The Love From Vengeance

Chapter 95



As they stepped out of the car, I couldn’t help but glare at Ariel and Andre. I had no idea why, but my blood boiled as I watched him hold her hand, only to quickly. let go when he saw me.

I couldn’t believe this man had the audacity to flaunt this nonsense with Ariel in front of me. I could feel the anger rising within me as I scrutinized them, wondering how they both spent the night together, probably wrapping themselves in each other’s arms.

Andre may have thought he could hide that goddamn feeling of his, but I could see it all over his face. How he was just smiling when they both burst out of the


I was seething with rage, yet trying to control my emotions at the sight of them. together. I didn’t know why this had to hurt at the moment. It was kind of fucked up. But there had to be a reasonable explanation for this.


“You take care, Ariel. I’ll be going now.” Andre smiled at me

“Okay that’s nice.” I beamed back at him, and we both hugged each other, letting go in the next second.

Andre’s warm hand clasped around mine, radiating happiness as he bid me farewell and climbed into his car. I waved to him, feeling content and grateful for his presence.

As he drove away, his smile lingered in my mind, filling me with warmth and joy. And then my eyes caught Luke’s.

He stood outside his gate, his hands dipped in his pocket, his posture rigid and his gaze intense. And at this moment, I felt a shiver run down my spine, looking at him.

His expression was one of pure malice, his eyes dark and intimidating. For a moment, I got scared, as if I had come face to face with the devil himself. I couldn’t help but wonder what had caused him to be in such a state. Moving closer to him might be a terrible option at the moment.

Luke and I gazed at each other for quite some seconds, and then Jack had to walk past me, holding some files. He advanced towards Luke, handing the files to him.

They started having a conversation, and I knew this was my chance to get in that

house, and avoid any sort of trouble, or whatever. So, I struck into walking slowly, and Luke’s eyes met mine again, the dark look, causing me to halt.

Jack was talking to him, but it was like he wasn’t even listening to anything his assistant was telling me. He was just staring at me, and no one else. Could have been Medusa’s twin brother, or something.

Anyways, I decided to terminate the fear, putting on all courage, like the

transfigured Ariel that I was. And the I quickly walked to the gate, but Luke told me to stop that very moment.

His dark tone, harsh voice. I didn’t even know why he had to be so mad seeing me and Andre together. Was he jealous, or what?

“You can go now. We’ll continue this discussion later at work.” Luke patted Jack on the back.

“Okay boss.” Jack nodded, and made his way to his car, driving away headlong.

Luke turned to me. “You. I see you had a good time at Andre’s house.”

I couldn’t help but give him a puzzled face. “What do you mean by that?”

“Don’t ask me that. I saw how that man was smiling after you both burst out of the car. It was really weird, and suspicious.” His face was goddamn serious.

“Hold on, don’t tell me you’re jealous.” I generated a silly grin.

Luke chuckled. “Why would I be jealous? There’s no way I would be jealous seeing you with someone.”

“But it’s written all over your face.” I kept on with my teasing grin.

“Don’t try and crack jokes around here. I’m not in the mood for that.” Luke crossed his arms, frowning his face.

“Because you’re jealous.” I raised an eyebrow.

“Don’t you dare say that word again,” he said in a bitter tone.

“Are you threatening me?”

“I’m just trying to make sure you stop acting crazy.” He shook his head after those words, letting out a deep sigh. “Have you finally come home, or you’re going back to Andre’s house to have more fun?

I laughed. “Come on now, don’t start thinking too far.“.

“You can’t tell me what to do.”

“I wasn’t actually doing that,” I retorted.

Luke turned around, the glare still lingering on his face. “I’ll be going to work. now. You can go to Andre’s house if you want. I don’t love you anyway.”

I shook my head, laughing silently. “Wow, Luke. I can’t believe you’re jealous of Andre.”

“Who the hell is joking with you around here?” He turned back, glaring at me.

