The Lycan’s Contract Mate

Chapter 68


I woke up to my phone ringing, I picked it up and reduced the volume so as not to wake Arielyn up, she was sleeping so peacefully. I glared at my screen wondering why the fucker was calling me so early in the morning when it is not like we have any business. Reluctantly, I took my phone and got out of my room as I didn’t want to disturb Arielyn with a phone call so early in the morning.

“What do you want, Jordan?”

I asked when I was sure she couldn’t hear me. I sat on the sofa in my gym room, still sleepy.

“You finally returned to O-when, I see,”

Jordan said. I don’t know how he knew I was out of O-when and I didn’t care either, I just wanted to know why he was calling me so early in the morning.

“Can we skip the fake greeting part or whatever this is and go to the reason why you called me so early on Sunday morning? Surely, you didn’t call to check up on me,”

I let out. maybe he was calling to try and talk me out of getting the throne again, like I was ever going to change my mind.From NôvelDrama.Org.

“I like when you act like this, makes you look like a serious man,”

“Jordan, speak up or shut up and get off my ears,”

I warned. If he wasn’t ready to say what made him call me, I would hang up on him and block him again like I have blocked a lot of his contact before.

“I know that you want to go and see Father because you think you have won already just because you managed to deceive Arielyn and her father but just know I am going to expose you for the fraud that you are,”

Jordan threatened. I really shouldn’t be giving him listening ears at this point, what was I even expecting him to say? It is Jordan, he is always going to act like a spoilt brat once he doesn’t get what he wants.

“And how do you intend on doing that?”

I asked just for funnies, I didn’t care what it was up to.

“George loves his daughter and has been trying to make amends for not treating her well while she was younger, he will do anything to please her, why do you think it was easy for him to pull all strings and help you? It was because he wanted to be on Arielyn’s side, now what will happen if Arielyn finds out you fooled her and she turns on you?”

Jordan let on. I just wanted to know what he was driving at not that I care. Arielyn knows I have never fooled her, we both had an agreement and she helped because she cared. Jordan was just jealous that she chose me instead of him.

“What’s your point?”

I asked as his on and on was getting boring, I should be beside Arielyn in bed not here listening to my jealous brother.

“My point is, Arielyn will find out you don’t really care about her and the reason you went to Dilgem, the real reason,”

He stated.

“Okay, is that supposed to make me scared? I mean okay, if that’s it,”

I said and was about to hang up when he said something that caught my attention and made my heart race in fear. He knew.

“I am going to tell her you met with Veronica and you know what else happened right? All it will take will be a few photos and a video of you and she will hate you,”

I tried to calm myself down and not fall for Jordan’s trap but it was hard, not only did he know that Veronica was alive, but he also knew that they met. There was no way for him to have guessed those things if he didn’t really know a lot of details.

“Don’t do anything stupid Jordan,”

I warned as the fear of what the bastard might do and how it might change things for me, I didn’t want to lose the throne but most importantly, I didn’t want to lose Arielyn.

“You should have thought of that before you went about kissing and romancing another woman while knowing that nothing stays hidden, I got your tea brother and I am going to get back at you for everything that you made me lose, I might not get the throne, but I will be happy to ruin any chance you get at being happy. Also, do you know what it means to be on George’s bad side? Father already knows how it feels and you will know too,”

Jordan threatened. I know of Arielyn’s father’s influence enough to know that Jordan’s words are not mere words.

“Jordan, don’t fucking do anything, can you not be childish for once, I am not even going to deny what happened and I am not going to ask you how you got those details either, I just want you to stop,”

I let out in frustration. I had no one to blame but myself. I was the one that caused it, if I had not kissed Veronica, then Jordan would never have had anything on me.

“Why do you fold so easily? It is taking the fun away, just so you know how bad it is, I just you proof of your infidelity,”

He said right before my phone beeped. Even before I opened the message, I already knew it would be bad.


I let out when I did see. The photos he sent were so clear, that it was as if the cameras used were set up inside the booth that Veronica and I had been in. I didn’t want to believe that she was in on it too. Why would she set me up when we haven’t even met for years and she was the one that left me? I didn’t do anything to her for her to want to get back at me.

“Did Veronica have a hand in this?”

I asked. I hoped that wasn’t the case.

“You are finally catching on? Good, took a while,”

Jordan responded. I couldn’t believe the woman I loved for years, who also left me and made me think she was dead for eight years could also betray me. All I did was try to help her but she had other plans for me.

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