Travel ban. That was the last thing we had talked about before he disappeared on me, leaving me alone in this big island. For 7 days, I had been here with just a few men and Eleanor. Turns out Eleanor was actually a sweet lady. She was the one who had managed to save me from the boredom that would have consumed me. I had not come on the island with my phone or any gadgets, so I didn’t have any idea what was going on outside the island. According to Manuel, the travel ban was supposed to be for just a week, then I’d be able to go home. I had not stopped asking myself why it had to be now of all times. Why so suddenly was a ban implemented, restricting people from coming in and going out of Russia? Manuel had explained that reasons were due to infiltration of some enemy forces into the country. All I knew was that I missed my parents and wanted to be with them. I had never imagined I would miss work so much, but now I did. I missed my boss as well. Atleast, I’m sure Manuel had already informed him that he had taken me. I wondered how my boss had reacted on hearing that. Even Laura. I guess she was worried sick about me. Mila, Amara, and Sarah as well. I felt so sorry for myself.

I dabbed the little sweat that had broken out on my forehead due to having stayed outside, under the sun for a while now. The sun was harsh today, but the cool breeze coming from the swashing waves of the beach compensated me immensely. Seeing as I had taken more than enough of the beauty I could get from the beach, I began making my way back to the beach house, hoping Manuel was going to show up soon. I really needed him to come and tell me the travel restriction had been lifted, so I could return home.

“Bianca!” I looked up to see Eleanor running towards me.

“Eleanor. Are you okay?” I asked in concern, seeing how out of breathe she was when she got to me.

“This little run had me exhausted. And the sun is scorching.” She hissed in displeasure. “I didn’t think you’d still go out to the beach today, considering how harsh the weather is. All the while, I thought you were in your room.”

“No, I was out.” I replied. “Did you enquire about the travel ban like you promised?” Eleanor had been with her phone on the island, and had promised to check in on the updates about the travel restriction.

“Ahhh!!” She put her hand over her mouth in remorse. “I am so sorry dear. I totally forgot to browse about the update on the ban.”

“It’s fine. We can always check it up later in the day.” I nodded hopefully.

“Look how tanned your skin has become over the passed few days. Your pale skin has become disfigured.” She muttered, her eyes racing all over my body.

“On the contrary.” I laughed. “I love the tan.”

“But the sun was too harsh on your skin! Look, you have burns on your neck.” She sighed worriedly, touching all the places I had probably been burned by sun. “It’s just a miracle your face is not so affected. But I can still spot a few burns though.” She complained.

“It’s fine.” I laughed. “Don’t be so dotting. Like my mom.” I sighed again after saying the last part.

“You miss them, I know. You’d be back home soonest!” She grinned. “Mr Manuel just returned this afternoon. That’s why I came looking for you.” She giggled, making a smile appear on my face.

“Really?!” I asked in excitement, my legs swinging into action as I walked faster towards the beach house.


“You think the ban has been lifted?” I asked, walking faster as she tried to catch up behind me.

“I think so!” She replied, clearly out of breathe again.

Finally getting to the beach house, I rushed in and walked into my room, expecting to see him waiting for me, but I saw no one. With a small frown on my face, I stepped out of my room and walked towards the other room that Eleanor normally stayed, but found no one in. What was Eleanor saying… My thoughts were cut short when I heard a feint sound from the last room that wasn’t occupied by anyone. The men normally stayed at another beach house that was just behind this one. Having a feeling that Manuel was in there, I walked slowly towards the door, but halted when I heard him barking out commands. I listened carefully and at some point, I could feel my breathe hitch. Did I just hear clearly, or was my mind playing silly tricks on me? The mafia? A Don? How?!! Oh my God! It’s like there was always a new suprise in store for me, when it came to Manuel Russo. The moment he ended the call, I quickly knocked on the door, in order to prevent him from opening the door and finding me there. Then, it’d look like I had actually been eavesdropping on him.

After a few seconds, he came and opened the door, and my breathe had been knocked off. Yeah yeah yeah, I know worrying about returning home hadn’t let me think about my feelings for the man these past few days. But seeing him now, I felt all the anger of him leaving me on this island, just disappear.

“Hey!” He raised his right hand and waved, a pretty smile adorning his Greek godlike face. For the first time, I had actually focused on his eyes. God!! They were a very unique shade of grey. Beautiful.

“Hey.” I found myself reflexly waving back at him.

“How are you?” He asked, bringing me back to the present.

“You left me.” That was all I found myself saying. Why did I say that now?

“I’m sorry.” He said, suprising me even more. He flashed me a small smile, but my head did not stop screaming at me, reminding me that this very man standing before me was a mafia lord!! There was a very dangerous man, beneath all the handsome and cute exterior.

“It’s fine.” I nodded like a robot. “Uhhmmm… can I go home now?” I asked, but noticed his mood change slightly. His forehead creased into lines, and his brows furrowed. Was everything okay? I could return home tomorrow right?

