“I killed my Nonna. I killed his wife.”

My eyeballs literally fell to the bed.

“That’s not true.” I rushed out, shaking my head in disbelief. I wouldn’t believe what he had just said. “You would never do something like that.”

“But I did.” He nodded, sitting up on the bed and resting his back on the head rest.

“What happened?” I asked, strongly believing there was a reasonable explanation to what he said.NôvelDrama.Org content.

“What happened?” He chuckled bitterly. “I was a rebellious teen. That’s what happened.” How else was I going to convince this man to speak to me. There was clearly a whole lot of other things he wasn’t saying.

“I’m all ears.” I sat up as well, facing him directly. He looked at me and my heart fell at seeing his eyes already red.

“I had been weirdly addicted to illegal car racing at the later part of my teenage years.” He started, and I curled up my legs, adeptly listening to what he had to say. “It was prohibited in the family. Prohibited for me especially. But then, I had always been stubborn. I believed no one understood me and my love for cars. For driving.” He sighed. “My father had particularly tried to let me know that I could have any car I wanted, and loved cars, without having to risk my life by going for illegal car races, but I was too stubborn to listen. The price to be won was never really my problem. I had started seeing a lot of money from a very young age. There was this particular thrill that rushed through my veins whenever I drove at such a high speed, trying to win my opponent.”

“The fact that Alexander; my closest cousin had recently traveled to attend a military training academy at Russia, only made me feel more lonely. There was hardly anyone else I deeply connected with, and Greta was also preparing to leave for an all girls boarding school. I felt alone and strangely got comfort from racing. I would always sneak my way out of the estate and attend these car races. On a fateful night, I had gone for another race competition when something went wrong with my brakes. I had lost control and ended up hitting one of the other wealthy kids who had come to watch the race.”

“Oh my goodness!” I gasped worriedly. “Did he die?”

“She.” He corrected. “She didn’t die, but was in a very critical condition. Her parents pressed charges against me and I had been arrested from home later that day. It was the first time a Russo family member was being arrested, and Nonno was so furious.”

“I can imagine.” I muttered.

“He had prohibited everyone from going to see me, or bail me out of jail. For one week, I remained in cell and all that went through my mind was how much my family hated me. I was the least bit sorry for what I had done, or the innocent girl I had harmed. I foolishly thought to myself to disown them whenever I could find my way out of the cell.” He paused and chuckled. “Such a stupid thought. I was a foolish teenager indeed.”

“So what happened?” I asked, wanting to know where the story was headed.

“What happened was that after a week, my parents came for me. They had noticed my countenance and tried to apologize for not coming earlier, but I was too angry to even listen. Everything they said had fell on deaf ears, except the fact that Nonno had ordered everyone not to come for me. It made me so angry towards the man.” He scratched the tip of his nose. “I had been his favourite, but he chose to treat me in such a manner. Like a common criminal. That was what I foolishly thought. When we got home, everyone was already at our home, waiting for me to return. Nonno had walked up to me and given me such a resounding slap that made every other person flinch. After which he told me that as discipline, I was going to leave for a military training academy at Miami. His punishment wasn’t sending me to the military academy. Moreover, I had always been Alexander’s spare.”

“How do you mean?” I asked in confusion.

“I mean that, Alexander was originally the mafia heir. I never was.”

“Really?” That was suprising. There were really a lot I didn’t know.

“Yes. Alexander’s father was the previous Don after Nonno. After which Alexander took over, but stepped down after a very unfortunate incident. That is a discussion for another day.”

“Alright.” I nodded.

“So, I was actually supposed to attend the same academy as Alexander a year later, but Nonno decided to punish me by sending me away to Miami, where I had no family or friends. I was gonna be alone for years, before finally returning home. Normally, it wouldn’t have hurt so much. But when I saw how much he was willing to punish me for a mistake I had made, I was enraged. Our Nonna tried talking him out of it, but he wasn’t paying heed to anyone. Even her.” He released another sigh. “That night, I did the unthinkable. I ran away from home, leaving just a small note under my pillow. I had run off in the next available flight to Russia. The plan had been to locate my Nonna’s home and beg her family to take me in.”

