It was unexpected. This was all crazy. What the fuck had I done? She was a bloody virgin!! How could I be her first?!! I looked over at her naked body snuggled into mine in the middle of the morning, and that was when the whole daze cleared off my eyes. What the hell had I done? This was… this was a mistake. Horrible mistake! Fuck! I carefully detangled her naked body from mine, and stood up from the floor. I looked around for my clothing and I saw them piece by piece, lying at different angles of the hut. Last night had been crazy, no doubt. With a sigh, I made for my clothes and put them on. Where was my phone now? Looking towards the table where the candle cup that had almost burned out sat, I saw my phone just beside it.

4:47am. It was already close to dawn. I made to walk out of the hut, but found it difficult to move my limbs. Fuck! My eyes directed its way back to her sleeping figure, and I felt that pang in my chest. Christ! I hated being in such compromising situations. Now I was, and I couldn’t help but pity myself. How was I going to deal with it now? The last thing I had in mind was to disvirgin a girl. I looked at her again and muttered an ‘I’m sorry’. To be honest, I was. I didn’t know what she was gonna think of me after waking up, but I just knew I couldn’t remain here with her for a minute more. Finally building up some courage, I got moving and walked out of the hut. I literally ran all the way back to the beach house and when I got to my room, a sudden chill kissed my skin, making goosebumps appear all over my body. This was new. I never got so anxious to the extent of having goosebumps on my skin. Well to be honest, disvirgining a girl was new to me as well. All my life, I had never been with a virgin. All of a sudden, I thought of her and I wondered how cold she must be probably feeling now, laying on that cold and dirty floor all alone.

Quickly scouting through the clothe shelf for something comfy, I saw a small blanket and it just seemed perfect. I sprinted back to the hut and gently laid the blanket over her form. Her body seemed to have welcomed the warmth, as she snuggled into the blanket. I made my way out of the hut but for some reason, I found myself walking inside again. Not knowing exactly what I wanted, I simply sat on the bench in the hut and just watched her sleep. I was never the sort of guy to do stuffs like this, but I guess I felt guilty. It’s been a long while since I felt that way. Like, genuinely felt that way. Sighing in mental exhaustion, I relaxed into the bench and didn’t even know when I dozed off.

I guess the vibration of my phone in my pocket was what had woken me up. I reached into my pocket and brought out the phone. It had been a message from Massimo. Marco was found dead in the guard room and Jacobo severely injured? What the fuck?! I quickly stepped out to call him but before I could, Alexander’s call came in.

“Hey! I just got Massimo’s message.” I rushed out.

“I thought as much. Shit is crazier than I thought. How many more days until you’re back?”

“Not sure. 8 days?”

“Pheeww!! That’s quite a while. But there’s a little positive news though.” He supllied, and my ears itched to hear it. God knows that with such a frustrating news that Massimo had just sent, I needed to be sure that a few things were still going on fine.

“Please tell.”

“Jacobo seems to be stable now. Though he is still unconscious. Atleast, we are sure we didn’t lose him. Apparently, X had planned to kill them both before they spilled anything. That only goes to prove one thing right. They do have important information about X. I wonder how important though.”

“And… clearly X had an inside help to kill Marco. Who was that?” I asked, so tired of hearing the fact that our men were begin to betray the family.

“On the contrary. Everything had been caught on camera. Mind you, the person who was sent to kill them is dead. He was killed by our men before he got the chance to inflict worse harm on Jacobo. We have looked at the body and he wasn’t identified as one of us. I guess the pack is clean for now.”

“That’s a relief.” I sighed. “It seems X is running out of options as quickly as he began. It seems Jacobo and Marco were the keys to whatever plans he had. It was either they destabilized us with their attack, enough for him to strike hard, or they die in the process of attacking us. Either ways, he remains safe. What he hadn’t seen coming was that we had already decoded the fact that they weren’t working alone, and decided to keep them alive instead of killing them off. Any news from Dito?”

“Not yet. But we’re expecting something from him soon.” Alexander replied. “For now, we are more focused on taking Jacobo some place safe. It has become as clear as dawn that this X guy hasn’t come to play. We have to be on our toes.”

“Yes, you’re right. I hope there isn’t any form of chaos or unrest within the family?”