“Actually….. that was the reason I came.” He started, scratching the back of his ears. “I’m sorry Bianca. The travel ban was dragged for two more weeks. We cannot go home until then.”

“W… wh.. what?” I found myself stuttering. Anyone in my shoes would. “What?”

“I’m sorry.” He muttered, actually avoiding eye contact with me. For a moment, it seemed like this mighty mafia lord was scared of my wrath. That was funny. Not just him, Russia was! They were all funny!! I gritted my teeth as I turned my back and walked away in anger. I guess I was going to remain here for another 14 days. And I’m sure the cause of my predicament would be away in another part of Moscow, having a time of his lfe!



I sat in my bedroom later in the night, saturated from so much sleep. Was this how the remaining weeks were gonna be? What if the ban was extended for some extra weeks after that? Arrgghhh! I was really going to die then. Deciding to step out for some fresh air as my room was a bit stuffy, I threw on a simple dress shirt that Eleanor had gotten for me, before walking out of the room. It was night already, so I was extra observant as I walked, not wanting to get lost again. I found myself walking along the path that had been decorated for the wedding a week ago, and I subconsciously scoffed. Seeing the familiar flower bed I had sat on, from a distance, I rushed there and made myself comfortable. The atmosphere was so calm, and I loved it. It made it possible for me to have clear thoughts. I wasn’t halfway through my thoughts when I heard shuffles from behind me. Immediately my adrenaline kicked into action, and I found myself getting into flight mode. I quickly sprung up from where I had been sitting, and was about swinging my legs into quick action, when someone stepped out from behind the flower bed.

“Hey.” The person muttered. It was night, with only the moonlight acting as a source of illumination. I couldn’t really make out the person’s face clearly, but seeing the figure walk towards me, only made me fall on my butt in fear.Property © 2024 N0(v)elDrama.Org.

“Ouch!” I winced in pain, but the laughter that emanated from the person made me look closely at him. Manuel? What was he doing here? I thought he left already?

“Mr Manuel?” I managed to ask, and he sighed.

“Yes, it’s me.” He replied, walking closer to me. “Here.” He offered me his hand and I took it, helping myself off the ground. I dusted off the sand on my body and I heard him chuckling again.

“It’s not funny.” I muttered, and his laughter ceased almost immediately. I looked at him and he had this apologetic smile on his face. “I thought you left already?” I asked, avoiding eye contact with him, because the way he stared at me in that moment, I could really just strip off my clothes for him to see. Just kidding.

“No, I didn’t leave.”

“When are you leaving?” I asked again and he shook his head slightly.

“I’m not leaving. I would remain here until we can find our way back home. I’m sorry I left. I thought that after all the stress I’d put you through, it was best I gave you your space.”

“Oh?” I muttered underneath my breathe. “That’s fine.” I replied, at loss for words. Maybe this was the normal way to feel when your crush, whom you were mad at, was finally giving you his attention. You’d feel speechless. Not wanting to make a fool out of myself, I turned and started walking away.

“Where are you going?” He asked, making me halt my steps.

“Back inside.” I replied, then turned to look at him. “I can see you’re already here. I don’t want to intrude in your space.”

“Not at all!” He rushed out, making me amused. Was this man actually asking me to stay back? “I could do with the company.” He shrugged, making me take a couple of steps closer to him. “Do you care to join me for a walk?” He asked, but I was unresponsive. “I particularly find the sceneries of this place quite mesmerizing at night.” He added, making me nod in agreement.

“I would join you for a walk then.” I managed, and he smiled. Could he just stop smiling at me?!! It made it difficult to stay mad at him. He started walking ahead of me, while I stood there just moping. “Bianca, come on.” He waved at me to join him, and that was when I found it possible to move my legs. Pheeww!

We had walked for quite a while, with neither of us saying anything. The atmosphere was becoming awkward. Probably not for him, but for me. I was the one who liked him.

“Do you feel awkward?” He suddenly asked, and I had no reply to give him. I was actually suprised he was asking that. But then, I was really conscious about watching my words around him. I couldn’t afford to give him the impression that I liked him. He was never going to have any kind of thing to do with me, and I had finally made my peace with the fact. I would only make myself look stupid by directly or indirectly letting him know that I liked him, when I clearly didn’t stand a chance with him.

“Not really.” I lied. “The silence allows me process my thoughts.” That one wasn’t a lie though.

“Ohhh.” He nodded in understanding. “It feels awkward for me though. Your silence makes me feel like you’re still angry at me.”

“No” I muttered. “No, I’m not. Even if I have every right to be.”

“Right.” He nodded, and we kept walking again in silence. This time, the silence was more awkward.

“Have you heard from my boss?” I asked, trying to ease the awkwardness.

“A lot!” He chuckled dryly. “The man could probably just chopped my head off.” My boss was that worried about me? It made me feel good in a kind of way. It was nice to know I wasn’t just a work machine to him.