“That wasn’t the best decision.” I muttered, to which he nodded in agreement.

“I know. I had been there twice during my early childhood, and had somehow forgotten what the place looked like. But I carried an old paper with the address written in it. The paper had been inside my smaller bag that ended up getting lost somehow.”

“Oh no.” I rushed out.

“I thought I knew the town at least, but I was gravely mistaken. All I knew was the fact that Nonna’s family stayed in Moscow. I ended up getting lost in Russia. I had run off under such a short notice, so I wasn’t able to take as much money as necessary. My phone and bank card had been in the bag that got lost. It was safe to say that I was stranded. I couldn’t find my way to Nonna’s family home, neither could I find my way back to Italy.”

“So how did you scale through?” I asked in worry, forgetting this event had already taken place.

“All I just remember, was walking until I came across a familiar island Nonna had always brought me to, whenever we visited Russia. I recognized the place as where she described as her favourite place in the world. I sighed in relief at finally seeing somewhere familiar. I had little cash on me, so I was able to buy some food and water from one of the vendors on the busy island. That night I slept on the soft sand, hoping I would be able to find my way to Nonna’s family home.”

“So did you?”

“It was so disappointing that I had spent five days roaming around, unable to locate Nonna’s family. For five nights, I slept on the sand of the island. I had already run out of the little cash I had on me. Seeing how impossible it had been for me to keep being stubborn, I broke down and cried for a while, before begging one of the people who have visited the island, for her phone. I had tried calling my father, but he wasn’t picking up. So I called my mom who eventually answered. She was so happy to hear it was me. She had asked where I was, and I was too tired to even speak. I was able to describe the island, and she promised that Nonna was coming for me, before hanging up the call. I thanked the lady for her phone, and waited patiently for help. It wasn’t up to half an hour later when Nonna showed up. I found myself crying at seeing someone familiar. My favourite person. She had told me they had been looking for me, and asked how I had gotten there. I narrated my ordeal to her. Apparently, my bag had been stolen, not misplaced. That was how they had found out I was in trouble. After they read the short note I left at home, explaining where I was headed, Nonna had reached out to her family to enquire if they had seen me, but was given a negative reply. She didn’t waste any time to fly down to Russia, regardless of Nonno’s disapproval. For days, my family had all been looking for me, until I finally called.”

“Thank goodness.” I whispered.

“Nonna had tried convincing me to return to Italy, but I was very scared of my Nonno’s wrath. She was very understanding, and agreed we stayed back in Russia for a little longer. We returned to her family house, and remained there for a couple of days. After much persuasion, I agreed to return to Italy, but insisted we went to see Alexander in the military academy before leaving.”

“Did she oblige?”

“Hmm.” He nodded stiffly, tears clouding his eyes. Oh no! This was the part where things go south. “She did. We visited Alexander who was very happy to see me, especially after learning I had gotten lost. When it was time to go, we stepped out of the huge gates of the academy and were crossing over to the other side of the tarred road when a car drove in full speed towards us. I screamed her name and ran to the other side, thinking she had followed behind me, only to turn and see her body on the floor, as she bled from every part of her body.” Oh my God. A lone tear dropped down his eyes and I was hugging him before I knew it.

“I’m sorry! I’m so sorry.” I patted his back as he sobbed into my neck. We stayed in that position for a while, until I pulled away from him.

“Look at me.” I muttered, and he managed to. His eyes were so red and it hurt me because this was the first time I was seeing Manuel in such a state. “You never killed her. You didn’t know what was even going to happen. Hell! You would have been killed as well.”

“Can we not talk about this anymore?” He sighed deeply, looking away from me. I knew there were still a lot of things to be said, but he had said enough for one night.