“Of course, not. It’s my responsibility to ensure everyone remains unbothered and goes ahead to work and be productive. We can’t let this rough period affect the return of our companies. You shouldn’t worry yourself so much as well. Knowing you, you’d be in that island of yours in Moscow, thinking your brains out everyday. If I had my way, I’d just let you be, until you return. But then, you’re Don and everything happening within Russo has to be reported to you.”

“Don’t worry too much about me. I’m just fine.” I assured him.

“That’s a relief then. How is Bianca? I spoke to her parents a few days back. The poor couple had been extremely worried.” At hearing him ask about Bianca, I felt myself stiffen. I knew Alex was my only ‘go to’ person. Okay, maybe he was one out of the two ‘go to’ people I had in my life. But right now, the last thing I could tell him was that I slept with….. no scratch that. That I disvirgined his personal assistant just last night. Knowing the likeness and plans he had for her, he was probably gonna go berserk on me. And the last thing I wanted to present myself as, was irresponsible. I know I could literally tell him anything without being judged, but with Bianca the whole thing just seemed different. I seemed to be judging myself before anyone else could even get the opportunity to.

“Oh? You hadn’t spoken to them since the incidence?”

“Well, I had. I reached out to them after you had told me all that happened. I had to cook up some lie and tell them. I told them Bianca had mistakenly misplaced her phone during one of the conference meetings, but that she was gonna contact them soon. But then, you called me to tell me about the travel ban. I irresponsibly avoided their calls for a whole week.” He sighed, and I felt bad putting him in such a tight situation.

“So you eventually reached out to them again. What did you end up telling them?”

“The truth Manuel. I told them the truth.” He sighed. “Trust me, her father had been really furious. I couldn’t be mad because the man had every right to be. I guess his major annoyance was the fact that I had lied to them initially. But thankfully, his wife seemed to have calmed him down.”

“Thank goodness.” I muttered.

“Yeah. But they are really worried. They want to speak with her and be sure that she’s alright.”

“Yes, yes. I can certainly do that much.” I nodded even though he couldn’t see me.

“Fine then. I would forward her father’s contact to you. Please ensure she speaks with them today.”

“I will.” I muttered. “Thank you Alex.” I didn’t know why I felt so touched at the moment.


“Everything.” I sighed. “Thank you for taking care of things in my stead, and not throwing tantrums over the troubles my petty actions have caused you.”

“Don’t be silly now.” He grunted, making me chuckle. “I’m going off now.” With that, he hung up the call and I let out a deep sigh. Atleast, things weren’t really as bad as I had thought. It was unfortunate for Marco, but I was glad they had been able to save Jacobo. He was our only key to fighting a literal invincible force.

I turned back only to realize that I had walked quite a distance away from the hut. I had probably been walking as I talked. Seeing that I was very close to the lake I had planned on taking Bianca yesterday, I decided to go there. As always, the entire environment was so calm and just captivating. I stood there for a while, just listening to the chirps and sounds of the birds. It was peaceful and for a moment, I could think clearly. What was I to do with Bianca now? Was I obligated to date her now that I had seduced her and taken her v~card? Was that how these things worked? I needed to talk to someone, and the second only person that I found it easy to talk with, was none other than Greta; my younger sister. She would have the best opinion concerning situations like this. But first, I needed to get Bianca back to the beach house. Walking away from the lake, back to the hut, I got in only to see that no one was there.

“Bianca?” I called out, not expecting an answer, but being hopeful that she’d probably emerge from behind me. She didn’t come. It only meant one thing. She woke up, thought I had left her, and went back to the beach house alone.

Hell! I knew that having sex with her didn’t neccesarily make me indebted to her, but the least I could do after the situation of things was to be by her side when she had woken. I may not be the cheesy kind of guy, but I definitely understood basic gestures a man was supposed to make atimes. More so, a responsible man. I quickly rushed out of the hut and made my way back to the beach house. The first person I had seen was Eleanor, who looked at me with worry in her eyes.

“Have you seen Bianca?” I asked.

“Yes. She hadn’t slept in her room last night, only to return this morning looking quite….. offended? Or angry?” She sighed. “I don’t know how to explain the exact mood she was in, but I know it wasn’t a good mood. She didn’t say a word to anyone as well. She had only managed to say goodbye to Alexa who just left a while ago.”

“Where is she now?”

“She went into her room, but hasn’t stepped out since then.” She supplied.