“You deserve every bit of it. God only knows how much work he has on his plate now.”

“Sweetie, he can always hire a virtual assistant for the mean time, till you return….” In all honesty, I kinda lost a lot of things he had said when he called me sweetie. One minute he is cute, the next minute, he is infuriating. “Bianca?! Are you listening to me?” He called my attention once more, making me jolt out of my thoughts.

“Yes, yes, yes!” I rushed out as sweat broke out on my forehead. “Yes, I am. What were you saying again?” I asked and he smiled.

“Are you always out of sorts?” He chuckled. The rat!!

“Excuse me?”

“You seem confused.” He smiled, probably enjoying riling me up.

“I’m not confused!” I spat at him.

“That doesn’t look like the case to me dear.”

“Don’t call me that. I’m not your ‘dear’. You are the very reason I’m away from my boss in the first place.” I muttered in annoyance. Oops! that didn’t come out right.

“You sound like…..” He paused, giving me that look that says ‘don’t breath, I’m trying to read your thoughts’. “Do you have an affair with my cousin?”

“Are you crazy?!!” I yelled. “No, scratch that. You must be stupid!” This man was truly infuriating.

“Watch your tone, young lady. It’s just a question. Are you, or are you not?” I was slowly getting to see that aggressive mafian side of him.

“Well, I am not. The man doesn’t even look my way. The man only has eyes for his ‘Bella’.”

“That sounds like someone who is jealous.” He smirked, probably happy seeing me so riled up. “I understand it already. This is that story of a P. A who has eyes for her boss, but the man doesn’t even notice her.” Was this man actually serious??! He was the very one who never seemed to notice me! He always forgot my name! The conversation was already pissing me off, as it stood.

“Jeeez!! You don’t get it, do you?” I asked rhetorically. “I’m not that kind of girl! I don’t do married men!”

“Easy there. We were just having a harmless conversation. You’re going all defensive now. I was just suprised that Alexander could be so bothered about a casual P. A. He almost beat me through the phone when he learnt I had been the one who had taken you.” Glad to know I was just ‘casual’. But then, had my boss been that furious?

“Really?” I asked in suprise and he gave that annoying chuckle again.

“Why do you seem so excited about that information?” He asked. I was about yelling at him in annoyance, but then I decided to calmly give him my sincere answer. In my wildest imaginations, I would never have seen a day like this coming. Here I was, talking to my crush of many years, and having him laugh at almost everything I said and smile at every action I made, even if most part of the conversation annoyed me. And even if he thought I was causal or insignificant.

This was the same man who hadn’t even spared me an extra glance after realizing I wasn’t the one he had in mind to capture. If only I could contact Mila and Laura, and tell them it was finally happening. That I had finally gotten the opportunity to talk to Manuel Russo on a basis that wasn’t formal. The man was here, thinking I had some sort of extra marital affair with his cousin. If that wasn’t personal, I don’t know what was. I finally looked up at him with a small smile on my lips, before speaking.

“The truth is, after coming across one of Alexander Russo’s relatives at an occasion, I had a crush on him for the longest. My years in college were spent, trying to see how I could make the best grades and be eligible to work for Alexander Russo. Maybe then, I could be much closer to my crush and get to see him more frequently, and not just from afar.” Seeing him pay so much attention to what I was saying, only made me feel warm inside. I looked closely at him as I spoke, and the words just came out. “It’s crazy, but I think I might be in love.” I finally let it out, releasing a long breathe after I did.

“Hmmmm…” He smiled without a teeth out. “You sound like a fan girl right now. Don’t tell me you have a crush on whom I’m thinking. You know, it’d be quite difficult to make the right guess as almost every man in the Russo family are very established. But then, my best bet would be Francisco! It’s him isn’t it?” He grinned at his supposed discovery, making me fall in love with his perfect dentition. How was I going to tell this man I had no idea who this ‘Francisco’ guy was? I was about asking who he was when Manuel spoke up. “It has to be Francisco who would have a full grown lady fan girling over him this way. That’s what he gets for being an actor.” He shrugged. Wait a minute. An actor?! There was only one famous actor who went by the name….. Oh my goodness! Francisco Russo!! The same Russo? He was a part of the Russo’s empire as well?

“I said it! The reaction on your face gives you away.” His grin widened. “The awe in your eyes. But then, working for Alexander wasn’t the best option. You should have tried getting a job with my little sister Greta. She’s a fashion designer and Francisco is seen around her most of the time.” If not for the fact that he grinned so widely, making me so mentally paralyzed, I would have landed a clean slap on his handsome face to make him realize that I wasn’t talking about Francisco Russo, but him!! I thought of a better way to escape this conversation, as It was already getting awkward talking about my supposed love interest, with the man who was the actual love interest. “Hey, I could set up a meeting between you both. Atleast, to show how sorry I am about this whole situation I got you into.” Okay, this was really getting out of hand.

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