“Of course.” I nodded in agreement. “Of course.” I pulled away from him and laid on my own side of the bed. “Come here.” I called out to him, and he looked at me in slight confusion. “Come.” I called again, and pulled him by his arm. He was finally laying beside me when I softly tapped on my chest. “Lay your head here.” I said. He looked at me for a while, reluctant to do so, but eventually did. We stayed that way all through the night, even until the next morning, not moving in our positions. It was a very comforting position.




It was weekend and particularly a day of rest for me. Manuel and I had slept in, until the early hours of the morning. Once I woke up, I made my way into the bathroom for a shower. I was unusually feeling so hot. After my bathe, I stepped out of the bathroom to see that he was no longer in the room. He had probably gone down to join the rest of the family for breakfast. I was particularly hungry as well, so I quickly dressed up and walked out of the room. I could already hear giggles in the living room and hastened my steps. When I stepped in, I was very suprised to see Kyle there. I hadn’t seen him ever since the last time he had been here. The day that Manuel has spoken up for me. I shrugged internally. There was no way I would totally avoid him forever. He was family now, and I was definitely going to bump into him every once in a while.

“My darling.” Mia called out to me with a sad smile. “Alexander’s family came visiting.” She said. I knew she was trying to explain the reason why Kyle was here, knowing I didn’t like to be around him.

“It’s fine.” I managed a small smile, but was shocked when Kyle suddenly spoke up.

“No, it’s not.” He stood and walked towards me, making my eyes widen in shock. “It is totally not fine. I have been such a mean and rude ass. Please forgive me.” He muttered when he finally got to me, making me blink my eyes.

“Did Manuel put you up to this?”

“No, pretty head.” I looked up to see Manuel walking into the living room, with Alexander and his wife following behind. A few other familiar faces followed as well. “He decided on his own, to become a lot more sensible.” He walked towards Kyle, smacking him behind his head. “I glad you both are best of friends now.” He grinned at the both of us, causing Kyle to chuckle. “And be very careful.” He muttered to Kyle. “My wife may have sent you a love note in high school, but she’s off limits to you. Understood?” Manuel asked, and Kyle nodded. “Good.” He grinned and me and pulled me closer for a kiss. At that moment, I knew he was jealous. The man easily got jealous, now he was kissing me in the presence of everyone.

“Manuel!” I whispered. “They are watching.”

“I know.” He whispered against my lips, before kissing me again. I could hear the rest of the family cheer loudly, making my face go red. Jeezz! This was embarrassing, especially when I wasn’t even sure this man loved me yet. ‘You are his wife, and that is more than enough’. My subconscious was weirdly a comforter today.

After Manuel pulled away from me, he joined a grinning Alexander and they both walked off to his study. Next, Bella waved her hand at me and I rushed to her. We both went over to the dinning room at sit and talk. Her belly was very heavy now, making me look down at my own small bump.

“It’s scary right?” She chuckled.

“Not really.” I grinned sheepishly, realizing she had caught me. “How are you Bella?”

“I’m good honey. I should be asking how you are. Alexander told me about the attack on you the other day. I’m so sorry. I hope you feel better now?”

“Absolutely.” I grinned. “Manuel has been helpful.” I added, making her smile.

“I’m truly happy for you both sweetie. I can remember how your countenance had been only two months back.”

“It’s two months already!” I sighed in disbelief. We were two months in marriage already.

“And your marital progress is impressive.”

“Very impressive.” Another person said, and I looked up to see Mia. She pulled out a seat and joined us. “I’m truly happy as well, Bella.” She said, before turning to me. “My dear, Manuel is changing drastically. Positively!” She added. “Right from the minute Nonno told us you were carrying his child, I knew you were the only one who could tame him. Thank you.”

“What do you mean when you say ‘tame’?” I asked, at loss.

“Trust me, he is now everything he wasn’t when he was seeing that Ferrari girl. You are best for him. Or haven’t you noticed that he is changing?” Nonno had thought so too. Even I, thought so as well.