“I’m not joking, sir. I’m just spitting facts,” I replied, and my laugh got a little bit louder.

“You’re always spitting facts. And they’re all nonsense,” Luke spat harshly.

I gave him a sardonic smirk. “Just admit it, you’re jealous.”

He chuckled in disbelief. “I can never be jealous of someone because he’s spending time with you. You can even sleep with random men, and go out with them all you want. That’s none of my business.”

“Oh, are you sure about that?” I aksed, raising an eyebrow. “Cause you’re seeing me with one man now, amd you’re all jealous.”

“Just let me be!” He stormed off, walking through the gate. At least that softened. his mood.

As I exhaled a heavy breath, the gates swung open and the sound of Luke’s car horn filled the air. I spun around, my eyes widening, as I saw his vehicle approaching dangerously close to where I stood.

Like what the heck!!

I quickly moved out of the way, but I stumbled, landing on the ground. Luke stopped his car, and he came outside, scrutinizing me.

I looked at him, hoping he would lend me a hand, help me get up, or something. But no, the scumbag had to turn around, transposing nigher to the door of his car.

I swiftly rose to my feet, and seized his shirt. I wasn’t going to let him get away. with this. Hell nah!

Luke turned around, glaring at me. “What the hell is wrong with you?”

“I should be the one asking you that.” My grip on his shirt became more tight.

“Let go of me before I lose it on you!” He snapped.

“Oh, you’re going to hit me?” I laughed, averting my gaze, but I looked at him. anyway. “You still aren’t satisfied after causing me to fall down, huh?”

“You, falling, has nothing to do with me.” He denied.

“Oh please. You would have hit me if I didn’t move out of the way.”

“That’s actually a good thing. But come on, that was not my intention.”

“Why don’t we let the car speak?” I walked to the car, sticking my hand in, through the window.

“Say what now?” Luke made a puzzled face. “Okay there is no way the car can….

I blew the horn of his car, interrupting him.

“Talk,” he added lowly, after I was done making the bluster.



Love was like a warm blanket on a chilly night, wrapping around you and making everything feel okay. It was the feeling when you wanted to make someone smile just because their happiness meant the world to you.

My Lukel and Janice were my love personified. They were like the brightest stars in my sky, each one precious and unique. I would move mountains to shield them from harm, to keep them safe and sound. That’s what a mother did she protected her little ones with everything she had.

When I looked at Lukel, I saw his bright eyes full of wonder and innocence. Hel was like a little sunbeam, bringing light into every corner of my world. His laughter was my melody, and his hugs were my refuge. I made sure nothing ever dimmed his light.

Janice, my sweet Janice, she was like a delicate flower, so full of grace and beauty. Her smile was my sunshine, brightening even the darkest days. I guarded her with all my strength, just like a fortress shielding its most precious treasure.

Love was also like the sturdy oak tree, providing shelter and strength. My love for Lukel and Janice was like those strong roots, grounding them, giving them a place to grow and thrive. I was their rock, their anchor; I was there to guide them. through every storm.

I would invariably watch over them, making sure the depth of my love was felt. It was like a river that flowed endlessly, carrying them through life’s journey. I was their compass, their beacon, steering them through the rough waters, making sure they found their way to happiness and peace.

I made a silent promise to myself from the times I watched them sleep – nothing would ever harm them. I would stand between them and any

danger that dared to come close. My love would be their shield, their safe harbor, and their unwavering protector.

Lukel and Janice, my precious ones, were the living embodiment of my love, and I cherished and guarded them for as long as I drew breath. That’s what love was a mother’s unyielding devotion, a bond that nothing in this world could break.NôvelDrama.Org owns this.

I sat at my desk in my office, scrolling through a collection of stunning photographs of my two children, Lukel and Janice. As I looked at their sweet faces, I couldn’t help but smile at how incredibly adorable they were.