“Thank you Eleanor.” I muttered, before going into the beach house and making my way straight to Bianca’s room. I had opened the door without knocking, but didn’t meet anyone in her room. It was after a few seconds I took note of the sound of running water coming from the bathroom and understood she was having her bath. That meant I had to come back later, when she was done with her hygiene routine. I quietly made my way out of her room and went to the beach house my men and I occupied. The moment I got there, my phone beeped and I opened it to see it was a message from Alex. It was Bianca’s father’s mobile number. I definitely couldn’t call him now, because she currently wasn’t available to talk. Thinking of the best thing to do at that time, I put a call across to Greta. Her phone had beeped for a few seconds, before she eventually answered.

“Oh now, who else would call if not my wonderful brother. We haven’t spoken in weeks Manuel. You didn’t even inform me you had traveled to Russia.”

“Then you have probably heard all you want to hear, I see.”

“Not really. Alexander didn’t really tell me about Francesca’s reaction to your failed plan.” She laughed in a mocking manner. “What the hell, Manuel! What were you thinking? Considering the unrest within the family, I had decided to wait until you returned to Italy, so we could talk. But then, now that you thought to call me, let’s just talk. What did Francesca say?” Yes, I know. My sister was a wonder. She hadn’t even bothered asking if I was doing fine. Nonetheless, I fed her curiosity. Moreover, I’d still have to talk about Francesca during the discussion we were both going to have.

“Francesca was mad that I had thought I could manipulate her into getting married. It was disappointing.”

“No, it isn’t. I know I’m not really a fan of Francesca, but I’d have to agree that she’s right. That was you, trying to manipulate her into doing what you wanted.”

“But I didn’t see it that way. All I thought was that she needed a push to take that step.”

“Are you being serious? Did you even think about the implications of your actions? About the internal chaos that would have come with bringing her back home as your wife? Just like that? What were you thinking?”

“I wasn’t thinking right.” I admitted.

“Now, what happens? Now that you know you spontaneity isn’t enough for her to marry you, what happens?” She had really spoken about this matter with Alexander in details.

“Well, I’ve finally decided it is best we call things off.”

“Are you serious?” She asked in disbelief.

“Of course, I am.” I snapped.

“Calm down. I just didn’t expect you’d really do it. You’ve stuck with her all these while like there was some sort of bonding glue between you both. This new decision of yours is suprising.”

“Well, I’m serious. I’m growing tired of the back and forth. All for what? Now I’m sure she doesn’t have in mind to get married to me anytime soon. Getting married when I return definitely means we need her father’s consent, which I don’t see happening. So I might as well just end it, as it leads us both nowhere. I have never been so stagnant in any aspect of my life.” I replied, and we both went silent. After a short while, she spoke up.

“I’m glad you’re taking this step Manuel. But then, why did you call? I’m very sure this is not the reason you called.”

“Are you alone?” I asked.

“Yes?” She replied unsure, probably wondering why I was asking her that.

“Good. I need your advice concerning something.”





“Yes.” Eleanor replied, making me blow out hot breathe. Where could she have gone? It was night already, yet she hadn’t returned since she left the beach house this morning.

I had finished my discussion with Greta this morning, only to return to Bianca’s room to find it empty. One of my men had informed me they had seen her stepping out, but didn’t know where she was headed. I decided it was best I waited until she returned, but it was 8:17pm already and she wasn’t back.

“I think she could have gotten lost. We should go look for her. She seems to always lose her way whenever she’s angry.” She whispered the last part, but I heard her.

“Don’t worry, I would look for her myself.” I said, before walking out of the beach house and heading towards the place I had found her the other night she had gotten lost. I got there, but there wasn’t any sign of her. I decided to scout the parts of the island we had both been together. My mind told me she was going to be in any one of those place and I wasn’t wrong. After checking four different locations, I had finally seen her at the fifth one. That was where we had walked, two nights ago. She wasn’t aware of my presence, so I kept a good distance and remained silent as I watched her. She seemed to be lost in a world of her own as she looked at nowhere in particular.

I thought about the best way to approach her, and the next idea that popped in my mind felt like a good option. I pulled out my phone from my pocket and put a call across to the number Manuel had sent earlier on. As I waited for him to answer, I quietly made my way to her. Just when I was right behind her, he finally answered the call.

“Hello?” Came the deep baritone voice from the background. Okayyyy. I hadn’t expected that.