“I do.” I nodded affirmatively.

“Good. So thank you.” She patted my hands, and my phone started ringing. I pulled it out of the pocket of my jean shorts, to see it was a video call from Mila. Oh wow!

“It’s my cousin, Mila.” I grinned at both women, who smiled in return. Immediately, I answered the call and positioned the phone on the dinning table, waging it behind with a juice pack.

“Heyyyyy Mimi!!” I yelled in excitement.

“Hello Bibi!!!” She replied in equal excitement. “We’re gonna be having a girl!” She said happily and tears clogged my eyes.

“That’s a good news love. My baby boy would be having a little sister soon.”

“Trust me, he is the most excited over this. He and Carter haven’t been able to beat down their excitement.”

“I am excited as well.” I grinned. “Talking about Carter, how is he?”

“Talking about Carter!!!!” She yelled out, making me laugh. My cousin was sooo in love. Even after 5 years. I hoped my case turned to be that way with Manuel. “Talking about Carter, are you in a private space?” She suddenly whispered and I shook my head, knowing what this was about. She was about narrating a very nasty ordeal with him.

“My mother in law and sister in law are here!” I rushed out, my cheeks going red as Mia and Bella laughed, already understanding the reason for my discomfort.

“Your husband is here as well.” I felt Manuel come up behind me, as he kissed my neck and looked into the camera. Okay, my face was extremely red.

“And her brother in law too!” Alexander waved his hands at Mila who was just grinning, as he made his way to Bella and sat beside her.

“Is that him?” Mila pointed at Manuel who still had his face in the crook of my neck, and I nodded. “Oh my goodness, Bibi! He is much more handsome than in the pictures. I can bet he looks better physically!” She grinned.

“Thank you.” Manuel smiled. “You are really pretty too. I guess all Bianchi women are.”

“Awwwwnnn! He is so sweet Bibi!” Mila cooed. Oh my goodness, this was so embarrassing.

“Where’s my boy?” I tried to change the subject and she bought it. “I would love to see his face.”

“He should be with his auntie. I would just go downstairs to them. Give me a moment!” I couldn’t make out anything clearly for the next one minute or so, until she got to where Ethan had been. I was suprised Manuel was waiting alongside me. “Here we are!” The phone became a lot more stable, and I could see them clearly. He was with Peggy indeed. Peggy was Carter’s sister.

“Oh my love!!” Peggy waved at me and I waved back with equal enthusiasm.

“Auntie Bibi!!” Ethan called out in elation, putting his head into the phone screen, and making Manuel laugh. “Who is this uncle?” He asked, and I grinned.

“The uncle is my husband.”

“No way!!!” He giggled, making everyone laugh

“That must be one sweet little boy.” Mia smiled and I nodded.

“He is very handsome too.”

“Really?” Mia asked, and I nodded again. Immediately, she tapped Bella and asked her to go look at Ethan. “Go look at the boy! That way, you’d have cute babies as well.”

“Oh Goddd! Mom you don’t believe in that superstition right?” Manuel and Alexander laughed, but Mia could care less. She kept nudging Bella who seemed particularly excited to see Ethan. She stood up from her seat and rounded the table, making her way to where I sat.

“Hello!!” Bella grinned as she looked into the phone, but her smile dropped almost immediately. I noticed Peggy’s eyes flung wide open as well. What was going on?

“Bella?!” Peggy suddenly yelled out, catching everyone by surprise. She knew Bella? How come?

“What is it Peggy?” I heard Mila say, though I couldn’t see her face.

“Bella. Mila, it’s Bella!” Peggy looked so shocked, and that was when I looked up to see Bella’s lips also quivering in shock and fear. The next thing she did was rush out of the dinning room, slightly pushing Manuel aside as she walked away so quickly, her big belly making it difficult for her to run.

“Bella!” Alexander called out to his wife in worry, as he stood up and followed her behind. What in God’s name was happening?

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