I felt grateful and blessed to have such beautiful and precious children in my life.

Their innocence and joy brought a sense of warmth and happiness to my heart. I was just so lucky to be their parent and to have the privilege of watching them grow and flourish into amazing individuals. These little children of mine were truly a gift, and I cherished every moment with them.

Daniel stormed into my office, his face red with fury and his fists clenched tightly. I could feel the tension in the air as he stood before me, his eyes burning with anger. I couldn’t help but wonder what had caused him to be in such a state.

Was it something I had done or salid? Nah, it couldn’t be. Not at all. It couldn’t be.

“What are you doing here, Daniel, and who told you, you could just barge into my office?” I queried loudly. I didn’t like nonsense around here.

“Oh sorry Miss. But this anger is something I can’t control!” Daniel snapped.

“Okay, calm down, friend. What’s going on?” I softened my tone.

“I’m putting an end to the deal I made with you. I’m cancelling our project!” His words came as a big shock to me.

“Why exactly? I aksed.

“Go and ask him!” Daniel’s harsh tone became harder.

“Who? Stop keeping me confused around here. What happened?”

“Go and ask your husband!” He snarled.

“Luke?” I made a confused cast.

“Yes. I’ve had enough of his nonsense. He thinks too high of himself,” Daniel. mentioned.

“What did he do?

“I didn’t come here to gossip. I just came to let you know that I’m cancelling all our projects together.”

“Come on now, Daniel. You don’t have to be so harsh,” I tried changing his mind.

“Too bad, Ariel. It’s time for us to go our separate ways.” He gave me the bitter look, turning around.

Daniel stormed out of my office, slamming the door behind him. And now, I wondered what did Luke do this time to set him off? That goofball always seemed to find a way to push people’s buttons.

But really, what was even wrong with him? I know, he could be like a total *maniac, and an annoying birdbrain most of the times. Sometimes I think it’s a

miracle that Luke even manages to function in society.

I quickly moved to my table, grabbing a hold of my phone, and then I began to call Luke. It took quite some time though, but he answered anyway.

“What the hell is wrong with you?” I snapped instantly.

“What the hell is…what are you saying?” His tone could tell how confused he was. But thei was none of my goddamn business.

“Don’t act like you don’t know what I’m saying,” I spoke.

“Ariel, will you stop beating around the bush?”

“What did you do to Daniel?” I aksed, underneath my breath, pressing my phone against my ear.


“Yes, Daniel. He just cancelled his projects with me, all because of you.”

“Oh, I see,” Luke said inaudibly. But I heard his goofy ass.

“Now you better start talking Mr.”

“Why are you getting all worked up?”

“Why am I getting all worked up?!” I repeated his question, but not in the same. manner. “Do you have any idea how much I just lost?”

“There’s no need to do too much. Act like you had never met him,” Luke suggested.

“Ma’am, you have a visitor.” Rose entered my office. I sighed.

“We still have so much to talk about. I’m not done with you.” I hanged up, dropping my phone on the desk.

I drove my hands through my hair forthwith. Luke Reynold was one crazy man.

I stood by the road, listening to all the sounds people and cars made. I looked at my phone, flipping through pictures of Lukel and Janice.

The cars zoomed past, and I felt peaceful hearing the mix of voices and engines. It was nice to take a moment and think about these people who mean a lot to me.

Each photo brought back good memories, making me smile. And of course, I was really lucky to have all these people here with me. Andre and his family, marvelous blessings that showered upon me.

*I wanted to get myself something to eat from a shop across. But I was too busy, looking at my phone, that I forgot I was going to cross the road. But my senses


came back anyway.

I kept my phone back in my purse, and then I focused on the road. At that moment, I spotted someone standing from across. His face was wonderful, and his eyes were great, but he had this pestiferous attitude.

Yes, and yes. Luke was the one my eyes had caught. He had his hands on his pockets, and his eyes met mine.

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