francesca. Though her excuse was about Francesca being a part of another rival family. After I was done talking, or rather arguing with my mom, I headed out for work with Francesca in tow. We definitely knew letting her stay back at the house wasn’t a good idea. Mom was not gonna be having it.

I had gotten a news that soured my mood the moment I stepped into my office. For the longest time, the Russos have done business with Marco, so I couldn’t begin to fathom the reason for his lapses lately. I decided the best thing was to go talk to Alexander about it. He knew his way around this particular set of people.

As I walked into Alexander’s office, I was suprised to see someone different sitting on the seat of his personal assistant. Oh, that reminds me! He had made mention of hiring a new P. A.

“G.. goo.. good morning Sir!” She stuttered, making me chuckle. Did I make her uncomfortable in anyway?

“Good morning. I am…”

“Mr Manuel…. Russo.” She muttered the last part, making me smile.

“Okay, you know me already. Do you mind introducing yourself?” At my request, she nodded vigorously.



“Sorry. My name is Bianca.” She corrected herself immediately.

“Bianca, is your boss in?”

“Yes, he is. Please go on in.” She made a gesture towards the door and I muttered my thanks. But just before going in, I turned to her and smiled. I couldn’t help but give her that single compliment.

“Your hair. It’s exquisite.” She looked to be suprised by my compliment, but I flashed her a small smile nonetheless, and made my way in to see Alexander. When I got into his office, he seemed to be quite busy.

“Hey cuz.”

“Manuel! You didn’t say you were coming.”

“Since when did I have to do so?” I shrugged, taking an empty seat in front of him. “You seem quite busy, but definitely not too busy to go to the casino with me tonight.”

“You are going to the casino today?”

“Of course, WE are going to the casino today.”

“But you never made mention of it beforehand. I am very bu…”

“I remember telling you about it just before you decided the best time to make love to your wife was while on a call with me.”

“Oh yeah, about that. I’m sorry man.”

“Of course you are. You could show me how sorry you are by accompanying me to the casino today.”

“Fine! If you insist.”

“Yes! And I just saw your new secretary.”

“Yes. Bianca.”

“So how’s her performance?”

“Oh, excellent! She’s very efficient. She actually reduces the amount of work on my shoulders.”

“That’s good then.”

“And she’s smart too. If her work performance continues this way, then I may be too greedy to let her leave anytime soon.”

“Hmmm. Impressive.” I muttered, quite suprised. Alex hardly praised his staff. This was new.

“Enough of Bianca, how are you? Have you thought of anything spontaneous yet?” He asked, making me smile.

“I do not think there would be a need for that brother.”


“We settled our differences last night. With great sex, if I might add.” I grinned, making him chuckle.

“It’s always that cycle for you both.” He shook his head as he laughed. “Break up, make up, break up. I hope you both stay for a longer time without any more issues this time.”This content is © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Whatever. Just be happy for me.” I scoffed. “Meanwhile, let’s talk business.”

“What about?” He asked, his attention fully on me as he closed the file in front of him.

“The Marcolinis have been messing with my imports lately.”

“How?” Alex gave a deathly stare.

“They are not keeping to their side of the deal. We pay them but do not get the exact order.”

“Fuck! I thought Marco was over that habit already. I should have a talk with him. That’s if you do not mind.”

“But why would I?”

“I probably do not want to make it seem like you can’t handle some certain issues. You may think I’m undermining your position as Don.” He sighed, shrugging his shoulders.

“Alex, it’s silly you’d have such thoughts going through your head. I knew I’d never have it easy when I accepted this position. Please sort this mess out immediately. If there are any traitors on our side, a few bullets through their skulls should do.”

“That’s the spirit.” He gave an evil grin. “Yes boss.”

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