“Good evening sir. I’m sorry to bother you so late at night.” The moment Bianca heard my voice, she jumped off the stone she had been sitting on, clearly shocked to see me there. “My name is Manuel Russo, and I just wanted you to speak with your daughter.” Immediately I said that, her eyes lit up.

“Bianca?” Even her father sounded more lively. I could hear a feminine voice in the background, asking what it was. “Tesoro, it’s Bianca.” He muttered to the person I was now sure was his wife.

“Papa!” Bianca yelled, pulling the phone out of my hand. “Papa!” She had mistakenly put the phone on loud speaker while pulling it away from my hand, so I was able to hear what her parents had said next.

“Bianca, mio zucherro! Are you hurt? Are you alright?” That was her mom. Realizing the phone was on loudspeaker, she quickly pulled it away from her ear and changed it.

“Mama, I’m fine.” She sighed, walking away from me as they continued their conversation. For the next half hour, she had been on the phone talking with her family. Even if she was far away from me, I could hear her sniffle at some point, signifying that she was crying. I had wondered if something bad happened at home? Or was it just the emotions that came with finally hearing from her parents? I felt so sorry seeing the kind of stress I had put her and her family through. And somehow, I had made things worse by….. pheeww! A lot of things were really fucked up, but I was going to take Greta’s advice. She had shunned me for cheating on Francesca, but urged me to clear the apparent misunderstanding with Bianca, and know what she really wanted. According to her, my relationship with Francesca was as good as over, so I could freely get into a relationship with Bianca if that was what she wanted.

At this point, the lord knew I was willing to get into a relationship with the girl, if that was what it took to make things right. I had never been one to date for love, so it wasn’t going to be such a new thing for me. It was just suprising how fast a lot of things had escalated in just one night. Crazy. But suprisingly, I didn’t regret keeping that Ivan guy away from her. In as much as things ended up the way it did, I wouldn’t deny the fact that sex with Bianca was like none I have ever had before. Thinking about it made me go all hard again. It vexed me to no end because I didn’t expect to still want her as much as I obviously did. Or maybe, it was the after effects that came with knowing I was her first. Maybe the urge would die down after a while?

“Here.” I looked up to see her standing in front of me, holding out my phone to me. Was it me, or did she seem to have become more beautiful in one day? “Thank you.” She whispered.

“It’s the least I could do after the stress I’d put you and your family through.”

“Hmmm.” She muttered and began walking away, but I was quick to pull her back.

“Bianca…” I sighed. “… please can we talk?”

“I don’t feel like talking with you.” She sounded so tired.Copyright Nôv/el/Dra/ma.Org.

“Bianca please. It’s not what you think.”

“And what do I think?” She turned and eyed me squarely, making that very unfamiliar feeling rush through me. Guilt.

“That I had left you all alone after…. after…”

“After having sex with me and taking my virginity?”

“I’m sorry.”

“As expected.” She chuckled dryly, before giving a scoff.

“I really am. It’s not exactly what you think Bianca. I never left you all on your own. I had been with you up until the early hours of morning, when I received an urgent call. I simply stepped out to take it, but might have gone a bit too far off. By the time I was done with my call, I returned to the hut to see that you were gone. I never left you Bianca. Not after finding out what I did last night. My values and morals wouldn’t let me act that way.” God! This was the longest I had ever explained myself to anyone. This lady just had a way of making me do things I normally didn’t do. Shit was crazy. I looked at her to see that she had become somewhat pacified after hearing what I had to say. But then, she remained silent. “Say something at least.”

“Something like what?” She muttered, looking away from me.

“Like you forgive me?” I suggested. Realizing this was the best time to ask what she really wanted after all that had happened between us, I proceeded to ask. “Look, we both know I hadn’t an idea about you being a virgin. You may decide you want us both to be in a relationship, which is not really…” Here I was, about telling this lady that if she wanted us to be in a relationship, it was really a problem for me, but she just had to cut me off with such a statement.

“I have a boyfriend!” She rushed out.

“What?” I asked, not clearly getting her point.

“I said, I have a boyfriend.” She sounded much more clear. She had a boyfriend but was still a virgin?


“I know.” She cut me off again. “We just began seeing each other, so…” She answered the questions I had in mind. Wait a minute, was she rejecting me?

No lady had ever rejected me before. It has always been the other way round.

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